예제 #1
        private KryptonDockingAutoHiddenGroup CreateAndInsertAutoHiddenGroup(int index, string name)
            // Create the new auto hidden group instance and add into our collection
            KryptonDockingAutoHiddenGroup groupElement = new KryptonDockingAutoHiddenGroup(name, Edge);

            groupElement.PageClicked    += OnDockingAutoHiddenGroupClicked;
            groupElement.PageHoverStart += OnDockingAutoHiddenGroupHoverStart;
            groupElement.PageHoverEnd   += OnDockingAutoHiddenGroupHoverEnd;
            groupElement.Disposed       += OnDockingAutoHiddenGroupDisposed;
            InternalInsert(index, groupElement);

            // Events are generated from the parent docking manager
            KryptonDockingManager dockingManager = DockingManager;

            if (dockingManager != null)
                // The hosting panel/sliding panel dockspace/separator are not shown until the first group is added, so only
                // generate the events for allowing customization of the when there is a chance they will become displayed.
                if (!_panelEventFired)
                    AutoHiddenGroupPanelEventArgs panelArgs     = new AutoHiddenGroupPanelEventArgs(_panel, this);
                    DockspaceEventArgs            dockspaceArgs = new DockspaceEventArgs(_slidePanel.DockspaceControl, null);
                    DockspaceSeparatorEventArgs   separatorArgs = new DockspaceSeparatorEventArgs(_slidePanel.SeparatorControl, null);
                    _panelEventFired = true;

                // Allow the auto hidden group to be customized by event handlers
                AutoHiddenGroupEventArgs groupArgs = new AutoHiddenGroupEventArgs(groupElement.AutoHiddenGroupControl, groupElement);

            // Append to the child collection of groups
            _panel.Controls.SetChildIndex(groupElement.AutoHiddenGroupControl, (_panel.Controls.Count - 1) - index);

            // When adding the first group the panel will not be visible and so we need to
            // force the calculation of a new size so it makes itself visible.

        private void OnAutoHiddenGroupDisposed(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Unhook from events so the control can be garbage collected
            AutoHiddenGroupControl.StoringPage            -= OnAutoHiddenGroupStoringPage;
            AutoHiddenGroupControl.TabClicked             -= OnAutoHiddenGroupTabClicked;
            AutoHiddenGroupControl.TabMouseHoverStart     -= OnAutoHiddenGroupHoverStart;
            AutoHiddenGroupControl.TabMouseHoverEnd       -= OnAutoHiddenGroupHoverEnd;
            AutoHiddenGroupControl.TabVisibleCountChanged -= OnAutoHiddenGroupTabVisibleCountChanged;
            AutoHiddenGroupControl.Disposed -= OnAutoHiddenGroupDisposed;

            // Events are generated from the parent docking manager
            KryptonDockingManager dockingManager = DockingManager;

            if (dockingManager != null)
                // Allow the auto hidden group to be customized by event handlers
                AutoHiddenGroupEventArgs groupArgs = new AutoHiddenGroupEventArgs(AutoHiddenGroupControl, this);

            // Generate event so interested parties know this element and associated window have been disposed