예제 #1
        private void insertAndUpdate()
            String sql = "";
            List<String> ListSql = new List<String>();
            String rid = txtRec.Text;
            List<String> ListSqlQtyX = new List<String>();
            String arraydetailid = "";
            if (dgvReceive.Rows.Count > 0)
                arraydetailid += dgvReceive.Rows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString();
                for (int i = 1; i < dgvReceive.Rows.Count; i++)
                    arraydetailid += "," + dgvReceive.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value.ToString();
            if (arraydetailid == "")
                arraydetailid = "0";
            if (DBConnString.clsDB.ExecuteTransaction(ListSqlQtyX.ToArray()))
                List<String> ListSqlstsX = new List<String>();

            if (txtRec.Enabled == true)
                sql = "select COHeadId from COSIGNMENT_STOCK_HEAD where COHeadId = '" + rid + "'";
                if (DBConnString.clsDB.QueryExecuteScalar(sql) != null)
                    sql = "DELETE FROM COSIGNMENT_STOCK_WEIGHT WHERE COHeadId = '" + rid + "' ";
                    sql = "DELETE FROM COSIGNMENT_STOCK_DETAIL WHERE COHeadId = '" + rid + "' ";
                    sql = "DELETE FROM COSIGNMENT_STOCK_HEAD WHERE COHeadId = '" + rid + "' ";
            String CQNew = "";
            String CQ;
            for (int nbRow = 0; nbRow < dgvReceive.Rows.Count; nbRow++)
                CQ = dgvReceive.Rows[nbRow].Cells[15].Value.ToString();
                if (CQNew != CQ)
                    CQNew = CQ;
                    String sqldeleteR = "update CO_REQ_HEAD set COStatusId='1' where CQHeadId='" + CQNew + "'";
                    SqlDataReader readerUpdateHead1 = DBConnString.clsDB.QueryDataReader(sqldeleteR);

            String supid = Class.Function.GetTextId(txtSupplier.Text);
            String shipid = Class.Function.GetTextId(txtShipper.Text);
            String rdate = Class.Function.GetDate(dptRecDate.Value);
            String ct = cboReceiveType.SelectedValue.ToString();
            String UserName = clsCash.sUserIdLogin;
            String PriceTotal = Convert.ToDouble(TxtPriceTotal.Text.Trim()) + "";
            String DisText = TxtDiscountText.Text.Trim().ToString();
            String Dis = Convert.ToDouble(TxtDiscount.Text.Trim()) + "";
            String VatBase = Convert.ToDouble(TxtBaseVat.Text.Trim()) + "";
            //String VatType = (CmboxVat.SelectedIndex == 0) ? "NO" : (CmboxVat.SelectedIndex == 1) ? "EX" : "IN";
            String VatPer = Convert.ToDouble(TxtPercentVat.Text.Trim()) + "";
            String Vat = Convert.ToDouble(TxtVat.Text.Trim()) + "";
            String TotalPrice = Convert.ToDouble(TxtAmountTotal.Text.Trim()) + "";
            String Description = TxtDescription.Text.Trim();
            if (CmboxVat.SelectedIndex == 0) { VatType = "1"; }
            else if (CmboxVat.SelectedIndex == 1) { VatType = "7"; }
            else if (CmboxVat.SelectedIndex == 2) { VatType = "8"; }

            sql = "INSERT INTO COSIGNMENT_STOCK_HEAD(COHeadId,COHeadDate,COHeadDateTime,ShipperId,UserName,COTypeId,COStatusId," +
                "ConfirmId,PriceTotal,DisText,Dis,VatBase,VatType,VatPer,Vat,TotalPrice," +
                "[Description],SupplierId,Shipping,Shipper)" +
                "VALUES('" + rid + "','" + rdate + "',GETDATE(),'" + shipid + "','" + UserName + "'," + ct + ",'1'," +
                "'1'," + PriceTotal + ",'" + DisText + "'," + Dis + "," + VatBase + ",'" + VatType + "'," + VatPer + "," + Vat + "," + TotalPrice + "," +
                "'" + Description + "','" + supid + "','" + textBox1.Text + "','" + txtShipp.Text + "')";

            foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgvReceive.Rows)
                    String ProductId = row.Cells[0].Value.ToString();
                    String QuantityPack = Convert.ToDouble(row.Cells[2].Value.ToString()).ToString();
                    String QuantitySale = Convert.ToDouble(row.Cells[4].Value.ToString()).ToString();
                    String QuantityWeight = Convert.ToDouble(row.Cells[6].Value.ToString()).ToString();
                    //String QuantityWeight = row.Cells[6].Value.ToString().ToString();
                    String PricePerUnit = Convert.ToDouble(row.Cells[8].Value.ToString()).ToString();
                    String strDisText = row.Cells[9].Value.ToString();
                    String strDisPerUnit = Convert.ToDouble(row.Cells[10].Value.ToString()).ToString();
                    String strDiscountBth = Convert.ToDouble(row.Cells[11].Value.ToString()).ToString();
                    String data = row.Cells[12].Value.ToString();
                    String type = row.Cells[13].Value.ToString();
                    String PriceQuantity = Convert.ToDouble(row.Cells[14].Value.ToString()).ToString();
                    String CQHeadId = row.Cells[15].Value.ToString();

                    sql = "INSERT INTO COSIGNMENT_STOCK_DETAIL(COHeadId,ProductId,CODetailQuantityPack,CODetailQuantity,CODetailWeight,CODetailPriceUnit," +
                        "PriceQuantity,DisText,DisPerUnit,DiscountBth,DetailType,CQHeadId) " +
                        "VALUES ('" + rid + "','" + ProductId + "'," + QuantityPack + "," + QuantitySale + "," + QuantityWeight + "," + PricePerUnit + "," +
                        "" + PriceQuantity + ",'" + strDisText + "','" + strDisPerUnit + "','" + strDiscountBth + "'," + type + ",'" + CQHeadId + "')";

                    if (type != "3")
                        String[] weight = data.Split('#');
                        for (int i = 0; i < weight.Length - 1; i++)//1 2 3,4 5 6,7 8 9
                            if (i % ((type == "1") ? 3 : 2) == 0)
                                String Pack = weight[i];
                                String Quantity = weight[i + 1];
                                String Weight = "0";
                                if (((type == "1") ? 3 : 2) == 3)
                                    Weight = weight[i + 2];
                                sql = "INSERT INTO COSIGNMENT_STOCK_WEIGHT(COHeadId,ProductId,COPackId,COPack,COWeight) " +
                                  "VALUES ('" + rid + "','" + ProductId + "'," + Pack + "," + Quantity + "," + Weight + ")";
                catch { MessageBox.Show("error กรุณาป้อนข้อมูลให้ตรงรูปแบบ"); return; }

            if (MessageBox.Show("คุณต้องการบันทึกข้อมูลใบฝากสินค้าใหม่เลขที่ " + rid + "\nใช่หรือไม่ ?", "คำยืนยัน", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes)

                if (DBConnString.clsDB.ExecuteTransaction(ListSql.ToArray()))
                    List<String> ListSqlQty = new List<String>();
                    //DataTable oldPo = DBConnString.clsDB.QueryDataTable(oldSqlPo);
                    //DataTable oldDt = Class.DBConnString.clsDB.QueryDataTable(oldSql);
                    foreach (DataRow row in oldDt.Rows)
                        String PurchaseOrderDetailId = row[0].ToString();
                        String sqlSelectQty = "SELECT isnull(sum(ReceiveDetailQuantity),0) as q FROM Receive_Detail Where PurchaseOrderDetailId = " + PurchaseOrderDetailId + "";
                        Double a = Convert.ToDouble(Class.DBConnString.clsDB.QueryExecuteScalar(sqlSelectQty));
                        String sqlUpdateQty = "Update PurchaseOrderDetail Set QuantityRecieve = " + a + ",PurchaseOrderStatusid = " +
                        "CASE WHEN " + Convert.ToDouble(a) + " = 0 THEN 0 " +
                        "WHEN " + Convert.ToDouble(a) + " > 0 and " + Convert.ToDouble(a) + " < Quantity THEN 1 " +
                        "WHEN " + Convert.ToDouble(a) + " >= Quantity THEN 2 " +
                        "ELSE 0 END " +
                        "Where PurchaseOrderDetailId = '" + PurchaseOrderDetailId + "'";
                    if (DBConnString.clsDB.ExecuteTransaction(ListSqlQty.ToArray()))
                        List<String> ListSqlsts = new List<String>();
                        foreach (DataRow rowp in oldPo.Rows)
                            String Pidx = rowp[0].ToString();
                            String sts = "SELECT CASE WHEN sum(p.purchaseorderstatusid) = 0 THEN 0 " +
                                                  "WHEN COUNT(*)*2 = SUM(p.purchaseorderstatusid) THEN 2 " +
                                                  "ELSE 1 END " +
                                                  "FROM PurchaseOrderDetail p WHERE p.PurchaseOrderId = '" + Pidx + "'";
                            String up = "update purchaseorder set purchaseorderstatusid = " + Class.DBConnString.clsDB.QueryExecuteScalar(sts) + " where purchaseorderid = '" + Pidx + "'";
                        if (DBConnString.clsDB.ExecuteTransaction(ListSqlsts.ToArray()))
                            //if (MessageBox.Show("บันทึกสำเร็จ คุณต้องการพิมพ์รายงาน " + rid + "\nใช่หรือไม่ ?", "คำยืนยัน", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes)
                            //    receive.receiveReport rpt = new receive.receiveReport(Data(), 0);
                            //    rpt.ShowDialog();
                            //this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;

                if (MessageBox.Show("บันทึกสำเร็จ คุณต้องการพิมพ์รายงาน " + rid + "\nใช่หรือไม่ ?", "คำยืนยัน", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes)
                    StockAsiaDrink.COReport rpt = new StockAsiaDrink.COReport(DataPrice(), 1, 0);
                //this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
                if (CheckFrom == 0)
                    frmSentConsignmentNew frm = new frmSentConsignmentNew();
                    frm.MdiParent = this.MdiParent;
                else if (CheckFrom == 1)
                    CQNew = "";
                    for (int nbRow = 0; nbRow < dgvReceive.Rows.Count; nbRow++)
                        CQ = dgvReceive.Rows[nbRow].Cells[15].Value.ToString();
                        if (CQNew != CQ)
                            CQNew = CQ;
                            sql = "select count(CQHeadId) from CO_REQ_HEAD where CQHeadId='" + CQNew + "' and COStatusId='1'";
                            DataTable dtNew = Class.DBConnString.clsDB.QueryDataTable(sql);
                            Int32 c = Convert.ToInt32(dtNew.Rows[0][0].ToString());
                            if (c > 0)
                                sql = "select count(CODetailId) from COSIGNMENT_STOCK_DETAIL where CQHeadId='" + CQNew + "'";
                                dtNew = Class.DBConnString.clsDB.QueryDataTable(sql);
                                c = Convert.ToInt32(dtNew.Rows[0][0].ToString());
                                if (c == 0)
                                    String sqldeleteR = "update CO_REQ_HEAD set COStatusId='0' where CQHeadId='" + CQNew + "'";
                                    SqlDataReader readerUpdateHead1 = DBConnString.clsDB.QueryDataReader(sqldeleteR);
예제 #2
 private void dataGridView1_CellDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
     if (CheckSearch == 1)
         frmSentConsignmentNew frm = new frmSentConsignmentNew(dgvHead.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(), Sta.ToString());
     else if (CheckSearch == 2)
         StockAsiaDrink.frmSaleConsignmentNew frm = new StockAsiaDrink.frmSaleConsignmentNew(dgvHead.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(), Sta.ToString());
     else if (CheckSearch == 3)