public OfferObject OfferObject(int status, bool test) { OfferObject offer = new OfferObject(); offer.Status = status; offer.TestOffer = test; offer.Id = new Guid(); offer.SampleId = 1; return offer; }
public string AddSample(string sampleList) { //AddResultsModel is used to return to the UI each SampleId if it was successfully added List<AddResultModel> results = new List<AddResultModel>(); //Convert the json sample list to list of SampleSearchObject List<SampleSearchObject> samples = new SampleSearchObject().ConvertFromJson(sampleList); var errors = new List<ErrorObject>(); var parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); //Build the string comma separated to send it to the service var sampleComma = string.Empty; foreach (var sample in samples) { sampleComma += sample.SampleId + ","; } //Remove the trailing comma sampleComma = sampleComma.Remove(sampleComma.Length - 1); SampleManager sampleManager = null; parameters.Add("SampleIds", sampleComma); Thread sampleManagerThread = new Thread(() => { //Send the request to the service and check if the connection to sam failed try { sampleManager = new SampleManager(sampleComma); } catch { errors.Add(new ErrorObject(ErrorKey.ERR_INTERNAL_SAM_CONNECTION, parameters)); LoggerFactory.GetLogger().InfoJson(Methods.Error_ToLogObject(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "OfferService", operationType.SAMCall.ToString(), "AdminUI".ToString(), parameters, errors)); } }); sampleManagerThread.Start(); if (!sampleManagerThread.Join(10000)) { errors.Add(new ErrorObject(ErrorKey.ERR_INTERNAL_SAM_CONNECTION, parameters)); foreach (var sample in samples) { var thisResult = new AddResultModel(); thisResult.SampleId = sample.SampleId; thisResult.Added = false; thisResult.Message = msgUtil.GetMessage(MessageKey.ERR_ADDSAMPLES_TIMEOUT); results.Add(thisResult); } } //If the connection to sam was successful if (errors.Count() == 0) { //Loop through all the samples to be added foreach (var sample in samples) { //By default it wasn t added var Added = false; string Message = string.Empty; try { //Setting the fields of the new offer OfferObject newOffer = new OfferObject(); newOffer.SampleId = sample.SampleId; newOffer.LOI = sample.LOI; newOffer.StudyStartDate = sample.StartDate; newOffer.StudyEndDate = sample.EndDate; //Default title Survey - {SampleId} newOffer.Title = "Survey - " + sample.SampleId; //If the sample does exist if (sampleManager.CheckIfSampleExist(sample.SampleId)) { //Get the specific sample from the service response var newSample = sampleManager.GetOpenSampleObject(sample.SampleId); newOffer.StudyId = newSample.StudyId; newOffer.QuotaRemaining = newSample.MainstreamQuotaRemaining; newOffer.IR = newSample.IR; newOffer.OfferLink = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["OfferLink"] + "?{2}&oid={0}&tid={1}"; new OfferRepository().Insert(newOffer); newOffer.Id = new OfferRepository().SelectOfferBySampleId(sample.SampleId).Id; new RespondentAttributeRepository().UpdateOrRemove(newOffer.Id, newSample.Attributes); Added = true; Message = msgUtil.GetMessage(MessageKey.MSG_ADDSAMPLES_SUCCESSFULL); } else { Message = msgUtil.GetMessage(MessageKey.ERR_ADDSAMPLES_MISSINGDATA); } } catch (Exception e) { LoggerFactory.GetLogger().Error(string.Format(msgUtil.GetMessage(MessageKey.LOG_ADDSAMPLES_EXCEPTION), sample.SampleId, sample.StartDate, sample.EndDate, sample.LOI), e); Added = false; } //Add the result to the list var thisResult = new AddResultModel(); thisResult.SampleId = sample.SampleId; thisResult.Added = Added; thisResult.Message = Message; results.Add(thisResult); } } //Return JSON object to the javascript return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(results); }
private bool UpdateQuotaCell(OfferObject offerObject, SteamStudyObject steamStudyObject, QuotasLiveObject quotasLiveObject) { var sampleId = offerObject.SampleId.Value; LoggingUtility log = LoggerFactory.GetLogger(); try { QuotaMappingRepository quotaMappingRepository = new QuotaMappingRepository(); GMISampleObject sampleObject = new SampleMappingRepository().SelectByID(steamStudyObject.SampleId); List<GMISampleObject> GMISampleObjectList = new List<GMISampleObject>(); GMISampleObjectList.Add((sampleObject != null) ? sampleObject : new GMISampleObject()); List<GMIQuotaObject> GMIQuotasList = quotaMappingRepository.SelectBySampleID(steamStudyObject.SampleId).ToList(); bool needUpdate = false; foreach (GMIQuotaObject gmiQuotaObject in GMIQuotasList) { var quota = quotasLiveObject.QuotasLiveList.Where(p => p.InternalQuotaId == gmiQuotaObject.InternalQuotaId).Where(p => p.InternalSampleId == sampleObject.InternalSampleId).ToList(); if (quota.Count() > 0 && gmiQuotaObject.QuotaRemaining != quota[0].QuotaRemaining) { gmiQuotaObject.QuotaRemaining = quota[0].QuotaRemaining; quotaMappingRepository.Update(gmiQuotaObject); needUpdate = true; } } if (needUpdate) { // There was a change in quota remaining, update the quota expressions XML to reflect the new values log.Debug("Update the quota remaining for sample: " + sampleId); GMISampleQuotasObject gmiSampleQuotasObject = new GMISampleQuotasObject(); gmiSampleQuotasObject.GMIQuotasList = GMIQuotasList; gmiSampleQuotasObject.GMISampleQuotasList = GMISampleObjectList; new SteamStudy().UpdateQuotaExpression(steamStudyObject, gmiSampleQuotasObject); new QuotaExpressionRepository().updateQuotaExpressionsXML(steamStudyObject); } } catch (Exception e) { log.Error("An error occurred while trying to update the quota cells for offerId " + offerObject.Id.ToString(), e); throw; } return true; }
private bool CreateQuotaCell(OfferObject offerObject, QuotasLiveObject quotasLiveObject) { LoggingUtility log = LoggerFactory.GetLogger(); IQuotaExpressionRepository quotaExpressionRepository = new QuotaExpressionRepository(); IQuotaMappingRepository quotaMappingRepository = new QuotaMappingRepository(); ISampleMappingRepository sampleMappingRepository = new SampleMappingRepository(); try { var parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); var sampleId = offerObject.SampleId.Value; parameters.Add("SampleId", sampleId.ToString()); // ensure quota related data in the database is purged for this sample quotaExpressionRepository.Delete(sampleId); sampleMappingRepository.Delete(sampleId); quotaMappingRepository.DeletebySampleId(sampleId); int studyId = Convert.ToInt32(offerObject.StudyId); log.Debug("Calling SteamService to get the attributes at the quota cell level for studyId: " + studyId + ", sample: " + sampleId); SteamStudyObject steamStudyObject = new SteamStudy().GetQuotasAttributes(studyId, sampleId); if (steamStudyObject.ExpressionsXML == null || steamStudyObject.ExpressionsXML.Contains(DocumentNotFound) || !steamStudyObject.ExpressionsXML.Contains("<data>")) { log.Info(new ErrorObject(ErrorKey.ERR_INTERNAL_BACKEND_STEAM_UNAVAILABLE, parameters).Message); return false; } // In order for the attributes names to be consistent with what is returned to suppliers on other services // like CodeBook and LiveOffers need to remove the prefix panelist_ from all attribute names (added by steam service) steamStudyObject.ExpressionsXML = steamStudyObject.ExpressionsXML.Replace("panelist_", null); log.Debug("Calling GMI GetSample service to get the mapping from internal to external ids for studyId: " + studyId + ", sample: " + sampleId); GMISampleQuotasObject gmiSampleQuotasObject = new GMIStudy().GetGMISamples(studyId, sampleId); if (gmiSampleQuotasObject == null || (gmiSampleQuotasObject.GMIQuotasList == null && gmiSampleQuotasObject.GMISampleQuotasList == null)) { log.Info(new ErrorObject(ErrorKey.ERR_INTERNAL_BACKEND_GET_SAMPLE_UNAVAILABLE, parameters).Message); return false; } log.Debug("Calling fetchMulti service to get the Quota Remaining for studyId: " + studyId + ", sample: " + sampleId); new QuotaLiveMatch().UpdateQuotaRemaingValues(gmiSampleQuotasObject, quotasLiveObject); new SteamStudy().UpdateQuotaExpression(steamStudyObject, gmiSampleQuotasObject); steamStudyObject.OfferId = offerObject.Id; quotaExpressionRepository.Insert(steamStudyObject); foreach (GMIQuotaObject gmiQuotaObject in gmiSampleQuotasObject.GMIQuotasList) { gmiQuotaObject.OfferId = offerObject.Id; quotaMappingRepository.Insert(gmiQuotaObject); } foreach (GMISampleObject gmiSampleObject in gmiSampleQuotasObject.GMISampleQuotasList) { gmiSampleObject.OfferId = offerObject.Id; sampleMappingRepository.Insert(gmiSampleObject); } } catch (Exception e) { log.Error("An error occurred while trying to create the quota cells for offerId " + offerObject.Id.ToString(), e); throw; } return true; }
public static bool InsertOffer(WebServiceResponse offer) { bool success = false; if (offer != null && offer.Data != null) { OfferObject convertedOffer = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<OfferObject>(offer.Data); if (convertedOffer.Id != new Guid()) { OfferObject offerToAdd = new OfferObject(); offerToAdd.Id = convertedOffer.Id; offerToAdd.Description = (convertedOffer.Description != null) ? convertedOffer.Description : "Default Description"; offerToAdd.Status = convertedOffer.Status; offerToAdd.IR = (convertedOffer.IR != null) ? convertedOffer.IR : 0; offerToAdd.LOI = (convertedOffer.LOI != null) ? convertedOffer.LOI : 0; offerToAdd.OfferLink = (convertedOffer.OfferLink != null) ? convertedOffer.OfferLink : ""; offerToAdd.QuotaRemaining = (convertedOffer.QuotaRemaining != null) ? convertedOffer.QuotaRemaining : 0; offerToAdd.RespondentAttributes = new List<RespondentAttributeObject>(); offerToAdd.SampleId = (convertedOffer.SampleId != null) ? convertedOffer.SampleId : 0; offerToAdd.StudyId = (convertedOffer.StudyId != null) ? convertedOffer.StudyId : 0; offerToAdd.StudyStartDate = (convertedOffer.StudyStartDate != null) ? convertedOffer.StudyStartDate : null; offerToAdd.StudyEndDate = (convertedOffer.StudyEndDate != null) ? convertedOffer.StudyEndDate : null; offerToAdd.Terms = new List<TermObject>(); offerToAdd.TestOffer = (convertedOffer.TestOffer != null) ? convertedOffer.TestOffer : false; offerToAdd.Title = (convertedOffer.Title != null) ? convertedOffer.Title : "Default Title"; offerToAdd.Topic = (convertedOffer.Topic != null) ? convertedOffer.Topic : "Default Topic"; offerToAdd.RetryCount = (convertedOffer.RetryCount != null) ? convertedOffer.RetryCount : 0; offers.Add(offerToAdd); success = true; } } return success; }