/// <summary> /// Saves a Location to the data store. /// </summary> /// <param name="item">The item to save</param> public static void Save(Location item) { if (item.IsItemModified) { if (item.LocationId == null) { item.LocationId = Insert(item); } else { Update(item); } } }
public void CreateTestObject() { Random rand = new Random(); LocationTestObject = new Location { Name = string.Format("TestLocation_{0}", rand.Next(1, 1000)), Address = "123 Fake Street", City = "Fake City", Email = "*****@*****.**", Phone = "5551112234", State = "FS", Zip = "11233" }; string errorMessage; LocationManager.Save(LocationTestObject, out errorMessage); }
public bool SaveControl() { bool valid = false; lblError.Text = string.Empty; Location location = new Location(); if (EditOption) { location = LocationManager.Load(LocationId); } location.Name = txtLocationName.Text; location.Address = txtAddress.Text; location.City = txtCity.Text; location.Zip = txtZip.Text; location.Phone = txtPhone.Text; location.Email = txtEmail.Text; location.State = ddlLocation.SelectedValue; string errorMessage; valid = LocationManager.Save(location, out errorMessage); lblError.Text = errorMessage; return valid; }
public void CreateTestObject() { int inventoryId; Guid userId = Guid.Empty; Random rand = new Random(); string errorMessage; string userName = string.Format("NewUser_{0}", rand.Next(1, 100000)); const string passWord = "******"; string email = string.Format("emailaddress{0}@test.com", rand.Next(1, 1000000000)); MembershipCreateStatus status; MembershipUser user = Membership.CreateUser(userName, passWord, email, "quieres apple?", "no, apple es para mujeres", true, out status); if (user != null && user.ProviderUserKey is Guid) { userId = (Guid)user.ProviderUserKey; } List<Inventory> inventoryList = InventoryManager.LoadAll().ToList(); if (inventoryList.SafeAny()) { inventoryId = inventoryList.First().InventoryId.GetValueOrDefault(); } else { CarMake newMake = new CarMake { Manufacturer = "TestManufacturer", Name = string.Format("Make_{0}", rand.Next(1, 1000)) }; CarMakeManager.Save(newMake, out errorMessage); CarModel newModel = new CarModel { MakeId = newMake.MakeId.GetValueOrDefault(), Name = string.Format("Model_{0}", rand.Next(1, 1000)) }; CarModelManager.Save(newModel, out errorMessage); Location location = new Location { Name = string.Format("Location_{0}", rand.Next(1, 100000)), Address = string.Format("{0} Street St", rand.Next(10, 1000)), City = "Fake City", State = "FS", Zip = "11111", Email = "*****@*****.**", Phone = "1112223333" }; LocationManager.Save(location, out errorMessage); Inventory inventory = new Inventory { ModelId = newModel.ModelId.GetValueOrDefault(), LocationId = location.LocationId.GetValueOrDefault(), Color = "Red", Price = (decimal) ((rand.NextDouble() + 0.1)*rand.Next(10, 60)), Quantity = rand.Next(1, 10), Year = rand.Next(1990, 2015) }; inventoryId = inventory.InventoryId.GetValueOrDefault(); } TransactionTestObject = new Transaction { BillingAddress = "123 Fake Street", BillingCity = "Fake City", BillingState = "FS", BillingZip = "12345", CCV = 123, CreditCardNumber = "4444999911110000", ExpirationDate = DateTime.Today.AddYears(rand.Next(5, 10)), InventoryId = inventoryId, Price = (decimal)( ( rand.NextDouble() + 0.1 ) * rand.Next(10, 60) ), RentalDateEnd = DateTime.Today.AddDays(rand.Next(11, 50)), RentalDateStart = DateTime.Today.AddDays(rand.Next(1, 10)), TransactionDate = DateTime.Today, UserId = userId }; TransactionManager.Save(TransactionTestObject, out errorMessage); }
/// <summary> /// Save Location Entity /// </summary> /// <param name="item">Entity to save</param> /// <param name="errorMessage">Error Message</param> /// <returns>return true if save successfully, else return false</returns> public static bool Save(Location item, out string errorMessage) { bool isValid = Validate(item, out errorMessage); if (isValid) { LocationDao.Save(item); } return isValid; }
/// <summary> /// Validate Location Entity /// </summary> /// <param name="item">Entity to validate</param> /// <param name="errorMessage">error message if validation failed</param> /// <returns>return true if entity passes validation logic, else return false</returns> public static bool Validate(Location item, out string errorMessage) { errorMessage = string.Empty; if (item.Name.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { errorMessage += "Name is required. "; } if (item.Address.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { errorMessage += "Address is required. "; } if (item.City.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { errorMessage += "City is required. "; } if (item.State.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { errorMessage += "State is required. "; } if (item.Zip.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { errorMessage += "Zip is required. "; } if (item.Phone.HasValue() && !item.Phone.IsPhone()) { errorMessage += "Phone must be valid. "; } if (item.Email.HasValue() && !item.Email.IsEmail()) { errorMessage += "Email must be valid. "; } errorMessage = errorMessage.TrimSafely(); return errorMessage.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(); }
public static Inventory CreateTestObject() { int carModelId = default(int), locationId = default(int); string errorMessage; Random rand = new Random(); List<CarModel> carModels = CarModelManager.LoadAll().ToList(); if (carModels.SafeAny()) { carModelId = carModels.First().ModelId.GetValueOrDefault(); } else { CarModel carModel = new CarModel { Name = string.Format("TestCarModel_{0}", rand.Next(1, 1000)) }; CarModelManager.Save(carModel, out errorMessage); if (carModel.ModelId.HasValue) { carModelId = carModel.ModelId.Value; } } List<Location> locations = LocationManager.LoadAll().ToList(); if (locations.SafeAny()) { locationId = locations.First(l => l.LocationId.HasValue).LocationId.GetValueOrDefault(); } else { Location location = new Location { Name = string.Format("TestLocation_{0}", rand.Next(1, 1000)), Address = "123 Fake Street", City = "Fake City", Email = "*****@*****.**", Phone = "5555555555", State = "FS", Zip = "55555" }; LocationManager.Save(location, out errorMessage); if (location.LocationId.HasValue) { locationId = location.LocationId.Value; } } Inventory inventory = new Inventory { ModelId = carModelId, Color = "Black", Price = (decimal)((rand.NextDouble() + .01) * rand.Next(5, 100)), LocationId = locationId, Quantity = rand.Next(1, 50), Year = rand.Next(DateTime.Now.AddYears(rand.Next(1, 100).NegativeValue()).Year, DateTime.Now.Year) }; InventoryManager.Save(inventory, out errorMessage); return inventory; }
/// <summary> /// Updates a Location /// </summary> /// <param name="item">The Location item to save</param> private static void Update(Location item) { List<SqlParameter> parameters = new List<SqlParameter> { new SqlParameter("@LocationId", item.LocationId), new SqlParameter("@Name", item.Name), new SqlParameter("@Address", item.Address), new SqlParameter("@City", item.City), new SqlParameter("@State", item.State), new SqlParameter("@Zip", item.Zip), new SqlParameter("@Phone", item.Phone), new SqlParameter("@Email", item.Email), new SqlParameter("@Deleted", item.Deleted) }; DataManager.ExecuteProcedure(KarzPlusConnectionString, "PKP_UpdateLocation", parameters); }
/// <summary> /// Inserts a new Location /// </summary> /// <param name="item">The Location item to insert</param> /// <returns>The id of the Location item just inserted</returns> private static int Insert(Location item) { List<SqlParameter> parameters = new List<SqlParameter> { new SqlParameter("@Name", item.Name), new SqlParameter("@Address", item.Address), new SqlParameter("@City", item.City), new SqlParameter("@State", item.State), new SqlParameter("@Zip", item.Zip), new SqlParameter("@Phone", item.Phone), new SqlParameter("@Email", item.Email), new SqlParameter("@Deleted", item.Deleted) }; return Convert.ToInt32(DataManager.ExecuteScalarProcedure(KarzPlusConnectionString, "PKP_InsertLocation", parameters)); }