private void GeneratePassword(Request r, Response resp, Aes aes) { if (!VerifyRequest(r, aes)) { return; } byte[] pbEntropy = null; ProtectedString psNew; PwProfile autoProfile = Program.Config.PasswordGenerator.AutoGeneratedPasswordsProfile; PwGenerator.Generate(out psNew, autoProfile, pbEntropy, Program.PwGeneratorPool); byte[] pbNew = psNew.ReadUtf8(); if (pbNew != null) { uint uBits = QualityEstimation.EstimatePasswordBits(pbNew); ResponseEntry item = new ResponseEntry(Request.GENERATE_PASSWORD, uBits.ToString(), StrUtil.Utf8.GetString(pbNew), Request.GENERATE_PASSWORD, null); resp.Entries.Add(item); resp.Success = true; resp.Count = 1; MemUtil.ZeroByteArray(pbNew); } resp.Id = r.Id; SetResponseVerifier(resp, aes); foreach (var entry in resp.Entries) { entry.Name = CryptoTransform(entry.Name, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); entry.Login = CryptoTransform(entry.Login, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); entry.Uuid = CryptoTransform(entry.Uuid, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); entry.Password = CryptoTransform(entry.Password, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); } }
private void GetAllLoginsHandler(Request r, Response resp, Aes aes) { if (!VerifyRequest(r, aes)) { return; } var list = new PwObjectList <PwEntry>(); var root = host.Database.RootGroup; var parms = MakeSearchParameters(); parms.SearchString = @"^[A-Za-z0-9:/-]+\.[A-Za-z0-9:/-]+$"; // match anything looking like a domain or url root.SearchEntries(parms, list); foreach (var entry in list) { var name = entry.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.TitleField); var login = GetUserPass(entry)[0]; var uuid = entry.Uuid.ToHexString(); var e = new ResponseEntry(name, login, null, uuid, null); resp.Entries.Add(e); } resp.Success = true; resp.Id = r.Id; SetResponseVerifier(resp, aes); foreach (var entry in resp.Entries) { entry.Name = CryptoTransform(entry.Name, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); entry.Login = CryptoTransform(entry.Login, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); entry.Uuid = CryptoTransform(entry.Uuid, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); } }
private void GetAllLoginsHandler(Request r, Response resp, Aes aes) { if (!VerifyRequest(r, aes)) { return; } var root = host.Database.RootGroup; var list = root.GetEntries(true); foreach (var entry in list) { var name = entry.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.TitleField); var login = GetUserPass(entry)[0]; var password = GetUserPass(entry)[1]; var uuid = entry.Uuid.ToHexString(); var group = new ResponseGroupField(entry.ParentGroup.GetFullPath("/", true), entry.ParentGroup.Uuid.ToHexString()); var e = new ResponseEntry(name, login, password, uuid, group, null, IsEntryRecycled(entry)); resp.Entries.Add(e); } resp.Success = true; resp.Id = r.Id; SetResponseVerifier(resp, aes); foreach (var entry in resp.Entries) { entry.Name = CryptoTransform(entry.Name, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); entry.Login = CryptoTransform(entry.Login, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); entry.Password = CryptoTransform(entry.Password, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); entry.Uuid = CryptoTransform(entry.Uuid, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); entry.IsRecycled = CryptoTransform(entry.IsRecycled, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); entry.Group.Name = CryptoTransform(entry.Group.Name, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); entry.Group.Uuid = CryptoTransform(entry.Group.Uuid, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); } }
private void GeneratePassword(Request r, Response resp, Aes aes) { if (!VerifyRequest(r, aes)) { return; } byte[] pbEntropy = null; ProtectedString psNew = null; if (r.PasswordType == PasswordGeneratorType.DEFAULT) { PwProfile autoProfile = new PwProfile(); PwGenerator.Generate(out psNew, autoProfile, pbEntropy, Program.PwGeneratorPool); } else if (r.PasswordType == PasswordGeneratorType.PATTERN) { PwProfile patternProfile = new PwProfile(); patternProfile.Pattern = r.PasswordPattern; patternProfile.PatternPermutePassword = true; patternProfile.GeneratorType = KeePassLib.Cryptography.PasswordGenerator.PasswordGeneratorType.Pattern; PwGenerator.Generate(out psNew, patternProfile, pbEntropy, Program.PwGeneratorPool); } else { // TODO finish this } byte[] pbNew = psNew.ReadUtf8(); if (pbNew != null) { uint uBits = QualityEstimation.EstimatePasswordBits(pbNew); ResponseEntry item = new ResponseEntry(Request.GENERATE_PASSWORD, uBits.ToString(), StrUtil.Utf8.GetString(pbNew), Request.GENERATE_PASSWORD, null); resp.Entries.Add(item); resp.Success = true; resp.Count = 1; MemUtil.ZeroByteArray(pbNew); } resp.Id = r.Id; SetResponseVerifier(resp, aes); foreach (var entry in resp.Entries) { entry.Name = CryptoTransform(entry.Name, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); entry.Login = CryptoTransform(entry.Login, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); entry.Uuid = CryptoTransform(entry.Uuid, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); entry.Password = CryptoTransform(entry.Password, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); } }
private void GetLoginsHandler(Request r, Response resp, Aes aes) { if (!VerifyRequest(r, aes)) return; string submithost = null; var host = GetHost(CryptoTransform(r.Url, true, false, aes, CMode.DECRYPT)); if (r.SubmitUrl != null) submithost = GetHost(CryptoTransform(r.SubmitUrl, true, false, aes, CMode.DECRYPT)); var items = FindMatchingEntries(r, aes); if (items.ToList().Count > 0) { Func<PwEntry, bool> filter = delegate(PwEntry e) { var c = GetEntryConfig(e); var title = e.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.TitleField); var entryUrl = e.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.UrlField); if (c != null) { return title != host && entryUrl != host && !c.Allow.Contains(host) || (submithost != null && !c.Allow.Contains(submithost) && submithost != title && submithost != entryUrl); } return title != host && entryUrl != host || (submithost != null && title != submithost && entryUrl != submithost); }; var configOpt = new ConfigOpt(; var config = GetConfigEntry(true); var autoAllowS = config.Strings.ReadSafe("Auto Allow"); var autoAllow = autoAllowS != null && autoAllowS.Trim() != ""; autoAllow = autoAllow || configOpt.AlwaysAllowAccess; var needPrompting = from e in items where filter(e.entry) select e; if (needPrompting.ToList().Count > 0 && !autoAllow) { var clicked = true; if (canShowBalloonTips()) { clicked = false; var wait = new ManualResetEvent(false); var delegated = false; EventHandler onclick = delegate { delegated = true; clicked = true; wait.Set(); }; EventHandler onclose = delegate { delegated = true; wait.Set(); }; ShowNotification(String.Format( "{0}: {1} is requesting access, click to allow or deny", r.Id, submithost != null ? submithost : host), onclick, onclose); wait.WaitOne(GetNotificationTime() + 5000); // give a little time to fade if (!delegated) resp.Error = "Notification bubble did not appear"; } if (clicked) { var win =; using (var f = new AccessControlForm()) { win.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { f.Icon = win.Icon; f.Plugin = this; f.Entries = (from e in items where filter(e.entry) select e.entry).ToList(); //f.Entries = needPrompting.ToList(); f.Host = submithost != null ? submithost : host; f.Load += delegate { f.Activate(); }; f.ShowDialog(win); if (f.Remember && (f.Allowed || f.Denied)) { foreach (var e in needPrompting) { var c = GetEntryConfig(e.entry); if (c == null) c = new KeePassHttpEntryConfig(); var set = f.Allowed ? c.Allow : c.Deny; set.Add(host); if (submithost != null && submithost != host) set.Add(submithost); SetEntryConfig(e.entry, c); } } if (!f.Allowed) { items = items.Except(needPrompting); } }); } } else { items = items.Except(needPrompting); } } if (r.SortSelection == "true" || configOpt.SpecificMatchingOnly) { string sortHost = CryptoTransform(r.Url, true, false, aes, CMode.DECRYPT); if (sortHost.EndsWith("/")) sortHost = sortHost.Substring(0, sortHost.Length - 1); string sortSubmiturl = CryptoTransform(r.SubmitUrl, true, false, aes, CMode.DECRYPT); if (sortSubmiturl == null) sortSubmiturl = String.Copy(sortHost); if (sortSubmiturl.EndsWith("/")) sortSubmiturl = sortSubmiturl.Substring(0, sortSubmiturl.Length - 1); if (!sortSubmiturl.Contains("://")) sortSubmiturl = "http://" + sortSubmiturl; if (!sortHost.Contains("://")) sortHost = "http://" + sortHost; string sortBaseSubmiturl = String.Copy(sortSubmiturl); if (sortSubmiturl.LastIndexOf("/") > 7) { Uri sortBaseSubmithostURI = new Uri(sortSubmiturl); sortBaseSubmiturl = String.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}", sortBaseSubmithostURI.Scheme, Uri.SchemeDelimiter, sortBaseSubmithostURI.Authority, sortBaseSubmithostURI.AbsolutePath.Substring(0, sortBaseSubmithostURI.AbsolutePath.LastIndexOf("/"))); } sortSubmiturl = sortSubmiturl.ToLower(); sortHost = sortHost.ToLower(); sortBaseSubmiturl = sortBaseSubmiturl.ToLower(); foreach (var entryDatabase in items) { string entryUrl = String.Copy(entryDatabase.entry.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.UrlField)); if (entryUrl.EndsWith("/")) entryUrl = entryUrl.Substring(0, entryUrl.Length - 1); entryUrl = entryUrl.ToLower(); if (!entryUrl.Contains("://")) entryUrl = "http://" + entryUrl; string baseEntryUrl = String.Copy(entryUrl); if (baseEntryUrl.LastIndexOf("/") > 7) { Uri baseEntryUrlURI = new Uri(entryUrl); baseEntryUrl = String.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}", baseEntryUrlURI.Scheme, Uri.SchemeDelimiter, baseEntryUrlURI.Authority, baseEntryUrlURI.AbsolutePath.Substring(0, baseEntryUrlURI.AbsolutePath.LastIndexOf("/"))); } if (sortSubmiturl == entryUrl) entryDatabase.entry.UsageCount = 90; else if (sortSubmiturl.StartsWith(entryUrl) && sortHost != entryUrl && sortBaseSubmiturl != entryUrl) entryDatabase.entry.UsageCount = 80; else if (sortSubmiturl.StartsWith(baseEntryUrl) && sortHost != baseEntryUrl && sortBaseSubmiturl != baseEntryUrl) entryDatabase.entry.UsageCount = 70; else if (sortHost == entryUrl) entryDatabase.entry.UsageCount = 50; else if (sortBaseSubmiturl == entryUrl) entryDatabase.entry.UsageCount = 40; else if (entryUrl.StartsWith(sortSubmiturl)) entryDatabase.entry.UsageCount = 30; else if (entryUrl.StartsWith(sortBaseSubmiturl) && sortBaseSubmiturl != sortHost) entryDatabase.entry.UsageCount = 25; else if (sortSubmiturl.StartsWith(entryUrl)) entryDatabase.entry.UsageCount = 20; else if (sortSubmiturl.StartsWith(baseEntryUrl)) entryDatabase.entry.UsageCount = 15; else if (entryUrl.StartsWith(sortHost)) entryDatabase.entry.UsageCount = 10; else if (sortHost.StartsWith(entryUrl)) entryDatabase.entry.UsageCount = 5; else entryDatabase.entry.UsageCount = 1; } var items2 = from e in items orderby e.entry.UsageCount descending select e; items = items2; } if (configOpt.SpecificMatchingOnly) { ulong highestCount = 0; foreach (var entryDatabase in items) { if (highestCount == 0) { highestCount = entryDatabase.entry.UsageCount; } if (entryDatabase.entry.UsageCount == highestCount) { var name = entryDatabase.entry.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.TitleField); var loginpass = GetUserPass(entryDatabase); var login = loginpass[0]; var passwd = loginpass[1]; var uuid = entryDatabase.entry.Uuid.ToHexString(); var e = new ResponseEntry(name, login, passwd, uuid); resp.Entries.Add(e); } } } else { foreach (var entryDatabase in items) { var name = entryDatabase.entry.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.TitleField); var loginpass = GetUserPass(entryDatabase); var login = loginpass[0]; var passwd = loginpass[1]; var uuid = entryDatabase.entry.Uuid.ToHexString(); var e = new ResponseEntry(name, login, passwd, uuid); resp.Entries.Add(e); } } if (items.ToList().Count > 0) { var names = (from e in resp.Entries select e.Name).Distinct<string>(); var n = String.Join("\n ", names.ToArray<string>()); if (configOpt.ReceiveCredentialNotification) ShowNotification(String.Format("{0}: {1} is receiving credentials for:\n {2}", r.Id, host, n)); } resp.Success = true; resp.Id = r.Id; SetResponseVerifier(resp, aes); foreach (var entry in resp.Entries) { entry.Name = CryptoTransform(entry.Name, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); entry.Login = CryptoTransform(entry.Login, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); entry.Uuid = CryptoTransform(entry.Uuid, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); entry.Password = CryptoTransform(entry.Password, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); } resp.Count = resp.Entries.Count; } else { resp.Success = true; resp.Id = r.Id; SetResponseVerifier(resp, aes); } }
private void GetAllLoginsHandler(Request r, Response resp, Aes aes) { if (!VerifyRequest(r, aes)) return; var list = new PwObjectList<PwEntry>(); var root = host.Database.RootGroup; var parms = MakeSearchParameters(); parms.SearchString = @"^[A-Za-z0-9:/-]+\.[A-Za-z0-9:/-]+$"; // match anything looking like a domain or url root.SearchEntries(parms, list); foreach (var entry in list) { var name = entry.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.TitleField); var login = GetUserPass(entry)[0]; var uuid = entry.Uuid.ToHexString(); var e = new ResponseEntry(name, login, null, uuid); resp.Entries.Add(e); } resp.Success = true; resp.Id = r.Id; SetResponseVerifier(resp, aes); foreach (var entry in resp.Entries) { entry.Name = CryptoTransform(entry.Name, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); entry.Login = CryptoTransform(entry.Login, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); entry.Uuid = CryptoTransform(entry.Uuid, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); } }
private void GeneratePassword(Request r, Response resp, Aes aes) { if (!VerifyRequest(r, aes)) return; byte[] pbEntropy = null; ProtectedString psNew; PwProfile autoProfile = Program.Config.PasswordGenerator.AutoGeneratedPasswordsProfile; PwGenerator.Generate(out psNew, autoProfile, pbEntropy, Program.PwGeneratorPool); byte[] pbNew = psNew.ReadUtf8(); if (pbNew != null) { uint uBits = QualityEstimation.EstimatePasswordBits(pbNew); ResponseEntry item = new ResponseEntry(Request.GENERATE_PASSWORD, uBits.ToString(), StrUtil.Utf8.GetString(pbNew), Request.GENERATE_PASSWORD, null); resp.Entries.Add(item); resp.Success = true; resp.Count = 1; MemUtil.ZeroByteArray(pbNew); } resp.Id = r.Id; SetResponseVerifier(resp, aes); foreach (var entry in resp.Entries) { entry.Name = CryptoTransform(entry.Name, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); entry.Login = CryptoTransform(entry.Login, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); entry.Uuid = CryptoTransform(entry.Uuid, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); entry.Password = CryptoTransform(entry.Password, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); } }
private void GetLoginsHandler(Request r, Response resp, Aes aes) { if (!VerifyRequest(r, aes)) return; string submithost = null; var host = GetHost(CryptoTransform(r.Url, true, false, aes, CMode.DECRYPT)); if (r.SubmitUrl != null) submithost = GetHost(CryptoTransform(r.SubmitUrl, true, false, aes, CMode.DECRYPT)); var items = FindMatchingEntries(r, aes); if (items.ToList().Count > 0) { Func<PwEntry, bool> filter = delegate(PwEntry e) { var c = GetEntryConfig(e); var title = e.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.TitleField); var entryUrl = e.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.UrlField); if (c != null) { return title != host && entryUrl != host && !c.Allow.Contains(host) || (submithost != null && !c.Allow.Contains(submithost) && submithost != title && submithost != entryUrl); } return title != host && entryUrl != host || (submithost != null && title != submithost && entryUrl != submithost); }; var needPrompting = from e in items where filter(e) select e; if (needPrompting.ToList().Count > 0) { var wait = new ManualResetEvent(false); var clicked = false; var delegated = false; EventHandler onclick = delegate { delegated = true; clicked = true; wait.Set(); }; EventHandler onclose = delegate { delegated = true; wait.Set(); }; ShowNotification(String.Format( "{0}: {1} is requesting access, click to allow or deny", r.Id, submithost != null ? submithost : host), onclick, onclose); wait.WaitOne(GetNotificationTime() + 5000); // give a little time to fade if (!delegated) resp.Error = "Notification bubble did not appear"; if (clicked) { var win =; using (var f = new AccessControlForm()) { win.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { f.Icon = win.Icon; f.Plugin = this; f.Entries = needPrompting.ToList(); f.Host = submithost != null ? submithost : host; f.Load += delegate { f.Activate(); }; f.ShowDialog(win); if (f.Remember && (f.Allowed || f.Denied)) { foreach (var e in needPrompting) { var c = GetEntryConfig(e); if (c == null) c = new KeePassHttpEntryConfig(); var set = f.Allowed ? c.Allow : c.Deny; set.Add(host); if (submithost != null && submithost != host) set.Add(submithost); SetEntryConfig(e, c); } } if (!f.Allowed) items = items.Except(needPrompting); }); } } else { items = items.Except(needPrompting); } } foreach (var entry in items) { var name = entry.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.TitleField); var loginpass = GetUserPass(entry); var login = loginpass[0]; var passwd = loginpass[1]; var uuid = entry.Uuid.ToHexString(); var e = new ResponseEntry(name, login, passwd, uuid); resp.Entries.Add(e); } if (items.ToList().Count > 0) { var names = (from e in resp.Entries select e.Name).Distinct<string>(); var n = String.Join("\n ", names.ToArray<string>()); ShowNotification(String.Format("{0}: {1} is receiving credentials for:\n {2}", r.Id, host, n)); } resp.Success = true; resp.Id = r.Id; SetResponseVerifier(resp, aes); foreach (var entry in resp.Entries) { entry.Name = CryptoTransform(entry.Name, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); entry.Login = CryptoTransform(entry.Login, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); entry.Uuid = CryptoTransform(entry.Uuid, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); entry.Password = CryptoTransform(entry.Password, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); } } }
private void GetLoginsHandler(Request r, Response resp, Aes aes) { if (!VerifyRequest(r, aes)) { return; } string submithost = null; var host = GetHost(CryptoTransform(r.Url, true, false, aes, CMode.DECRYPT)); if (r.SubmitUrl != null) { submithost = GetHost(CryptoTransform(r.SubmitUrl, true, false, aes, CMode.DECRYPT)); } var items = FindMatchingEntries(r, aes); if (items.ToList().Count > 0) { Func <PwEntry, bool> filter = delegate(PwEntry e) { var c = GetEntryConfig(e); var title = e.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.TitleField); var entryUrl = e.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.UrlField); if (c != null) { return(title != host && entryUrl != host && !c.Allow.Contains(host) || (submithost != null && !c.Allow.Contains(submithost) && submithost != title && submithost != entryUrl)); } return(title != host && entryUrl != host || (submithost != null && title != submithost && entryUrl != submithost)); }; var needPrompting = from e in items where filter(e) select e; if (needPrompting.ToList().Count > 0) { var wait = new ManualResetEvent(false); var clicked = false; var delegated = false; EventHandler onclick = delegate { delegated = true; clicked = true; wait.Set(); }; EventHandler onclose = delegate { delegated = true; wait.Set(); }; ShowNotification(String.Format( "{0}: {1} is requesting access, click to allow or deny", r.Id, submithost != null ? submithost : host), onclick, onclose); wait.WaitOne(GetNotificationTime() + 5000); // give a little time to fade if (!delegated) { resp.Error = "Notification bubble did not appear"; } if (clicked) { var win =; using (var f = new AccessControlForm()) { win.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { f.Icon = win.Icon; f.Plugin = this; f.Entries = needPrompting.ToList(); f.Host = submithost != null ? submithost : host; f.Load += delegate { f.Activate(); }; f.ShowDialog(win); if (f.Remember && (f.Allowed || f.Denied)) { foreach (var e in needPrompting) { var c = GetEntryConfig(e); if (c == null) { c = new KeePassHttpEntryConfig(); } var set = f.Allowed ? c.Allow : c.Deny; set.Add(host); if (submithost != null && submithost != host) { set.Add(submithost); } SetEntryConfig(e, c); } } if (!f.Allowed) { items = items.Except(needPrompting); } }); } } else { items = items.Except(needPrompting); } } foreach (var entry in items) { var name = entry.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.TitleField); var loginpass = GetUserPass(entry); var login = loginpass[0]; var passwd = loginpass[1]; var uuid = entry.Uuid.ToHexString(); var e = new ResponseEntry(name, login, passwd, uuid); resp.Entries.Add(e); } if (items.ToList().Count > 0) { var names = (from e in resp.Entries select e.Name).Distinct <string>(); var n = String.Join("\n ", names.ToArray <string>()); ShowNotification(String.Format("{0}: {1} is receiving credentials for:\n {2}", r.Id, host, n)); } resp.Success = true; resp.Id = r.Id; SetResponseVerifier(resp, aes); foreach (var entry in resp.Entries) { entry.Name = CryptoTransform(entry.Name, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); entry.Login = CryptoTransform(entry.Login, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); entry.Uuid = CryptoTransform(entry.Uuid, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); entry.Password = CryptoTransform(entry.Password, false, true, aes, CMode.ENCRYPT); } } }