예제 #1
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: messmerd/GCC_LCA
        private void Serial_ArduinoChanged(object sender, ArduinoEventArgs e)
            // The ArduinoChanged event that this handler is subscribed to is triggered when SerialInterface.Arduino is changed.
            // SerialInterface.Arduino is the currently active ArduinoBoard object - the one that this synchronization program is connected to and interacting with.

            Console.WriteLine("SerialInterface.Arduino changed.");

            RefreshControlsEnable();  // Refresh all GUI controls that require a sensor package to be connected

            if (serial.Arduino == null)
                // If no Arduino is connected and selected, set Status page labels text to their default values
                labelStatusPackageName.Text  = getLanguageText("PackageName", "Package Name");
                labelStatusSerialPort.Text   = getLanguageText("SerialPort", "Serial Port");
                labelStatusTotalSensors.Text = getLanguageText("TotalSensors", "Total Sensors") + ":";
                labelStatusMode.Text         = getLanguageText("Mode", "Mode") + ":";

                labelStatusElapsedTime.Text = getLanguageText("ElapsedTime", "Elapsed Time") + ":";
                labelStatusDataFile.Text    = getLanguageText("CurrentDataFile", "Current Data File") + ":";

                buttonStatusStartStop.Text = getLanguageText("StartTest", "Start Test");

                buttonConfigDiscardChanges_Click(this, new EventArgs()); // No Ardunio connected, so discard user's config page changes
                // The serial port name only changes when Arduino changes, so I'll update the serial port text label here instead
                //      of in the serial Arduino data changed event handler.
                labelStatusSerialPort.Text = "(" + (serial.Arduino.Port?.PortName ?? "ERROR") + ")";
예제 #2
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: messmerd/GCC_LCA
        private void Serial_ArduinoDataChanged(object sender, ArduinoEventArgs e)
            // Should probably return here if the arduino whose data changed is not the arduino in use,
            //   because the UI only needs refreshed if it is the arduino in use which has data that changed.

            // Can do more here:
            // Use e.Reason for the reason the event was called

            switch ((string)e.Type)
            case "PackageName":
                Console.WriteLine("PackageName changed, so UI will be updated");
                textBoxPackageName.Text     = serial.Arduino.PackageName;
                labelStatusPackageName.Text = serial.Arduino.PackageName;

            case "StartDelay":
                Console.WriteLine("StartDelay changed, so UI will be updated");
                if (serial.Arduino.StartDelay == 0)      // No start delay
                    radioButtonStartDelayNone.Checked     = true;
                    radioButtonStartDelayOneMin.Checked   = false;
                    radioButtonStartDelayThreeMin.Checked = false;
                else if (serial.Arduino.StartDelay == 60)      // One minute
                    radioButtonStartDelayNone.Checked     = false;
                    radioButtonStartDelayOneMin.Checked   = true;
                    radioButtonStartDelayThreeMin.Checked = false;
                else if (serial.Arduino.StartDelay == 60 * 3)     // Three minutes
                    radioButtonStartDelayNone.Checked     = false;
                    radioButtonStartDelayOneMin.Checked   = false;
                    radioButtonStartDelayThreeMin.Checked = true;
                    Console.WriteLine("Unacceptable value for StartDelay.");

            case "TestDuration":
                Console.WriteLine("TestDuration changed, so UI will be updated");
                numericUpDownTestDurationHours.Value   = Math.Floor((decimal)serial.Arduino.TestDuration / 60 / 60); // Get hours from total seconds
                numericUpDownTestDurationMinutes.Value = Math.Floor((decimal)serial.Arduino.TestDuration / 60) % 60; // Get minutes from total seconds
                numericUpDownTestDurationSeconds.Value = (decimal)serial.Arduino.TestDuration % 60;                  // Get seconds from total seconds

            case "SamplePeriod":
                Console.WriteLine("SamplePeriod changed, so UI will be updated");
                numericUpDownSamplePeriod.Value = (decimal)serial.Arduino.SamplePeriod;

            case "TestStarted":
                Console.WriteLine("TestStarted changed, so UI will be updated");
                if (serial.Arduino.TestStarted)
                    labelStatusMode.Text = getLanguageText("Mode", "Mode") + ": " + getLanguageText("Running", "Running");
                    labelStatusMode.Text = getLanguageText("Mode", "Mode") + ": " + getLanguageText("Ready", "Ready");


                Console.WriteLine("In serial_ArduinoDataChanged, an unrecognized arduino variable was changed: {0}", (string)e.Type);

            //// I'm putting these here since they don't have their own member variables in ArduinoBoard yet:
            labelStatusTotalSensors.Text = getLanguageText("TotalSensors", "Total Sensors") + ": __";        // A placeholder
            labelStatusElapsedTime.Text  = getLanguageText("ElapsedTime", "Elapsed Time") + ": __/__";       // A placeholder
            labelStatusDataFile.Text     = getLanguageText("CurrentDataFile", "Current Data File") + ": __"; // A placeholder


            //RefreshStatusPageText();  // Refresh the text on the status page