private string SampleJsonFile(string link) { Dictionary <string, object> ret = new Dictionary <string, object>(); ret.Add("Title", "Welcome to Kvpbase"); ret.Add("Body", "If you can see this file, your Kvpbase node is running!"); ret.Add("Github", link); return(Common.SerializeJson(ret, true)); }
private static async Task RequestReceived(HttpContext ctx) { string header = _Header + ctx.Request.SourceIp + ":" + ctx.Request.SourcePort + " "; DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now; Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); RequestMetadata md = new RequestMetadata(); md.Http = ctx; md.User = null; md.Key = null; md.Perm = null; try { if (Common.IsTrue(_Settings.Debug.HttpRequest)) { _Logging.Debug(header + "RequestReceived request received: " + Environment.NewLine + md.Http.ToString()); } if (ctx.Request.Method == HttpMethod.OPTIONS) { await OptionsHandler(ctx); return; } if (ctx.Request.RawUrlEntries != null && ctx.Request.RawUrlEntries.Count > 0) { if (ctx.Request.RawUrlEntries[0].Equals("favicon.ico")) { ctx.Response.StatusCode = 200; await ctx.Response.Send(); return; } if (ctx.Request.RawUrlEntries[0].Equals("robots.txt")) { ctx.Response.StatusCode = 200; ctx.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; await ctx.Response.Send("User-Agent: *\r\nDisallow:\r\n"); return; } } if (ctx.Request.RawUrlEntries == null || ctx.Request.RawUrlEntries.Count == 0) { ctx.Response.StatusCode = 200; ctx.Response.ContentType = "text/html"; await ctx.Response.Send(DefaultPage("")); return; } _ConnMgr.Add(Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, ctx); string apiKeyVal = ctx.Request.RetrieveHeaderValue(_Settings.Server.HeaderApiKey); UserMaster user = null; ApiKey apiKey = null; AuthResult authResult = AuthResult.None; Permission effectivePermissions = null; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(apiKeyVal)) { if (!_AuthMgr.Authenticate(apiKeyVal, out user, out apiKey, out effectivePermissions, out authResult)) { _Logging.Warn("RequestReceived unable to verify API key " + apiKeyVal + ": " + authResult); ctx.Response.StatusCode = 401; ctx.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; await ctx.Response.Send(Common.SerializeJson(new ErrorResponse(3, 401, null, null), true)); return; } } md.User = user; md.Key = apiKey; md.Perm = effectivePermissions; md.Params = RequestMetadata.Parameters.FromHttpRequest(ctx.Request); if (md.User != null) { md.Params.UserGuid = md.User.GUID; } _ConnMgr.Update(Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, md.User); if (ctx.Request.RawUrlEntries != null && ctx.Request.RawUrlEntries.Count >= 2 && ctx.Request.RawUrlEntries[0].Equals("admin") && md.Perm.IsAdmin) { await AdminApiHandler(md); } else { await UserApiHandler(md); } return; } catch (Exception e) { _Logging.Exception("StorageServer", "RequestReceived", e); ctx.Response.StatusCode = 500; ctx.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; await ctx.Response.Send(Common.SerializeJson(new ErrorResponse(1, 500, "Outer exception.", null), true)); return; } finally { sw.Stop(); _ConnMgr.Close(Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId); string msg = header + ctx.Request.Method + " " + ctx.Request.RawUrlWithoutQuery + " " + ctx.Response.StatusCode + " " + "[" + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms]"; _Logging.Debug(msg); } }
private void RunSetup() { #region Variables DateTime timestamp = DateTime.Now; Settings settings = new Settings(); #endregion #region Welcome Console.WriteLine(""); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray; Console.WriteLine(@" _ _ "); Console.WriteLine(@" | |____ ___ __| |__ __ _ ___ ___ "); Console.WriteLine(@" | / /\ V / '_ \ '_ \/ _` (_-</ -_) "); Console.WriteLine(@" |_\_\ \_/| .__/_.__/\__,_/__/\___| "); Console.WriteLine(@" |_| "); Console.WriteLine(@" "); Console.ResetColor(); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Kvpbase Storage Server"); Console.WriteLine(""); // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 Console.WriteLine("Thank you for using Kvpbase! We'll put together a basic system configuration"); Console.WriteLine("so you can be up and running quickly. You'll want to modify the System.json"); Console.WriteLine("file after to ensure a more secure operating environment."); #endregion #region Initial-Settings settings.EnableConsole = true; settings.Server = new Settings.SettingsServer(); settings.Server.Port = 8000; settings.Server.DnsHostname = "localhost"; settings.Server.Ssl = false; settings.Server.HeaderApiKey = "x-api-key"; settings.Server.MaxObjectSize = 2199023255552; // 2TB object size settings.Server.MaxTransferSize = 536870912; // 512MB transfer size settings.Storage = new Settings.SettingsStorage(); settings.Storage.Directory = "./Storage/"; Directory.CreateDirectory(settings.Storage.Directory); settings.Syslog = new Settings.SettingsSyslog(); settings.Syslog.ConsoleLogging = true; settings.Syslog.Header = "kvpbase"; settings.Syslog.ServerIp = ""; settings.Syslog.ServerPort = 514; settings.Syslog.MinimumLevel = Severity.Info; settings.Syslog.FileLogging = true; settings.Syslog.LogDirectory = "./Logs/"; if (!Directory.Exists(settings.Syslog.LogDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(settings.Syslog.LogDirectory); } settings.Debug = new Settings.SettingsDebug(); settings.Debug.Database = false; settings.Debug.HttpRequest = false; #endregion #region Databases // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Kvpbase requires access to a database, either Sqlite, Microsoft SQL Server,"); Console.WriteLine("MySQL, or PostgreSQL. Please provide access details for your database. The"); Console.WriteLine("user account supplied must have the ability to CREATE and DROP tables along"); Console.WriteLine("with issue queries containing SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. Setup will"); Console.WriteLine("attempt to create tables on your behalf if they dont exist."); Console.WriteLine(""); bool dbSet = false; while (!dbSet) { string userInput = Common.InputString("Database type [sqlite|sqlserver|mysql|postgresql]:", "sqlite", false); switch (userInput) { case "sqlite": settings.Database = new DatabaseSettings( Common.InputString("Filename:", "./Kvpbase.db", false) ); // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("IMPORTANT: Using Sqlite in production is not recommended if deploying within a"); Console.WriteLine("containerized environment and the database file is stored within the container."); Console.WriteLine("Store the database file in external storage to ensure persistence."); Console.WriteLine(""); dbSet = true; break; case "sqlserver": settings.Database = new DatabaseSettings( Common.InputString("Hostname:", "localhost", false), Common.InputInteger("Port:", 1433, true, false), Common.InputString("Username:"******"sa", false), Common.InputString("Password:"******"Instance (for SQLEXPRESS):", null, true), Common.InputString("Database name:", "kvpbase", false) ); dbSet = true; break; case "mysql": settings.Database = new DatabaseSettings( DbTypes.Mysql, Common.InputString("Hostname:", "localhost", false), Common.InputInteger("Port:", 3306, true, false), Common.InputString("Username:"******"root", false), Common.InputString("Password:"******"Schema name:", "kvpbase", false) ); dbSet = true; break; case "postgresql": settings.Database = new DatabaseSettings( DbTypes.Postgresql, Common.InputString("Hostname:", "localhost", false), Common.InputInteger("Port:", 5432, true, false), Common.InputString("Username:"******"postgres", false), Common.InputString("Password:"******"Schema name:", "kvpbase", false) ); dbSet = true; break; } } #endregion #region Write-Files-and-Records Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("| Writing system.json"); Common.WriteFile("System.json", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Common.SerializeJson(settings, true))); Console.WriteLine("| Initializing logging"); LoggingModule logging = new LoggingModule("", 514); logging.MinimumSeverity = Severity.Info; Console.WriteLine("| Initializing database"); WatsonORM orm = new WatsonORM(settings.Database); orm.InitializeDatabase(); orm.InitializeTable(typeof(ApiKey)); orm.InitializeTable(typeof(AuditLogEntry)); orm.InitializeTable(typeof(Container)); orm.InitializeTable(typeof(ContainerKeyValuePair)); orm.InitializeTable(typeof(ObjectKeyValuePair)); orm.InitializeTable(typeof(ObjectMetadata)); orm.InitializeTable(typeof(Permission)); orm.InitializeTable(typeof(UrlLock)); orm.InitializeTable(typeof(UserMaster)); Console.WriteLine("| Adding user [default]"); UserMaster user = new UserMaster(); user.GUID = "default"; user.Email = "*****@*****.**"; user.Password = "******"; user.FirstName = "Default"; user.LastName = "User"; user.CreatedUtc = timestamp; user.Active = true; user = orm.Insert <UserMaster>(user); Console.WriteLine("| Adding API key [default]"); ApiKey apiKey = new ApiKey(); apiKey = new ApiKey(); apiKey.GUID = "default"; apiKey.UserGUID = user.GUID; apiKey.Active = true; apiKey = orm.Insert <ApiKey>(apiKey); Console.WriteLine("| Adding permission [default]"); Permission perm = new Permission(); perm.GUID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); perm.UserGUID = user.GUID; perm.ContainerGUID = "default"; perm.DeleteContainer = true; perm.DeleteObject = true; perm.ReadContainer = true; perm.ReadObject = true; perm.WriteContainer = true; perm.WriteObject = true; perm.IsAdmin = true; perm.ApiKeyGUID = apiKey.GUID; perm.Notes = "Created by setup script"; perm.Active = true; perm = orm.Insert <Permission>(perm); Console.WriteLine("| Creating container [default]"); string htmlFile = SampleHtmlFile(""); string textFile = SampleTextFile(""); string jsonFile = SampleJsonFile(""); ContainerManager containerMgr = new ContainerManager(settings, logging, orm); Container container = new Container(); container.UserGUID = "default"; container.Name = "default"; container.GUID = "default"; container.ObjectsDirectory = settings.Storage.Directory + container.UserGUID + "/" + container.Name + "/"; container.EnableAuditLogging = true; container.IsPublicRead = true; container.IsPublicWrite = false; containerMgr.Add(container); ContainerClient client = containerMgr.GetContainerClient("default", "default"); Console.WriteLine("| Writing sample files to container [default]"); ErrorCode error; client.WriteObject("hello.html", "text/html", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(htmlFile), null, out error); client.WriteObject("hello.txt", "text/plain", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(textFile), null, out error); client.WriteObject("hello.json", "application/json", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonFile), null, out error); #endregion #region Wrap-Up // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(Common.Line(79, "-")); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("We have created your first user account and permissions."); Console.WriteLine(""); ConsoleColor prior = Console.ForegroundColor; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("IMPORTANT: The default API key setup creates has administrative privileges and"); Console.WriteLine("can use admin APIs. We recommend you modify your configuration and reduce its"); Console.WriteLine("permissions before exposing Kvpbase outside of localhost."); Console.ForegroundColor = prior; Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(" API Key : " + apiKey.GUID); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("We've also created sample files for you so that you can see your node in"); Console.WriteLine("action. Go to the following URLs in your browser and see what happens!"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(" http://localhost:8000/"); Console.WriteLine(" http://localhost:8000/default/default?_container&html"); Console.WriteLine(" http://localhost:8000/default/default/hello.html"); Console.WriteLine(" http://localhost:8000/default/default/hello.html?metadata"); Console.WriteLine(" http://localhost:8000/default/default/hello.txt"); Console.WriteLine(" http://localhost:8000/default/default/hello.json"); Console.WriteLine(""); #endregion }
private static void WebserverException(object sender, ExceptionEventArgs args) { _Logging.Warn(_Header + "exception for " + args.Ip + ":" + args.Port + ":" + Environment.NewLine + Common.SerializeJson(args.Exception, true)); }