internal KonfigTouchPopoverController(UIBarButtonItem aButtonItemOpen, KonfigTouchTableViewController aController)
            iButton       = aButtonItemOpen;
            iController   = aController;
            iDefaultTitle = aButtonItemOpen.Title;

            aButtonItemOpen.Clicked += OpenClicked;
            aController.EventCurrentDeviceSelected += CurrentDeviceSelected;
        public KonfigTouchViewController()
            : base(UserInterfaceIdiomIsPhone ? "KonfigTouchViewController_iPhone" : "KonfigTouchViewController_iPad", null)
            iReleaseNotes  = "<html><head><meta content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\" http-equiv=\"content-type\"><title>Release Notes</title></head><style type=\"text/css\">body {color:#FFF;background:#000;}a {color:#2D8FBF;text-decoration:none;}a:active {color:#939393;text-decoration:none;}</style><body>";
            iReleaseNotes += "<h4><a href=\"\">Linn DS Software Update Released (Davaar 5)</a></h4>Updates are available for  Klimax DS, Klimax DSM, Akurate DS, Akurate DSM, Akurate Kontrol, Majik DS, Majik DS-I, Majik DSM, Sneaky Music DS, Sekrit DS-I and Renew DS. <br><br><ul><li>Provides support for <a href=\"\">Songcast app</a>, which allows you to send any audio from your computer to your Linn DS player and get better sound from your music services and web pages</li><li>Supports third party streaming protocol via the Net Aux source</li><li>Supports improved integration of DSM Systems with third-party surround sound systems (Setup documentation on <a href=\"\">Linn Docs</a>)</li><li>Supports new <a href=\"\">slimline handset</a></li><li>Various maintenance and bug fixes, see the <a href=\"\">detailed release notes</a> for more information</li></ul>Tue, 20 Dec 2011 16:00:00 GMT<br/><hr/><h4><a href=\"\">Linn DS Software Update Released (Davaar 4)</a></h4>Updates are available for Akurate DSM and Majik DSM. <br><br><ul><li>Initial release for the new <a href=\"\">Akurate DSM</a> and <a href=\"\">Majik DSM</a></li></ul>Tue, 15 Nov 2011 12:00:00 GMT<br/><hr/>";
            iReleaseNotes += "<h4><a href=\"\">Linn DS Software Update Released (Davaar 5)</a></h4>Updates are available for  Klimax DS, Klimax DSM, Akurate DS, Akurate DSM, Akurate Kontrol, Majik DS, Majik DS-I, Majik DSM, Sneaky Music DS, Sekrit DS-I and Renew DS. <br><br><ul><li>Provides support for <a href=\"\">Songcast app</a>, which allows you to send any audio from your computer to your Linn DS player and get better sound from your music services and web pages</li><li>Supports third party streaming protocol via the Net Aux source</li><li>Supports improved integration of DSM Systems with third-party surround sound systems (Setup documentation on <a href=\"\">Linn Docs</a>)</li><li>Supports new <a href=\"\">slimline handset</a></li><li>Various maintenance and bug fixes, see the <a href=\"\">detailed release notes</a> for more information</li></ul>Tue, 20 Dec 2011 16:00:00 GMT<br/><hr/><h4><a href=\"\">Linn DS Software Update Released (Davaar 4)</a></h4>Updates are available for Akurate DSM and Majik DSM. <br><br><ul><li>Initial release for the new <a href=\"\">Akurate DSM</a> and <a href=\"\">Majik DSM</a></li></ul>Tue, 15 Nov 2011 12:00:00 GMT<br/><hr/>";
            iReleaseNotes += "<h4><a href=\"\">Linn DS Software Update Released (Davaar 5)</a></h4>Updates are available for  Klimax DS, Klimax DSM, Akurate DS, Akurate DSM, Akurate Kontrol, Majik DS, Majik DS-I, Majik DSM, Sneaky Music DS, Sekrit DS-I and Renew DS. <br><br><ul><li>Provides support for <a href=\"\">Songcast app</a>, which allows you to send any audio from your computer to your Linn DS player and get better sound from your music services and web pages</li><li>Supports third party streaming protocol via the Net Aux source</li><li>Supports improved integration of DSM Systems with third-party surround sound systems (Setup documentation on <a href=\"\">Linn Docs</a>)</li><li>Supports new <a href=\"\">slimline handset</a></li><li>Various maintenance and bug fixes, see the <a href=\"\">detailed release notes</a> for more information</li></ul>Tue, 20 Dec 2011 16:00:00 GMT<br/><hr/><h4><a href=\"\">Linn DS Software Update Released (Davaar 4)</a></h4>Updates are available for Akurate DSM and Majik DSM. <br><br><ul><li>Initial release for the new <a href=\"\">Akurate DSM</a> and <a href=\"\">Majik DSM</a></li></ul>Tue, 15 Nov 2011 12:00:00 GMT<br/><hr/>";
            iReleaseNotes += "</body></html>";
            iReleaseNotes  = iReleaseNotes.Replace("<br><br>", "<br>");

            iDeviceListTableViewController = new KonfigTouchTableViewController();
            iDeviceListTableViewController.EventCurrentDeviceSelected += CurrentDeviceUpdated;
            iDeviceListTableViewController.EventCurrentDeviceChanged  += CurrentDeviceUpdated;
        public KonfigTouchTableDataSource(KonfigTouchTableViewController aController)
            iController          = aController;
            iTableView           = aController.TableView;
            iData                = new List <SectionData>();
            iSectionDataComparer = new SectionData.Comparer();

            SectionData section1 = new SectionData("section1");

            section1.Data.Add("LR Device C");
            section1.Data.Add("LR Device A");
            section1.Data.Add("The Nice Akurate DSM");
            section1.Title = "Johnathon's Bedroom";

            SectionData section2 = new SectionData("section2");

            section2.Data.Add("K Device 1");
            section2.Data.Add("K Device 2");
            section2.Title = "Kitchen";
