public void SaveComment(object sender, EventArgs e) { Comment c = new Comment(); c.Url = editcomment.URL; c.Name = editcomment.Name; c.PostId = Post.GetPostIdFromQueryString(Request.QueryString); c.Text = editcomment.Text; c.Posted = DateTime.Now; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(c.Text)) { return; } c.Save(); ////if (chkRememberDetails.Checked) ////{ //// HttpCookie details = new HttpCookie("userDetails"); //// details.Values.Add("Name", c.Name); //// details.Values.Add("URL", c.Url); //// Response.Cookies.Add(details); ////} ////else ////{ //// if (Request.Cookies["userDetails"] != null) //// { //// HttpCookie details = new HttpCookie("userDetails"); //// details.Values.Add("Name", String.Empty); //// details.Values.Add("URL", String.Empty); //// Response.Cookies.Add(details); //// } ////} editcomment.ClearValues(); if (Request.Url.Fragment != "#comments") { Response.Redirect(Request.Url + "#comments"); } this.GetPosts(); }
private void GetPost() { int postId = Post.GetPostIdFromQueryString(Request.QueryString); Collection <Category> allCats = Category.GetAllCategories(); if (postId != 0) { hiddenPostId.Value = postId.ToString(); Post p = Post.GetPostById(postId); if (p == null) { editarea.Style.Add("display", "none"); } else { blogpost.Value = p.Body; posttitle.Text = p.Title; postslug.Text = p.Slug; DateTime postdate = p.Postdate; postyear.Text = postdate.Year.ToString(); postday.Text = postdate.Day.ToString(); postmonth.Text = postdate.ToString("MMMM"); hiddenPostId.Value = postId.ToString(); // Select the categories this post belongs to foreach (Category cat in allCats) { System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem item = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem(); item.Text = cat.Name; bool postInCategory = false; foreach (Category c in p.Categories) { if (c.Id == cat.Id && c.Name == cat.Name) { postInCategory = true; break; } } item.Selected = postInCategory; item.Value = cat.Id.ToString(); CatList.Items.Add(item); } } } else { // New post. postyear.Text = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(); postday.Text = DateTime.Now.Day.ToString(); postmonth.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM"); slugContainer.Style.Add("Display", "None"); foreach (Category cat in allCats) { System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem item = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem(); item.Text = cat.Name; item.Value = cat.Id.ToString(); CatList.Items.Add(item); } } }