public CaveIn(Texture2D sprite, Map map, Game1 game, Map nextMap) : base(sprite, map) { this.PhysicalContact += FoundMe; this.gameref = game; DialogState state = new DialogState(0, "You come across a cavern.\n\n Dare you venture?"); state.addResponse("Hells Yah...", -1); state.addResponse("It does look a little dark in there...\n Maybe after a cup of tea.", -2); this.Dialog.addState(state); state = new DialogState(1, "Its way to scary to enter. \n Plus, you gotta find more kids first."); state.addResponse("Oh.... Ill look then", -1); state.addResponse("Who are you to boss me around silly cave?", 2); this.Dialog.addState(state); state = new DialogState(2, "Im a cave. You know?"); state.addResponse("Yes, I do know!", 3); state.addResponse("So?", 3); state.addResponse("Fine, I'll leave you alone", -2); this.Dialog.addState(state); state = new DialogState(3, "You should listen to me"); state.addResponse("Why?", 2); state.addResponse("Fine!", -2); this.Dialog.addState(state); this.Position = new Vector2(14, 10 + 32); this.nextMap = nextMap; }
public Kid1(Texture2D sprite, Map map, Game1 game) : base(sprite, map) { this.PhysicalContact += FoundMe; this.gameref = game; DialogState state = new DialogState(0, "Awww. I thought you would never find me.\n\n You wont get me next time though! I promise!"); state.addResponse("Ok..."); state.addResponse("To the Next One!"); state.addResponse("Tau Radience Fills the Galaxy!"); this.Dialog.addState(state); this.Position = new Vector2(45, 17); }
public Kid2(Texture2D sprite, Map map, Game1 game) : base(sprite, map) { this.PhysicalContact += FoundMe; this.gameref = game; DialogState state = new DialogState(0, "... !"); state.addResponse("Ok..."); state.addResponse("Allways the mute one."); state.addResponse("Noone expects the spanish dictionary!"); this.Dialog.addState(state); this.Position = new Vector2(32 + 24, 16 + 64); }
private void TalkToMe(Object sender, EventArgs e) { //((PlayerChar)sender).peopleFound++; //gameref.Network.ToString(); //List<SocialGame> games = new List<SocialGame>(); List<SocialGame> games =; //List of games populated //TODO: Figure out how to initialize this games thing... /*TO JACK: Jack, I modified more further down. The commented out code are your original lines*/ KB_C CKB = gameref.SocialSimStuff.CKB; //CKB has been initialized. CKB is populated. KB_S SKB = gameref.SocialSimStuff.SKB; //SKB has been initialized. SKB is populated. SocialPair sp = gameref.Network.getPair(((BlankChar)sender).agent, this.agent); //INVALID CAST EXCEPTION! List<SocialGame> playableGames = gameref.Networks.getPlayableGames(sp, games); //Retrieves the set of playable games. //END LIST Dialog d = new Dialog(); //INITIAL DIALOG STATE: DialogState state = new DialogState(0, "Hi there."); for (int i = 0; Math.Abs(i) < playableGames.Count; i++) { state.addResponse(playableGames[Math.Abs(i)].gameType.SubjectName.ToString(), i+1); } //d.addState(state); for (int i = 0; Math.Abs(i) < playableGames.Count; i++) { List<String> spResponses = playableGames[i].getScript(sp); if (playableGames[i].gameType.SubjectName == SubjectType.Girl || playableGames[i].gameType.SubjectName == SubjectType.Mushrooms || playableGames[i].gameType.SubjectName == SubjectType.Cave || playableGames[i].gameType.SubjectName == SubjectType.Player) { //Subjects: NPC starts dialog. Player, Girl, Mushrooms, Cave //state = new DialogState(0, spResponses[0]); for (int j = 0; j < spResponses.Count; j += 2) //0 = initial statement, 1 = first response. and so on... { d.addState(state); state = new DialogState(i + 1 + j * 20, spResponses[j]); if (spResponses.Count > j + 2) state.addResponse(spResponses[j + 1], i + 1 + (j + 1 ) * 20); else state.addResponse(spResponses[j + 1], i + 1 * -1); } } else { d.addState(state); state = new DialogState(i + 1 , ""); for (int j = 0; j < spResponses.Count; j += 2) //0 = initial statement, 1 = first response. and so on... { //state = new DialogState(i + 1 + j * 20, spResponses[j]); if (spResponses.Count > j + 1) { state.addResponse(spResponses[j], i + 1 + (j + 1) * 20); d.addState(state); state = new DialogState(i + 1 + (j + 1) * 20, spResponses[j + 1]); } else state.addResponse(spResponses[j], i + 1 * -1); } } } /*for( int i = 0 ; Math.Abs(i) > games.Count ; i-- ) { state.addResponse(games[i].gameType.SubjectName.ToString(), i); //Adds responses based on game }*/ d.addState(state); Dialog = d; Console.WriteLine(d.ToString()); gameref.DialogScreen.CallDialog(this, (DialogCharacter)sender); //Doesnt Return a String.... //sp.playGame(games[Math.Abs(d.currentID)], CKB.getTopic(games[Math.Abs(d.currentID)].gameType).Name); //ONLY modifies values based on algorithm. sp.playGame(playableGames[Math.Abs(this.lastDialogEventNum)], CKB.getTopic(playableGames[Math.Abs(this.lastDialogEventNum)].gameType).Name); //ONLY modifies values based on algorithm. //Assuming a Array of Strings, in the order NPC action, then. Player Dialog Options. /* String[] spResponses = new String[2]; state = new DialogState(0,spResponses[0]); for (int i = 1; i > spResponses.Length; i++) { state.addResponse(spResponses[i]); } */ /* //Subjects: NPC starts dialog. Player, Girl, Mushrooms, Cave List<String> spResponses = playableGames[Math.Abs(d.currentID)].getScript(sp); state = new DialogState(0, spResponses[0]); for (int i = 1; i < spResponses.Count; i++) //0 = initial statement, 1 = first response. and so on... { state.addResponse(spResponses[i]); } d = new Dialog(); d.addState(state); Dialog = d; gameref.DialogScreen.CallDialog(this, (DialogCharacter)sender); //this.PhysicalContact -= FoundMe; * */ }