public override IEnumerator LoadBytesRoutine(NativeSlice <byte> data, bool linear = false) { bool yFlipped = true; var transcoder = BasisUniversal.GetTranscoderInstance(); while (transcoder == null) { yield return(null); transcoder = BasisUniversal.GetTranscoderInstance(); } if (transcoder.Open(data)) { var textureType = transcoder.GetTextureType(); if (textureType == BasisUniversalTextureType.Image2D) { yFlipped = transcoder.GetYFlip(); IEnumerator en = TranscodeImage2D(transcoder, data, linear); while (en.MoveNext()) { yield return(null); } ; } else { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Basis Universal texture type {0} is not supported", textureType); } } BasisUniversal.ReturnTranscoderInstance(transcoder); var orientation = TextureOrientation.KTX_DEFAULT; if (!yFlipped) { // Regular basis files (no y_flip) seem to be orientation |= TextureOrientation.Y_UP; } OnTextureLoaded(texture, orientation); }
protected override IEnumerator LoadBytesRoutine(NativeArray <byte> data) { uint imageIndex = 0; Texture2D texture = null; var transcoder = BasisUniversal.GetTranscoderInstance(); while (transcoder == null) { yield return(null); transcoder = BasisUniversal.GetTranscoderInstance(); } if (transcoder.Open(data)) { var meta = transcoder.LoadMetaData(); var formats = GetFormat(meta, meta.images[imageIndex].levels[0]); if (formats.HasValue) { #if KTX_VERBOSE Debug.LogFormat("Transcode to GraphicsFormat {0} ({1})", formats.Value.format, formats.Value.transcodeFormat); #endif Profiler.BeginSample("BasisUniversalJob"); var job = new BasisUniversalJob(); job.imageIndex = imageIndex; job.levelIndex = 0; job.result = new NativeArray <bool>(1, KtxNativeInstance.defaultAllocator); var jobHandle = BasisUniversal.LoadBytesJob( ref job, transcoder, data, formats.Value.transcodeFormat ); Profiler.EndSample(); while (!jobHandle.IsCompleted) { yield return(null); } jobHandle.Complete(); if (job.result[0]) { Profiler.BeginSample("LoadBytesRoutineGPUupload"); uint width; uint height; meta.GetSize(out width, out height); texture = new Texture2D((int)width, (int)height, formats.Value.format, TextureCreationFlags.None); texture.LoadRawTextureData(job.textureData); texture.Apply(false, true); Profiler.EndSample(); } else { Debug.LogError(ERR_MSG_TRANSCODE_FAILED); } job.textureData.Dispose(); job.result.Dispose(); } } BasisUniversal.ReturnTranscoderInstance(transcoder); OnTextureLoaded(texture); }