예제 #1
        void WriteParsedOperands(string fileName)
            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fileName))
                foreach (Statement st in statements)
                    if (st is ExecutableStatement)
                        ExecutableStatement es = st as ExecutableStatement;
                        if (es.Op1 != "")
                            sw.Write(" | " + es.Op1);
                        if (es.Op2 != "")
                            sw.Write(" | " + es.Op2);
                        if (es.Op3 != "")
                            sw.Write(" | " + es.Op3);

                        if (es.TrailingComment != "" && es.TrailingComment != null)
                            sw.Write(" | " + es.TrailingComment);
예제 #2
        public bool IsValid(ExecutableStatement ex)
            if (LangDef.LangDef.HasOpCode(ex.OpCode))
                throw new Exception("Invalid opcode:" + ex.OpCode);

예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// If the instruction is a relative jump, the address
 /// is converted into signed byte. 2 is subtracted from
 /// the offset to take into account that PC has already
 /// been incremented when the jump needs to happed
 /// </summary>
 void FixRelativeAddresses()
     foreach (Statement st in statements)
         if (st is ExecutableStatement)
             ExecutableStatement ex = st as ExecutableStatement;
             if (LangDef.LangDef.IsRelativeJump(ex.OpCode))
                 ImmediateOperand op = (ex.LeftOperand as ImmediateOperand);
                 int target          = op.UshortVal;
                 int relDist         = (target - st.Address) - 2;
                 op.UshortVal = (byte)relDist;
예제 #4
        void FixBitInstructions()
            foreach (Statement st in statements)
                if (st is ExecutableStatement)
                    ExecutableStatement ex = st as ExecutableStatement;

                    if (ex.OpCode == "BIT" || ex.OpCode == "RES" || ex.OpCode == "SET")
                        byte b = ex.LeftOperand.GetHexText().ToByte();

                         * b = (byte)(b << 3);
                         * if (ex.OpCode == "BIT")
                         * {//and | 01000110
                         *  b = (byte)(b | 01000110);
                         * }
                         * else if (ex.OpCode == "RES")
                         * {//left shit b 3 and | 10000110
                         *  b = (byte)(b | 10000110);
                         * }
                         * else if (ex.OpCode == "SET")
                         * {//left shit b 3 and | 11000110
                         *  b = (byte)(b | 11000110);
                         * }

                        if (ex.GetModeText() == "IMMEDIATE,IX_INDEXED_PLUS_OFFSET" ||
                            ex.GetModeText() == "IMMEDIATE,IY_INDEXED_PLUS_OFFSET")
                        {//left shit b 3 or byte
                            //now flip the operands because they
                            //get written out in reverse order
                            ex.LeftOperand.Value  = ex.RightOperand.Value;
                            ex.RightOperand.Value = string.Format("{0:2X}", b);
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Assigns actual address to operands in the executable statement
        /// </summary>
        void SetAddresses()
            foreach (Statement st in statements)
                if (st is ExecutableStatement)
                    ExecutableStatement ex = st as ExecutableStatement;

                    catch (Exception x)
                        throw new Exception(
                                  string.Format("Line {0}: {1} \r\n Unable to find label's address.", st.LineNumber, st.Text)
                                  , x);
예제 #6
 void ValidateOpCodes()
         foreach (Statement s in statements)
             if (s is ExecutableStatement)
                 ExecutableStatement ex = s as ExecutableStatement;
                 if (!LangDef.LangDef.HasOpCode(ex.OpCode))
                     throw new Exception("Error on line: " + ex.LineNumber + ". Invalid opcode " + ex.OpCode);
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw new Exception("Error validating op codes.", ex);
 /// <summary>
 /// makes sure the operands are supported
 /// </summary>
 void ValidateOperands()
     for (int i = 0; i < statements.Count; i++)
         Statement s = statements[i];
         if (s is ExecutableStatement)
             ExecutableStatement ex = s as ExecutableStatement;
             string mode            = ex.GetModeText();
             if (!LangDef.LangDef.SupportsMode(ex.OpCode, mode))
                 throw new Exception(
                               "Error on line {0}:{3}  {1} does not support mode {2}",
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Breaks up the op code, and operands
        /// </summary>
        void SplitOperands()
            foreach (Statement s in statements)
                if (s is ExecutableStatement)
                    ExecutableStatement ex = s as ExecutableStatement;

                        if (s.Text.Contains(";"))
                            char[]   splitChars = { ';' };
                            string[] toks       = s.Text.Split(splitChars);
                            ex.TrailingComment = ";" + toks[1];
                            s.Text             = toks[0]; //text is now the left side

                        //anything left is an opcode or an operand
                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(s.Text);
                        sb.Replace('\t', ' ');

                        //get the first piece of text

                        if (sb.ToString().IndexOf(",") != -1)
                        {//opcode plus two operands
                            char[] splitChars = { ',' };

                            string right = sb.ToString().Substring(s.Text.IndexOf(',') + 1).Trim();
                            string left  = sb.ToString().Substring(0, s.Text.IndexOf(',')).Trim();

                            //is the 2nd operand a compound operand [Y] [X]
                            string[] pieces = left.Split(' ');
                            ex.OpCode = pieces[0].Trim();
                            ex.Op1    = pieces[1].Trim();
                            ex.Op2    = right.Trim();

                            //r2 is has a register offset
                            if (ex.Op2.Contains("["))
                                pieces = ex.Op2.Split('[');
                                left   = pieces[0].Trim();
                                right  = ex.Op2.Substring(ex.Op2.IndexOf('[') + 1);
                                right  = right.Replace(']', ' ');
                                right  = right.Trim();
                                ex.Op2 = left;
                                ex.Op3 = right;
                        {     //opcoe or opcode + one operand
                            if (s.Text.Contains(" "))
                            { //two operands
                                char[]   chars  = { ' ' };
                                string[] pieces = s.Text.Split(chars);

                                ex.OpCode = pieces[0].Trim();
                                ex.Op1    = pieces[1].Trim();
                            {//one operand
                                ex.OpCode = s.Text;
                    catch (Exception x)
                        throw new Exception("Line " + s.LineNumber + ":Unable to split statement: " + s.Text, x);