예제 #1
        public TIRP get2SizedAsTIRP(int tTrgtID, int tErlyID, int tTrgtIdx, int tErlyIdx, int rel)
            TIRP twoSzdTIRP = new TIRP(tTrgtID, tErlyID, rel);
            ////string trK = toncepts[tTrgtID].tonceptINDEX.ToString() + "-" + rel + "-" + toncepts[tErlyID].tonceptINDEX;
            ////Dictionary<string, List<SymbolicTimeInterval>> tiListDic = twoSizedTIRPsMatrix[toncepts[tTrgtID].tonceptINDEX][toncepts[tErlyID].tonceptINDEX].prsMxRelVec[rel].instancesDicList; //entitiesKarmaVec[eIdx].instancesDic[trK];
            //Dictionary<SymbolicTimeInterval, List<SymbolicTimeInterval>>[] tiListDicsVec = karma.Kindex[toncepts[tTrgtID].tonceptINDEX, toncepts[tErlyID].tonceptINDEX].getRelEntitiesDics(rel);

            //Dictionary<SymbolicTimeInterval, List<SymbolicTimeInterval>>[] tiListDicsVec = getTindexRelEntitiesDicsVec(tTrgtIdx, tErlyIdx, rel);
            Dictionary <int, Dictionary <SymbolicTimeInterval, List <SymbolicTimeInterval> > > tiListDicsVec = getTindexRelEntitiesDicsVec(tTrgtIdx, tErlyIdx, rel);

            for (int eIdx = 0; eIdx < tiListDicsVec.Count(); eIdx++)
                //Dictionary<SymbolicTimeInterval, List<SymbolicTimeInterval>> tiListTiDic = tiListDicsVec[eIdx];
                //if (tiListDicsVec[eIdx] != null)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <SymbolicTimeInterval, List <SymbolicTimeInterval> > tiListTi in tiListDicsVec.ElementAt(eIdx).Value) // [eIdx]) // tiListTiDic)
                        foreach (SymbolicTimeInterval tis in tiListTi.Value)
                            StiInstance tisInsNew = new StiInstance(new SymbolicTimeInterval(tiListTi.Key.startTime, tiListTi.Key.endTime, tiListTi.Key.symbol), tis, tiListDicsVec.ElementAt(eIdx).Key); // eIdx);
                            twoSzdTIRP.AddEntity(eIdx);                                                                                                                                                   //// int.Parse(tiListTi.Key.Split('-')[0]));
예제 #2
         * private void pruneToncepts()
         * {
         *  for (int t = 0; t < toncepts.Count; t++)
         *  {
         *      Symbol tc = toncepts.Values.ElementAt(t);
         *      if (tc.getTonceptVerticalSupport() < min_ver_sup)
         *      {
         *          for(int i = 0; i < tc.entIdxKeyList.Count; i++)
         *          {
         *              string[] userPair = tc.entIdxKeyList.ElementAt(i).Split(';');
         *              entityKarma eK = entitiesKarmaVec[int.Parse(userPair[0])];
         *              //entitiesKarmaVec[int.Parse(userPair[0])].instancesDic.Remove(entitiesKarmaVec[int.Parse(userPair[0])].instancesDic.ElementAt(int.Parse(userPair[1])).Key);
         *               //eK.instancesDic.Remove(userPair[1]); // eK.instancesDic.ElementAt(int.Parse(userPair[1])).Key);
         *          }
         *          toncepts.Remove(toncepts.Keys.ElementAt(t));
         *          t--;
         *      }
         *      tc.entIdxKeyList.Clear();
         *  }
         *  for (int v = 0; v < glblTindexVerticalSupport.Count(); v++)
         *      if (glblTindexVerticalSupport.ElementAt(v).Value.Count() < min_ver_sup)
         *      {
         *          glblTindexVerticalSupport.Remove(glblTindexVerticalSupport.ElementAt(v).Key);
         *          v--;
         *      }
         * }*/

        public TIRP getMatrixDICasTIRP(int tTrgtID, int tErlyID, int rel)
            TIRP twoSzdTIRP = new TIRP(tTrgtID, tErlyID, rel);

            //string trK = toncepts[tTrgtID].tonceptINDEX + "-" + rel + "-" + toncepts[tErlyID].tonceptINDEX;
            for (int eIdx = 0; eIdx < entitieSize; eIdx++)
                if (entitiesKarmaVec[eIdx].instancesDicContainsKey(toncepts[tTrgtID].SymbolINDEX, rel, toncepts[tErlyID].SymbolINDEX))                                                                               // .instancesDic.ContainsKey(trK))
                    Dictionary <SymbolicTimeInterval, List <SymbolicTimeInterval> > tiListDic = entitiesKarmaVec[eIdx].getInstancesDicValuebyKey(toncepts[tTrgtID].SymbolINDEX, rel, toncepts[tErlyID].SymbolINDEX); // .instancesDic[trK];
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <SymbolicTimeInterval, List <SymbolicTimeInterval> > tiListTi in tiListDic)                                                                                                // for(int i = 0; i < tiListDic.Count; i++)
                        foreach (SymbolicTimeInterval tis in tiListTi.Value)
                            StiInstance tisInsNew = new StiInstance(tiListTi.Key, tis, eIdx);
                            twoSzdTIRP.AddEntity(eIdx); // int.Parse(tiListTi.Key.Split('-')[0]));
                        twoSzdTIRP.meanHorizontalSupport += tiListTi.Value.Count();
            twoSzdTIRP.meanHorizontalSupport = twoSzdTIRP.meanHorizontalSupport / twoSzdTIRP.supprtingEntities.Count();
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the Lego algorithm on every 2 sized TIRP with enough vertical support and prints every extended TIRP with enough vertical support to file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tirp"></param>
        /// <param name="tw"></param>
        /// <param name="relStyle"></param>
        private void DoLego(string outFile, TIRP tirp, int relStyle)
            List <int[]> candidates = null;

            foreach (Symbol symbol in karma.getSymbolicTimeIntervals())                                                                                                                          // for every symbol...
                for (int seedRelation = 0; seedRelation < relStyle; seedRelation++)                                                                                                              // ... and every relation
                    if (karma.karma.GetVerticalSupportOfSymbolToSymbolRelation(karma.getSymbolIndexByID(tirp.symbols[tirp.size - 1]), symbol.SymbolINDEX, seedRelation) >= karma.getMinVerSup()) // if vertical support is high enough
                        candidates = CandidatesGeneration(tirp, seedRelation);                                                                                                                   // Generate candidate and extend the TIRP
                        for (int cand = 0; cand < candidates.Count; cand++)
                            TIRP tirpNew            = new TIRP(tirp, symbol.symbolID, seedRelation, candidates.ElementAt(cand));
                            bool seedRelCnndtsEmpty = SearchSupportingInstances(ref tirpNew, tirp.tinstancesList); // Also sets the TIRP supportingEntities field
                            if (tirpNew.supprtingEntities.Count >= karma.getMinVerSup())                           // If the TIRPs vertical support is big enough, write the TIRP and attempt to further extend it
                                tirpNew.WriteTIRPtoFile(outFile, karma.getEntitiesVec(), relStyle);
                                DoLego(outFile, tirpNew, relStyle);
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs lego and prints output to file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="k"></param>
        /// <param name="outFile"></param>
        /// <param name="seTrans"></param>
        /// <param name="relStyle"></param>
        public static void RunLego(Karma k, string outFile, bool seTrans, int relStyle)
            int counter = 1;

            Dictionary <int, Symbol> .ValueCollection dic = k.getSymbolicTimeIntervals();
            int symbCount = dic.Count;

            //For each symbol
            foreach (Symbol symbol1 in dic)
                Console.WriteLine(counter + "/" + symbCount + ", symbol: " + symbol1.symbolID);
                //long t = DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;
                //If it is frequent
                if (k.getSymbolByIDVerticalSupport(symbol1.symbolID) >= k.getMinVerSup())
                    int symbolID = symbol1.symbolID;
                    int t1Idx    = symbol1.SymbolINDEX;
                    using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(outFile, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write))
                        //Print one-sized TIRP to file
                        #region initial output formatting
                        TextWriter tw        = new StreamWriter(fileStream);
                        string     instances = " ";
                        for (int i = 0; i < k.getSymbolByIDVerticalSupport(symbolID); i++)
                            KeyValuePair <int, List <SymbolicTimeInterval> > userInstances = k.getSymbolByID(symbolID).getTonceptHorizontalDic().ElementAt(i);
                            for (int j = 0; j < userInstances.Value.Count; j++)
                                instances += k.getEntityByIdx(userInstances.Key) + " [" + userInstances.Value.ElementAt(j).startTime + "-" + userInstances.Value.ElementAt(j).endTime + "] ";
                        tw.WriteLine("1 " + symbolID + "- -. " + k.getSymbolByIDVerticalSupport(symbolID) + " " + Math.Round((double)k.getSymbolByIDVerticalSupport(symbolID), 2) + instances);
                    //For each second symbol
                    foreach (Symbol symbol2 in k.getSymbolicTimeIntervals())
                        //And for each relation
                        for (int rel = 0; rel < relStyle; rel++)
                            //If the <symbol1,symbol2,relation> entry in the index is frequent
                            if (k.karma.GetVerticalSupportOfSymbolToSymbolRelation(t1Idx, symbol2.SymbolINDEX, rel) >= k.getMinVerSup())
                                //Print the 2-sized TIRP to file
                                TIRP twoSzdTIRP = k.GetTwoSizedTirpForSymbolsAndRel(symbolID, symbol2.symbolID, rel);
                                Lego lego       = new Lego(k);
                                twoSzdTIRP.WriteTIRPtoFile(outFile, k.getEntitiesVec(), relStyle);
                                //Extend it recursively
                                lego.DoLego(outFile, twoSzdTIRP, relStyle);
                                lego = null;
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates candidates for the TIRP extension using the transitivty properties of the relations and returns them in a list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tirp">TIRP to extend</param>
        /// <param name="seedRel">Relation to extend the TIRP with</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <int[]> CandidatesGeneration(TIRP tirp, int seedRel)
            int          columSize      = tirp.size;
            int          topCndRelIdx   = 0;
            int          btmRelIdx      = columSize - 2; // Second to bottom relation index, since the bottom cell is filled by seedRel
            List <int[]> candidatesList = new List <int[]>();

            int[] candidate = new int[columSize];
            candidate[columSize - 1] = seedRel;
            for (int relIdxToSet = btmRelIdx; relIdxToSet >= topCndRelIdx; relIdxToSet--) // The current cell we are filling in the column
                int leftTirpIdx  = ((relIdxToSet + 1) * relIdxToSet / 2) + relIdxToSet;
                int belowCndIdx  = relIdxToSet + 1;
                int candListSize = candidatesList.Count;
                for (int candIdx = 0; candIdx < candListSize; candIdx++) // For every candidate we have created so far
                    candidate = candidatesList.ElementAt(candIdx);
                    int fromRel = karma.getFromRelation(tirp.rels[leftTirpIdx], candidate[belowCndIdx]);
                    int toRel   = karma.getToRelation(tirp.rels[leftTirpIdx], candidate[belowCndIdx]);
                    for (int rel = fromRel; rel <= toRel; rel++) // Generate all possible relations using the transitive properties of the relations
                        if (rel > fromRel)
                            int[] newCandidate = new int[columSize];
                            for (int rIdx = columSize - 1; rIdx > relIdxToSet; rIdx--)
                                newCandidate[rIdx] = candidate[rIdx];
                            newCandidate[relIdxToSet] = rel;
                            candidate[relIdxToSet] = rel;
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all suporting instances for the newly extended TIRP
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tNew"></param>
        /// <param name="tinstances"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool SearchSupportingInstances(ref TIRP tNew, List <StiInstance> tinstances)
            bool seedRelEmpty = true;

            bool[] entitieSupport = new bool[KLC.NUM_OF_ENTITIES];
            int    topRelIdx = ((tNew.size - 1) * (tNew.size - 2) / 2), seedRelIdx = (tNew.size * (tNew.size - 1) / 2 - 1);
            int    seedRelation = tNew.rels[seedRelIdx];
            int    tncptLst = tNew.symbols[tNew.size - 2], tncptNew = tNew.symbols[tNew.size - 1];

            int lsTncptIdx = karma.getSymbolIndexByID(tncptLst);
            int nxTncptIdx = karma.getSymbolIndexByID(tncptNew);

            for (int tins = 0; tins < tinstances.Count; tins++)
                seedRelEmpty = false;
                //Get all intervals where the relation takes place for the last STI added to the TIRP
                List <SymbolicTimeInterval> tisList = karma.karma.GetStisInRelationWithKeyStiForEntityByRelationAndSymbols(lsTncptIdx, nxTncptIdx, seedRelation, tinstances[tins].entityIdx, tinstances[tins].sti[tNew.size - 2]);
                if (tisList != null)
                    //Add all the found instances to the TIRP
                    for (int i = 0; (karma.getHS1() == false && i < tisList.Count) || (karma.getHS1() == true && i < 1); i++)
                        int relIdx = 0;
                        for (relIdx = topRelIdx; relIdx < seedRelIdx; relIdx++)
                            if (!KLC.checkRelationAmongTwoTIs(tinstances[tins].sti[relIdx - topRelIdx], tisList.ElementAt(i), tNew.rels[relIdx], karma.getEpsilon(), karma.getMaxGap()))
                        if (relIdx == seedRelIdx)
                            StiInstance newIns = new StiInstance(tNew.size, tinstances[tins].sti, tisList.ElementAt(i), tinstances[tins].entityIdx);
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all the two sized instances for a certain relation and certain symbols.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tTrgtID">First symbol id</param>
        /// <param name="tErlyID">Second symbol id</param>
        /// <param name="rel">Relation id</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public TIRP GetTwoSizedTirpForSymbolsAndRel(int tTrgtID, int tErlyID, int rel)
            TIRP twoSzdTIRP = new TIRP(tTrgtID, tErlyID, rel);

            Dictionary <SymbolicTimeInterval, List <SymbolicTimeInterval> >[] tiListDicsVec = karma.Kindex[Symbols[tTrgtID].SymbolINDEX, Symbols[tErlyID].SymbolINDEX].GetStiMapsInArrayIndexedByEntityIdForRelation(rel);
            for (int eIdx = 0; eIdx < tiListDicsVec.Count(); eIdx++) // for every entity...
                Dictionary <SymbolicTimeInterval, List <SymbolicTimeInterval> > tiListTiDic = tiListDicsVec[eIdx];
                foreach (KeyValuePair <SymbolicTimeInterval, List <SymbolicTimeInterval> > tiListTi in tiListTiDic) // ...and every pair of mappings between symbolic time interavls to the list of stis they are in relation with
                    foreach (SymbolicTimeInterval tis in tiListTi.Value)                                            // add all the two sized instances to twoSzdTIRP
                        StiInstance tisInsNew = new StiInstance(new SymbolicTimeInterval(tiListTi.Key.startTime, tiListTi.Key.endTime, tiListTi.Key.symbol), tis, eIdx);
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Extends a TIRP by adding a new symbol
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tirp">TIRP to extend</param>
        /// <param name="setNewSymbol"></param>
        /// <param name="seedNewRleation"></param>
        /// <param name="setCandRels"></param>
        public TIRP(TIRP tirp, int setNewSymbol, int seedNewRleation, int[] setCandRels)
            size = tirp.size + 1;
            int relsSize  = size * (size - 1) / 2;
            int btmRelIdx = relsSize - 1;                // Bottom of the newest column in the TIRP relation half matrix
            int topRelIdx = (size - 1) * (size - 2) / 2; // Top of the newest column in the TIRP relation half matrix

            symbols = new int[size];
            for (int tIdx = 0; tIdx < (size - 1); tIdx++)
                symbols[tIdx] = tirp.symbols[tIdx];
            symbols[size - 1] = setNewSymbol;
            rels = new int[relsSize];
            for (int relIdx = 0; relIdx < topRelIdx; relIdx++)
                rels[relIdx] = tirp.rels[relIdx];
            for (int relIdx = topRelIdx; relIdx < btmRelIdx; relIdx++)
                rels[relIdx] = setCandRels[relIdx - topRelIdx];
            rels[(relsSize - 1)] = seedNewRleation;