public LBAnalogMeter() { // Initialization InitializeComponent(); // Properties initialization this.bodyColor = Color.Red; this.needleColor = Color.Yellow; this.scaleColor = Color.White; this.meterStyle = AnalogMeterStyle.Circular; this.viewGlass = true; this.startAngle = 135; this.endAngle = 405; this.minValue = 0; this.maxValue = 1; this.currValue = 0; this.scaleDivisions = 11; this.scaleSubDivisions = 4; this.renderer = null; // Create the sector list this.listThreshold = new LBMeterThresholdCollection(); // Set the styles for drawing SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw | ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer | ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, true); // Transparent background this.BackColor = Color.Transparent; // Create the default renderer this.defaultRenderer = new LBAnalogMeterRenderer(); this.defaultRenderer.AnalogMeter = this; this.CalculateDimensions(); }
public LBAnalogMeter() { // Initialization InitializeComponent(); // Properties initialization this.bodyColor = Color.Red; this.needleColor = Color.Yellow; this.scaleColor = Color.White; this.meterStyle = AnalogMeterStyle.Circular; this.viewGlass = false; this.startAngle = 135; this.endAngle = 405; this.minValue = 0; this.maxValue = 1; this.currValue = 0; this.scaleDivisions = 10; this.scaleSubDivisions = 10; // Create the sector list this.listThreshold = new LBMeterThresholdCollection(); this.CalculateDimensions(); }