예제 #1
        HelirinState NormaliseState(HelirinState st)
            st = st.ShallowCopy();
            short px = Physics.pos_to_px(st.xpos);
            short py = Physics.pos_to_px(st.ypos);

            int    pos_reduction      = Settings.pos_reduction;
            int    bump_reduction     = Settings.bump_reduction;
            ushort rot_precision      = Settings.rot_precision;
            ushort rot_rate_precision = Settings.rot_rate_precision;
            ushort frame_nb_precision = Settings.frame_nb_precision;
            float  additional_reduction_dist_multiplier = Settings.additional_reduction_dist_multiplier;
            int    max_additional_reduction             = Settings.max_additional_reduction;

            if (f.IsHealZone(px, py))
                pos_reduction      = Settings.healzone_pos_reduction;
                bump_reduction     = Settings.healzone_bump_reduction;
                rot_precision      = Settings.healzone_rot_precision;
                rot_rate_precision = Settings.healzone_rot_rate_precision;
                frame_nb_precision = Settings.healzone_frame_nb_precision;
                additional_reduction_dist_multiplier = Settings.healzone_additional_reduction_dist_multiplier;
                max_additional_reduction             = Settings.healzone_max_additional_reduction;

            float wall_dist = f.DistToWall(px, py) * additional_reduction_dist_multiplier;
            int   add_red   = wall_dist == 0 ? Settings.additional_reduction_in_wall : Math.Min((int)wall_dist, max_additional_reduction);

            pos_reduction  += add_red;
            bump_reduction += add_red;

            st.xpos     = (st.xpos >> pos_reduction) << pos_reduction;
            st.ypos     = (st.ypos >> pos_reduction) << pos_reduction;
            st.xb       = (st.xb >> bump_reduction) << bump_reduction;
            st.yb       = (st.yb >> bump_reduction) << bump_reduction;
            st.rot      = (short)((int)Math.Round((float)st.rot / rot_precision) * rot_precision);
            st.rot_rate = (short)((int)Math.Round((float)st.rot_rate / rot_rate_precision) * rot_rate_precision);

            if (!Settings.bonus_required && !st.IsTerminal())
                st.gs = GameState.InGame;

            st.frameNumber = (ushort)((st.frameNumber / frame_nb_precision) * frame_nb_precision);
            st.invul       = (sbyte)(((st.invul - 1) / Settings.invul_precision + 1) * Settings.invul_precision);

예제 #2
        public Action[] Solve(HelirinState init, int min_life_score)
            if (cost_maps == null || init == null)
            SimplePriorityQueue <HelirinState>   q         = new SimplePriorityQueue <HelirinState>();
            Dictionary <HelirinState, StateData> data      = new Dictionary <HelirinState, StateData>();
            Dictionary <HelirinState, int>       life_data = null;

            if (!Settings.allow_state_visit_with_less_life && Settings.invul_frames >= 0 && Settings.full_life >= 2)
                life_data = new Dictionary <HelirinState, int>();

            // Set range of possible inputs
            int min_input = 0;

            if (Settings.min_ab_speed == 1)
                min_input = 1;
            else if (Settings.min_ab_speed == 2)
                min_input = 9;
            else if (Settings.min_ab_speed == 3)
                min_input = 17;
            else if (Settings.min_ab_speed > 3)
                min_input = 25;

            // Init
            HelirinState norm_init  = NormaliseState(init);
            float        cost       = GetCost(init.xpos, init.ypos, init.life, init.invul, init.HasBonus());
            float        weight     = 0;
            float        total_cost = cost + weight;

            q.Enqueue(norm_init, total_cost);
            data.Add(norm_init, new StateData(init, weight, cost, null, null, false));
            if (life_data != null)
                life_data.Add(ClearLifeDataOfState(norm_init), Flooding.GetRealInvul(init.life, init.invul));

            // ProgressBar and preview settings
            float init_cost = cost;

            bool[,] preview = new bool[cost_maps[0][0].Get(true).Height, cost_maps[0][0].Get(true).Width];
            int since_last_update = 0;

            // A*
            HelirinState result = null;

            while (q.Count > 0 && result == null)
                HelirinState norm_st = q.Dequeue();
                StateData    st_data = data[norm_st];
                st_data.already_treated = true;
                weight = st_data.weight + 1;

                // ProgressBar and preview settings
                preview[Physics.pos_to_px(st_data.exact_state.ypos) - f.PixelStart.y, Physics.pos_to_px(st_data.exact_state.xpos) - f.PixelStart.x] = true;
                if (since_last_update >= Settings.nb_iterations_before_ui_update)
                    since_last_update = 0;
                    parent.UpdateProgressBarAndHighlight(100 - st_data.cost * 100 / init_cost, preview);

                for (int i = 24; i >= min_input; i--)
                    Action       a        = (Action)i;
                    HelirinState nst      = p.Next(st_data.exact_state, a);
                    HelirinState norm_nst = NormaliseState(nst);

                    // Lose / Not enough life / Out of search space ?
                    int life_score = Flooding.GetRealInvul(nst.life, nst.invul);
                    if (nst.gs == GameState.Lose || (life_score < min_life_score && life_score >= 0) || IsOutOfSearchSpace(nst.xpos, nst.ypos))

                    // Already enqueued with more life ?
                    HelirinState cleared_nst = null;
                    if (life_data != null)
                        cleared_nst = ClearLifeDataOfState(norm_nst);
                        int old_life_score;
                        life_data.TryGetValue(cleared_nst, out old_life_score); // Default value for 'old_life_score' (type int) is 0.
                        if (old_life_score > life_score)

                    // Already visited ?
                    // If the state was already visited, we should not add it to the queue again! Otherwise it could overwrite the state entry and corrupt some paths.
                    StateData old;
                    data.TryGetValue(norm_nst, out old); // Default value for 'old' (type StateData) is null.
                    if (old != null && old.already_treated)

                    // Keep only if it is a non-infinite better cost
                    cost = GetCost(nst.xpos, nst.ypos, nst.life, nst.invul, nst.HasBonus());
                    if (cost >= float.PositiveInfinity)
                    total_cost = cost + weight;
                    if (old != null && total_cost >= old.cost + old.weight)

                    // Is the state terminal without having completed the objective?
                    if (cost > 0 && nst.IsTerminal())

                    // Everything's okay, we add the config to the data and queue

                    StateData nst_data = new StateData(nst, weight, cost, a, norm_st, false);
                    data[norm_nst] = nst_data;
                    if (life_data != null)
                        life_data[cleared_nst] = life_score;

                    // Target reached ? We look at the cost rather than the game state, because the target can be different than winning
                    if (cost <= 0)
                        result = norm_nst;

                    // We don't use UpdatePriority because it does not change the InsertionIndex (first-in, first-out)
                    if (old != null)
                    q.Enqueue(norm_nst, total_cost);

                     * if (old == null)
                     *  q.Enqueue(norm_nst, total_cost);
                     * else
                     *  q.UpdatePriority(norm_nst, total_cost);

            // Retrieve full path
            if (result == null)
            List <Action> res = new List <Action>();

            while (result != null)
                StateData sd = data[result];
                if (sd.action.HasValue)
                result = sd.previous_state;
예제 #3
        public HelirinState Next(HelirinState st, Action a)
            if (st == null)
            if (st.IsTerminal())

            ActionEffect e = Controller.action_to_effect(a);

            st = st.ShallowCopy();

            st.frameNumber += 1;

            if (st.life > Settings.full_life)
                st.life = Settings.full_life;
            if (st.invul > Settings.invul_frames)
                st.invul = Settings.invul_frames;

            // 1. Set input speed (XS and YS) depending on inputs
            int[] speeds = input_speeds;
            if (e.x != Direction1.None && e.y != Direction1.None)
                speeds = input_speeds_2;
            int speed = speeds[(int)e.speed];
            int xs    = (int)e.x * speed;
            int ys    = (int)e.y * speed;

            // 2. Reduce bump speed / bump rotation (XB, YB and Rot_rate) / invulnerability
            short rot_diff = (short)(st.rot_srate - st.rot_rate);

            if (rot_diff < -rotation_rate_decr)
                rot_diff = -rotation_rate_decr;
            if (rot_diff > rotation_rate_decr)
                rot_diff = rotation_rate_decr;
            st.rot_rate = (short)(st.rot_rate + rot_diff);
            st.xb       = st.xb * bump_speed_decrease_numerator / bump_speed_decrease_denominator;
            st.yb       = st.yb * bump_speed_decrease_numerator / bump_speed_decrease_denominator;
            if (st.invul > 0)

            // 3. Move depending on speed (bump+input), rotate depending on rotation rate (Rot_rate)
            st.xpos += xs + st.xb;
            st.ypos += ys + st.yb;
            st.rot  += st.rot_rate;

            // 4. Detection of healing/ending zones
            // Position seems to be converted to px with a shift: subpixels seem to be ignored even in negative positions.
            bool safe_zone = false;

            Map.Zone zone = map.IsPixelInZone(pos_to_px(st.xpos), pos_to_px(st.ypos));
            if (zone == Map.Zone.Healing || zone == Map.Zone.Starting)
                safe_zone = true;
                if (st.life < Settings.full_life)
                    st.life = Settings.full_life;
            if (zone == Map.Zone.Ending)
                st.gs = st.gs == GameState.InGameWithBonus ? GameState.WinWithBonus : GameState.Win;

            // At this point, we backup the rotation data (will be needed later)
            short rot_rate_bkp = st.rot_rate; // No need to backup st.rot because it will not change anymore

            // We also precompute all the helirin physical points and the collision mask
            // TODO: Optionally, use memoisation to avoid recomputing collision mask each time
            short[] pxs            = new short[helirin_points.Length];
            short[] pys            = new short[helirin_points.Length];
            uint    collision_mask = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < helirin_points.Length; i++)
                int radius = helirin_points[i];
                // Position seems to be converted to px BEFORE adding the result of the sin/cos (it seems to ignore subpixels, even in negative positions).
                short px = (short)(pos_to_px(st.xpos) - math.sin(radius, st.rot));
                short py = (short)(pos_to_px(st.ypos) + math.cos(radius, st.rot));
                pxs[i] = px;
                pys[i] = py;
                // Compute collision mask
                if (map.IsPixelInCollision(px, py))
                    collision_mask |= ((uint)1 << i);

            // 5. Action of springs & bonus
            HashSet <int> spring_already_visited = new HashSet <int>();
            bool          invert_rotation        = false;
            bool          update_rot_rate        = false;

            foreach (int i in helirin_points_order_for_springs) // Order is important for spring actions.
                int   radius = helirin_points[i];
                short px     = pxs[i];
                short py     = pys[i];

                // Action of springs
                Map.Spring[] springs = map.IsPixelInSpring(px, py);
                foreach (Map.Spring spr in springs)
                    if (!spring_already_visited.Contains(spr.unique_id))

                        if (radius != 0)
                            update_rot_rate = true;
                            // Invert rotation if at least one spring is in the right direction
                            if (!invert_rotation)
                                short spring_angle         = AngleOfSpring(spr.type);
                                short helirin_angle        = radius > 0 ? st.rot : (short)(st.rot + (0x10000 / 2));
                                short helirin_normal_angle = (short)(helirin_angle + Math.Sign(st.rot_srate) * (0x10000 / 4));
                                short diff = (short)(spring_angle - helirin_normal_angle);
                                if (Math.Abs((int)diff) > 0x10000 / 4)
                                    invert_rotation = true;

                        // Position bump
                        if (spr.type == Map.SpringType.Up)
                            st.xb = 0;
                            st.yb = -bump_speed_spring;
                        if (spr.type == Map.SpringType.Down)
                            st.xb = 0;
                            st.yb = bump_speed_spring;
                        if (spr.type == Map.SpringType.Left)
                            st.xb = -bump_speed_spring;
                            st.yb = 0;
                        if (spr.type == Map.SpringType.Right)
                            st.xb = bump_speed_spring;
                            st.yb = 0;
                        st.xpos += st.xb;
                        st.ypos += st.yb;
                // Action of bonus
                if (map.IsPixelInBonus(px, py) != Map.BonusType.None)
                    st.gs = GameState.InGameWithBonus;
            if (invert_rotation)
                st.rot_srate = (short)(-st.rot_srate);
            if (update_rot_rate)
                st.rot_rate = (short)(Math.Sign(st.rot_srate) * rot_bump_rate_spring);
                if (st.rot_rate == 0)
                    st.rot_rate = -rot_bump_rate_spring;

            // 6. Action of moving objects
            uint object_collision_mask = 0;

            if (Settings.enable_moving_objects)
                List <Roller.Ball> balls = new List <Roller.Ball>();
                foreach (Roller r in map.Rollers)
                    Roller.Ball ball = r.PreciseBoxAtTime(st.frameNumber);
                    if (ball != null)
                balls.Sort((x, y) => x < y ? -1 : (x > y ? 1 : 0));
                foreach (Roller.Ball ball in balls)
                    uint elt_collision_mask = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < helirin_points.Length; i++)
                        // For rollers, position of physical points must be recomputed to take into account last position/rotation changes
                        // EDIT: Seems not... At least, spring actions should not affect it

                        /*int radius = helirin_points[i];
                         * short px = (short)(pos_to_px(st.xpos) - math.sin(radius, st.rot));
                         * short py = (short)(pos_to_px(st.ypos) + math.cos(radius, st.rot));*/
                        short px = pxs[i];
                        short py = pys[i];
                        if (ball.InCollisionWith(px, py))
                            elt_collision_mask |= ((uint)1 << i);
                    if (elt_collision_mask != 0)
                        object_collision_mask |= elt_collision_mask;
                        ObjectHitReact(st, elt_collision_mask, /*pxs[0], pys[0],*/ pos_to_px(st.xpos), pos_to_px(st.ypos), ball.cx, ball.cy);
                foreach (Piston p in map.Pistons)
                    Rectangle?box = null;
                    uint      elt_collision_mask = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < helirin_points.Length; i++)
                        short px = pxs[i];
                        short py = pys[i];
                        if (p.dangerArea.Contains(px, py))
                            if (box == null)
                                box = p.PreciseBoxAtTime(st.frameNumber);
                            if (box.Value.Contains(px, py))
                                elt_collision_mask |= ((uint)1 << i);
                    if (elt_collision_mask != 0)
                        object_collision_mask |= elt_collision_mask;
                        ObjectHitReact(st, elt_collision_mask, /*pxs[0], pys[0],*/ pos_to_px(st.xpos), pos_to_px(st.ypos),
                                       box.Value.X + (box.Value.Width - 1) / 2, box.Value.Y + (box.Value.Height - 1) / 2);

            if (collision_mask != 0 || object_collision_mask != 0) // If collision with a wall OR a moving object
                // 7. Damage and substract input speed (XS and YS) to position
                if (!safe_zone)
                    if (st.invul == 0)
                        st.invul = Settings.invul_frames;
                st.xpos -= xs;
                st.ypos -= ys;

                if (collision_mask != 0) // If collision with a wall
                    // 8. Bump action
                    // - Modify bump speed and rot rate (XB, YB and Rot_rate) accordingly if relevant
                    // - If modified, apply this newly computed bump speed to position
                    bool up_side   = (collision_mask & up_mask) != 0;
                    bool down_side = (collision_mask & down_mask) != 0;
                    if (up_side && !down_side)
                        st.xb = -math.sin(auto_bump_speed, st.rot);
                        st.yb = math.cos(auto_bump_speed, st.rot);
                    if (!up_side && down_side)
                        st.xb = math.sin(auto_bump_speed, st.rot);
                        st.yb = -math.cos(auto_bump_speed, st.rot);
                    st.rot_rate = (short)(-Math.Sign(rot_rate_bkp) * rot_bump_rate);
                    if (st.rot_rate == 0)
                        st.rot_rate = rot_bump_rate;
                    if (up_side != down_side)
                        st.xpos += st.xb;
                        st.ypos += st.yb;

                    // 9. If mask has collision at one of the 3 lowest bits :
                    //  - Modify bump speed (XB and YB) depending on input (if any)
                    //  - If modified, apply this newly computed bump speed to position
                    if ((collision_mask & middle_mask) != 0 && (e.x != Direction1.None || e.y != Direction1.None))
                        int bump_speed = input_bump_speed;
                        if (e.x != Direction1.None && e.y != Direction1.None)
                            bump_speed = input_bump_speed_2;
                        st.xb    = -(int)e.x * bump_speed;
                        st.yb    = -(int)e.y * bump_speed;
                        st.xpos += st.xb;
                        st.ypos += st.yb;

            // Lose?
            // TODO: Move up so that some useless computation can be avoided when losing
            if (st.life == 0)
                st.gs = GameState.Lose;
