예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the VerbClass path from this class to another class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="verbClass">Destination class</param>
        /// <returns>Sequence of verb classes representing the path</returns>
        public List <VerbClass> GetPathTo(VerbClass verbClass)
            // get the lca
            VerbClass lca = GetLowestCommonAncestor(verbClass);

            // add classes from the current to the lca
            List <VerbClass> path    = new List <VerbClass>();
            VerbClass        current = this;

            while (current != lca)
                current = current.Parent;

            // add lca

            // insert classes from the destination to the lca (make sure ordering it correct)
            int currInsert = path.Count;

            current = verbClass;
            while (current != lca)
                path.Insert(currInsert, current);
                current = current.Parent;

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a child class to this class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="child">Child class to add</param>
        public void AddChild(VerbClass child)
            if (child.Parent != null)
                throw new Exception("Child class already has a parent");

            child._parent = this;

예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets examples from this class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="includeInherited">Whether or not to include inherited examples</param>
        /// <returns>Examples</returns>
        public Set <string> GetExamples(bool includeInherited)
            // start with roles in this class
            Set <string> examples = _examples.Copy();

            // optionally add inherited
            if (includeInherited)
                examples.ThrowExceptionOnDuplicateAdd = false;

                VerbClass current = this;
                while ((current = current.Parent) != null)

예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets thematic roles in this class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="includeInherited">Whether or not to include inherited roles</param>
        /// <returns>Thematic roles</returns>
        public Set <VerbNetEngine.ThematicRole> GetThematicRoles(bool includeInherited)
            // start with roles in this class
            Set <VerbNetEngine.ThematicRole> roles = _thematicRoles.Copy();

            // optionally add inherited
            if (includeInherited)
                roles.ThrowExceptionOnDuplicateAdd = false;

                VerbClass current = this;
                while ((current = current.Parent) != null)

예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the lowest common ancestor between this class and another
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="verbClass">Other class</param>
        /// <returns>Lowest common ancestor</returns>
        public VerbClass GetLowestCommonAncestor(VerbClass verbClass)
            // append period to both IDs to remove any ambiguity about classes...then get common substring
            string lcaID = GetCommonInitialSubstring((_id + "."), (verbClass.ID + "."));

            int lastPeriod = lcaID.LastIndexOf('.');

            lcaID = lcaID.Substring(0, lastPeriod);

            // find lca
            VerbClass lca = this;

            while (lca.ID != lcaID)
                lca = lca.Parent;

예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks whether this class has a thematic role
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="role">Role to check for</param>
        /// <param name="includeInherited">Whether or not to include inherited roles</param>
        /// <returns>True if role is present and false otherwise</returns>
        public bool ContainsThematicRole(VerbNetEngine.ThematicRole role, bool includeInherited)
            VerbClass currClass = this;

            while (currClass != null)
                // check current class
                if (currClass._thematicRoles.Contains(role))
                // check parent class if allowed
                else if (includeInherited)
                    currClass = currClass.Parent;

예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="verbNetDirectory">Path to the VerbNet directory</param>
        public VerbNetEngine(string verbNetDirectory)
            // check directory
            if (!Directory.Exists(verbNetDirectory))
                throw new Exception("Invalid VerbNet directory");

            // extract all verb classes
            _idVerbClass = new Dictionary <string, VerbClass>();
            foreach (string classPath in Directory.GetFiles(verbNetDirectory, "*.xml"))
                ExtractClass(File.ReadAllText(classPath), false);

            // add root class
            _rootVerbClass = new VerbClass("0");
            _idVerbClass.Add(_rootVerbClass.ID, _rootVerbClass);

            // assemble hierarchy
            while (true)
                // create empty "connector" classes for verbnet classes whose direct parent is not defined in verbnet
                Dictionary <string, VerbClass> newIdVerbClass = new Dictionary <string, VerbClass>();

                // check all non-root classes that don't have a parent
                foreach (string id in _idVerbClass.Keys)
                    if (id != _rootVerbClass.ID && _idVerbClass[id].Parent == null)
                        VerbClass currentClass = _idVerbClass[id];

                        // get id of parent by removing the final location
                        string parentID = id.Substring(0, id.LastIndexOf('.'));

                        // try to get parent class
                        VerbClass parentClass;
                        if (!_idVerbClass.TryGetValue(parentID, out parentClass))
                            // create new connector class, reusing existing connector class if we have one
                            VerbClass connectorClass;
                            if (!newIdVerbClass.TryGetValue(parentID, out connectorClass))
                                connectorClass = new VerbClass(parentID);
                                newIdVerbClass.Add(connectorClass.ID, connectorClass);

                            parentClass = connectorClass;

                        // add current class as sub-class of parent

                // add all newly created connector classes
                foreach (string id in newIdVerbClass.Keys)
                    _idVerbClass.Add(id, newIdVerbClass[id]);

                // if we didn't add any connector classes, each class (except the root) has a parent defined in _idVerbClass - hierarchy is complete
                if (newIdVerbClass.Count == 0)

            // map each verb to its classes
            _verbVerbClasses = new Dictionary <string, Set <VerbClass> >();
            foreach (VerbClass verbClass in _rootVerbClass.GetChildren(true))
                foreach (string verb in verbClass.GetVerbs(false))
                    _verbVerbClasses.EnsureContainsKey(verb, typeof(Set <VerbClass>));

            // make sure all verb classes except for the root has a parent (i.e., make sure we have a rooted tree)
            foreach (VerbClass vnClass in _idVerbClass.Values)
                if (vnClass.ID != "0" && vnClass.Parent == null)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid VerbNet tree structure!");
예제 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a class from the VerbNet hierarchy
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id">ID of class in format</param>
 /// <param name="verbClass">Verb class if one was found</param>
 /// <returns>Verb class</returns>
 public bool TryGetClass(string id, out VerbClass verbClass)
     return(_idVerbClass.TryGetValue(id, out verbClass));
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts a VerbNet class from its XML definition
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="classXML">XML for class</param>
        /// <param name="isSubClassXML">Whether or not the XML describes a sub-class</param>
        /// <returns>VerbClass</returns>
        private VerbClass ExtractClass(string classXML, bool isSubClassXML)
            // extract class from given XML
            VerbClass vnClass  = null;
            XmlParser classP   = new XmlParser(classXML);
            string    classTag = isSubClassXML ? "VNSUBCLASS" : "VNCLASS";
            string    vnClassXML;

            while ((vnClassXML = classP.OuterXML(classTag)) != null)
                XmlParser vnClassP = new XmlParser(vnClassXML);

                // get id, using only the dotted number portion and using 0 as the root of all classes
                string id = vnClassP.AttributeValue(classTag, "ID").Trim().Replace('-', '.');
                id = "0." + id.Substring(id.IndexOf('.') + 1);

                // create class
                vnClass = new VerbClass(id);

                // extract verbs
                XmlParser membersP = new XmlParser(vnClassP.OuterXML("MEMBERS"));
                string    verb;
                while ((verb = membersP.AttributeValue("MEMBER", "name")) != null)

                // extract thematic roles
                XmlParser rolesP = new XmlParser(vnClassP.OuterXML("THEMROLES"));
                string    role;
                while ((role = rolesP.AttributeValue("THEMROLE", "type")) != null)
                    vnClass.AddThematicRole((ThematicRole)Enum.Parse(typeof(ThematicRole), role));

                // extract examples
                XmlParser examplesP = new XmlParser(vnClassP.OuterXML("FRAMES"));
                string    example;
                while ((example = examplesP.ElementText("EXAMPLE")) != null)

                // extract subclasses
                XmlParser subClassesP = new XmlParser(vnClassP.OuterXML("SUBCLASSES"));
                string    subClassXML;
                while ((subClassXML = subClassesP.OuterXML("VNSUBCLASS")) != null)
                    vnClass.AddChild(ExtractClass(subClassXML, true));

                // map id to verb class
                _idVerbClass.Add(vnClass.ID, vnClass);

            if (vnClass == null)
                throw new Exception("Invalid class XML");

예제 #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a simple measure of similarity between the current class and another class. The formula:  2 * depth(lca) / (depth(current) + depth(other)).
 /// This is similar to the Wu and Palmer (1994) metric for WordNet synset similarity.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="verbClass"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public float GetHierarchicalSimilarityWith(VerbClass verbClass)
     return((2 * GetLowestCommonAncestor(verbClass).Depth) / (float)(Depth + verbClass.Depth));