/// <summary> /// Event handler that will search the recipe list for recipe objects whose title contains the query found in the recipe search text box. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> /// private void Search() { string query = TextBox_ByRecipeSearch.Text.ToLower(); RecipeBook book = RecipeBook.Instance; if (!query.Equals("search by recipe") || (bool)TagSearchVisibilityCheckBox.IsChecked) { List <Tag> tags = new List <Tag>(); if ((bool)TagSearchVisibilityCheckBox.IsChecked) { foreach (Tag t in TagListBox.SelectedItems) { tags.Add(t); } } if (query == "search by recipe") { query = ""; } ListBox_EditRecipe.ItemsSource = book.RecipeSearchController(query, tags); } else { ListBox_EditRecipe.ItemsSource = book.Recipes; } }
public SearchIngredient() { InitializeComponent(); TextBoxOptions(); RecipeBook book = RecipeBook.Instance; ListBox_SearchIngredient.ItemsSource = book.Recipes; ListBox_IngredientList.DataContext = Pantry.Ingredients; ListBox_IngredientList.ItemsSource = Pantry.Ingredients; }
public SearchRecipe() { InitializeComponent(); TextBoxOptions(); RecipeBook book = RecipeBook.Instance; //ListRecipes(book.Recipes); TagListBox.ItemsSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Tag)); ListBox_EditRecipe.ItemsSource = book.Recipes; ListBox_PantryList.ItemsSource = Pantry.Ingredients; }
private void Window_Closing(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e) { RecipeBook book = RecipeBook.Instance; book.SaveRecipes(); }
private void Application_Startup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e) { Pantry.ReadIngredientsFromFile(); RecipeBook book = RecipeBook.Instance; }