internal void LoadPoints(List<Point> pointList) { originalPointlist.Add(pointList); double padding = 0.04; BBox = new BoundingBox(originalPointlist, padding); double stretchFactor = (double)Form.ClientRectangle.Width / BBox.Width; BBox.Stretch(stretchFactor); //Convert all AllActivePoints = new List<List<MouseEventArgs>>(); foreach (List<Vector2> vecList in BBox.VectorsFromAnchor) AllActivePoints.Add(ConvertToEventArgs(vecList)); }
private static void TestTimeWarping() { List<Point> p = new List<Point>(); p.Add(new Point(1, 1)); p.Add(new Point(2, 2)); p.Add(new Point(4, 2)); p.Add(new Point(5, 3)); p.Add(new Point(6, 2)); List<Point> q = new List<Point>(); q.Add(new Point(2, 4)); q.Add(new Point(3, 5)); q.Add(new Point(5, 5)); q.Add(new Point(6, 6)); q.Add(new Point(7, 5)); List<Point> r = new List<Point>(); r.Add(new Point(2, 6)); r.Add(new Point(3, 7)); r.Add(new Point(5, 7)); r.Add(new Point(6, 8)); r.Add(new Point(7, 7)); List<Point> s = new List<Point>(); s.Add(new Point(0.5, 4.5)); s.Add(new Point(2, 6)); s.Add(new Point(5.5, 5)); s.Add(new Point(6.5, 6.5)); s.Add(new Point(7.5, 7)); s.Add(new Point(8.5, 5.5)); s.Add(new Point(9.5, 5)); TimeWarping tw = new TimeWarping(r, q); tw.CalculateDistances((p1, p2) => p1.Distance(p2)); MatrixPrinter m = new MatrixPrinter(tw.Distances); m.NewlineChar = "\r\n"; m.BlankChar = " "; Console.WriteLine(m.print()); Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n"); Point myStop = new Point(r.Count - 1, q.Count - 1); Console.WriteLine("Cummulative distance of <{0},{1}>", myStop.X, myStop.Y); Console.WriteLine( tw.CalculateCumulativeDistanceOf((int)myStop.X, (int)myStop.Y)); foreach (Point mp in tw.GetWarpingPath((int)myStop.X, (int) myStop.Y)) { Console.WriteLine(mp); } BoundingBox bp = new BoundingBox(p); BoundingBox bq = new BoundingBox(q); BoundingBox br = new BoundingBox(r); br.Stretch(2); BoundingBox bs = new BoundingBox(s); //resize bs in a way that it is similar to p if (bs.Width > bp.Width) { bs.Stretch(bp.Width / bs.Width); } else { bs.Stretch(bs.Width / bp.Width); } List<Point> newP = Vector2.CreatePointList(bp.VectorsFromAnchor[0]); List<Point> newQ = Vector2.CreatePointList(bq.VectorsFromAnchor[0]); List<Point> newR = Vector2.CreatePointList(br.VectorsFromAnchor[0]); List<Point> newS = Vector2.CreatePointList(bs.VectorsFromAnchor[0]); TimeWarping tw2 = new TimeWarping(newR, newQ); tw2.CalculateDistances((p1, p2) => p1.Distance(p2)); myStop.X = newR.Count - 1; myStop.Y = newQ.Count - 1; Console.WriteLine(m.printNewMatrix(tw2.Distances)); Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n"); Console.WriteLine("Cummulative distance of <{0},{1}>", myStop.X, myStop.Y); Console.WriteLine(tw2.CalculateCumulativeDistance()); foreach (Point mp in tw2.WarpingPath) { Console.WriteLine(mp); } TimeWarping tw3 = new TimeWarping(newP, newS); tw3.CalculateDistances(delegate(Point p1, Point p2) { return p1.Distance(p2); }); Console.WriteLine("Euclidian distances:"); Console.WriteLine(m.printNewMatrix(tw3.Distances)); tw3.CalculateDistances(delegate(Point p1, Point p2) { return Math.Pow(p1.X-p2.X, 2) + Math.Pow(p1.Y-p2.Y, 2); }); Console.WriteLine("Added squares, no square root:"); Console.WriteLine(m.printNewMatrix(tw3.Distances)); Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n"); Console.WriteLine("Cummulative distance of <{0},{1}>", newP.Count-1, newS.Count-1); Console.WriteLine(tw3.CalculateCumulativeDistance()); foreach (Point mp in tw3.WarpingPath) { Console.WriteLine(mp); } Console.WriteLine("Warping distance r / q: " + tw.WarpingDistance.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Warping distance newR / newQ (newR is the same shape but double size): " + tw2.WarpingDistance.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Warping distance newP / newS (are resized to the same bounding box and then moved on top of each other): " + tw3.WarpingDistance.ToString()); }