public static void load(string filename, PhysicsWorld physics_world, Dictionary <string, UniqueMesh> meshes) { if (!File.Exists(filename)) { throw new Exception("Physics File Not Found\n" + filename); } Debug.DebugHelper.logInfo(1, "Loading Physics File", Path.GetFileName(filename)); List <string> ids = new List <string>(); List <string> mesh_ids = new List <string>(); List <string> shapes = new List <string>(); List <Vector3> positions = new List <Vector3>(); List <Vector3> rotations = new List <Vector3>(); List <Vector3> dimensions = new List <Vector3>(); List <Vector3> scales = new List <Vector3>(); List <bool[]> flags = new List <bool[]>(); List <float[]> attributes = new List <float[]>(); int num_bodies = 0; StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filename); string line; while (!sr.EndOfStream) { line = sr.ReadLine(); if (line.Length != 0) { string single_value = line.Substring(4); string[] multi_value = line.Substring(4).Split(' '); switch (line.Substring(0, 4)) { case "nam ": ids.Add(single_value); break; case "mam ": mesh_ids.Add(single_value); break; case "shp ": shapes.Add(single_value); break; case "pos ": Vector3 pos; pos.X = float.Parse(multi_value[0]); pos.Y = float.Parse(multi_value[1]); pos.Z = float.Parse(multi_value[2]); positions.Add(pos); break; case "rot ": Vector3 rot; rot.X = OpenTK.MathHelper.RadiansToDegrees(float.Parse(multi_value[0])); rot.Y = OpenTK.MathHelper.RadiansToDegrees(float.Parse(multi_value[1])); rot.Z = OpenTK.MathHelper.RadiansToDegrees(float.Parse(multi_value[2])); rotations.Add(rot); break; case "dim ": Vector3 dim; dim.X = float.Parse(multi_value[0]); dim.Y = float.Parse(multi_value[1]); dim.Z = float.Parse(multi_value[2]); dimensions.Add(dim); break; case "scl ": Vector3 scl; scl.X = float.Parse(multi_value[0]); scl.Y = float.Parse(multi_value[1]); scl.Z = float.Parse(multi_value[2]); scales.Add(scl); break; case "flg ": bool[] temp_flags = new bool[multi_value.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < multi_value.Length; i++) { temp_flags[i] = bool.Parse(multi_value[i]); } flags.Add(temp_flags); break; case "atr ": float[] temp_attributes = new float[multi_value.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < multi_value.Length; i++) { temp_attributes[i] = float.Parse(multi_value[i]); } attributes.Add(temp_attributes); break; case "num ": num_bodies = int.Parse(single_value); break; } } } sr.Close(); Debug.DebugHelper.logInfo(2, "\tNumber of Physics Objects", num_bodies.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < num_bodies; i++) { string mesh_id = mesh_ids[i].Replace('.', '_'); string physics_id = ids[i].Replace('.', '_'); UniqueMesh temp_unique_mesh; if (meshes.TryGetValue(physics_id, out temp_unique_mesh)) { Vector3 position = positions[i]; Vector3 rotation = rotations[i]; Vector3 scale = scales[i]; Vector3 dimension = dimensions[i] / 2.0f; bool[] flags_list = flags[i]; bool dynamic = flags_list[0]; bool kinematic = flags_list[1]; float[] attributes_list = attributes[i]; float mass = attributes_list[0]; float friction = attributes_list[1]; float restitution = attributes_list[2]; // Build transformation matrix Matrix temp_matrix = EngineHelper.otk2bullet( EngineHelper.blender2Kailash( EngineHelper.createMatrix( EngineHelper.bullet2otk(position), EngineHelper.bullet2otk(rotation), new OpenTK.Vector3(1.0f) ))); CollisionShape shape; string collision_shape = shapes[i]; float radius; switch (collision_shape) { case "BOX": shape = new BoxShape(dimension); break; case "SPHERE": radius = (dimension.X + dimension.Y + dimension.Z) / 3.0f; shape = new SphereShape(radius); break; case "CONE": radius = (dimension.X + dimension.Z) / 4.0f; shape = new ConeShape(radius, dimension.Y); break; case "CYLINDER": shape = new CylinderShape(dimension); break; case "CONVEX_HULL": shape = loadConvexHull(temp_unique_mesh.mesh, scale); break; case "MESH": shape = loadConcaveMesh(temp_unique_mesh.mesh, scale); break; default: //numBodies--; Debug.DebugHelper.logError("\t" + collision_shape + " is not a supported collision shape", mesh_id); continue; } RigidBodyObject rigid_body_object = PhysicsHelper.createLocalRigidBody( physics_id, physics_world, dynamic, kinematic, mass, restitution, friction, temp_matrix, shape, dimension, scale); temp_unique_mesh.physics_object = rigid_body_object; } } ids.Clear(); mesh_ids.Clear(); shapes.Clear(); positions.Clear(); rotations.Clear(); dimensions.Clear(); scales.Clear(); flags.Clear(); attributes.Clear(); }
public static RigidBodyObject createLocalRigidBody( string id, PhysicsWorld physics_world, bool dynamic, bool kinematic, float mass, float restitution, float friction, Matrix startTransform, CollisionShape shape, Vector3 dimensions, Vector3 scale) { Vector3 localInertia = Vector3.Zero; if (dynamic) { shape.CalculateLocalInertia(mass, out localInertia); } else { mass = 0.0f; } DefaultMotionState myMotionState = new DefaultMotionState(startTransform); RigidBodyConstructionInfo rbInfo = new RigidBodyConstructionInfo(mass, myMotionState, shape, localInertia); rbInfo.Restitution = restitution; //rbInfo.LinearDamping = 0.8f; //rbInfo.AngularDamping = 0.1f; //rbInfo.LinearSleepingThreshold = rbInfo.LinearSleepingThreshold * 1000.0f; //rbInfo.AngularSleepingThreshold = rbInfo.AngularSleepingThreshold * 1000.0f; rbInfo.Friction = friction; rbInfo.RollingFriction = 0.01f; RigidBody body = new RigidBody(rbInfo); rbInfo.Dispose(); if (kinematic) { body.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation; body.CollisionFlags = CollisionFlags.KinematicObject; } body.SetSleepingThresholds(0.2f, 0.9f); //body.Friction = 1.0f; //body.RollingFriction = 1.0f; //------------------------------------------------------ // Create a rigid body object and all to world //------------------------------------------------------ body.UserObject = id; RigidBodyObject rigid_body_object = new RigidBodyObject(id, body, scale, kinematic); physics_world.rigid_body_objects.Add(rigid_body_object); physics_world.collision_shapes.Add(shape);; return(rigid_body_object); }