public override void makeElements() { for (int i = 0; i < 250; i++) { screenLabels.Add(null); // Initialize Labels } for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenInputs.Add(null); // Initialize Inputs } screenInputs[0] = Helper.CreateInput(-2, -2, 1, 2); // Every page must have an input to capture keypresses on Unix screenLabels[0] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, 0, 7, 1, "SCR " + form.screenType.ToString()); screenLabels[1] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(30, 0, 30, 1, "NODES", 4); screenLabels[2] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, 1.5, 12, 1, "LT: XX:XX:XX"); screenLabels[3] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(29, 1.5, 14, 1, "MET: XXX:XX:XX"); for (int i = 1; i <= 2; i++) { for (int n = 0; n <= 19; n++) { screenLabels[(i * 20) + n] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel((i - 1) * 36, n + 4, 35, 1, ""); } } // SEP LINE screenLabels[100] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(35, 4, 1, 1, "┬"); for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) { screenLabels[101 + i] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(35, 5 + i, 1, 1, "│"); } }
public override void makeElements() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { screenLabels.Add(null); // Initialize Labels } for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenInputs.Add(null); // Initialize Inputs } screenInputs[0] = Helper.CreateInput(-2, -2, 1, 2); // Every page must have an input to capture keypresses on Unix //string str = "ABCDE\nFGHIL\nJKLMN\nOPQRS\nTUVWX\nYZ \n01234\n56789\n.-* \n+()"; //string str = "ABCDEFG\nHILJKLM\nNOPQRST\nUVWXYZ \n 01234 \n 56789 \n .-*+()"; string str = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\n0123456789 .-*+()"; screenLabels[0] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, 0, 26, 2, str, 1); screenLabels[1] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, 2, 26, 2, str, 2); screenLabels[2] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, 4, 26, 2, str, 3); screenLabels[3] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, 6, 26, 2, str, 4); screenLabels[4] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, 8, 26, 2, str, 5); screenLabels[5] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(26, 0, 26, 2, "ZZ", 1); }
public override void makeElements() { for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenCharts.Add(null); // Initialize Charts } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { screenLabels.Add(null); // Initialize Labels } for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenInputs.Add(null); // Initialize Inputs } screenInputs[0] = Helper.CreateInput(-2, -2, 1, 2); // Every page must have an input to capture keypresses on Unix screenLabels[0] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, 0, 5, 1, "SCR 3"); screenLabels[1] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(27, 0, 30, 1, "CONSUMABLES", 4); screenLabels[2] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, 1.5, 12, 1, "LT: XX:XX:XX"); screenLabels[3] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(29, 1.5, 14, 1, "MET: XXX:XX:XX"); screenLabels[4] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, 3, 72, 1, " STG ──────────── PART ─────────────── FUEL ─────── LOX ─────── MONO ──"); for (int i = 5; i < 37; i++) { screenLabels[i] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, i + 0.5f, 96, 1, "", 2); } screenLabels[50] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, 30, 72, 1, "─────────────────────────────────────── FUEL ────── LOX ──── MONO ─────"); screenLabels[51] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(25, 32, 8, 1, "TOTALS:"); screenLabels[52] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(34, 32, 38, 1, ""); screenLabels[55] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, 32, 25, 1, ""); }
public override void makeElements() { for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenCharts.Add(null); // Initialize Charts } for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenLabels.Add(null); // Initialize Labels } for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenInputs.Add(null); // Initialize Inputs } screenInputs[0] = Helper.CreateInput(-2, -2, 1, 2); // Every page must have an input to capture keypresses on Unix screenLabels[0] = Helper.CreateLabel(39, 0, 42, 1, "======= ALTITUDES ======="); // Altitude vs. Orbital Speed screenCharts[0] = Helper.CreatePlot(0, 1, 120, 30, -1, -1, 0, -1); screenCharts[0].fixedXwidth = 600; screenCharts[0].setSeriesColor(0, Color.FromArgb(100, 251, 251, 251)); screenCharts[0].setSeriesColor(1, Color.FromArgb(100, 251, 251, 251)); screenCharts[0].setSeriesColor(2, Color.FromArgb(200, 0, 169, 51)); screenCharts[0].setSeriesColor(3, Color.FromArgb(200, 0, 51, 204)); screenCharts[0].setSeriesColor(4, Color.FromArgb(200, 204, 51, 0)); }
public override void makeElements() { for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenCharts.Add(null); // Initialize Charts } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { screenLabels.Add(null); // Initialize Labels } for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenInputs.Add(null); // Initialize Inputs } screenInputs[0] = Helper.CreateInput(-1, -1, 1, 1); // Every page must have an input to capture keypresses on Unix //screenInputs[0].Text = maxHDOT.ToString(); //screenInputs[0].TextChanged += (sender, e) => this.setmaxHDOT(sender, e); screenLabels[0] = Helper.CreateLabel(30, 0, 60, 1, "======= FLIGHT PATH ANGLE / INERTIAL VELOCITY ======="); screenCharts[0] = Helper.CreatePlot(0, 1, 120, 30, 0, 3000, -4, 60); screenCharts[0].setSeriesColor(0, Color.FromArgb(100, 251, 0, 0)); screenCharts[0].setSeriesColor(1, Color.FromArgb(100, 251, 0, 0)); screenCharts[0].setSeriesColor(2, Color.FromArgb(100, 251, 251, 251)); screenCharts[0].setSeriesColor(3, Color.FromArgb(200, 0, 251, 0)); screenCharts[0].setSeriesColor(4, Color.FromArgb(100, 0, 251, 0)); screenCharts[0].setSeriesColor(5, Color.FromArgb(100, 0, 251, 0)); screenCharts[0].setSeriesColor(6, Color.FromArgb(100, 0, 251, 0)); screenCharts[0].setSeriesColor(7, Color.FromArgb(100, 0, 251, 0)); }
public override void makeElements() { for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenCharts.Add(null); // Initialize Charts } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { screenLabels.Add(null); // Initialize Labels } for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenInputs.Add(null); // Initialize Inputs } screenInputs[0] = Helper.CreateInput(-2, -2, 1, 2); // Every page must have an input to capture keypresses on Unix screenLabels[0] = Helper.CreateLabel(39, 0, 42, 1, "======= TERRAIN / TIME ======="); // Altitude vs. Time Graph screenCharts[0] = Helper.CreatePlot(0, 1, 120, 30, -1, -1, -100, 3000); screenCharts[0].fixedXwidth = 600; screenCharts[0].setSeriesColor(0, Color.FromArgb(100, 251, 251, 251)); screenCharts[0].setSeriesColor(1, Color.FromArgb(100, 0, 251, 0)); }
public override void makeElements() { for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenCharts.Add(null); // Initialize Charts } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { screenLabels.Add(null); // Initialize Labels } for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenInputs.Add(null); // Initialize Inputs } screenInputs[0] = Helper.CreateInput(10, 0, 10, 1); // Every page must have an input to capture keypresses on Unix screenInputs[0].Text = maxHDOT.ToString(); screenInputs[0].TextChanged += (sender, e) => this.setmaxHDOT(sender, e); screenLabels[0] = Helper.CreateLabel(39, 0, 42, 1, "======= H / HDOT ======="); screenLabels[1] = Helper.CreateLabel(0, 0, 10, 1, "MAX HDOT:"); screenCharts[0] = Helper.CreatePlot(0, 1, 120, 30, -100, 1200, 0, -1); screenCharts[0].setSeriesColor(0, Color.FromArgb(100, 251, 0, 0)); screenCharts[0].setSeriesColor(1, Color.FromArgb(100, 251, 0, 0)); screenCharts[0].setSeriesColor(2, Color.FromArgb(100, 251, 251, 251)); screenCharts[0].setSeriesColor(3, Color.FromArgb(100, 251, 251, 251)); screenCharts[0].setSeriesColor(4, Color.FromArgb(200, 0, 169, 51)); screenCharts[0].setSeriesColor(5, Color.FromArgb(200, 0, 51, 204)); screenCharts[0].setSeriesColor(6, Color.FromArgb(200, 204, 51, 0)); calcApoMax(); }
public override void makeElements() { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { screenLabels.Add(null); // Initialize Labels } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { screenButtons.Add(null); // Initialize Buttons } for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenInputs.Add(null); // Initialize Inputs } screenInputs[0] = Helper.CreateInput(-2, -2, 1, 2); // Every page must have an input to capture keypresses on Unix screenLabels[4] = Helper.CreateLabel(0, 0, 60, 35); // Help text screenLabels[4].Text = "╥─── HELP ───\n" + "║\n" + "║ To switch between the different screens,\n" + "║ hold down [CTRL] and type inn the number,\n" + "║ then release [CTRL].\n" + "║\n" + "║ 0 - HELP\n" + "║ 1 - ASCENT\n" + "║ 2 - BOOSTER\n" + "║ 3 - CONSUMABLES\n" + "║ 4 - ORBIT VIEW\n" + "║ 5 - ORBIT DATA\n" + "║ 6 - ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS\n" + "║ 7 - TEMPERATURE / ABLATORS / RADIATORS\n" + "║ 8 - MAP VIEW\n" + "║ 12 - DATA STORAGE (PySSSMQ)\n" + "║ 13 - FUTURE ORBITS\n" + "║ 50 - TERRAIN GRAPH\n" + "║ 51 - ALTITUDE / INERTIAL VELOCITY - GRAPH\n" + "║ 52 - ATTITUDE - GRAPHS (R,P,Y)\n" + "║ 53 - TIME TO APOPASIS / INERTIAL VELOCITY - GRAPH\n" + "║ 54 - ALTITUDE / RANGE - GRAPH\n" + "║ 55 - ALTITUDE / VERTICAL SPEED (H / HDOT) - GRAPH\n" + "║ 56 - FLIGHT PATH ANGLE / INERTIAL VELOCITY - GRAPH\n" + "║ 101 - FDAI\n" + "║ 102 - DSKY\n" + "║\n" + "║ 201-215 - STATUS REPORT (Requires PySSSMQ connection)\n" + "║ 220 - STATUS PANEL (Requires PySSSMQ connection)\n" + "║\n" + "║\n" + "║ 9 - FONT/ALIGNMENT TEST\n" + "║ 99 - CRT FONT/ALIGNMENT TEST\n"; screenLabels[5] = Helper.CreateLabel(0, 0, 60, 2, "──────────────────── CONNECTION DETAILS ────────────────────"); // Connection Header} screenLabels[7].Text = ""; }
public override void makeElements() { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { screenLabels.Add(null); // Initialize Labels } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { screenInputs.Add(null); // Initialize Inputs } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { screenButtons.Add(null); // Initialize Buttons } screenLabels[0] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, 0, 7, 1, "SCR " + form.screenType.ToString()); screenLabels[1] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(30, 0, 30, 1, "DEBUG", 4); screenLabels[2] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, 1.5, 12, 1, "LT: XX:XX:XX"); screenLabels[3] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(29, 1.5, 14, 1, "MET: XXX:XX:XX"); // AUTOPILOT STATUS/TOGGLE BUTTONS screenButtons[0] = Helper.CreateButton(0, 3, 10, 2, "AUTOPILOT", false,; screenButtons[0].setLightColor(MocrButton.color.RED); screenButtons[0].MouseClick += toggleAutopilot; screenButtons[1] = Helper.CreateButton(11, 3, 10, 2, "SAS", false,; screenButtons[1].setLightColor(MocrButton.color.AMBER); screenButtons[1].MouseClick += toggleSAS; screenButtons[2] = Helper.CreateButton(22, 3, 10, 2, "RCS", false,; screenButtons[2].setLightColor(MocrButton.color.AMBER); screenButtons[2].MouseClick += toggleRCS; screenLabels[4] = Helper.CreateLabel(0, 6, 22, 1, "DIRECTION UNIT VECTOR"); screenLabels[5] = Helper.CreateLabel(0, 7, 3, 1, "Dx:"); screenLabels[6] = Helper.CreateLabel(0, 8, 3, 1, "Dy:"); screenLabels[7] = Helper.CreateLabel(0, 9, 3, 1, "Dz:"); screenLabels[8] = Helper.CreateLabel(0, 10, 3, 1, " R:"); screenInputs[0] = Helper.CreateInput(3, 7, 8, 1); screenInputs[1] = Helper.CreateInput(3, 8, 8, 1); screenInputs[2] = Helper.CreateInput(3, 9, 8, 1); screenInputs[3] = Helper.CreateInput(3, 10, 8, 1); screenButtons[3] = Helper.CreateButton(0, 12, 15, 1, "SET INER DIR", false,; screenButtons[3].MouseClick += setINER; screenButtons[4] = Helper.CreateButton(16, 12, 15, 1, "SET SURF DIR", false,; screenButtons[4].MouseClick += setSURF; screenLabels[9] = Helper.CreateLabel(0, 14, 30, 5, "SURF:\nX: UP\nY: NORTH\nZ: EAST"); screenLabels[10] = Helper.CreateLabel(30, 14, 50, 5, ""); }
public override void makeElements() { for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenLabels.Add(null); // Initialize Labels } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { screenButtons.Add(null); // Initialize Buttons } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { screenScrews.Add(null); // Initialize Screws } for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenInputs.Add(null); // Initialize Inputs } screenInputs[0] = Helper.CreateInput(-2, -2, 1, 2); // Every page must have an input to capture keypresses on Unix screenLabels[0] = Helper.CreateLabel(39, 73, 189, 29, positionCode + " STATUS REPORT", true, true); screenLabels[0].type = CustomLabel.LabelType.ENGRAVED; screenButtons[0] = Helper.CreateButton(39, 105, 63, 77, "", true); screenButtons[0].buttonStyle =; screenButtons[0].setLightColor(MocrButton.color.RED); screenButtons[0].Click += (sender, e) => clickButton(sender, e, screenButtons[0]); screenButtons[1] = Helper.CreateButton(102, 105, 63, 77, "", true); screenButtons[1].buttonStyle =; screenButtons[1].setLightColor(MocrButton.color.AMBER); screenButtons[1].Click += (sender, e) => clickButton(sender, e, screenButtons[1]); screenButtons[2] = Helper.CreateButton(165, 105, 63, 77, "", true); screenButtons[2].buttonStyle =; screenButtons[2].setLightColor(MocrButton.color.GREEN); screenButtons[2].Click += (sender, e) => clickButton(sender, e, screenButtons[2]); screenButtons[3] = Helper.CreateButton(98, 14, 70, 56, "ABORT\nREQ'D", true); screenButtons[3].Font = form.smallFontB; screenButtons[3].buttonStyle =; screenButtons[3].setLightColor(MocrButton.color.RED); screenScrews[0] = Helper.CreateScrew(4, 36, true); screenScrews[1] = Helper.CreateScrew(234, 36, true); screenScrews[2] = Helper.CreateScrew(4, 134, true); screenScrews[3] = Helper.CreateScrew(234, 134, true); form.dataStorage.Pull(); Thread.Sleep(1000); setButtonColor(positionCode + "S"); }
public override void makeElements() { for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenInputs.Add(null); // Initialize Inputs } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { screenLabels.Add(null); // Initialize Labels } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { screenIndicators.Add(null); // Initialize Indicators } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { screenButtons.Add(null); // Initialize Buttons } screenInputs[0] = Helper.CreateInput(-2, -2, 1, 2); // Every page must have an input to capture keypresses on Unix // FDAI screenFDAI = new FDAI(); screenFDAI.Font = form.buttonFont; screenFDAI.Location = new Point(100, 0); screenFDAI.Size = new Size(form.ClientSize.Width - 100, form.ClientSize.Height); form.Controls.Add(screenFDAI); // MODE BUTTONS/INDICATORS screenLabels[0] = Helper.CreateLabel(2.5, 0, 4, 1, "MODE"); screenIndicators[0] = Helper.CreateIndicator(0, 1, 5, 1, "SURF"); screenButtons[0] = Helper.CreateButton(5, 1, 4, 1, ""); screenButtons[0].Click += (sender, e) => setMode(FDAIMode.SURF); screenIndicators[1] = Helper.CreateIndicator(0, 2, 5, 1, "INER"); screenButtons[1] = Helper.CreateButton(5, 2, 4, 1, ""); screenButtons[1].Click += (sender, e) => setMode(FDAIMode.INER); // RATE BUTTONS/INDICATORS screenLabels[1] = Helper.CreateLabel(0, 4, 9, 1, "E|R SCALE"); screenIndicators[2] = Helper.CreateIndicator(0, 5, 5, 1, "5|1"); screenButtons[2] = Helper.CreateButton(5, 5, 4, 1, ""); screenButtons[2].Click += (sender, e) => setScale(5, 1); screenIndicators[3] = Helper.CreateIndicator(0, 6, 5, 1, "5|5"); screenButtons[3] = Helper.CreateButton(5, 6, 4, 1, ""); screenButtons[3].Click += (sender, e) => setScale(5, 5); screenIndicators[4] = Helper.CreateIndicator(0, 7, 5, 1, "15|10"); screenButtons[4] = Helper.CreateButton(5, 7, 4, 1, ""); screenButtons[4].Click += (sender, e) => setScale(15, 10); // Load PySSSMQ-DATA loadPySSSMQData(); }
public override void makeElements() { for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenInputs.Add(null); // Initialize Inputs } screenInputs[0] = Helper.CreateInput(-2, -2, 1, 2); // Every page must have an input to capture keypresses on Unix screenOrbit = Helper.CreateOrbit(0, 0, 674, 508, true); screenOrbit.MouseDown += orbitMouseDown; screenOrbit.MouseMove += orbitMouseMove; screenOrbit.MouseUp += orbitMouseUp; screenOrbit.MouseWheel += orbitMouseWheel; }
public override void makeElements() { for (int i = 0; i < 125; i++) { screenLabels.Add(null); // Initialize Labels } for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenInputs.Add(null); // Initialize Inputs } screenInputs[0] = Helper.CreateInput(-2, -2, 1, 2); // Every page must have an input to capture keypresses on Unix screenLabels[0] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, 0, 5, 1, "SCR 7"); screenLabels[1] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(15, 0, 34, 1, "TEMPERATURE / ABLATORS / RADIATORS", 4); screenLabels[2] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, 1.5, 12, 1, "LT: XX:XX:XX"); screenLabels[3] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(29, 1.5, 14, 1, "MET: XXX:XX:XX"); screenLabels[4] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, 3, 72, 1, "──────────── HOT PARTS ────────────┬────────── ABLATOR PARTS ──────────"); screenLabels[6] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(36, 18, 72, 1, "────────── RADIATOR PARTS ─────────"); // CENTER DIVISOR for (int i = 4; i < 34; i++) { screenLabels[80 + i] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(35, i, 1, 1, "│"); } // HOT PARTS LABLES for (int i = 0; i < 29; i++) { screenLabels[10 + i] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, 4 + i, 35, 1, ""); } // ABLATOR PARTS LABLES for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) { screenLabels[40 + i] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(36, 4 + i, 35, 1, ""); } // RADIATOR PARTS LABLES for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) { screenLabels[60 + i] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(36, 19 + i, 35, 1, ""); } }
public override void makeElements() { for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenMaps.Add(null); // Initialize Map } for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenInputs.Add(null); // Initialize Inputs } for (int i = 0; i < 70; i++) { screenIndicators.Add(null); // Initialize Indicators } for (int i = 0; i < 80; i++) { screenButtons.Add(null); // Initialize Buttons } for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenLabels.Add(null); // Initialize Labels } screenInputs[0] = Helper.CreateInput(7, 29, 6, 1, HorizontalAlignment.Right); // Every page must have an input to capture keypresses on Unix screenInputs[0].Text = taillength.ToString(); screenInputs[0].TextChanged += (sender, e) => updateTailLength(sender, e); screenLabels[0] = Helper.CreateLabel(7, 28, 6, 1, "LENGTH"); screenMaps[0] = Helper.CreateMap(0, 0, 120, 28); screenMaps[0].bodyName = "Kerbin"; screenButtons[0] = Helper.CreateButton(1, 29, 5, 1, "TAIL"); screenButtons[0].Font = form.buttonFont; screenButtons[0].Click += (sender, e) => this.toggleTail(sender, e); screenButtons[1] = Helper.CreateButton(14, 29, 5, 1, "FADE"); screenButtons[1].Font = form.buttonFont; screenButtons[1].Click += (sender, e) => this.toggleFade(sender, e); screenIndicators[0] = Helper.CreateIndicator(1, 28, 5, 1, ""); screenIndicators[1] = Helper.CreateIndicator(14, 28, 5, 1, ""); }
public override void makeElements() { for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { screenLabels.Add(null); // Initialize Labels } for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenInputs.Add(null); // Initialize Inputs } screenInputs[0] = Helper.CreateInput(-2, -2, 1, 2); // Every page must have an input to capture keypresses on Unix screenLabels[0] = Helper.CreateLabel(0, 1, 20, 28); screenLabels[0].Text = "DATA STORAGE\nNO DATA"; screenLabels[1] = Helper.CreateLabel(20, 1, 20, 28); screenLabels[2] = Helper.CreateLabel(40, 1, 20, 28); screenLabels[3] = Helper.CreateLabel(60, 1, 20, 28); screenLabels[4] = Helper.CreateLabel(80, 1, 20, 28); screenLabels[5] = Helper.CreateLabel(100, 1, 20, 28); }
public override void makeElements() { for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { screenLabels.Add(null); // Initialize Labels } for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenInputs.Add(null); // Initialize Inputs } screenInputs[0] = Helper.CreateInput(-2, -2, 1, 2); // Every page must have an input to capture keypresses on Unix screenLabels[0] = Helper.CreateLabel(0, 0, 118, 1); // Connection Status screenLabels[0].Text = "STREAMS:"; screenLabels[1] = Helper.CreateLabel(0, 1, 20, 28, "NO DATA"); screenLabels[2] = Helper.CreateLabel(20, 1, 20, 28); screenLabels[3] = Helper.CreateLabel(40, 1, 20, 28); screenLabels[4] = Helper.CreateLabel(60, 1, 20, 28); screenLabels[5] = Helper.CreateLabel(80, 1, 20, 28); screenLabels[6] = Helper.CreateLabel(100, 1, 20, 28); }
public override void makeElements() { for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenCharts.Add(null); // Initialize Charts } for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenLabels.Add(null); // Initialize Labels } for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenInputs.Add(null); // Initialize Inputs } screenInputs[0] = Helper.CreateInput(-2, -2, 1, 2); // Every page must have an input to capture keypresses on Unix screenLabels[0] = Helper.CreateLabel(0, 0, 120, 1, Helper.prtlen("======= TIME TO APOAPSIS / INERTIAL VELOCITY =======", 120, Helper.Align.CENTER)); // Altitude vs. Orbital Speed screenCharts[0] = Helper.CreatePlot(0, 1, 120, 30, 0, 3000, 0, -1); screenCharts[0].setSeriesColor(0, Color.FromArgb(100, 251, 0, 0)); screenCharts[0].setSeriesColor(1, Color.FromArgb(100, 251, 251, 251)); }
public override void makeElements() { for (int i = 0; i < 80; i++) { screenLabels.Add(null); // Initialize Labels } for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenInputs.Add(null); // Initialize Inputs } screenInputs[0] = Helper.CreateInput(-2, -2, 1, 2); // Every page must have an input to capture keypresses on Unix screenLabels[0] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, 0, 5, 1, "SCR 6"); screenLabels[1] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(17, 0, 30, 1, "SPACECRAFT ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS", 4); screenLabels[2] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, 1.5, 12, 1, "LT: XX:XX:XX"); screenLabels[3] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(29, 1.5, 14, 1, "MET: XXX:XX:XX"); screenLabels[4] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, 3, 72, 1, "─── SOLAR PANELS ──── GEN ─── SUN ─┬────────────── TOTALS ──────────────"); screenLabels[5] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, 18, 72, 1, "─────────────── STORAGE ──────────────── CAP ───── LVL ───── FLW ──────"); screenLabels[6] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(36, 4, 36, 1, " GEN SUN"); screenLabels[7] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(36, 5, 36, 1, " SOLAR: XXXX.XX X.XX"); screenLabels[8] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(36, 7, 36, 1, " CAP LVL FLW"); screenLabels[9] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(36, 8, 36, 1, " STORAGE: XXXX.XX XXXX.XX XXXX.XX"); //screenLabels[7] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(1, 15, 58, 1, "──────────── STORAGE ───────────── CAP ────── LVL ──────"); for (int i = 4; i < 17; i++) { // FROM 10 screenLabels[i + 6] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, i, 35, 1, ""); // FROM 50 screenLabels[i + 46] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(35, i, 1, 1, "│"); // FROM 30 screenLabels[i + 26] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, i + 15, 72, 1, ""); } }
public override void makeElements() { for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenCharts.Add(null); // Initialize Charts } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { screenLabels.Add(null); // Initialize Labels } for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenInputs.Add(null); // Initialize Inputs } for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenButtons.Add(null); // Initialize Buttons } screenInputs[0] = Helper.CreateInput(109, 0, 10, 1); // Every page must have an input to capture keypresses on Unix screenInputs[0].Text = range.ToString(); screenInputs[0].TextChanged += (sender, e) => this.setRange(sender, e); screenButtons[0] = Helper.CreateButton(0, 0, 12, 1, "SET ORIGIN"); screenButtons[0].Font = form.buttonFont; screenButtons[0].Click += (sender, e) => this.setOrigin(sender, e); screenLabels[0] = Helper.CreateLabel(39, 0, 42, 1, "======= ALTITUDE/RANGE FROM ORIGIN ======="); screenLabels[1] = Helper.CreateLabel(13, 0, 42, 1, "ORIGIN NOT SET"); screenLabels[2] = Helper.CreateLabel(93, 0, 16, 1, "INSERTION RANGE"); // Altitude vs. Orbital Speed screenCharts[0] = Helper.CreatePlot(0, 1, 120, 30, 0, -1, 0, -1); screenCharts[0].setSeriesColor(0, Color.FromArgb(100, 251, 0, 0)); screenCharts[0].setSeriesColor(1, Color.FromArgb(100, 0, 251, 0)); screenCharts[0].setSeriesColor(2, Color.FromArgb(100, 0, 251, 0)); screenCharts[0].setSeriesColor(3, Color.FromArgb(100, 251, 251, 251)); }
public override void makeElements() { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { screenCharts.Add(null); // Initialize Charts } for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenInputs.Add(null); // Initialize Inputs } screenInputs[0] = Helper.CreateInput(-2, -2, 1, 2); // Every page must have an input to capture keypresses on Unix screenCharts[0] = Helper.CreatePlot(0, 0, 60, 10, -1, -1, -180, 180); screenCharts[0].setSeriesColor(0, Color.FromArgb(200, 255, 255, 255)); screenCharts[0].fixedXwidth = 600; screenCharts[1] = Helper.CreatePlot(0, 10, 60, 10, -1, -1, -90, 90); screenCharts[1].setSeriesColor(0, Color.FromArgb(200, 255, 255, 255)); screenCharts[1].fixedXwidth = 600; screenCharts[2] = Helper.CreatePlot(0, 20, 60, 10, -1, -1, 0, 360); screenCharts[2].setSeriesColor(0, Color.FromArgb(200, 255, 255, 255)); screenCharts[2].fixedXwidth = 600; }
public override void makeElements() { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { screenScrews.Add(null); // Initialize Screws } for (int i = 0; i < 72; i++) { screenEventIndicators.Add(null); // Initialize EventIndicators } for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenInputs.Add(null); // Initialize Inputs } screenInputs[0] = Helper.CreateInput(-2, -2, 1, 2); // Every page must have an input to capture keypresses on Unix screenScrews[0] = Helper.CreateScrew(4, 36, true); screenScrews[1] = Helper.CreateScrew(500, 36, true); screenScrews[2] = Helper.CreateScrew(4, 134, true); screenScrews[3] = Helper.CreateScrew(500, 134, true); /// ROW ONE screenEventIndicators[0] = Helper.createEventIndicator(54, 10, true, true); screenEventIndicators[0].upperText = "EECOM\nALL LIM"; screenEventIndicators[0].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[0].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.BLUE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[1] = Helper.createEventIndicator(101, 10, true, true); screenEventIndicators[1].upperText = "CSM\nLIVE"; screenEventIndicators[1].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[1].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.BLUE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[2] = Helper.createEventIndicator(148, 10, true, true); screenEventIndicators[2].upperText = "CSM FM TM\n1.1024MHZ"; screenEventIndicators[2].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[2].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.BLUE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[3] = Helper.createEventIndicator(195, 10, true, true); screenEventIndicators[3].upperText = "DSE RUN\nCT0012X"; screenEventIndicators[3].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[3].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.BLUE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[4] = Helper.createEventIndicator(242, 10, true, true); screenEventIndicators[4].upperText = "LOG BUS A\nCD0200V"; screenEventIndicators[4].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[4].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.AMBER_LIT; screenEventIndicators[5] = Helper.createEventIndicator(289, 10, true, true); screenEventIndicators[5].upperText = "SCS BUS A\nCD0170X"; screenEventIndicators[5].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[5].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.WHITE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[6] = Helper.createEventIndicator(336, 10, true, true); screenEventIndicators[6].upperText = "APEX A\nCD0230X"; screenEventIndicators[6].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[6].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.WHITE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[7] = Helper.createEventIndicator(383, 10, true, true); screenEventIndicators[7].upperText = "ABORT REQ\nBS0080X"; screenEventIndicators[7].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[7].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.GREEN_LIT; screenEventIndicators[8] = Helper.createEventIndicator(430, 10, true, true); screenEventIndicators[8].upperText = "EDS VOT 1\nCDO132X R"; screenEventIndicators[8].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[8].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.GREEN_LIT; /// ROW TWO screenEventIndicators[9] = Helper.createEventIndicator(54, 32, true, true); screenEventIndicators[9].upperText = "LAUNCH\nLIMITS"; screenEventIndicators[9].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[9].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.BLUE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[10] = Helper.createEventIndicator(101, 32, true, true); screenEventIndicators[10].upperText = "CSM\nSTATIC"; screenEventIndicators[10].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[10].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.BLUE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[11] = Helper.createEventIndicator(148, 32, true, true); screenEventIndicators[11].upperText = "CSM PM\nDN LOCK"; screenEventIndicators[11].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[11].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.BLUE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[12] = Helper.createEventIndicator(195, 32, true, true); screenEventIndicators[12].upperText = "SCE +20\nCT0015V"; screenEventIndicators[12].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[12].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.BLUE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[13] = Helper.createEventIndicator(242, 32, true, true); screenEventIndicators[13].upperText = "LOG BUS B\nCD0201V"; screenEventIndicators[13].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[13].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.AMBER_LIT; screenEventIndicators[14] = Helper.createEventIndicator(289, 32, true, true); screenEventIndicators[14].upperText = "SCS RCS B\nCD0171X"; screenEventIndicators[14].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[14].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.WHITE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[15] = Helper.createEventIndicator(336, 32, true, true); screenEventIndicators[15].upperText = "APEX B\nCD0231X"; screenEventIndicators[15].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[15].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.WHITE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[16] = Helper.createEventIndicator(383, 32, true, true); screenEventIndicators[16].upperText = "ABORT REQ\nBS0081X"; screenEventIndicators[16].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[16].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.GREEN_LIT; screenEventIndicators[17] = Helper.createEventIndicator(430, 32, true, true); screenEventIndicators[17].upperText = "EDS VOT 2\nCD0133X T"; screenEventIndicators[17].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[17].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.GREEN_LIT; /// ROW THREE screenEventIndicators[18] = Helper.createEventIndicator(54, 54, true, true); screenEventIndicators[18].upperText = "ENTRY\nLIMITS"; screenEventIndicators[18].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[18].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.BLUE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[19] = Helper.createEventIndicator(101, 54, true, true); screenEventIndicators[19].upperText = "CSM\nLFI"; screenEventIndicators[19].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[19].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.BLUE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[20] = Helper.createEventIndicator(148, 54, true, true); screenEventIndicators[20].upperText = "CSM PM TM\n1.024MHZ"; screenEventIndicators[20].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[20].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.BLUE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[21] = Helper.createEventIndicator(195, 54, true, true); screenEventIndicators[21].upperText = "SCE -20\nCT0016V"; screenEventIndicators[21].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[21].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.BLUE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[22] = Helper.createEventIndicator(242, 54, true, true); screenEventIndicators[22].upperText = "PYR BUS A\nCD0005V"; screenEventIndicators[22].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[22].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.AMBER_LIT; screenEventIndicators[23] = Helper.createEventIndicator(289, 54, true, true); screenEventIndicators[23].upperText = "CM RCS A\nCD0173X"; screenEventIndicators[23].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[23].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.WHITE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[24] = Helper.createEventIndicator(336, 54, true, true); screenEventIndicators[24].upperText = "DRO DEP A\nCE0001X"; screenEventIndicators[24].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[24].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.WHITE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[25] = Helper.createEventIndicator(383, 54, true, true); screenEventIndicators[25].upperText = "CREW ABRT\nCD0130X"; screenEventIndicators[25].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[25].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.GREEN_LIT; screenEventIndicators[26] = Helper.createEventIndicator(430, 54, true, true); screenEventIndicators[26].upperText = "EDS VOT 3\nCD0135X R"; screenEventIndicators[26].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[26].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.GREEN_LIT; /// ROW FOUR screenEventIndicators[27] = Helper.createEventIndicator(54, 76, true, true); screenEventIndicators[27].upperText = ""; screenEventIndicators[27].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[27].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[28] = Helper.createEventIndicator(101, 76, true, true); screenEventIndicators[28].upperText = "CSM EVENTS\nPLAYBACK"; screenEventIndicators[28].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[28].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.BLUE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[29] = Helper.createEventIndicator(148, 76, true, true); screenEventIndicators[29].upperText = "CSM UDL\n70KHZ"; screenEventIndicators[29].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[29].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.BLUE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[30] = Helper.createEventIndicator(195, 76, true, true); screenEventIndicators[30].upperText = "SCE +10\nCT0018V"; screenEventIndicators[30].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[30].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.BLUE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[31] = Helper.createEventIndicator(242, 76, true, true); screenEventIndicators[31].upperText = "PYR BUS B\nCD0006V"; screenEventIndicators[31].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[31].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.AMBER_LIT; screenEventIndicators[32] = Helper.createEventIndicator(289, 76, true, true); screenEventIndicators[32].upperText = "CM RCS B\nCD0174X"; screenEventIndicators[32].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[32].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.WHITE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[33] = Helper.createEventIndicator(336, 76, true, true); screenEventIndicators[33].upperText = "DRO DEP B\nCE0002X"; screenEventIndicators[33].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[33].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.WHITE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[34] = Helper.createEventIndicator(383, 76, true, true); screenEventIndicators[34].upperText = "CREW ABRT\nCD0131X"; screenEventIndicators[34].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[34].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.GREEN_LIT; screenEventIndicators[35] = Helper.createEventIndicator(430, 76, true, true); screenEventIndicators[35].upperText = "EDS ABT A\nCD0135X"; screenEventIndicators[35].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[35].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.GREEN_LIT; /// ROW FIVE screenEventIndicators[36] = Helper.createEventIndicator(54, 98, true, true); screenEventIndicators[36].upperText = "FC 1\nLIMITS"; screenEventIndicators[36].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[36].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.BLUE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[37] = Helper.createEventIndicator(101, 98, true, true); screenEventIndicators[37].upperText = "CO2 CAL\n14.7-30"; screenEventIndicators[37].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[37].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.BLUE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[38] = Helper.createEventIndicator(148, 98, true, true); screenEventIndicators[38].upperText = "CSM G/A\n30KHZ"; screenEventIndicators[38].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[38].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.BLUE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[39] = Helper.createEventIndicator(195, 98, true, true); screenEventIndicators[39].upperText = "SCE +5\nCT0017V"; screenEventIndicators[39].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[39].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.BLUE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[40] = Helper.createEventIndicator(242, 98, true, true); screenEventIndicators[40].upperText = ""; screenEventIndicators[40].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[40].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[41] = Helper.createEventIndicator(289, 98, true, true); screenEventIndicators[41].upperText = "CSM SEP A\nCD0023X"; screenEventIndicators[41].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[41].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.WHITE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[42] = Helper.createEventIndicator(336, 98, true, true); screenEventIndicators[42].upperText = "MN DEP A\nCE0003X"; screenEventIndicators[42].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[42].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.WHITE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[43] = Helper.createEventIndicator(383, 98, true, true); screenEventIndicators[43].upperText = ""; screenEventIndicators[43].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[43].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[44] = Helper.createEventIndicator(430, 98, true, true); screenEventIndicators[44].upperText = "EDS ABT B\nCD0136X"; screenEventIndicators[44].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[44].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.GREEN_LIT; /// ROW SIX screenEventIndicators[45] = Helper.createEventIndicator(54, 120, true, true); screenEventIndicators[45].upperText = "FC 2\nLIMITS"; screenEventIndicators[45].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[45].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.BLUE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[46] = Helper.createEventIndicator(101, 120, true, true); screenEventIndicators[46].upperText = "CO2 CAL\n3.7-10"; screenEventIndicators[46].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[46].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.BLUE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[47] = Helper.createEventIndicator(148, 120, true, true); screenEventIndicators[47].upperText = "CSM A/G\n1.25MHZ"; screenEventIndicators[47].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[47].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.BLUE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[48] = Helper.createEventIndicator(195, 120, true, true); screenEventIndicators[48].upperText = "PCM INT\nCT0340X R"; screenEventIndicators[48].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[48].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.BLUE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[49] = Helper.createEventIndicator(242, 120, true, true); screenEventIndicators[49].upperText = ""; screenEventIndicators[49].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[49].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[50] = Helper.createEventIndicator(289, 120, true, true); screenEventIndicators[50].upperText = "CSM SEP B\nCD0024X"; screenEventIndicators[50].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[50].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.WHITE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[51] = Helper.createEventIndicator(336, 120, true, true); screenEventIndicators[51].upperText = "MN DEP B\nCE0004X"; screenEventIndicators[51].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[51].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.WHITE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[52] = Helper.createEventIndicator(383, 120, true, true); screenEventIndicators[52].upperText = ""; screenEventIndicators[52].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[52].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[53] = Helper.createEventIndicator(430, 120, true, true); screenEventIndicators[53].upperText = ""; screenEventIndicators[53].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[53].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; /// ROW SEVEN screenEventIndicators[54] = Helper.createEventIndicator(54, 142, true, true); screenEventIndicators[54].upperText = "FC 3\nLIMITS"; screenEventIndicators[54].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[54].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.BLUE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[55] = Helper.createEventIndicator(101, 142, true, true); screenEventIndicators[55].upperText = "FLO CAL\n60F-10"; screenEventIndicators[55].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[55].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.BLUE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[56] = Helper.createEventIndicator(148, 142, true, true); screenEventIndicators[56].upperText = "CSM PRN\nUPLINK"; screenEventIndicators[56].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[56].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.BLUE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[57] = Helper.createEventIndicator(195, 142, true, true); screenEventIndicators[57].upperText = ""; screenEventIndicators[57].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[57].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[58] = Helper.createEventIndicator(242, 142, true, true); screenEventIndicators[58].upperText = "RNG SEP A\nCD1154X"; screenEventIndicators[58].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[58].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.WHITE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[59] = Helper.createEventIndicator(289, 142, true, true); screenEventIndicators[59].upperText = "SLA SEP A\nCD0123X"; screenEventIndicators[59].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[59].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.WHITE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[60] = Helper.createEventIndicator(336, 142, true, true); screenEventIndicators[60].upperText = "MN DIS A\nCE0321X"; screenEventIndicators[60].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[60].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.WHITE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[61] = Helper.createEventIndicator(383, 142, true, true); screenEventIndicators[61].upperText = ""; screenEventIndicators[61].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[61].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[62] = Helper.createEventIndicator(430, 142, true, true); screenEventIndicators[62].upperText = "MC&W LTCH\nCS0150X R"; screenEventIndicators[62].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[62].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.GREEN_LIT; /// ROW EIGHT screenEventIndicators[63] = Helper.createEventIndicator(54, 164, true, true); screenEventIndicators[63].upperText = ""; screenEventIndicators[63].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[63].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[64] = Helper.createEventIndicator(101, 164, true, true); screenEventIndicators[64].upperText = "FLO CAL\n120F-30"; screenEventIndicators[64].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[64].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.BLUE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[65] = Helper.createEventIndicator(148, 164, true, true); screenEventIndicators[65].upperText = ""; screenEventIndicators[65].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[65].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[66] = Helper.createEventIndicator(195, 164, true, true); screenEventIndicators[66].upperText = ""; screenEventIndicators[66].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[66].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[67] = Helper.createEventIndicator(242, 164, true, true); screenEventIndicators[67].upperText = "RNG SEP B\nCD1155X"; screenEventIndicators[67].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[67].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.WHITE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[68] = Helper.createEventIndicator(289, 164, true, true); screenEventIndicators[68].upperText = "SLA SEP B\nCD0124X"; screenEventIndicators[68].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[68].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.WHITE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[69] = Helper.createEventIndicator(336, 164, true, true); screenEventIndicators[69].upperText = "MN DIS B\nCE0322X"; screenEventIndicators[69].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[69].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.WHITE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[70] = Helper.createEventIndicator(383, 164, true, true); screenEventIndicators[70].upperText = "PROBE T\nCS0220T"; screenEventIndicators[70].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[70].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.AMBER_LIT; screenEventIndicators[71] = Helper.createEventIndicator(430, 164, true, true); screenEventIndicators[71].upperText = "MC&W\nCS0150X R"; screenEventIndicators[71].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[71].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.GREEN_LIT; }
public override void makeElements() { for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenLabels.Add(null); // Initialize Labels } for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { screenButtons.Add(null); // Initialize Buttons } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { screenScrews.Add(null); // Initialize Screws } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { screenEventIndicators.Add(null); // Initialize EventIndicators } for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenInputs.Add(null); // Initialize Inputs } screenInputs[0] = Helper.CreateInput(-2, -2, 1, 2); // Every page must have an input to capture keypresses on Unix screenLabels[0] = Helper.CreateLabel(162, 50, 208, 29, "COMPUTER PHASE", true, true); screenLabels[0].type = CustomLabel.LabelType.ENGRAVED; screenButtons[0] = Helper.CreateButton(56, 112, 70, 56, "NO EVENT", true); screenButtons[0].buttonStyle =; screenButtons[0].setLightColor(MocrButton.color.RED); screenButtons[0].Click += (sender, e) => clickButton(sender, e, screenButtons[0]); screenEventIndicators[0] = Helper.createEventIndicator(126, 112, false, true); screenEventIndicators[0].upperText = "RTCC ON"; screenEventIndicators[0].lowerText = "LES ABORT"; screenEventIndicators[0].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[0].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.WHITE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[0].lowerOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[0].lowerOnColor = EventIndicator.color.GREEN_LIT; screenButtons[1] = Helper.CreateButton(196, 112, 70, 56, "EVENT", true); screenButtons[1].buttonStyle =; screenButtons[1].setLightColor(MocrButton.color.AMBER); screenButtons[1].Click += (sender, e) => clickButton(sender, e, screenButtons[1]); screenButtons[2] = Helper.CreateButton(266, 112, 70, 56, "", true); screenButtons[2].buttonStyle =; screenButtons[2].setLightColor(MocrButton.color.BLANK); screenButtons[2].Click += (sender, e) => clickButton(sender, e, screenButtons[2]); screenEventIndicators[1] = Helper.createEventIndicator(336, 112, false, true); screenEventIndicators[1].upperText = ""; screenEventIndicators[1].lowerText = ""; screenEventIndicators[1].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[1].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[1].lowerOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[1].lowerOnColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenButtons[3] = Helper.CreateButton(406, 112, 70, 56, "", true); screenButtons[3].buttonStyle =; screenButtons[3].setLightColor(MocrButton.color.BLANK); screenButtons[3].Click += (sender, e) => clickButton(sender, e, screenButtons[2]); // ROW TWO screenButtons[4] = Helper.CreateButton(56, 168, 70, 56, "ABORT", true); screenButtons[4].buttonStyle =; screenButtons[4].setLightColor(MocrButton.color.BLANK); screenButtons[4].Click += (sender, e) => clickButton(sender, e, screenButtons[0]); screenButtons[5] = Helper.CreateButton(126, 168, 70, 56, "HOLD", true); screenButtons[5].buttonStyle =; screenButtons[5].setLightColor(MocrButton.color.BLANK); screenButtons[5].Click += (sender, e) => clickButton(sender, e, screenButtons[0]); screenButtons[6] = Helper.CreateButton(196, 168, 70, 56, "ORBIT", true); screenButtons[6].buttonStyle =; screenButtons[6].setLightColor(MocrButton.color.BLANK); screenButtons[6].Click += (sender, e) => clickButton(sender, e, screenButtons[0]); screenButtons[7] = Helper.CreateButton(266, 168, 70, 56, "ZERO LIFT", true); screenButtons[7].buttonStyle =; screenButtons[7].setLightColor(MocrButton.color.BLANK); screenButtons[7].Click += (sender, e) => clickButton(sender, e, screenButtons[0]); screenButtons[8] = Helper.CreateButton(336, 168, 70, 56, "HALF LIFT", true); screenButtons[8].buttonStyle =; screenButtons[8].setLightColor(MocrButton.color.BLANK); screenButtons[8].Click += (sender, e) => clickButton(sender, e, screenButtons[0]); screenButtons[9] = Helper.CreateButton(406, 168, 70, 56, "MAX LIFT", true); screenButtons[9].buttonStyle =; screenButtons[9].setLightColor(MocrButton.color.BLANK); screenButtons[9].Click += (sender, e) => clickButton(sender, e, screenButtons[0]); // ROW THREE screenButtons[10] = Helper.CreateButton(56, 224, 70, 56, "NO EVENT", true); screenButtons[10].buttonStyle =; screenButtons[10].setLightColor(MocrButton.color.RED); screenButtons[10].Click += (sender, e) => clickButton(sender, e, screenButtons[0]); screenEventIndicators[2] = Helper.createEventIndicator(126, 224, false, true); screenEventIndicators[2].upperText = "RTCC\nTHRUST ON"; screenEventIndicators[2].lowerText = "SPS\nIGNITION"; screenEventIndicators[2].upperOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[2].upperOnColor = EventIndicator.color.WHITE_LIT; screenEventIndicators[2].lowerOffColor = EventIndicator.color.OFF; screenEventIndicators[2].lowerOnColor = EventIndicator.color.GREEN_LIT; screenButtons[11] = Helper.CreateButton(196, 224, 70, 56, "EVENT", true); screenButtons[11].buttonStyle =; screenButtons[11].setLightColor(MocrButton.color.AMBER); screenButtons[11].Click += (sender, e) => clickButton(sender, e, screenButtons[0]); screenButtons[12] = Helper.CreateButton(266, 224, 70, 56, "S-IVB ENG\nIGN", true); screenButtons[12].buttonStyle =; screenButtons[12].setLightColor(MocrButton.color.GREEN); screenButtons[12].Click += (sender, e) => clickButton(sender, e, screenButtons[0]); screenButtons[13] = Helper.CreateButton(336, 224, 70, 56, "SPS\nIGNITION", true); screenButtons[13].buttonStyle =; screenButtons[13].setLightColor(MocrButton.color.GREEN); screenButtons[13].Click += (sender, e) => clickButton(sender, e, screenButtons[0]); screenButtons[14] = Helper.CreateButton(406, 224, 70, 56, "LM\nIGNITION", true); screenButtons[14].buttonStyle =; screenButtons[14].setLightColor(MocrButton.color.GREEN); screenButtons[14].Click += (sender, e) => clickButton(sender, e, screenButtons[0]); screenScrews[0] = Helper.CreateScrew(4, 71, true); screenScrews[1] = Helper.CreateScrew(500, 71, true); screenScrews[2] = Helper.CreateScrew(4, 295, true); screenScrews[3] = Helper.CreateScrew(500, 295, true); }
public override void makeElements() { for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenLabels.Add(null); // Initialize Labels } for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { screenIndicators.Add(null); // Initialize Buttons } for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenInputs.Add(null); // Initialize Inputs } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { screenScrews.Add(null); // Initialize Screws } screenInputs[0] = Helper.CreateInput(-2, -2, 1, 2); // Every page must have an input to capture keypresses on Unix //screenLabels[0] = Helper.CreateLabel(4, 0.25, 60, 1.5, "CONTROLLER STATUS"); //screenLabels[0].type = CustomLabel.LabelType.ENGRAVED; screenIndicators[0] = Helper.CreateIndicator(56, 14, 70, 56, "BOOSTER", true); screenIndicators[0].indStyle =; screenIndicators[1] = Helper.CreateIndicator(126, 14, 70, 56, "RETRO", true); screenIndicators[1].indStyle =; screenIndicators[2] = Helper.CreateIndicator(196, 14, 70, 56, "FIDO", true); screenIndicators[2].indStyle =; screenIndicators[3] = Helper.CreateIndicator(266, 14, 70, 56, "GUIDO", true); screenIndicators[3].indStyle =; screenIndicators[4] = Helper.CreateIndicator(336, 14, 70, 56, "", true); screenIndicators[4].indStyle =; screenIndicators[5] = Helper.CreateIndicator(406, 14, 70, 56, "", true); screenIndicators[5].indStyle =; screenIndicators[6] = Helper.CreateIndicator(56, 70, 70, 56, "SURGEON", true); screenIndicators[6].indStyle =; screenIndicators[7] = Helper.CreateIndicator(126, 70, 70, 56, "CAPCOM", true); screenIndicators[7].indStyle =; screenIndicators[8] = Helper.CreateIndicator(196, 70, 70, 56, "EECOM", true); screenIndicators[8].indStyle =; screenIndicators[9] = Helper.CreateIndicator(266, 70, 70, 56, "GNC", true); screenIndicators[9].indStyle =; screenIndicators[10] = Helper.CreateIndicator(336, 70, 70, 56, "TELMU", true); screenIndicators[10].indStyle =; screenIndicators[11] = Helper.CreateIndicator(406, 70, 70, 56, "CONTROL", true); screenIndicators[11].indStyle =; screenIndicators[12] = Helper.CreateIndicator(56, 126, 70, 56, "INCO", true); screenIndicators[12].indStyle =; screenIndicators[13] = Helper.CreateIndicator(126, 126, 70, 56, "O&P", true); screenIndicators[13].indStyle =; screenIndicators[14] = Helper.CreateIndicator(196, 126, 70, 56, "AFLIGHT", true); screenIndicators[14].indStyle =; screenIndicators[15] = Helper.CreateIndicator(266, 126, 70, 56, "FAO", true); screenIndicators[15].indStyle =; screenIndicators[16] = Helper.CreateIndicator(336, 126, 70, 56, "NETWORK", true); screenIndicators[16].indStyle =; screenIndicators[17] = Helper.CreateIndicator(406, 126, 70, 56, "", true); screenIndicators[17].indStyle =; screenScrews[0] = Helper.CreateScrew(4, 36, true); screenScrews[1] = Helper.CreateScrew(500, 36, true); screenScrews[2] = Helper.CreateScrew(4, 134, true); screenScrews[3] = Helper.CreateScrew(500, 134, true); form.dataStorage.Pull(); }
public override void makeElements() { for (int i = 0; i < 80; i++) { screenLabels.Add(null); // Initialize Labels } for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenInputs.Add(null); // Initialize Inputs } screenInputs[0] = Helper.CreateInput(-2, -2, 1, 2); // Every page must have an input to capture keypresses on Unix int lines = 10; int chars = 10; switch (fontSize) { case 1: lines = 54; chars = 129; break; case 2: lines = 44; chars = 92; break; case 3: lines = 34; chars = 72; break; case 4: lines = 30; chars = 64; break; case 5: lines = 24; chars = 46; break; } string str = ""; for (int i = 0; i < chars; i++) { if ((i + 1) % 10 == 0) { str += Math.Floor((i + 1) / 10d).ToString().Substring(0, 1); } else { str += "X"; } } for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++) { screenLabels[i] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, i, chars, 1, str, fontSize); } }
public override void makeElements() { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { screenLabels.Add(null); // Initialize Labels } for (int i = 0; i < 70; i++) { screenIndicators.Add(null); // Initialize Indicators } for (int i = 0; i < 80; i++) { screenButtons.Add(null); // Initialize Buttons } for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { screenSegDisps.Add(null); // Initialize 7-Segment Displays } for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenInputs.Add(null); // Initialize Inputs } screenInputs[0] = Helper.CreateInput(-2, -2, 1, 2); // Every page must have an input to capture keypresses on Unix // BUTTONS screenButtons[0] = Helper.CreateButton(12, 300, 46, 46, "VERB", true); screenButtons[0].MouseDown += verbPress; screenButtons[1] = Helper.CreateButton(12, 350, 46, 46, "NOUN", true); screenButtons[1].MouseDown += nounPress; screenButtons[2] = Helper.CreateButton(62, 275, 46, 46, "+", true); screenButtons[2].MouseDown += (sender, e) => keyPress(sender, e, "PLUS"); screenButtons[3] = Helper.CreateButton(62, 325, 46, 46, "-", true); screenButtons[3].MouseDown += (sender, e) => keyPress(sender, e, "MINUS"); screenButtons[4] = Helper.CreateButton(62, 375, 46, 46, "0", true); screenButtons[4].MouseDown += (sender, e) => numPress(sender, e, 0); screenButtons[5] = Helper.CreateButton(112, 275, 46, 46, "7", true); screenButtons[5].MouseDown += (sender, e) => numPress(sender, e, 7); screenButtons[6] = Helper.CreateButton(112, 325, 46, 46, "4", true); screenButtons[6].MouseDown += (sender, e) => numPress(sender, e, 4); screenButtons[7] = Helper.CreateButton(112, 375, 46, 46, "1", true); screenButtons[7].MouseDown += (sender, e) => numPress(sender, e, 1); screenButtons[8] = Helper.CreateButton(162, 275, 46, 46, "8", true); screenButtons[8].MouseDown += (sender, e) => numPress(sender, e, 8); screenButtons[9] = Helper.CreateButton(162, 325, 46, 46, "5", true); screenButtons[9].MouseDown += (sender, e) => numPress(sender, e, 5); screenButtons[10] = Helper.CreateButton(162, 375, 46, 46, "2", true); screenButtons[10].MouseDown += (sender, e) => numPress(sender, e, 2); screenButtons[11] = Helper.CreateButton(212, 275, 46, 46, "9", true); screenButtons[11].MouseDown += (sender, e) => numPress(sender, e, 9); screenButtons[12] = Helper.CreateButton(212, 325, 46, 46, "6", true); screenButtons[12].MouseDown += (sender, e) => numPress(sender, e, 6); screenButtons[13] = Helper.CreateButton(212, 375, 46, 46, "3", true); screenButtons[13].MouseDown += (sender, e) => numPress(sender, e, 3); screenButtons[14] = Helper.CreateButton(262, 275, 46, 46, "CLR", true); screenButtons[14].MouseDown += (sender, e) => keyPress(sender, e, "CLR"); screenButtons[15] = Helper.CreateButton(262, 325, 46, 46, "PRO", true); screenButtons[15].MouseDown += (sender, e) => keyPress(sender, e, "PRO"); screenButtons[16] = Helper.CreateButton(262, 375, 46, 46, "KEY\nREL", true); screenButtons[16].MouseDown += (sender, e) => keyPress(sender, e, "KEYREL"); screenButtons[17] = Helper.CreateButton(312, 300, 46, 46, "ENTR", true); screenButtons[17].MouseDown += entrPress; screenButtons[18] = Helper.CreateButton(312, 350, 46, 46, "RSET", true); screenButtons[18].MouseDown += (sender, e) => keyPress(sender, e, "RSET"); // 7-SEG DISPLAYS screenSegDisps[0] = Helper.CreateSegDisp(202, 132, 148, 36, 5, true, "R1", true); screenSegDisps[0].style = SegDisp.SegDispStyle.NO_BORDER; screenSegDisps[1] = Helper.CreateSegDisp(202, 174, 148, 36, 5, true, "R2", true); screenSegDisps[1].style = SegDisp.SegDispStyle.NO_BORDER; screenSegDisps[2] = Helper.CreateSegDisp(202, 216, 148, 36, 5, true, "R3", true); screenSegDisps[2].style = SegDisp.SegDispStyle.NO_BORDER; screenSegDisps[3] = Helper.CreateSegDisp(214, 84, 49, 36, 2, false, "V", true); screenSegDisps[3].style = SegDisp.SegDispStyle.NO_BORDER; screenSegDisps[4] = Helper.CreateSegDisp(300, 84, 49, 36, 2, false, "N", true); screenSegDisps[4].style = SegDisp.SegDispStyle.NO_BORDER; screenSegDisps[5] = Helper.CreateSegDisp(300, 32, 49, 36, 2, false, "P", true); screenSegDisps[5].style = SegDisp.SegDispStyle.NO_BORDER; // 7-SEG LABELS screenLabels[1] = Helper.CreateLabel(300, 18, 49, 13, "PROG", false, true); screenLabels[1].Font = form.smallFontB; screenLabels[1].align = CustomLabel.Alignment.CENTER; screenLabels[1].BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 200, 0); screenLabels[1].ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0); screenLabels[1].setlineOffset(3); screenLabels[2] = Helper.CreateLabel(214, 70, 49, 13, "VERB", false, true); screenLabels[2].Font = form.smallFontB; screenLabels[2].align = CustomLabel.Alignment.CENTER; screenLabels[2].BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 200, 0); screenLabels[2].ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0); screenLabels[2].setlineOffset(3); screenLabels[3] = Helper.CreateLabel(300, 70, 49, 13, "NOUN", false, true); screenLabels[3].Font = form.smallFontB; screenLabels[3].align = CustomLabel.Alignment.CENTER; screenLabels[3].BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 200, 0); screenLabels[3].ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0); screenLabels[3].setlineOffset(3); // DSKY INDICATORS screenIndicators[50] = Helper.CreateIndicator(25, 18, 70, 30, "UPLINK\nACTY", true); screenIndicators[50].Font = form.smallFont; screenIndicators[51] = Helper.CreateIndicator(25, 52, 70, 30, "NO ATT", true); screenIndicators[51].Font = form.buttonFont; screenIndicators[52] = Helper.CreateIndicator(25, 86, 70, 30, "STBY", true); screenIndicators[52].Font = form.buttonFont; screenIndicators[53] = Helper.CreateIndicator(25, 120, 70, 30, "KEY REL", true); screenIndicators[53].Font = form.buttonFont; screenIndicators[54] = Helper.CreateIndicator(25, 154, 70, 30, "OPR ERR", true); screenIndicators[54].Font = form.buttonFont; screenIndicators[55] = Helper.CreateIndicator(25, 188, 70, 30, "", true); screenIndicators[55].Font = form.buttonFont; screenIndicators[56] = Helper.CreateIndicator(25, 222, 70, 30, "", true); screenIndicators[56].Font = form.buttonFont; screenIndicators[57] = Helper.CreateIndicator(101, 18, 70, 30, "TEMP", true); screenIndicators[57].Font = form.smallFont; screenIndicators[58] = Helper.CreateIndicator(101, 52, 70, 30, "GIMBAL\nLOCK", true); screenIndicators[58].Font = form.buttonFont; screenIndicators[59] = Helper.CreateIndicator(101, 86, 70, 30, "PROG", true); screenIndicators[59].Font = form.buttonFont; screenIndicators[60] = Helper.CreateIndicator(101, 120, 70, 30, "RESTART", true); screenIndicators[60].Font = form.buttonFont; screenIndicators[61] = Helper.CreateIndicator(101, 154, 70, 30, "TRACKER", true); screenIndicators[61].Font = form.buttonFont; screenIndicators[62] = Helper.CreateIndicator(101, 188, 70, 30, "ALT", true); screenIndicators[62].Font = form.buttonFont; screenIndicators[63] = Helper.CreateIndicator(101, 222, 70, 30, "VEL", true); screenIndicators[63].Font = form.buttonFont; screenIndicators[64] = Helper.CreateIndicator(214, 18, 49, 49, "COMP\nACTY", true); screenIndicators[64].Font = form.buttonFont; // Backplate (Custom control-class that can go into labels) screenLabels[0] = new DSKYBackplate(); form.Controls.Add(screenLabels[0]); screenLabels[0].Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0); screenLabels[0].Size = new System.Drawing.Size(width, height); }
public override void makeElements() { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { screenScrews.Add(null); // Initialize Screws } for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { screenLabels.Add(null); // Initialize Labels } for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) { screenButtons.Add(null); // Initialize Buttons } for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) { screenDigits.Add(null); // Initialize Digits } for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenInputs.Add(null); // Initialize Inputs } screenInputs[0] = Helper.CreateInput(-2, -2, 1, 2); // Every page must have an input to capture keypresses on Unix screenLabels[0] = Helper.CreateLabel(39, 8, 454, 29, "MANEUVER NODE CONFIGURATION", true, true); screenLabels[0].type = CustomLabel.LabelType.ENGRAVED; string[] digits = new string[] { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", " " }; string[] signs = new string[] { " ", "+", "-" }; // NODE SELECT screenLabels[1] = Helper.CreateLabel(64, 45, 50, 19, "┌NODE┐", true, true); screenDigits[0] = Helper.CreateConsoleDigit(80, 64, digits, true); screenDigits[0].setDigID(10); screenButtons[0] = Helper.CreateButton(78, 102, 28, 28, "+", true,; screenButtons[0].Click += (sender, e) => nextNode(); screenButtons[1] = Helper.CreateButton(78, 129, 28, 28, "-", true,; screenButtons[1].Click += (sender, e) => prevNode(); // MET screenLabels[2] = Helper.CreateLabel(233, 45, 235, 19, "┌───── MET OF NODE ──────┐", true, true); screenLabels[3] = Helper.CreateLabel(326, 80, 9, 19, ":", true, true); screenLabels[4] = Helper.CreateLabel(393, 80, 9, 19, ":", true, true); screenDigits[1] = Helper.CreateConsoleDigit(244, 64, digits, true); screenDigits[1].setDigID(10); screenDigits[2] = Helper.CreateConsoleDigit(271, 64, digits, true); screenDigits[2].setDigID(10); screenDigits[3] = Helper.CreateConsoleDigit(298, 64, digits, true); screenDigits[3].setDigID(10); screenDigits[4] = Helper.CreateConsoleDigit(338, 64, digits, true); screenDigits[4].setDigID(10); screenDigits[5] = Helper.CreateConsoleDigit(365, 64, digits, true); screenDigits[5].setDigID(10); screenDigits[6] = Helper.CreateConsoleDigit(405, 64, digits, true); screenDigits[6].setDigID(10); screenDigits[7] = Helper.CreateConsoleDigit(432, 64, digits, true); screenDigits[7].setDigID(10); screenButtons[2] = Helper.CreateButton(241, 102, 28, 28, "+", true,; screenButtons[2].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeMET(360000); screenButtons[3] = Helper.CreateButton(241, 129, 28, 28, "-", true,; screenButtons[3].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeMET(-360000); screenButtons[4] = Helper.CreateButton(268, 102, 28, 28, "+", true,; screenButtons[4].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeMET(36000); screenButtons[5] = Helper.CreateButton(268, 129, 28, 28, "-", true,; screenButtons[5].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeMET(-36000); screenButtons[6] = Helper.CreateButton(295, 102, 28, 28, "+", true,; screenButtons[6].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeMET(3600); screenButtons[7] = Helper.CreateButton(295, 129, 28, 28, "-", true,; screenButtons[7].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeMET(-3600); screenButtons[8] = Helper.CreateButton(335, 102, 28, 28, "+", true,; screenButtons[8].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeMET(600); screenButtons[9] = Helper.CreateButton(335, 129, 28, 28, "-", true,; screenButtons[9].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeMET(-600); screenButtons[10] = Helper.CreateButton(362, 102, 28, 28, "+", true,; screenButtons[10].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeMET(60); screenButtons[11] = Helper.CreateButton(362, 129, 28, 28, "-", true,; screenButtons[11].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeMET(-60); screenButtons[12] = Helper.CreateButton(402, 102, 28, 28, "+", true,; screenButtons[12].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeMET(10); screenButtons[13] = Helper.CreateButton(402, 129, 28, 28, "-", true,; screenButtons[13].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeMET(-10); screenButtons[14] = Helper.CreateButton(429, 102, 28, 28, "+", true,; screenButtons[14].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeMET(1); screenButtons[15] = Helper.CreateButton(429, 129, 28, 28, "-", true,; screenButtons[15].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeMET(-1); // PRO/RETRO screenLabels[5] = Helper.CreateLabel(64, 161, 200, 19, "┌──── PRO/RETRO ─────┐", true, true); screenLabels[6] = Helper.CreateLabel(214, 202, 9, 19, ".", true, true); screenDigits[8] = Helper.CreateConsoleDigit(78, 180, signs, true); screenDigits[8].setDigID(10); screenDigits[9] = Helper.CreateConsoleDigit(105, 180, digits, true); screenDigits[9].setDigID(10); screenDigits[10] = Helper.CreateConsoleDigit(132, 180, digits, true); screenDigits[10].setDigID(10); screenDigits[11] = Helper.CreateConsoleDigit(159, 180, digits, true); screenDigits[11].setDigID(10); screenDigits[12] = Helper.CreateConsoleDigit(186, 180, digits, true); screenDigits[12].setDigID(10); screenDigits[13] = Helper.CreateConsoleDigit(226, 180, digits, true); screenDigits[13].setDigID(10); screenButtons[16] = Helper.CreateButton(102, 218, 28, 28, "+", true,; screenButtons[16].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeV(1000, "PRO"); screenButtons[17] = Helper.CreateButton(102, 245, 28, 28, "-", true,; screenButtons[17].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeV(-1000, "PRO"); screenButtons[18] = Helper.CreateButton(129, 218, 28, 28, "+", true,; screenButtons[18].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeV(100, "PRO"); screenButtons[19] = Helper.CreateButton(129, 245, 28, 28, "-", true,; screenButtons[19].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeV(-100, "PRO"); screenButtons[20] = Helper.CreateButton(156, 218, 28, 28, "+", true,; screenButtons[20].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeV(10, "PRO"); screenButtons[21] = Helper.CreateButton(156, 245, 28, 28, "-", true,; screenButtons[21].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeV(-10, "PRO"); screenButtons[22] = Helper.CreateButton(183, 218, 28, 28, "+", true,; screenButtons[22].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeV(1, "PRO"); screenButtons[23] = Helper.CreateButton(183, 245, 28, 28, "-", true,; screenButtons[23].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeV(-1, "PRO"); screenButtons[24] = Helper.CreateButton(223, 218, 28, 28, "+", true,; screenButtons[24].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeV(0.1, "PRO"); screenButtons[25] = Helper.CreateButton(223, 245, 28, 28, "-", true,; screenButtons[25].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeV(-0.1, "PRO"); // RAD/ANTIRAD screenLabels[7] = Helper.CreateLabel(268, 161, 200, 19, "┌─── RAD/ANTIRAD ────┐", true, true); screenLabels[8] = Helper.CreateLabel(418, 202, 9, 19, ".", true, true); screenDigits[14] = Helper.CreateConsoleDigit(282, 180, signs, true); screenDigits[14].setDigID(10); screenDigits[15] = Helper.CreateConsoleDigit(309, 180, digits, true); screenDigits[15].setDigID(10); screenDigits[16] = Helper.CreateConsoleDigit(336, 180, digits, true); screenDigits[16].setDigID(10); screenDigits[17] = Helper.CreateConsoleDigit(363, 180, digits, true); screenDigits[17].setDigID(10); screenDigits[18] = Helper.CreateConsoleDigit(390, 180, digits, true); screenDigits[18].setDigID(10); screenDigits[19] = Helper.CreateConsoleDigit(430, 180, digits, true); screenDigits[19].setDigID(10); screenButtons[26] = Helper.CreateButton(306, 218, 28, 28, "+", true,; screenButtons[26].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeV(1000, "RAD"); screenButtons[27] = Helper.CreateButton(306, 245, 28, 28, "-", true,; screenButtons[27].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeV(-1000, "RAD"); screenButtons[28] = Helper.CreateButton(333, 218, 28, 28, "+", true,; screenButtons[28].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeV(100, "RAD"); screenButtons[29] = Helper.CreateButton(333, 245, 28, 28, "-", true,; screenButtons[29].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeV(-100, "RAD"); screenButtons[30] = Helper.CreateButton(360, 218, 28, 28, "+", true,; screenButtons[30].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeV(10, "RAD"); screenButtons[31] = Helper.CreateButton(360, 245, 28, 28, "-", true,; screenButtons[31].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeV(-10, "RAD"); screenButtons[32] = Helper.CreateButton(387, 218, 28, 28, "+", true,; screenButtons[32].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeV(1, "RAD"); screenButtons[33] = Helper.CreateButton(387, 245, 28, 28, "-", true,; screenButtons[33].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeV(-1, "RAD"); screenButtons[34] = Helper.CreateButton(427, 218, 28, 28, "+", true,; screenButtons[34].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeV(0.1, "RAD"); screenButtons[35] = Helper.CreateButton(427, 245, 28, 28, "-", true,; screenButtons[35].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeV(-0.1, "RAD"); // NORMAL/ANTINORM screenLabels[9] = Helper.CreateLabel(268, 276, 200, 19, "┌── NORN/ANTINORM ───┐", true, true); screenLabels[10] = Helper.CreateLabel(418, 317, 9, 19, ".", true, true); screenDigits[20] = Helper.CreateConsoleDigit(282, 295, signs, true); screenDigits[20].setDigID(10); screenDigits[21] = Helper.CreateConsoleDigit(309, 295, digits, true); screenDigits[21].setDigID(10); screenDigits[22] = Helper.CreateConsoleDigit(336, 295, digits, true); screenDigits[22].setDigID(10); screenDigits[23] = Helper.CreateConsoleDigit(363, 295, digits, true); screenDigits[23].setDigID(10); screenDigits[24] = Helper.CreateConsoleDigit(390, 295, digits, true); screenDigits[24].setDigID(10); screenDigits[25] = Helper.CreateConsoleDigit(430, 295, digits, true); screenDigits[25].setDigID(10); screenButtons[36] = Helper.CreateButton(306, 333, 28, 28, "+", true,; screenButtons[36].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeV(1000, "NORM"); screenButtons[37] = Helper.CreateButton(306, 360, 28, 28, "-", true,; screenButtons[37].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeV(-1000, "NORM"); screenButtons[38] = Helper.CreateButton(333, 333, 28, 28, "+", true,; screenButtons[38].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeV(100, "NORM"); screenButtons[39] = Helper.CreateButton(333, 360, 28, 28, "-", true,; screenButtons[39].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeV(-100, "NORM"); screenButtons[40] = Helper.CreateButton(360, 333, 28, 28, "+", true,; screenButtons[40].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeV(10, "NORM"); screenButtons[41] = Helper.CreateButton(360, 360, 28, 28, "-", true,; screenButtons[41].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeV(-10, "NORM"); screenButtons[42] = Helper.CreateButton(387, 333, 28, 28, "+", true,; screenButtons[42].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeV(1, "NORM"); screenButtons[43] = Helper.CreateButton(387, 360, 28, 28, "-", true,; screenButtons[43].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeV(-1, "NORM"); screenButtons[44] = Helper.CreateButton(427, 333, 28, 28, "+", true,; screenButtons[44].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeV(0.1, "NORM"); screenButtons[45] = Helper.CreateButton(427, 360, 28, 28, "-", true,; screenButtons[45].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeV(-0.1, "NORM"); // ADD/DELETE NODE screenButtons[50] = Helper.CreateButton(130, 65, 84, 38, "ADD NODE", true); screenButtons[50].buttonStyle =; screenButtons[50].Click += (sender, e) => addNode(600); screenButtons[51] = Helper.CreateButton(130, 105, 84, 38, "REM NODE", true); screenButtons[51].buttonStyle =; screenButtons[51].Click += (sender, e) => remNode(); // SELECT TARGET /* * string[] targets = getTargetList(true); * screenDigits[28] = Helper.CreateConsoleDigit(78, 333, targets, true); * screenDigits[28].setDigID(0); * screenButtons[50] = Helper.CreateButton(223, 333, 28, 28, "+", true, Helper.ButtonType.TINY_PUSH); * screenButtons[50].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeTarget(1); * screenButtons[51] = Helper.CreateButton(223, 360, 28, 28, "-", true, Helper.ButtonType.TINY_PUSH); * screenButtons[51].MouseDown += (sender, e) => changeTarget(-1); * /**/ screenScrews[0] = Helper.CreateScrew(4, 71, true); screenScrews[1] = Helper.CreateScrew(500, 71, true); screenScrews[2] = Helper.CreateScrew(4, 295, true); screenScrews[3] = Helper.CreateScrew(500, 295, true); }
public override void makeElements() { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { screenLabels.Add(null); // Initialize Labels } for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { screenIndicators.Add(null); // Initialize Indicators } screenLabels[0] = Helper.CreateLabel(16, 1, 13); // Local Time screenLabels[1] = Helper.CreateLabel(0, 1, 14); // MET Time screenLabels[2] = Helper.CreateLabel(39, 0, 42, 1, "============ ASCENSION MODULE ============"); // Screen Title screenLabels[3] = Helper.CreateLabel(84, 0, 39, 1, "├───────────── STATUS ─────────────┤"); // Status Headline screenLabels[4] = Helper.CreateLabel(84, 1, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[5] = Helper.CreateLabel(0, 2, 85, 1, "────────────────── ORBIT ──────────────────┬─────────────── POSITION ───────────────┤"); // Obrit/Position headline screenLabels[6] = Helper.CreateLabel(0, 3, 44, 1, " CUR TGT DTA │"); // Orbit subheadlines screenLabels[7] = Helper.CreateLabel(43, 4, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[8] = Helper.CreateLabel(43, 5, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[9] = Helper.CreateLabel(43, 6, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[10] = Helper.CreateLabel(43, 7, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[11] = Helper.CreateLabel(43, 8, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[12] = Helper.CreateLabel(43, 9, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[13] = Helper.CreateLabel(43, 10, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[14] = Helper.CreateLabel(43, 11, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[15] = Helper.CreateLabel(43, 12, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[16] = Helper.CreateLabel(84, 3, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[17] = Helper.CreateLabel(84, 4, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[18] = Helper.CreateLabel(84, 5, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[19] = Helper.CreateLabel(84, 6, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[20] = Helper.CreateLabel(84, 7, 36, 1, "│┌─────────── SUPPLIES ────────────┐"); screenLabels[21] = Helper.CreateLabel(84, 8, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[22] = Helper.CreateLabel(84, 9, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[23] = Helper.CreateLabel(84, 10, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[24] = Helper.CreateLabel(84, 11, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[25] = Helper.CreateLabel(84, 12, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[26] = Helper.CreateLabel(43, 13, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[27] = Helper.CreateLabel(43, 14, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[28] = Helper.CreateLabel(84, 13, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[29] = Helper.CreateLabel(84, 14, 1, 1, "│"); // Orbit data screenLabels[30] = Helper.CreateLabel(2, 4, 20, 1, " Alt: "); // Altitude screenLabels[31] = Helper.CreateLabel(2, 5, 20, 1, " Apoapsis: "); // Apoapsis screenLabels[32] = Helper.CreateLabel(2, 6, 20, 1, "Periapsis: "); // Periapasis screenLabels[33] = Helper.CreateLabel(2, 7, 20, 1, " TtA: "); // Time to Apoapsis screenLabels[34] = Helper.CreateLabel(2, 8, 20, 1, " TtP: "); // Time to Periapsis screenLabels[35] = Helper.CreateLabel(2, 9, 20, 1, " Inc: "); // Inclination screenLabels[36] = Helper.CreateLabel(2, 10, 20, 1, " Ecc: "); // Eccentricity screenLabels[37] = Helper.CreateLabel(2, 12, 20, 1, " Orb. Vel: "); // Orbit Velocity screenLabels[38] = Helper.CreateLabel(2, 13, 20, 1, " Sur. Vel: "); // Surface Velocity // Position data screenLabels[40] = Helper.CreateLabel(44, 4, 20, 1, " Body: "); // Sphere of Influence screenLabels[41] = Helper.CreateLabel(44, 5, 20, 1, " Lat: "); // Latitude screenLabels[42] = Helper.CreateLabel(44, 6, 20, 1, " Lon: "); // Longitude screenLabels[43] = Helper.CreateLabel(44, 9, 39, 1, " Atm.Den: "); // Atmosphere Density AND Radar Alt screenLabels[44] = Helper.CreateLabel(44, 10, 20, 1, " Atm.Pre: "); // Atmosphere Pressure screenLabels[45] = Helper.CreateLabel(44, 11, 20, 1, " Dyn.Pre: "); // Dynamic Pressure screenLabels[46] = Helper.CreateLabel(64, 5, 19, 1, "R: "); // Roll screenLabels[47] = Helper.CreateLabel(64, 6, 19, 1, "P: "); // Pitch screenLabels[48] = Helper.CreateLabel(64, 7, 19, 1, "Y: "); // Yaw screenLabels[49] = Helper.CreateLabel(64, 4, 19, 1, " SURF ORBT"); // RPY Headlines // Supplies screenLabels[50] = Helper.CreateLabel(85, 8, 35, 1, " "); // Supply line 1 screenLabels[51] = Helper.CreateLabel(85, 9, 35, 1, " "); // Supply line 2 screenLabels[52] = Helper.CreateLabel(85, 10, 35, 1, " "); // Supply line 3 screenLabels[53] = Helper.CreateLabel(85, 11, 35, 1, " "); // Supply line 4 screenLabels[54] = Helper.CreateLabel(85, 12, 35, 1, " "); // Supply line 5 screenLabels[55] = Helper.CreateLabel(85, 13, 35, 1, " "); // Supply line 5 screenLabels[58] = Helper.CreateLabel(85, 14, 35, 1, "└─────────────────────────────────┘"); // Supply line 6 // Orbit Targets and Deltas screenLabels[60] = Helper.CreateLabel(24, 10, 8, 1, ""); // Target Eccentricity screenLabels[61] = Helper.CreateLabel(24, 12, 8, 1, ""); // Target Orbital Velocity screenLabels[65] = Helper.CreateLabel(34, 5, 8, 1, ""); // Delta Apoapsis screenLabels[66] = Helper.CreateLabel(34, 6, 8, 1, ""); // Delta Periapsis screenLabels[67] = Helper.CreateLabel(34, 10, 8, 1, ""); // Delta Eccentricity screenLabels[68] = Helper.CreateLabel(34, 12, 8, 1, ""); // Delta Orbital Velocty // Status screenIndicators[0] = Helper.CreateIndicator(86, 1, 10, 1, "SAS"); screenIndicators[1] = Helper.CreateIndicator(97, 1, 10, 1, "RCS"); screenIndicators[2] = Helper.CreateIndicator(108, 1, 10, 1, "GEAR"); screenIndicators[3] = Helper.CreateIndicator(86, 2, 10, 1, "BRAKES"); screenIndicators[4] = Helper.CreateIndicator(97, 2, 10, 1, "LIGHTS"); screenIndicators[5] = Helper.CreateIndicator(108, 2, 10, 1, "ABORT"); screenIndicators[6] = Helper.CreateIndicator(86, 4, 10, 1, "POWER HI"); screenIndicators[7] = Helper.CreateIndicator(97, 4, 10, 1, "G HIGH"); screenIndicators[8] = Helper.CreateIndicator(108, 4, 10, 1, "LOX LOW"); screenIndicators[9] = Helper.CreateIndicator(86, 5, 10, 1, "POWER LOW"); screenIndicators[10] = Helper.CreateIndicator(97, 5, 10, 1, "MONO LOW"); screenIndicators[11] = Helper.CreateIndicator(108, 5, 10, 1, "FUEL LOW"); // Get target apo/peri from PySSSMQ if they exsists there. If they don't write them in. string tgtapo = form.dataStorage.getData("TGTAPO"); string tgtperi = form.dataStorage.getData("TGTPERI"); if (tgtapo == "") { tgtapo = "120000"; form.dataStorage.setData("TGTAPO", tgtapo); } if (tgtperi == "") { tgtperi = "120000"; form.dataStorage.setData("TGTPERI", tgtperi); } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { screenInputs.Add(null); // Initialize Inputs } screenInputs[0] = Helper.CreateInput(24, 5, 8, 1, HorizontalAlignment.Right); // Target Apoapsis screenInputs[0].Text = tgtapo; screenInputs[0].TextChanged += (sender, e) => updateApo(sender, e, screenInputs[0].Text); screenInputs[1] = Helper.CreateInput(24, 6, 8, 1, HorizontalAlignment.Right); // Target Periapsis screenInputs[1].Text = tgtperi; screenInputs[1].TextChanged += (sender, e) => updatePeri(sender, e, screenInputs[1].Text); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { screenCharts.Add(null); // Initialize Charts } // Altitude vs. Time Graph screenCharts[0] = Helper.CreatePlot(0, 15, 60, 15, -1, -1, 0, -1); screenCharts[0].fixedXwidth = 600; screenCharts[0].setSeriesColor(0, Color.FromArgb(100, 251, 251, 251)); screenCharts[0].setSeriesColor(1, Color.FromArgb(100, 251, 251, 251)); screenCharts[0].setSeriesColor(2, Color.FromArgb(200, 0, 169, 51)); screenCharts[0].setSeriesColor(3, Color.FromArgb(200, 0, 51, 204)); screenCharts[0].setSeriesColor(4, Color.FromArgb(200, 204, 51, 0)); // Gee-Force vs. Time Graph screenCharts[1] = Helper.CreatePlot(60, 15, 60, 15, -1, -1); screenCharts[1].fixedXwidth = 600; }
public override void makeElements() { for (int i = 0; i < 250; i++) { screenLabels.Add(null); // Initialize Labels } for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenInputs.Add(null); // Initialize Inputs } screenInputs[0] = Helper.CreateInput(-2, -2, 1, 2); // Every page must have an input to capture keypresses on Unix screenLabels[0] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, 0, 7, 1, "SCR " + form.screenType.ToString()); screenLabels[1] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(26, 0, 30, 1, "FUTURE ORBITS", 4); screenLabels[2] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, 1.5, 12, 1, "LT: XX:XX:XX"); screenLabels[3] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(29, 1.5, 14, 1, "MET: XXX:XX:XX"); // THE FOUR ORBIT COLS for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++) { int b = (c * 20) + 10; int r = 3; if (c > 1) { r = 19; } int l = 36 * c; if (c > 1) { l = 36 * (c - 2); } screenLabels[b + 0] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(l, r + 0, 35, 1, "───────────────────────────────────"); screenLabels[b + 1] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(l, r + 1, 35, 1, ""); screenLabels[b + 2] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(l, r + 2, 35, 1, ""); screenLabels[b + 3] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(l, r + 3, 35, 1, ""); screenLabels[b + 4] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(l, r + 4, 35, 1, ""); screenLabels[b + 5] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(l, r + 5, 35, 1, ""); screenLabels[b + 6] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(l, r + 6, 35, 1, ""); screenLabels[b + 7] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(l, r + 7, 35, 1, ""); screenLabels[b + 8] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(l, r + 8, 35, 1, ""); screenLabels[b + 9] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(l, r + 9, 35, 1, ""); screenLabels[b + 10] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(l, r + 10, 35, 1, ""); screenLabels[b + 11] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(l, r + 11, 35, 1, ""); screenLabels[b + 12] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(l, r + 12, 35, 1, ""); screenLabels[b + 13] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(l, r + 13, 35, 1, ""); screenLabels[b + 14] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(l, r + 14, 35, 1, ""); screenLabels[b + 15] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(l, r + 15, 35, 1, ""); } // VERTICAL LINES for (int c = 1; c < 2; c++) { int a = (c * 30) + 157; int b = (c * 30) + 97; screenLabels[a + 3] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel((36 * c) - 1, 3, 17, 1, "┬"); screenLabels[b + 3] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel((36 * c) - 1, 19, 17, 1, "┼"); for (int i = 4; i < 25; i++) { screenLabels[a + i] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel((36 * c) - 1, i + 16, 17, 1, "│"); screenLabels[b + i] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel((36 * c) - 1, i, 17, 1, "│"); } } }
public override void makeElements() { for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { screenLabels.Add(null); // Initialize Labels } for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { screenInputs.Add(null); // Initialize Inputs } screenInputs[0] = Helper.CreateInput(-2, -2, 1, 2); // Every page must have an input to capture keypresses on Unix screenLabels[0] = Helper.CreateLabel(1, 4, 58, 1); // Connection Status screenLabels[0].Text = "NOT CONNECTED"; screenLabels[1] = Helper.CreateLabel(61, 4, 58, 2); screenLabels[4] = Helper.CreateLabel(0, 0, 60, 2, "──────────────────── CONNECTION DETAILS ────────────────────"); // Connection Header} screenLabels[2] = Helper.CreateLabel(1, 6, 58, 2, "Label 2"); screenLabels[3] = Helper.CreateLabel(0, 10, 120, 1, "┼─ ─ ─ ─ ─┬─ ─ ─ ─ ─┬─ ─ ─ ─ ─┬─ ─ ─ ─ ─┬─ ─ ─ ─ ─┬─ ─ ─ ─ ─┬─ ─ ─ ─ ─┬─ ─ ─ ─ ─┬─ ─ ─ ─ ─┬─ ─ ─ ─ ─┬─ ─ ─ ─ ─┬─ ─ ─ ─ ┼"); screenLabels[5] = Helper.CreateLabel(0, 11, 1, 1, "│"); // TEST screenLabels[6] = Helper.CreateLabel(119, 11, 1, 1, "│"); // TEST screenLabels[7] = Helper.CreateLabel(0, 12, 1, 2, "│\n││"); // TEST screenLabels[8] = Helper.CreateLabel(1, 14, 1, 1, "│"); // TEST screenLabels[9] = Helper.CreateLabel(1, 5, 58, 2, "CTRL STATUS:"); screenLabels[10] = Helper.CreateLabel(10, 11, 1, 1, "│"); // TEST screenLabels[11] = Helper.CreateLabel(20, 11, 1, 1, "│"); // TEST screenLabels[12] = Helper.CreateLabel(30, 11, 1, 1, "│"); // TEST screenLabels[13] = Helper.CreateLabel(40, 11, 1, 1, "│"); // TEST screenLabels[14] = Helper.CreateLabel(50, 11, 1, 1, "│"); // TEST screenLabels[15] = Helper.CreateLabel(60, 11, 1, 1, "│"); // TEST screenLabels[16] = Helper.CreateLabel(70, 11, 1, 1, "│"); // TEST screenLabels[17] = Helper.CreateLabel(20, 15, 6, 1, "HHgåfy"); // TEST screenLabels[18] = Helper.CreateLabel(20, 16, 6, 1, "HHåygf"); // TEST screenLabels[19] = Helper.CreateLabel(20, 17, 6, 1, "HHgåfy"); // TEST screenLabels[20] = Helper.CreateLabel(5, 15, 1, 1, "┼"); screenLabels[21] = Helper.CreateLabel(6, 15, 1, 1, "┼"); screenLabels[22] = Helper.CreateLabel(5, 16, 1, 1, "┼"); screenLabels[23] = Helper.CreateLabel(6, 16, 1, 1, "┼"); screenLabels[24] = Helper.CreateLabel(10, 14, 1, 1, "┼"); screenLabels[25] = Helper.CreateLabel(0, 10, 120, 1); screenLabels[25].Location = new Point(4, 350); screenLabels[25].Size = new Size((int)(120 * form.pxPrChar), (int)form.pxPrLine); screenLabels[25].Text = "┼─ ─ ─ ─ ─┬─ ─ ─ ─ ─┬─ ─ ─ ─ ─┬─ ─ ─ ─ ─┬─ ─ ─ ─ ─┬─ ─ ─ ─ ─┬─ ─ ─ ─ ─┬─ ─ ─ ─ ─┬─ ─ ─ ─ ─┬─ ─ ─ ─ ─┬─ ─ ─ ─ ─┬─ ─ ─ ─ ┼"; screenLabels[25].ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255); screenLabels[25].BackColor = Color.Maroon; screenLabels[26] = Helper.CreateLabel(60, 7, 25, 1, "THIS IS STANDARD TEXT", false); screenLabels[27] = Helper.CreateLabel(60, 8, 25, 1, " THIS IS BIG TEXT", true); screenLabels[28] = Helper.CreateLabel(85, 7, 10, 1, "432.67", false); screenLabels[29] = Helper.CreateLabel(85, 8, 10, 1, "432.67", true); screenLabels[30] = Helper.CreateLabel(85, 6, 10, 1, "432.67", false); screenLabels[31] = Helper.CreateLabel(85, 9, 10, 1, "432.67", true); screenLabels[31] = Helper.CreateLabel(55, 14, 55, 1, "GREEK LETTERS: ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΛΣΦΨΩ αβγδεζηθλμξπρφψω", true); }
public override void makeElements() { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { screenLabels.Add(null); // Initialize Labels } for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { screenIndicators.Add(null); // Initialize Indicators } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { screenInputs.Add(null); // Initialize Inputs } screenInputs[0] = Helper.CreateInput(-2, -2, 1, 2); // Every page must have an input to capture keypresses on Unix screenLabels[0] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, 0, 5, 1, "SCR 2"); screenLabels[1] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(25, 0, 42, 1, "BOOSTER SYSTEMS", 4); // Screen Title screenLabels[2] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, 1.5, 12, 1, "LT: XX:XX:XX"); screenLabels[3] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(29, 1.5, 14, 1, "MET: XXX:XX:XX"); screenLabels[4] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(84, 1, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[5] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, 3, 85, 1, "───────────────── ENGINES ─────────────────────────────────────────────"); // Obrit/Position headline screenLabels[6] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, 4, 20, 1, ""); // CURRENT STAGE screenLabels[7] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(40, 4, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[8] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(40, 5, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[9] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(40, 6, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[10] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(40, 7, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[11] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(40, 8, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[12] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(40, 9, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[13] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(40, 10, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[14] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(40, 11, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[15] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(40, 12, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[16] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(40, 13, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[17] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(40, 14, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[18] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(40, 15, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[19] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(40, 16, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[20] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(40, 17, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[21] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(40, 18, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[22] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(40, 19, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[23] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(40, 20, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[24] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(40, 21, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[25] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(40, 22, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[26] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(40, 23, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[27] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(40, 24, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[28] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(40, 25, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[29] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(40, 26, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[30] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(40, 27, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[31] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(40, 28, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[32] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(40, 29, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[33] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(40, 30, 1, 1, "│"); // Engine data screenLabels[40] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(41, 4, 30, 1, " THRUST MAX THR vISP"); // Headline screenLabels[41] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(41, 5, 30, 1, ""); // Engine 1 screenLabels[42] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(41, 6, 30, 1, ""); // Engine 2 screenLabels[43] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(41, 7, 30, 1, ""); // Engine 3 screenLabels[44] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(41, 8, 30, 1, ""); // Engine 4 screenLabels[45] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(41, 9, 30, 1, ""); // Engine 5 screenLabels[46] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(41, 10, 30, 1, ""); // Engine 6 screenLabels[47] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(41, 11, 30, 1, ""); // Engine 7 screenLabels[48] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(41, 12, 30, 1, ""); // Engine 8 screenLabels[49] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(41, 13, 30, 1, ""); // Engine 9 screenLabels[50] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(41, 14, 30, 1, ""); screenLabels[51] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(41, 14, 30, 1, ""); screenLabels[52] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(41, 15, 30, 1, ""); screenLabels[53] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(41, 16, 30, 1, ""); screenLabels[54] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(41, 17, 30, 1, ""); screenLabels[55] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(41, 18, 30, 1, ""); screenLabels[56] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(41, 19, 30, 1, ""); screenLabels[57] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(41, 20, 30, 1, ""); screenLabels[58] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(41, 21, 30, 1, ""); screenLabels[59] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(41, 22, 30, 1, ""); screenLabels[60] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(41, 23, 30, 1, ""); // Engine 20 // Weight and TWR screenLabels[61] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, 26, 41, 1, "────────────────────────────────────────"); screenLabels[62] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, 28, 14, 1, " MASS: "); // Weight screenLabels[63] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(14, 27, 30, 1, " CUR LOW MAX"); screenLabels[64] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(14, 28, 30, 1, ""); // TWR screenLabels[40] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(20, 31, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[40] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(20, 32, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[40] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(20, 33, 1, 1, "│"); screenLabels[40] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(20, 34, 1, 1, "│"); // Supplies screenLabels[69] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(40, 24, 35, 1, "├─────────── SUPPLIES ────────────┐"); screenLabels[70] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(42, 25, 35, 1, " "); // Supply line 1 screenLabels[71] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(42, 26, 35, 1, " "); // Supply line 2 screenLabels[72] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(42, 27, 35, 1, " "); // Supply line 3 screenLabels[73] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(42, 28, 35, 1, " "); // Supply line 4 screenLabels[74] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(42, 29, 35, 1, " "); // Supply line 5 screenLabels[75] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(42, 30, 35, 1, " "); // Supply line 5 screenLabels[78] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(40, 31, 35, 1, "└─────────────────────────────────┘"); // Supply line 6 // DELTA V BUDGET //screenLabels[80] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(19, 30, 23, 1, "┬── DELTA V AVAIL. ──"); screenLabels[81] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(22, 31.5, 23, 1, "STAGE: xxxxx.x m/s"); screenLabels[82] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(22, 32.5, 23, 1, "TOTAL: xxxxx.x m/s"); screenLabels[83] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(23, 26, 15, 1, ""); screenLabels[85] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, 30, 52, 1, "── BURN DURATION ───┬── DELTA V AVAIL. ─"); screenLabels[86] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, 31.5, 10, 1, " REQ'D ΔV:"); screenLabels[84] = Helper.CreateCRTLabel(0, 33, 20, 1, "BURN TIME:"); screenInputs[1] = Helper.CreateInput(99, 444, 72, 17, HorizontalAlignment.Right, true); screenInputs[1].Text = "0"; }