void drawTargetSelector(int windowID) { TrackingStationGUI.TargetSelector(sTargetType, selectedFacility); GUI.DragWindow(new Rect(0, 0, 10000, 10000)); }
void drawFacilityManagerWindow(int windowID) { if (selectedInstance.hasFacilities == false || selectedInstance.myFacilities.Count == 0) { selectedInstance = null; this.Close(); } if (!layoutInitialized) { InitializeLayout(); layoutInitialized = true; } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { GUI.enabled = false; GUILayout.Button("-KK-", DeadButton, GUILayout.Height(16)); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.Button("Facility Manager", DeadButton, GUILayout.Height(16)); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUI.enabled = true; if (GUILayout.Button("X", DeadButtonRed, GUILayout.Height(16))) { selectedInstance = null; this.Close(); return; } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(1); GUILayout.Box(tHorizontalSep, BoxNoBorder, GUILayout.Height(4)); GUILayout.Space(2); if (selectedInstance != null) { sFacilityType = selectedInstance.FacilityType; if (sFacilityType == "GroundStation") { sFacilityName = "Ground Station"; bHalfwindow = true; } else { sFacilityName = selectedInstance.model.title; } GUILayout.Box("" + sFacilityName, Yellowtext); GUILayout.Space(5); fAlt = selectedInstance.RadiusOffset; objectPos = KerbalKonstructs.instance.getCurrentBody().transform.InverseTransformPoint(selectedInstance.gameObject.transform.position); disObjectLat = KKMath.GetLatitudeInDeg(objectPos); disObjectLon = KKMath.GetLongitudeInDeg(objectPos); if (disObjectLon < 0) { disObjectLon = disObjectLon + 360; } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { GUILayout.Space(5); GUILayout.Label("Alt. " + fAlt.ToString("#0.0") + "m", LabelInfo); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.Label("Lat. " + disObjectLat.ToString("#0.000"), LabelInfo); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.Label("Lon. " + disObjectLon.ToString("#0.000"), LabelInfo); GUILayout.Space(5); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(5); sPurpose = ""; switch (selectedInstance.facilityType) { case KKFacilityType.Hangar: { sPurpose = "Craft can be stored in this building for launching from the base at a later date. The building has limited space."; bHalfwindow = true; break; } case KKFacilityType.Barracks: { sPurpose = "This facility provides a temporary home for base-staff. Other facilities can draw staff from the pool available at this facility."; bHalfwindow = true; break; } case KKFacilityType.Research: { sPurpose = "This facility carries out research and generates Science."; bHalfwindow = true; break; } case KKFacilityType.Business: { sPurpose = "This facility carries out business related to the space program in order to generate Funds."; bHalfwindow = true; break; } case KKFacilityType.GroundStation: { sPurpose = "This facility can be a GroundStation for RemoteTech/CommNet"; bHalfwindow = true; break; } case KKFacilityType.Merchant: { sPurpose = "You can buy and sell Resources here"; bHalfwindow = false; break; } case KKFacilityType.Storage: { sPurpose = "You can store Resources here"; bHalfwindow = false; break; } } GUILayout.Label(sPurpose, LabelInfo); GUILayout.Space(2); GUILayout.Box(tHorizontalSep, BoxNoBorder, GUILayout.Height(4)); GUILayout.Space(3); SharedInterfaces.OpenCloseFacility(selectedInstance); GUILayout.Space(2); GUILayout.Box(tHorizontalSep, BoxNoBorder, GUILayout.Height(4)); GUILayout.Space(3); if (selectedInstance.myFacilities[0].isOpen) { switch (selectedInstance.facilityType) { case KKFacilityType.GroundStation: TrackingStationGUI.TrackingInterface(selectedInstance); break; case KKFacilityType.Hangar: HangarGUI.HangarInterface(selectedInstance); break; case KKFacilityType.Research: case KKFacilityType.Business: ProductionGUI.ProductionInterface(selectedInstance, sFacilityType); break; case KKFacilityType.Merchant: MerchantGUI.MerchantInterface(selectedInstance); break; case KKFacilityType.Storage: StorageGUI.StorageInerface(selectedInstance); break; } GUILayout.Space(2); GUILayout.Box(tHorizontalSep, BoxNoBorder, GUILayout.Height(4)); GUILayout.Space(2); StaffGUI.StaffingInterface(selectedInstance); } } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.Box(tHorizontalSep, BoxNoBorder, GUILayout.Height(4)); GUILayout.Space(3); GUI.DragWindow(new Rect(0, 0, 10000, 10000)); }
void drawFacilityManagerWindow(int windowID) { DeadButton = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.button); DeadButton.normal.background = null; DeadButton.hover.background = null; DeadButton.active.background = null; DeadButton.focused.background = null; DeadButton.normal.textColor = Color.white; DeadButton.hover.textColor = Color.white; DeadButton.active.textColor = Color.white; DeadButton.focused.textColor = Color.white; DeadButton.fontSize = 14; DeadButton.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; DeadButtonRed = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.button); DeadButtonRed.normal.background = null; DeadButtonRed.hover.background = null; DeadButtonRed.active.background = null; DeadButtonRed.focused.background = null; DeadButtonRed.normal.textColor = Color.red; DeadButtonRed.hover.textColor = Color.yellow; DeadButtonRed.active.textColor = Color.red; DeadButtonRed.focused.textColor = Color.red; DeadButtonRed.fontSize = 12; DeadButtonRed.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; BoxNoBorder = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.box); BoxNoBorder.normal.background = null; BoxNoBorder.normal.textColor = Color.white; Yellowtext = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.box); Yellowtext.normal.textColor = Color.yellow; Yellowtext.normal.background = null; LabelInfo = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.label); LabelInfo.normal.background = null; LabelInfo.normal.textColor = Color.white; LabelInfo.fontSize = 13; LabelInfo.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; LabelInfo.padding.left = 3; LabelInfo.padding.top = 0; LabelInfo.padding.bottom = 0; ButtonSmallText = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.button); ButtonSmallText.fontSize = 12; ButtonSmallText.fontStyle = FontStyle.Normal; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { GUI.enabled = false; GUILayout.Button("-KK-", DeadButton, GUILayout.Height(16)); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.Button("Facility Manager", DeadButton, GUILayout.Height(16)); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUI.enabled = true; if (GUILayout.Button("X", DeadButtonRed, GUILayout.Height(16))) { PersistenceUtils.saveStaticPersistence(selectedFacility); selectedFacility = null; KerbalKonstructs.instance.showFacilityManager = false; } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(1); GUILayout.Box(tHorizontalSep, BoxNoBorder, GUILayout.Height(4)); GUILayout.Space(2); if (selectedFacility != null) { sFacilityType = (string)selectedFacility.getSetting("FacilityType"); if (sFacilityType == "TrackingStation") { sFacilityName = "Tracking Station"; bHalfwindow = true; } else { sFacilityName = (string)selectedFacility.model.getSetting("title"); } GUILayout.Box("" + sFacilityName, Yellowtext); GUILayout.Space(5); fAlt = (float)selectedFacility.getSetting("RadiusOffset"); ObjectPos = KerbalKonstructs.instance.getCurrentBody().transform.InverseTransformPoint(selectedFacility.gameObject.transform.position); dObjectLat = NavUtils.GetLatitude(ObjectPos); dObjectLon = NavUtils.GetLongitude(ObjectPos); disObjectLat = dObjectLat * 180 / Math.PI; disObjectLon = dObjectLon * 180 / Math.PI; if (disObjectLon < 0) { disObjectLon = disObjectLon + 360; } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { GUILayout.Space(5); GUILayout.Label("Alt. " + fAlt.ToString("#0.0") + "m", LabelInfo); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.Label("Lat. " + disObjectLat.ToString("#0.000"), LabelInfo); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.Label("Lon. " + disObjectLon.ToString("#0.000"), LabelInfo); GUILayout.Space(5); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(5); string sPurpose = ""; if (sFacilityType == "Hangar") { sPurpose = "Craft can be stored in this building for launching from the base at a later date. The building has limited space."; bHalfwindow = true; } else if (sFacilityType == "RocketAssembly") { sPurpose = "This facility can construct craft that have been designed in KSC's VAB and can store a constructed craft for launching from the base at a later date."; bHalfwindow = false; } else if (sFacilityType == "PlaneAssembly") { sPurpose = "This facility can construct craft that have been designed in KSC's SPH and can store a constructed craft for launching from the base at a later date."; bHalfwindow = false; } else if (sFacilityType == "ControlTower") { sPurpose = "This facility manages incoming and outgoing air-traffic to and from the base, as well as administrating most other base operations."; } else if (sFacilityType == "Barracks") { sPurpose = "This facility provides a temporary home for base-staff. Other facilities can draw staff from the pool available at this facility."; bHalfwindow = true; } else if (sFacilityType == "RadarStation") { sPurpose = "This facility tracks craft in the planet's atmosphere at a limited range. It provides bonuses for recovery operations by the nearest open base."; bHalfwindow = true; } else if (sFacilityType == "Research") { sPurpose = "This facility carries out research and generates Science."; bHalfwindow = true; } else if (sFacilityType == "Mining") { sPurpose = "This facility excavates useful minerals and materials and thus generates Ore."; } else if (sFacilityType == "Refining") { sPurpose = "This facility converts Ore into fuels."; } else if (sFacilityType == "Manufacturing") { sPurpose = "This facility converts Ore into Processed Ore, for use in manufacturing craft in lieu of Funds, constructing and upgrading facilities."; } else if (sFacilityType == "Business") { sPurpose = "This facility carries out business related to the space program in order to generate Funds."; bHalfwindow = true; } else if (sFacilityType == "Training") { sPurpose = "This facility can provide professional skills and experience to rookie Kerbonauts."; } else if (sFacilityType == "Medical") { sPurpose = "This facility can aid Kerbonaut recovery after long missions or injury."; } else if (sFacilityType == "TrackingStation") { sPurpose = "This facility can track a variety of off-Kerbin targets, including spacecraft, celestial bodies and asteroids."; bHalfwindow = true; } else if (sFacilityType == "FuelTanks") { sPurpose = "This facility stores fuel for craft."; bHalfwindow = false; } else if (sFacilityType == "Storage") { sPurpose = "This facility stores construction materials (Processed Ore)."; } else if (sFacilityType == "CraftAssembly") { sPurpose = "This facility can construct craft that have been designed in KSC's VAB or SPH and can store a constructed craft for launching from the base at a later date."; bHalfwindow = false; } GUILayout.Label(sPurpose, LabelInfo); GUILayout.Space(2); GUILayout.Box(tHorizontalSep, BoxNoBorder, GUILayout.Height(4)); GUILayout.Space(3); SharedInterfaces.OpenCloseFacility(selectedFacility); iFundsOpen2 = (float)selectedFacility.getSetting("OpenCost"); isOpen2 = ((string)selectedFacility.getSetting("OpenCloseState") == "Open"); float iFundsDefaultCost = (float)selectedFacility.model.getSetting("cost"); if (iFundsOpen2 == 0) { iFundsOpen2 = iFundsDefaultCost; } if (iFundsOpen2 == 0) { isOpen2 = true; } GUILayout.Space(2); GUILayout.Box(tHorizontalSep, BoxNoBorder, GUILayout.Height(4)); GUILayout.Space(3); GUI.enabled = isOpen2; if (sFacilityType == "TrackingStation") { TrackingStationGUI.TrackingInterface(selectedFacility); } if (sFacilityType == "Hangar" || sFacilityType == "RocketAssembly" || sFacilityType == "PlaneAssembly" || sFacilityType == "CraftAssembly") { sInStorage = (string)selectedFacility.getSetting("InStorage"); sInStorage2 = (string)selectedFacility.getSetting("TargetID"); sInStorage3 = (string)selectedFacility.getSetting("TargetType"); float fMaxMass = (float)selectedFacility.model.getSetting("DefaultFacilityMassCapacity"); if (fMaxMass < 1) { fMaxMass = 25f; } float fMaxCrafts = (float)selectedFacility.model.getSetting("DefaultFacilityCraftCapacity"); if (fMaxCrafts < 1 || fMaxCrafts > 3) { fMaxCrafts = 2; } GUILayout.Space(2); GUILayout.Label("Where necessary craft are disassembled for storage or re-assembled before being rolled out. Please note that for game purposes, this procedure is instantaneous.", LabelInfo); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Max Craft: " + fMaxCrafts.ToString("#0"), LabelInfo); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.Label("Max Mass/Craft: " + fMaxMass.ToString("#0") + " T", LabelInfo); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (sInStorage == null || sInStorage == "") { sInStorage = "None"; selectedFacility.setSetting("InStorage", "None"); PersistenceUtils.saveStaticPersistence(selectedFacility); } if (sInStorage2 == null || sInStorage2 == "") { sInStorage2 = "None"; selectedFacility.setSetting("TargetID", "None"); PersistenceUtils.saveStaticPersistence(selectedFacility); } if (sInStorage3 == null || sInStorage3 == "") { sInStorage3 = "None"; selectedFacility.setSetting("TargetType", "None"); PersistenceUtils.saveStaticPersistence(selectedFacility); } if (sInStorage == "None" && sInStorage2 == "None" && sInStorage3 == "None") { GUILayout.Label("No craft currently held in this facility.", LabelInfo); } else { int iNumberCrafts = NumberCraftHangared(selectedFacility); GUILayout.Box("Stored Craft (" + iNumberCrafts.ToString() + "/" + fMaxCrafts.ToString("#0") + ")", Yellowtext); List <Vessel> lVessels = FlightGlobals.Vessels; foreach (Vessel vVesselStored in lVessels) { if (vVesselStored.id.ToString() == sInStorage) { if (GUILayout.Button("" + vVesselStored.vesselName, ButtonSmallText, GUILayout.Height(20))) { // Empty the hangar if (HangarwayIsClear(selectedFacility)) { sInStorage = "None"; UnhangarCraft(vVesselStored, selectedFacility); sInStorage = "None"; } else { MiscUtils.HUDMessage("Cannot roll craft out. Clear the way first!", 10, 3); } } break; } } foreach (Vessel vVesselStored in lVessels) { if (vVesselStored.id.ToString() == sInStorage2) { if (GUILayout.Button("" + vVesselStored.vesselName, ButtonSmallText, GUILayout.Height(20))) { // Empty the hangar if (HangarwayIsClear(selectedFacility)) { sInStorage2 = "None"; UnhangarCraft(vVesselStored, selectedFacility); sInStorage2 = "None"; } else { MiscUtils.HUDMessage("Cannot roll craft out. Clear the way first!", 10, 3); } } break; } } foreach (Vessel vVesselStored in lVessels) { if (vVesselStored.id.ToString() == sInStorage3) { if (GUILayout.Button("" + vVesselStored.vesselName, ButtonSmallText, GUILayout.Height(20))) { // Empty the hangar if (HangarwayIsClear(selectedFacility)) { sInStorage3 = "None"; UnhangarCraft(vVesselStored, selectedFacility); sInStorage3 = "None"; } else { MiscUtils.HUDMessage("Cannot roll craft out. Clear the way first!", 10, 3); } } break; } } } GUILayout.Space(5); scrollNearbyCraft = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollNearbyCraft); GUILayout.Box("Nearby Craft", Yellowtext); bool bNearbyCraft = false; foreach (Vessel vVessel in FlightGlobals.Vessels) { if (vVessel == null) { continue; } if (!vVessel.loaded) { continue; } if (vVessel.vesselType == VesselType.SpaceObject) { continue; } if (vVessel.vesselType == VesselType.Debris) { continue; } if (vVessel.vesselType == VesselType.EVA) { continue; } if (vVessel.vesselType == VesselType.Flag) { continue; } if (vVessel.vesselType == VesselType.Unknown) { continue; } if (vVessel == FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel) { continue; } if (vVessel.situation != Vessel.Situations.LANDED) { continue; } if (vVessel.GetCrewCount() > 0) { continue; } var vDistToCraft = Vector3.Distance(vVessel.gameObject.transform.position, selectedFacility.gameObject.transform.position); if (vDistToCraft > 250) { continue; } bNearbyCraft = true; if (GUILayout.Button(" " + vVessel.vesselName + " ", ButtonSmallText, GUILayout.Height(20))) { float fMass = vVessel.GetTotalMass(); if (fMass > fMaxMass) { MiscUtils.HUDMessage("Craft too heavy for this facility. Max " + fMaxMass.ToString("#0") + "T per craft.", 10, 3); } else { float fMaxCraft = (float)selectedFacility.model.getSetting("DefaultFacilityCraftCapacity"); if (fMaxCraft < 1 || fMaxCraft > 3) { fMaxCraft = 2; } int iNumberCraft = NumberCraftHangared(selectedFacility); if (iNumberCraft < (int)fMaxCraft) { HangarCraft(vVessel, selectedFacility, (int)fMaxCraft); } else { MiscUtils.HUDMessage("This facility is full. Max craft: " + fMaxCraft.ToString("#0"), 10, 3); } } } } if (!bNearbyCraft) { GUILayout.Label("There are no craft close enough to store in this facility.", LabelInfo); } GUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); } /* if (sFacilityType == "RocketAssembly" || sFacilityType == "PlaneAssembly" || sFacilityType == "CraftAssembly") * { * string sProducing = (string)selectedFacility.getSetting("Producing"); * * if (sProducing == null || sProducing == "") * { * sProducing = "None"; * selectedFacility.setSetting("Producing", "None"); * PersistenceUtils.saveStaticPersistence(selectedFacility); * } * * if (GUILayout.Button("Construct a Craft", ButtonSmallText, GUILayout.Height(20))) * { * if (sProducing != "None") * MiscUtils.HUDMessage("Only one craft can be constructed at a time.", 10, * 3); * } * * GUILayout.Space(3); * if (sProducing == "None") * GUILayout.Label("No craft currently under construction in this facility.", LabelInfo); * else * { * GUILayout.Label("Craft Under Construction: ", LabelInfo); * * // TO DO List of craft * GUILayout.Label("Cost of Construction: X Funds / X Materials", LabelInfo); * GUILayout.Label("Total Construction Time: X hours", LabelInfo); * GUILayout.Label("Time to Completion: X hours", LabelInfo); * if (GUILayout.Button("Assign a Kerbonaut Engineer", ButtonSmallText, GUILayout.Height(20))) * { } * } * * if (GUILayout.Button("Upgrade Production", ButtonSmallText, GUILayout.Height(20))) * { } * * float fAvailableMaterials; * * fAvailableMaterials = (float)selectedFacility.getSetting("PrOreCurrent"); * * GUILayout.Space(3); * GUILayout.Label("Available Materials (Processed Ore): " + fAvailableMaterials.ToString("#0.0"), LabelInfo); * } */ float fStaffing = 0; float fProductionRate = 0; float fLastCheck = 0; if (sFacilityType == "Research" || sFacilityType == "Business" || sFacilityType == "Mining" || sFacilityType == "RocketAssembly" || sFacilityType == "PlaneAssembly" || sFacilityType == "CraftAssembly") { // Check production since last check fStaffing = (float)selectedFacility.getSetting("StaffCurrent"); fProductionRate = (float)selectedFacility.getSetting("ProductionRateCurrent") * (fStaffing / 2f); if (fProductionRate < 0.01f) { float fDefaultRate = 0.01f; if (sFacilityType == "Business") { fDefaultRate = 0.10f; } if (sFacilityType == "Mining") { fDefaultRate = 0.05f; } selectedFacility.setSetting("ProductionRateCurrent", fDefaultRate); PersistenceUtils.saveStaticPersistence(selectedFacility); fProductionRate = fDefaultRate * (fStaffing / 2f); } fLastCheck = (float)selectedFacility.getSetting("LastCheck"); if (fLastCheck == 0) { fLastCheck = (float)Planetarium.GetUniversalTime(); selectedFacility.setSetting("LastCheck", fLastCheck); PersistenceUtils.saveStaticPersistence(selectedFacility); } } if (sFacilityType == "Research" || sFacilityType == "Business" || sFacilityType == "Mining") { string sProduces = ""; float fMax = 0f; float fCurrent = 0f; if (sFacilityType == "Research") { sProduces = "Science"; fMax = (float)selectedFacility.getSetting("ScienceOMax"); if (fMax < 1) { fMax = (float)selectedFacility.model.getSetting("DefaultScienceOMax"); if (fMax < 1) { fMax = 10f; } selectedFacility.setSetting("ScienceOMax", fMax); PersistenceUtils.saveStaticPersistence(selectedFacility); } fCurrent = (float)selectedFacility.getSetting("ScienceOCurrent"); } if (sFacilityType == "Business") { sProduces = "Funds"; fMax = (float)selectedFacility.getSetting("FundsOMax"); if (fMax < 1) { fMax = (float)selectedFacility.model.getSetting("DefaultFundsOMax"); if (fMax < 1) { fMax = 10000f; } selectedFacility.setSetting("FundsOMax", fMax); PersistenceUtils.saveStaticPersistence(selectedFacility); } fCurrent = (float)selectedFacility.getSetting("FundsOCurrent"); } if (sFacilityType == "Mining") { sProduces = "Ore"; fMax = (float)selectedFacility.model.getSetting("OreMax"); if (fMax < 1) { fMax = 500f; } fCurrent = (float)selectedFacility.getSetting("OreCurrent"); } double dTime = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime(); // Deal with revert exploits if (fLastCheck > (float)dTime) { selectedFacility.setSetting("LastCheck", (float)dTime); PersistenceUtils.saveStaticPersistence(selectedFacility); } if ((float)dTime - fLastCheck > 43200) { float fDays = (((float)dTime - fLastCheck) / 43200); float fProduced = fDays * fProductionRate; fCurrent = fCurrent + fProduced; if (fCurrent > fMax) { fCurrent = fMax; } if (sFacilityType == "Research") { selectedFacility.setSetting("ScienceOCurrent", fCurrent); } if (sFacilityType == "Business") { selectedFacility.setSetting("FundsOCurrent", fCurrent); } if (sFacilityType == "Mining") { selectedFacility.setSetting("OreCurrent", fCurrent); } selectedFacility.setSetting("LastCheck", (float)dTime); PersistenceUtils.saveStaticPersistence(selectedFacility); } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Produces: " + sProduces, LabelInfo); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.Label("Current: " + fCurrent.ToString("#0") + " | Max: " + fMax.ToString("#0"), LabelInfo); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); //if (GUILayout.Button("Upgrade Max Capacity", ButtonSmallText, GUILayout.Height(20))) //{ } if (sFacilityType == "Research") { if (GUILayout.Button("Transfer Science to KSC R&D", ButtonSmallText, GUILayout.Height(20))) { ResearchAndDevelopment.Instance.AddScience(fCurrent, TransactionReasons.Cheating); selectedFacility.setSetting("ScienceOCurrent", 0f); PersistenceUtils.saveStaticPersistence(selectedFacility); } /* GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); * { * if (GUILayout.Button("Assign a Special Project", ButtonSmallText, GUILayout.Height(20))) * { } * if (GUILayout.Button("Deliver Research Materials", ButtonSmallText, GUILayout.Height(20))) * { } * } * GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); * if (GUILayout.Button("Assign a Kerbonaut Scientist", ButtonSmallText, GUILayout.Height(20))) * { } */ } if (sFacilityType == "Business") { if (GUILayout.Button("Transfer Funds to KSC Account", ButtonSmallText, GUILayout.Height(20))) { Funding.Instance.AddFunds((double)fCurrent, TransactionReasons.Cheating); selectedFacility.setSetting("FundsOCurrent", 0f); PersistenceUtils.saveStaticPersistence(selectedFacility); } } /* if (sFacilityType == "Mining") * { * if (GUILayout.Button("Transfer Ore to/from Craft", ButtonSmallText, GUILayout.Height(20))) * { * if (bTransferOreToC) bTransferOreToC = false; * else bTransferOreToC = true; * } * * if (bTransferOreToC) * { * // Ore transfer to craft GUI * GUILayout.Label("Select Craft & Container", LabelInfo); * scrollOreTransfer = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollOreTransfer); * GUILayout.Label("Select Craft & Container", LabelInfo); * GUILayout.Label("Select Craft & Container", LabelInfo); * GUILayout.Label("Select Craft & Container", LabelInfo); * GUILayout.EndScrollView(); * GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); * if (GUILayout.Button("Into Craft", GUILayout.Height(23))) * { * * } * if (GUILayout.Button("Out of Craft", GUILayout.Height(23))) * { * * } * GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); * GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); * GUILayout.Label("Amount: ", LabelInfo); * sOreTransferAmount = GUILayout.TextField(sOreTransferAmount, 7, GUILayout.Width(120)); * if (GUILayout.Button("Max", GUILayout.Height(23))) * { * * } * GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); * if (GUILayout.Button("Proceed", GUILayout.Height(23))) * { * * } * * GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); * } * * if (GUILayout.Button("Transfer Ore to Facility", ButtonSmallText, GUILayout.Height(20))) * { * if (bTransferOreToF) bTransferOreToF = false; * else bTransferOreToF = true; * * } * * if (bTransferOreToF) * { * // Ore transfer to Facility GUI * GUILayout.Label("Select Destination Facility", LabelInfo); * scrollOreTransfer2 = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollOreTransfer2); * GUILayout.Label("Select Destination Facility", LabelInfo); * GUILayout.Label("Select Destination Facility", LabelInfo); * GUILayout.Label("Select Destination Facility", LabelInfo); * GUILayout.EndScrollView(); * * GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); * GUILayout.Label("Amount: ", LabelInfo); * sOreTransferAmount = GUILayout.TextField(sOreTransferAmount, 7, GUILayout.Width(120)); * if (GUILayout.Button("Max", GUILayout.Height(23))) * { * * } * GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); * GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); * GUILayout.Label("Transfer Cost: X Funds"); * if (GUILayout.Button("Proceed", GUILayout.Height(23))) * { * * } * GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); * GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); * } * * if (GUILayout.Button("Assign a Kerbonaut Engineer", ButtonSmallText, GUILayout.Height(20))) * { } * } */ GUILayout.Space(5); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { GUILayout.Label("Production Rate: Up to " + fProductionRate.ToString("#0.00") + " per 12 hrs", LabelInfo); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); //if (GUILayout.Button(" Upgrade ", ButtonSmallText, GUILayout.Height(20))) //{ } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(3); } fLqFMax = (float)selectedFacility.model.getSetting("LqFMax"); fOxFMax = (float)selectedFacility.model.getSetting("OxFMax"); fMoFMax = (float)selectedFacility.model.getSetting("MoFMax"); if (fLqFMax > 0 || fOxFMax > 0 || fMoFMax > 0) { FuelTanksGUI.FuelTanksInterface(selectedFacility); } GUI.enabled = true; GUILayout.Space(2); GUILayout.Box(tHorizontalSep, BoxNoBorder, GUILayout.Height(4)); GUILayout.Space(2); GUI.enabled = isOpen2; StaffGUI.StaffingInterface(selectedFacility); GUI.enabled = true; } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.Box(tHorizontalSep, BoxNoBorder, GUILayout.Height(4)); GUILayout.Space(3); GUI.DragWindow(new Rect(0, 0, 10000, 10000)); }
void drawFacilityManagerWindow(int windowID) { DeadButton = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.button); DeadButton.normal.background = null; DeadButton.hover.background = null; DeadButton.active.background = null; DeadButton.focused.background = null; DeadButton.normal.textColor = Color.white; DeadButton.hover.textColor = Color.white; DeadButton.active.textColor = Color.white; DeadButton.focused.textColor = Color.white; DeadButton.fontSize = 14; DeadButton.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; DeadButtonRed = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.button); DeadButtonRed.normal.background = null; DeadButtonRed.hover.background = null; DeadButtonRed.active.background = null; DeadButtonRed.focused.background = null; DeadButtonRed.normal.textColor = Color.red; DeadButtonRed.hover.textColor = Color.yellow; DeadButtonRed.active.textColor = Color.red; DeadButtonRed.focused.textColor = Color.red; DeadButtonRed.fontSize = 12; DeadButtonRed.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; BoxNoBorder = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.box); BoxNoBorder.normal.background = null; BoxNoBorder.normal.textColor = Color.white; Yellowtext = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.box); Yellowtext.normal.textColor = Color.yellow; Yellowtext.normal.background = null; LabelInfo = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.label); LabelInfo.normal.background = null; LabelInfo.normal.textColor = Color.white; LabelInfo.fontSize = 13; LabelInfo.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; LabelInfo.padding.left = 3; LabelInfo.padding.top = 0; LabelInfo.padding.bottom = 0; ButtonSmallText = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.button); ButtonSmallText.fontSize = 12; ButtonSmallText.fontStyle = FontStyle.Normal; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { GUI.enabled = false; GUILayout.Button("-KK-", DeadButton, GUILayout.Height(16)); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.Button("Facility Manager", DeadButton, GUILayout.Height(16)); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUI.enabled = true; if (GUILayout.Button("X", DeadButtonRed, GUILayout.Height(16))) { selectedFacility = null; this.Close(); return; } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(1); GUILayout.Box(tHorizontalSep, BoxNoBorder, GUILayout.Height(4)); GUILayout.Space(2); if (selectedFacility != null) { sFacilityType = (string)selectedFacility.FacilityType; if (sFacilityType == "GroundStation") { sFacilityName = "Ground Station"; bHalfwindow = true; } else { sFacilityName = selectedFacility.model.title; } GUILayout.Box("" + sFacilityName, Yellowtext); GUILayout.Space(5); fAlt = selectedFacility.RadiusOffset; objectPos = KerbalKonstructs.instance.getCurrentBody().transform.InverseTransformPoint(selectedFacility.gameObject.transform.position); //dObjectLat = NavUtils.GetLatitude(ObjectPos); //dObjectLon = NavUtils.GetLongitude(ObjectPos); //disObjectLat = dObjectLat * 180 / Math.PI; //disObjectLon = dObjectLon * 180 / Math.PI; disObjectLat = KKMath.GetLatitudeInDeg(objectPos); disObjectLon = KKMath.GetLongitudeInDeg(objectPos); if (disObjectLon < 0) { disObjectLon = disObjectLon + 360; } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { GUILayout.Space(5); GUILayout.Label("Alt. " + fAlt.ToString("#0.0") + "m", LabelInfo); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.Label("Lat. " + disObjectLat.ToString("#0.000"), LabelInfo); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.Label("Lon. " + disObjectLon.ToString("#0.000"), LabelInfo); GUILayout.Space(5); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(5); string sPurpose = ""; if (sFacilityType == "Hangar") { sPurpose = "Craft can be stored in this building for launching from the base at a later date. The building has limited space."; bHalfwindow = true; } else if (sFacilityType == "Barracks") { sPurpose = "This facility provides a temporary home for base-staff. Other facilities can draw staff from the pool available at this facility."; bHalfwindow = true; } else if (sFacilityType == "RadarStation") { sPurpose = "This facility tracks craft in the planet's atmosphere at a limited range. It provides bonuses for recovery operations by the nearest open base."; bHalfwindow = true; } else if (sFacilityType == "Research") { sPurpose = "This facility carries out research and generates Science."; bHalfwindow = true; } else if (sFacilityType == "Business") { sPurpose = "This facility carries out business related to the space program in order to generate Funds."; bHalfwindow = true; } else if (sFacilityType == "TrackingStation") { sPurpose = "Thís Facility can be a GroundStation for RemoteTech/CommNet"; bHalfwindow = true; } else if (sFacilityType == "FuelTanks") { sPurpose = "This facility stores fuel for craft."; bHalfwindow = false; } GUILayout.Label(sPurpose, LabelInfo); GUILayout.Space(2); GUILayout.Box(tHorizontalSep, BoxNoBorder, GUILayout.Height(4)); GUILayout.Space(3); SharedInterfaces.OpenCloseFacility(selectedFacility); isOpen2 = selectedFacility.myFacilities[0].isOpen; GUILayout.Space(2); GUILayout.Box(tHorizontalSep, BoxNoBorder, GUILayout.Height(4)); GUILayout.Space(3); GUI.enabled = isOpen2; if (sFacilityType == "GroundStation") { TrackingStationGUI.TrackingInterface(selectedFacility); } if (sFacilityType == "Hangar") { HangarGUI.HangarInterface(selectedFacility); } if (sFacilityType == "Research" || sFacilityType == "Business") { ProductionGUI.ProductionInterface(selectedFacility, sFacilityType); } fLqFMax = selectedFacility.model.LqFMax; fOxFMax = selectedFacility.model.OxFMax; fMoFMax = selectedFacility.model.MoFMax; if (fLqFMax > 0 || fOxFMax > 0 || fMoFMax > 0 || sFacilityType == "FuelTanks") { FuelTanksGUI.FuelTanksInterface(selectedFacility); } GUI.enabled = true; GUILayout.Space(2); GUILayout.Box(tHorizontalSep, BoxNoBorder, GUILayout.Height(4)); GUILayout.Space(2); GUI.enabled = isOpen2; StaffGUI.StaffingInterface(selectedFacility); GUI.enabled = true; } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.Box(tHorizontalSep, BoxNoBorder, GUILayout.Height(4)); GUILayout.Space(3); GUI.DragWindow(new Rect(0, 0, 10000, 10000)); }