예제 #1
        public State Generate(DeviceNode[] root)
            State newState = new State(root);

            foreach (var item in States)
                if (item == newState)
            List <Dictionary <State, double> > stat = new List <Dictionary <State, double> >();
            List <double?> lambdas = new List <double?>();

            for (int i = 0; i < root.Length; ++i)
                Dictionary <State, double> sIntencivity1 = new Dictionary <State, double>();

                if (root[i].onProc != 0)
                    DeviceNode[] next = new DeviceNode[root.Length];
                    root.CopyTo(next, 0);
                    ushort t1 = next[i].onProc;
                    ushort t2 = next[i].queue;
                    if (next[i].queue == 0)
                    for (int j = 0; j < next[i].Transition.Count; j++)
                        sIntencivity1.Add(Generate(next), next[i].Transition.Values.ElementAt(j));
                    next[i].onProc = t1; next[i].queue = t2;
                    State st = new State(next);
                    lambdas.Add(1.0 / root[i].tau);
            Dictionary <State, double> sIntencivity2 = new Dictionary <State, double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < lambdas.Count; i++)
                if (lambdas[i] != null)
                    foreach (var item in stat[i])
                        if (item.Key != newState)
                            bool contain = false;
                            foreach (var comp in sIntencivity2.Keys)
                                if (comp == item.Key)
                                    contain = !contain;
                            if (!contain)
                                sIntencivity2.Add(item.Key, newState.DeviceStates[i].onProc * item.Value * lambdas[i] ?? 0);
                                sIntencivity2[item.Key] += newState.DeviceStates[i].onProc * item.Value * lambdas[i] ?? 0;

            Dictionary <State, double> sProbabilities = new Dictionary <State, double>();
            double lambda = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < sIntencivity2.Count; i++)
                if (sIntencivity2.Keys.ElementAt(i) != newState)
                    lambda += sIntencivity2.Values.ElementAt(i);
            double T      = 1 / lambda;
            double deltaT = T * DeviceNode.minTau / 5;
            double p0     = Math.Exp(-lambda * deltaT);

            sProbabilities.Add(newState, p0);
            double[] xi    = new double[sIntencivity2.Count];
            double   xiSum = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < sIntencivity2.Count; i++)
                xi[i]  = 1 - Math.Exp(-sIntencivity2.Values.ElementAt(i) * deltaT);
                xiSum += xi[i];
            for (int i = 0; i < sIntencivity2.Count; i++)
                sProbabilities.Add(sIntencivity2.Keys.ElementAt(i), (1 - p0) * (xi[i] / xiSum));

            foreach (var item in sProbabilities)
                probabilities[findIndex(item.Key), findIndex(newState)] = item.Value;

예제 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
            DeviceNode CP = new DeviceNode(2, 6, 2);
            DeviceNode NB = new DeviceNode(1);
            DeviceNode OM = new DeviceNode(3);
            DeviceNode SB = new DeviceNode(6);
            DeviceNode NA = new DeviceNode(25);
            DeviceNode DC = new DeviceNode(50);

            CP.Transition.Add(NB, 1);
            //CP.Transition.Add(CP, 0.5);
            NB.Transition.Add(CP, 0.5);
            NB.Transition.Add(OM, 0.25); // if removing for test, change value from 0.25 to 0.5
            OM.Transition.Add(NB, 1);
            NB.Transition.Add(SB, 0.25); //
            SB.Transition.Add(NB, 0.4);  //
            SB.Transition.Add(DC, 0.3);  // can be removed for tests
            SB.Transition.Add(NA, 0.3);  //
            NA.Transition.Add(SB, 1);    //
            DC.Transition.Add(SB, 1);    //
            M m = new M(CP, NB, OM, SB, NA, DC);

            double[] firstState = new double[462];
            double[] res        = new double[462];
            firstState[0] = 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
                res = multiply(m.probabilities, firstState);
                res.CopyTo(firstState, 0);
            double[] load = new double[8];
            for (int i = 0; i < 462; i++)
                if (m.States[i].DeviceStates[0].onProc >= 1)
                    load[2] += res[i] / 2;
                if (m.States[i].DeviceStates[0].onProc == 2)
                    load[1] += res[i];
                if (m.States[i].DeviceStates[0].onProc == 1)
                    load[0] += res[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                    if (m.States[i].DeviceStates[j + 1].onProc >= 1)
                        load[3 + j] += res[i];
            int    theMostPossible = 0;
            double MostPossibility = 0.0;
            int    iter            = 0;

            foreach (var item in res)
                if (MostPossibility < item)
                    MostPossibility = item;
                    theMostPossible = iter;


            Console.WriteLine("Load of CP core0 = " + load[0] + "\n");
            Console.WriteLine("Load of CP core1 = " + load[1] + "\n");
            Console.WriteLine("Load of CP = " + load[2] + "\n");
            Console.WriteLine("Load of NB = " + load[3] + "\n");
            Console.WriteLine("Load of OM = " + load[4] + "\n");
            Console.WriteLine("Load of SB = " + load[5] + "\n");
            Console.WriteLine("Load of NA = " + load[6] + "\n");
            Console.WriteLine("Load of DC = " + load[7] + "\n");
