예제 #1
        public static Vector2 GetVelocity(SteeringAgent2D agent, Vector2 targetPoint, float slowingDistance = 1f)
            if (slowingDistance < 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The slowing distance can't be negative.");

            //var toTarget = targetPoint - agent.Rigidbody2D.position;
            //var distance = toTarget.magnitude;

            //if (distance <= 0) {
            //    return new Vector2(0, 0);
            //} else {
            //    var rampedSpeed = agent.MaxSpeed * (distance / slowingDistance);
            //    var clippedSpeed = Mathf.Min(rampedSpeed, agent.MaxSpeed);
            //    Vector2 desiredVelocity = (clippedSpeed / distance) * toTarget;
            //    return (desiredVelocity - agent.Rigidbody2D.velocity);

            var toTarget = targetPoint - agent.Rigidbody2D.position;

            if (toTarget.magnitude <= 0)
                return(new Vector2(0, 0));
                return((Mathf.Min(agent.MaxSpeed * (toTarget.magnitude / slowingDistance), agent.MaxSpeed) / toTarget.magnitude) * toTarget - agent.Rigidbody2D.velocity);
예제 #2
        public static Vector2 GetVelocity(SteeringAgent2D agent, float feelerLength)
            var feelers = CreateFeelers(agent, feelerLength);

            Vector2 steeringForce = Vector2.zero;

            foreach (var feeler in feelers)
                int     currentWallIndex = 0;
                int     closestWallIndex = -1;
                float   distToThisIP     = 0f;
                float   distToClosestIP  = float.MaxValue;
                Vector2 point            = Vector2.zero;
                Vector2 closestIP        = Vector2.zero;

                Vector2 feelerSteeringForce = Vector2.zero;

                foreach (var wall in World2D.Instance.Walls)
                    try {
                        Vector2 feelerFrom = agent.transform.position;
                        Vector2 feelerTo   = feeler;
                        //if (MathfExtensions.SegmentIntersection2D(feelerFrom, feelerTo, wall.From, wall.To, out distToThisIP, out point)) {
                        if (MathfExtensions.LineSegementsIntersect(feelerFrom, feelerTo, wall.From, wall.To, out point))
                            distToThisIP = (feelerFrom - point).magnitude;
                            if (distToThisIP < distToClosestIP)
                                distToClosestIP  = distToThisIP;
                                closestWallIndex = currentWallIndex;
                                closestIP        = point;
                    } catch {
                        //Do nothing
                } //Next wall

                if (closestWallIndex >= 0)
                    Vector2 overShoot       = (feeler - closestIP) * agent.Rigidbody2D.velocity.magnitude;
                    var     closestWall     = World2D.Instance.Walls[closestWallIndex];
                    var     feelerDirection = feeler - agent.Rigidbody2D.position;
                    if (Vector2.Angle(feelerDirection, closestWall.Normal) > 90)
                        feelerSteeringForce = closestWall.Normal * overShoot.magnitude;
                        feelerSteeringForce = closestWall.InverseNormal * overShoot.magnitude;

                steeringForce += feelerSteeringForce;
            } //Next feeler

예제 #3
        public static Vector2 GetVelocity(SteeringAgent2D agent, IEnumerable <SteeringAgent2D> neighbors)
            Vector2 centerOfMass = Vector2.zero, steeringForce = Vector2.zero;

            foreach (var neighbor in neighbors)
                if (neighbor == agent)
                if (agent.TargetAgents.Contains(neighbor))
                    continue;                                        //Ignore the target of evasion or pursue
                centerOfMass += neighbor.Rigidbody2D.position;

            int neighborCount = neighbors.Count();

            if (neighborCount > 0)
                centerOfMass /= (float)neighborCount;
                steeringForce = Seek2D.GetVelocity(agent, centerOfMass);

예제 #4
        public static Vector2 GetVelocity(SteeringAgent2D agent, SteeringAgent2D target, float hidingDistanceFromObstacle, float slowingDistance = 1f, float panicDistance = -1)
            if (panicDistance > 0)
                var sqrDistance = (agent.Rigidbody2D.position - target.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().position).magnitude;
                if (sqrDistance > panicDistance)

            float   distToClosest  = float.MaxValue;
            Vector2 bestHidingSpot = Vector2.zero;

            foreach (var obstacle in World2D.Instance.Obstacles)
                var hidingSpot = GetHidingPosition(obstacle.transform.position, obstacle.radius, target.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().position, hidingDistanceFromObstacle);
                var dist       = (hidingSpot - agent.Rigidbody2D.position).magnitude;
                if (dist < distToClosest)
                    distToClosest  = dist;
                    bestHidingSpot = hidingSpot;

            if (distToClosest == float.MaxValue)
                return(Evade2D.GetVelocity(agent, target));

            return(Arrive2D.GetVelocity(agent, bestHidingSpot, slowingDistance));
예제 #5
        public static float TurnaroundTime(SteeringAgent2D agent, Vector2 targetPos, float turnCoefficient)
            Vector2 toTarget = (targetPos - agent.Rigidbody2D.position).normalized;
            var     dot      = Vector2.Dot(agent.Heading, toTarget);

            return((dot - 1) * -turnCoefficient);
예제 #6
        public static Vector2 GetVelocity(SteeringAgent2D agent, SteeringAgent2D evader, float turnCoefficient = 0f)
            if (evader == null)

            var   toEvader        = evader.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().position - agent.Rigidbody2D.position;
            float relativeHeading = Vector2.Dot(agent.Heading, evader.transform.up);

            if ((Vector2.Dot(toEvader, agent.transform.up) > 0) &&
                relativeHeading < -0.95)   //acos(0.95) = 18 degs
                return(Seek2D.GetVelocity(agent, evader.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().position));

            //Not considered ahead so we predict where the evader will be
            float lookAheadTime = toEvader.magnitude / (agent.MaxSpeed + evader.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity.magnitude);

            if (turnCoefficient != 0)
                lookAheadTime += TurnaroundTime(agent, evader.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().position, turnCoefficient);

            return(Seek2D.GetVelocity(agent, evader.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().position + evader.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity *lookAheadTime));
예제 #7
        public static Vector2 GetVelocity(SteeringAgent2D agent, SteeringAgent2D target, Vector2 offset, float slowingDistance = 1f)
            Vector2 worldOffsetPos = target.transform.TransformPoint(offset);
            Vector2 toOffset       = worldOffsetPos - agent.Rigidbody2D.position;
            float   lookAheadTime  = toOffset.magnitude / (agent.MaxSpeed + target.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity.magnitude);

            return(Arrive2D.GetVelocity(agent, worldOffsetPos + target.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity *lookAheadTime, slowingDistance));
예제 #8
        static Vector2[] CreateFeelers(SteeringAgent2D agent, float feelerLength)
            var feelers = new Vector2[3];

            feelers[0] = agent.transform.TransformPoint(Vector2.up * feelerLength);
            feelers[1] = agent.transform.TransformPoint(Quaternion.AngleAxis(-SIDE_FEELER_ANGLE, Vector3.back) * Vector2.up * feelerLength * SIDE_FEELER_PROPORTION);
            feelers[2] = agent.transform.TransformPoint(Quaternion.AngleAxis(SIDE_FEELER_ANGLE, Vector3.back) * Vector2.up * feelerLength * SIDE_FEELER_PROPORTION);
예제 #9
        public static Vector2 GetVelocity(SteeringAgent2D agent, Vector2 targetPoint, float panicDistance = -1)
            if (panicDistance > 0 && (targetPoint - agent.Rigidbody2D.position).sqrMagnitude > panicDistance * panicDistance)
                return(new Vector2(0, 0));

            Vector2 desiredVelocity = (agent.Rigidbody2D.position - targetPoint).normalized * agent.MaxSpeed;

            return(desiredVelocity - agent.Rigidbody2D.velocity);
예제 #10
        public void UpdateEntity(SteeringAgent2D entity, Vector2 previousPosition)
            Vector2 currentPosition = entity.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().position;

            int prevIndex = IndexFromPosition(previousPosition);
            int curIndex  = IndexFromPosition(currentPosition);

            if (prevIndex != curIndex)
예제 #11
        public static Vector2 GetVelocity(SteeringAgent2D agent, SteeringAgent2D pursuer, float panicDistance = -1)
            if (pursuer == null)
            var toPursuer = pursuer.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().position - agent.Rigidbody2D.position;

            if (panicDistance != -1 && toPursuer.sqrMagnitude > panicDistance * panicDistance)

            //Not considered ahead so we predict where the evader will be
            float lookAheadTime = toPursuer.magnitude / (agent.MaxSpeed + pursuer.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity.magnitude);

            return(Flee2D.GetVelocity(agent, pursuer.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().position + pursuer.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity *lookAheadTime));
        public static Vector2 GetVelocity(SteeringAgent2D agent, IEnumerable <SteeringAgent2D> neighbors)
            Vector2 steeringForce = Vector2.zero;

            foreach (var neighbor in neighbors)
                if (neighbor == agent)
                if (agent.TargetAgents.Contains(neighbor))
                    continue;                                        //Ignore the target of evasion or pursue
                var toAgent = agent.Rigidbody2D.position - neighbor.Rigidbody2D.position;
                steeringForce += toAgent.normalized * (agent.NeighborRadius / 8) / toAgent.magnitude;

        public static Vector2 GetVelocity(SteeringAgent2D thisAgent, SteeringAgent2D agentA, SteeringAgent2D agentB, float slowingDistance = 1f)
            if (agentA == null || agentB == null)
            if (slowingDistance < 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The slowing distance can't be negative.");

            Vector2 midPoint = (agentA.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().position + agentB.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().position) / 2;

            float timeToReachMidPoint = (thisAgent.Rigidbody2D.position - midPoint).magnitude / thisAgent.MaxSpeed;

            //Position in the future
            Vector2 AFuturePos = agentA.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().position + agentA.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity *timeToReachMidPoint;
            Vector2 BFuturePos = agentB.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().position + agentB.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity *timeToReachMidPoint;

            midPoint = (AFuturePos + BFuturePos) / 2;

            return(Arrive2D.GetVelocity(thisAgent, midPoint, slowingDistance));
예제 #14
        public static Vector2 GetVelocity(SteeringAgent2D agent, NavMesh2D navMesh, float waypointSeekDistance = 0.5f)
            if (navMesh == null || !navMesh.CurrentWaypoint.HasValue)

            var currentWaypoint = navMesh.CurrentWaypoint.Value;

            if ((agent.Rigidbody2D.position - currentWaypoint).magnitude < waypointSeekDistance)

            if (!navMesh.IsFinished())
                return(Seek2D.GetVelocity(agent, navMesh.CurrentWaypoint.Value));
                return(Arrive2D.GetVelocity(agent, navMesh.CurrentWaypoint.Value, 2f));
        public static Vector2 GetVelocity(SteeringAgent2D agent, IEnumerable <SteeringAgent2D> neighbors)
            Vector2 avgHeading = Vector2.zero;

            foreach (var neighbor in neighbors)
                if (neighbor == agent)
                    continue;                    //Ignore the same agent
                if (agent.TargetAgents.Contains(neighbor))
                    continue;                                        //Ignore the target of evasion or pursue
                avgHeading += neighbor.Heading;

            if (neighbors.Count() > 0)
                avgHeading = avgHeading / (float)agent.Neighbors.Count() - agent.Heading;

 void Awake()
     agent = GetComponent <SteeringAgent2D>();
예제 #17
        public void AddEntity(SteeringAgent2D entity)
            int index = IndexFromPosition(entity.transform.position);

        public static Vector2 GetVelocity(SteeringAgent2D agent, List <CircleCollider2D> obstacles, float minDetectionBoxLength = 1)
            var boxLength = minDetectionBoxLength +
                            (agent.Rigidbody2D.velocity.magnitude / agent.MaxSpeed) *

            var candidates = obstacles.Where(o => (o.transform.position - agent.transform.position).magnitude < boxLength);
            CircleCollider2D closestIntersectingObstacle = null;
            float            distanceToClosestIO         = float.MaxValue;
            Vector2          localPosOfClosestObstacle   = Vector2.zero;

            foreach (var obstacle in candidates)
                Vector2 localPos = agent.transform.InverseTransformPoint(obstacle.transform.position);

                //If y is negative, then they are behind us, and not important
                if (localPos.y >= 0)
                    float expandedRadius = obstacle.radius + agent.Radius;

                    if (Mathf.Abs(localPos.x) < expandedRadius)
                        float cX = localPos.x;
                        float cY = localPos.y;

                        float sqrtPart = Mathf.Sqrt(expandedRadius * expandedRadius - cX * cX);
                        float ip       = cY - sqrtPart;

                        if (ip <= 0)
                            ip = cY + sqrtPart;

                        if (ip < distanceToClosestIO)
                            distanceToClosestIO         = ip;
                            closestIntersectingObstacle = obstacle;
                            localPosOfClosestObstacle   = localPos;

            Vector2 steering = Vector2.zero;

            if (closestIntersectingObstacle != null)
                //float multiplier = 1f + (boxLength - localPosOfClosestObstacle.y) / boxLength;
                //steering.x = (closestIntersectingObstacle.radius - Mathf.Abs(localPosOfClosestObstacle.x)) * multiplier * -Mathf.Sign(localPosOfClosestObstacle.x);
                //const float BRAKING_WEIGHT = 0.2f;
                //steering.y = (closestIntersectingObstacle.radius - localPosOfClosestObstacle.y) * BRAKING_WEIGHT;
                //steering = agent.transform.TransformDirection(steering);

                //var ahead = agent.rigidbody2D.velocity.normalized * distanceToClosestIO;
                //var avoidance = ahead - (Vector2)(closestIntersectingObstacle.transform.position - agent.transform.position);
                //steering = avoidance.normalized * agent.MaxForce;

                //TODO -> Implement better version
                steering = -new Vector2(localPosOfClosestObstacle.x * 4, localPosOfClosestObstacle.y / 2);
                if (localPosOfClosestObstacle.magnitude > closestIntersectingObstacle.radius)
                    steering = steering.normalized * agent.MaxForce / distanceToClosestIO;

                steering = agent.transform.TransformDirection(steering);

                Debug.DrawLine(closestIntersectingObstacle.transform.position, (Vector2)closestIntersectingObstacle.transform.position + steering, Color.yellow);

예제 #19
 public static Vector2 GetVelocity(SteeringAgent2D agent, Vector2 targetPoint)
     //Vector2 desiredVelocity = (targetPoint - agent.Rigidbody2D.position).normalized * agent.MaxSpeed;
     //return (desiredVelocity - agent.Rigidbody2D.velocity);
     return((targetPoint - agent.Rigidbody2D.position).normalized * agent.MaxSpeed - agent.Rigidbody2D.velocity);