public ActionResult Charge(ChargeModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { //ChargeBridge cb = new ChargeBridge(); ChargeOrder order = new ChargeOrder() { ChargeType = 0, AgencyId = 0, Id = 0, Province = model.Province, City = model.City, MobileSP = model.SPName, MobileNumber = model.Mobile, OutOrderId = "", ResourceId = 0, ResourceTaocanId = model.ResourceTaocanId, RouteId = 0, CreatedTime = DateTimeUtil.ConvertDateTimeToInt(DateTime.Now) }; // OrderManagement orderMgt = new OrderManagement(); ResourceManagement resourceMgr = new ResourceManagement(0); try { order = orderMgt.GenerateOrder(order); } catch(KMBitException kex) { ViewBag.Message = kex.Message; return View(); } catch(Exception ex) { ViewBag.Message = "未知错误请联系系统管理员"; return View(); } int total = 0; List<BResourceTaocan> taocans = resourceMgr.FindResourceTaocans(order.ResourceTaocanId, 0, 0, out total); if (taocans == null || taocans.Count == 0) { ViewBag.Message = "当前套餐不可用"; return View(); } BResourceTaocan taocan = taocans[0]; //Redirct to the payment page. //TBD //After the payment is done then process below steps AlipayConfig config = new AlipayConfig(System.IO.Path.Combine(Request.PhysicalApplicationPath, "Config\\AliPayConfig.xml")); Submit submit = new Submit(config); SortedDictionary<string, string> sParaTemp = new SortedDictionary<string, string>(); sParaTemp.Add("partner", config.Partner); sParaTemp.Add("seller_email", "*****@*****.**"); sParaTemp.Add("_input_charset", config.Input_charset.ToLower()); sParaTemp.Add("service", "create_direct_pay_by_user"); sParaTemp.Add("payment_type", "1"); sParaTemp.Add("notify_url", config.Notify_Url); sParaTemp.Add("return_url", config.Return_Url); sParaTemp.Add("out_trade_no", order.PaymentId.ToString()); sParaTemp.Add("subject", string.Format("{0}M", taocan.Taocan.Quantity)); sParaTemp.Add("total_fee", taocan.Taocan.Sale_price.ToString("0.00")); sParaTemp.Add("body", string.Format("{0}M", taocan.Taocan.Quantity)); sParaTemp.Add("show_url", ""); sParaTemp.Add("seller_id",config.Partner); //sParaTemp.Add("anti_phishing_key", ""); //sParaTemp.Add("exter_invoke_ip", ""); //建立请求 string sHtmlText = submit.BuildRequest(sParaTemp, "get", "确认"); //Response.Write("ok"); Response.Clear(); Response.Charset = "utf-8"; Response.Write(sHtmlText); //ChargeResult result = cb.Charge(order); //ViewBag.Message = result.Message; } return View(); }
public JsonResult PreCharge(WeChatChargeModel model) { logger.Info("WeChatController.PreCharge......................................................"); ApiMessage message = new ApiMessage(); ChargeOrder order = null; if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.OpenId)) { message.Status = "ERROR"; message.Message = "请从公众号菜单打开此页面"; return Json(message, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } //ChargeBridge cb = new ChargeBridge(); order = new ChargeOrder() { ChargeType = 0, AgencyId = 0, Id = 0, Province = model.Province, City = model.City, MobileSP = model.SPName, MobileNumber = model.Mobile, OutOrderId = "", ResourceId = 0, ResourceTaocanId = model.ResourceTaocanId, RouteId = 0, CreatedTime = DateTimeUtil.ConvertDateTimeToInt(DateTime.Now), Payed = false, OpenId = model.OpenId, OpenAccountType = 1 }; // OrderManagement orderMgt = new OrderManagement(); ResourceManagement resourceMgr = new ResourceManagement(0); string msg = string.Empty; if (orderMgt.IsThisMonthCharged(order.MobileNumber, order.ResourceTaocanId, out msg)) { message.Status = "ERROR"; message.Message = msg; return Json(message, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } order = orderMgt.GenerateOrder(order); int total = 0; List<BResourceTaocan> taocans = resourceMgr.FindResourceTaocans(order.ResourceTaocanId, 0, 0, out total); if (taocans == null || taocans.Count == 0) { message.Message = "当前套餐不可用"; message.Status = "ERROR"; return Json(message, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } logger.Info(string.Format("Order is generated, Id - {0}, mobile - {1}", order.Id, order.MobileNumber)); BResourceTaocan taocan = taocans[0]; message.Status = "OK"; message.Message = "预充值订单已经生成"; message.Item = null; // string ip = Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"]; if (ip != null && ip.IndexOf("::") > -1) { ip = ""; } string prepayId = WeChatPaymentWrapper.GetPrepayId(PersistentValueManager.config, Session["wechat_openid"] != null ? Session["wechat_openid"].ToString() : "", order.PaymentId.ToString(), "TEST WECHATPAY", ip, (int)taocan.Taocan.Sale_price * 100, TradeType.JSAPI); logger.Info(string.Format("Prepay Id - {0}", prepayId)); WeChatOrder weOrder = new WeChatOrder(); weOrder.Order = new ChargeOrder { Id = order.Id, Payed = order.Payed, PaymentId = order.PaymentId, MobileNumber = order.MobileNumber, MobileSP = order.MobileSP, Province = order.Province }; weOrder.PrepayId = prepayId; weOrder.PaySign = ""; message.Item = weOrder; AccessToken token = PersistentValueManager.GetWeChatAccessToken(); JSAPITicket ticket = PersistentValueManager.GetWeChatJsApiTicket(); SortedDictionary<string, string> parameters = new SortedDictionary<string, string>(); parameters.Add("appId", PersistentValueManager.config.APPID); parameters.Add("timeStamp", model.timestamp); parameters.Add("nonceStr", model.nancestr); parameters.Add("package", "prepay_id=" + prepayId); parameters.Add("signType", "MD5"); logger.Info(string.Format("timeStamp:{0}", model.timestamp)); logger.Info(string.Format("nonceStr:{0}", model.nancestr)); logger.Info(string.Format("package:{0}", "prepay_id=" + prepayId)); string querystr = null; foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> para in parameters) { if (querystr == null) { querystr = para.Key + "=" + para.Value; } else { querystr += "&" + para.Key + "=" + para.Value; } } querystr += "&key=" + PersistentValueManager.config.ShopSecret; logger.Info(querystr); string sign = UrlSignUtil.GetMD5(querystr); model.paySign = sign.ToUpper(); model.prepay_id = prepayId; logger.Info(string.Format("paySign:{0}", sign.ToUpper())); message.Item = model; } catch (KMBitException kex) { logger.Error(kex); message.Message = kex.Message; message.Status = "ERROR"; } catch (Exception ex) { message.Message = "未知错误,请联系我们"; message.Status = "ERROR"; logger.Fatal(ex); } finally { } } logger.Info("Done."); return Json(message, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
public ApiMessage GetAgencyResourceTaocans() { this.IniRequest(); ApiMessage message = new ApiMessage(); AgentAdminMenagement agentMgtMgr = new AgentAdminMenagement(User.Identity.Name); int agencyId = 0; int resourceId = 0; int.TryParse(request["agencyId"], out agencyId); int.TryParse(request["resourceId"], out resourceId); if(agencyId==0 && resourceId==0) { message.Status = "ERROR"; message.Item = null; message.Message = "代理商编号和资源编号都不能为空"; return message; } List<BResourceTaocan> taocans = new List<BResourceTaocan>(); if(resourceId>0 && agencyId>0) { taocans = agentMgtMgr.FindAgencyResourceTaocans(agencyId, resourceId); }else if(resourceId>0 && agencyId<=0) { ResourceManagement resourceMgr = new ResourceManagement(agentMgtMgr.CurrentLoginUser); taocans = resourceMgr.FindResourceTaocans(resourceId, 0, false); } message.Status = "OK"; message.Item = taocans; return message; }
public ActionResult ViewResourceTaoCan(int? resourceId) { int id = resourceId??0; resourceMgt = new ResourceManagement(User.Identity.GetUserId<int>()); List<BResource> resources = resourceMgt.FindResources(id, null, 0,out total); if (resources == null || resources.Count == 0) { return View("Error"); } int pageSize = 50; int requestPage = 1; int.TryParse(Request["page"], out requestPage); requestPage = requestPage == 0 ? 1 : requestPage; List<BResourceTaocan> resourceTaocans = resourceMgt.FindResourceTaocans(0, id, 0, out total, requestPage, pageSize,false); PageItemsResult<BResourceTaocan> result = new PageItemsResult<BResourceTaocan>() { CurrentPage = requestPage, Items = resourceTaocans, PageSize = resourceTaocans.Count, TotalRecords = total }; result.EnablePaging = false; KMBit.Grids.KMGrid<BResourceTaocan> grid = new Grids.KMGrid<BResourceTaocan>(result); ViewBag.Resource = resources[0]; return View(grid); }
public ActionResult UpdateResourceTaocan(ResourceTaocanModel model) { bool ret = false; resourceMgt = new ResourceManagement(User.Identity.GetUserId<int>()); List<BResource> resources = resourceMgt.FindResources(model.ResoucedId, null, 0, out total); if (resources == null || resources.Count == 0) { ViewBag.Message = "资源信息丢失"; return View("Error"); } BResource resource = resources[0]; if (ModelState.IsValid) { KMBit.DAL.Resource_taocan taocan = null; if(model.Id>0) { int total = 0; List<BResourceTaocan> ts = resourceMgt.FindResourceTaocans(model.Id, 0, 0, out total); if (total == 1) { taocan = ts[0].Taocan; } }else { taocan = new DAL.Resource_taocan(); taocan.CreatedBy = User.Identity.GetUserId<int>(); taocan.Created_time = DateTimeUtil.ConvertDateTimeToInt(DateTime.Now); taocan.Quantity = model.Quantity; taocan.Resource_id = model.ResoucedId; } taocan.Serial = model.Serial; taocan.Area_id = model.Province != null ? (int)model.Province : 0; taocan.City_id = model.City!=null ?(int)model.City:0; taocan.NumberProvinceId = model.NumberProvince != null ? (int)model.NumberProvince : 0; taocan.NumberCityId = model.NumberCity != null ? (int)model.NumberCity : 0; taocan.Enabled = model.Enabled; taocan.Purchase_price = model.PurchasePrice; taocan.EnableDiscount = model.EnabledDiscount; taocan.Resource_Discount = model.Discount; taocan.Sale_price = model.SalePrice; taocan.Sp_id = model.SP != null ? (int)model.SP : 0; taocan.UpdatedBy = User.Identity.GetUserId<int>(); taocan.Updated_time = DateTimeUtil.ConvertDateTimeToInt(DateTime.Now); try { if (model.Id <= 0) { ret = resourceMgt.CreateResourceTaocan(taocan); } else { ret = resourceMgt.UpdateResourceTaocan(taocan); } } catch(KMBitException kex) { KMLogger.GetLogger().Error(kex); ViewBag.Message = kex.Message; return View("Error"); } catch(Exception ex) { KMLogger.GetLogger().Fatal(ex); ViewBag.Message = "未知错误,请联系系统管理员"; return View("Error"); } if (ret) { return Redirect("/Admin/ViewResourceTaoCan?resourceId=" + model.ResoucedId); } else { ViewBag.Message = "未知错误,请联系系统管理员"; return View("Error"); } }else { var errors = ModelState .Where(x => x.Value.Errors.Count > 0) .Select(x => new { x.Key, x.Value.Errors }) .ToArray(); ViewBag.Message = "资源套餐创建失败"; return View("Error"); } List<KMBit.DAL.Area> provinces = null; List<KMBit.DAL.Sp> sps = null; provinces = resourceMgt.GetAreas(0); sps = resourceMgt.GetSps(); ViewBag.Resource = resource; ViewBag.Provinces = new SelectList(provinces, "Id", "Name"); ViewBag.Cities = new SelectList(resourceMgt.GetAreas(model.Province != null ? (int)model.Province : 0), "Id", "Name"); ViewBag.SPs = new SelectList(sps, "Id", "Name"); return View("CreateResourceTaocan",model); }
public ActionResult UpdateResourceTaocan(int taocanId) { if(taocanId<=0) { ViewBag.Message = "套餐信息丢失"; return View("Error"); } resourceMgt = new ResourceManagement(User.Identity.GetUserId<int>()); List<BResourceTaocan> resourceTaocans = resourceMgt.FindResourceTaocans(taocanId, 0, 0, out total, 1, 1); if(total==0) { ViewBag.Message = "编号为"+taocanId+"的套餐不存在"; return View("Error"); } BResourceTaocan bTaocan = resourceTaocans[0]; ResourceTaocanModel model = new ResourceTaocanModel() { Id = bTaocan.Taocan.Id, Serial = bTaocan.Taocan.Serial, Province = bTaocan.Taocan.Area_id, City = bTaocan.Taocan.City_id, NumberProvince=bTaocan.Taocan.NumberProvinceId, NumberCity=bTaocan.Taocan.NumberCityId, Enabled = bTaocan.Taocan.Enabled, PurchasePrice = bTaocan.Taocan.Purchase_price, Quantity = bTaocan.Taocan.Quantity, ResoucedId = bTaocan.Taocan.Resource_id, SalePrice = bTaocan.Taocan.Sale_price, SP = bTaocan.Taocan.Sp_id, Discount = bTaocan.Taocan.Resource_Discount, EnabledDiscount = bTaocan.Taocan.EnableDiscount, }; List<KMBit.DAL.Area> provinces = null; List<KMBit.DAL.Sp> sps = null; provinces = resourceMgt.GetAreas(0); sps = resourceMgt.GetSps(); ViewBag.Provinces = new SelectList(provinces, "Id", "Name"); if (model.City > 0) { ViewBag.Cities = new SelectList(resourceMgt.GetAreas((int)model.Province), "Id", "Name"); } else { ViewBag.Cities = new SelectList(new List<KMBit.DAL.Area>(), "Id", "Name"); } if(model.NumberCity>0) { ViewBag.NCities = new SelectList(resourceMgt.GetAreas((int)model.NumberProvince), "Id", "Name"); }else { ViewBag.NCities = new SelectList(new List<KMBit.DAL.Area>(), "Id", "Name"); } ViewBag.SPs = new SelectList(sps, "Id", "Name"); ViewBag.Resource = bTaocan.Resource; return View("CreateResourceTaocan",model); }
public ActionResult ChargeOrders(OrderSearchModel searchModel) { OrderManagement orderMgt = new OrderManagement(User.Identity.GetUserId<int>()); agentAdminMgt = new AgentAdminMenagement(orderMgt.CurrentLoginUser); resourceMgt = new ResourceManagement(orderMgt.CurrentLoginUser); if (!orderMgt.CurrentLoginUser.Permission.CHARGE_HISTORY) { ViewBag.Message = "没有权限查看流量充值记录"; return View("Error"); } int pageSize = 40; DateTime sDate = DateTime.MinValue; DateTime eDate = DateTime.MinValue; if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchModel.StartTime)) { DateTime.TryParse(searchModel.StartTime, out sDate); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchModel.EndTime)) { DateTime.TryParse(searchModel.EndTime, out eDate); } long sintDate = sDate!=DateTime.MinValue?DateTimeUtil.ConvertDateTimeToInt(sDate):0; long eintDate= eDate != DateTime.MinValue ? DateTimeUtil.ConvertDateTimeToInt(eDate) : 0; int page = 1; if(Request["page"]!=null) { int.TryParse(Request["page"],out page); } searchModel.Page = page; List<BOrder> orders = orderMgt.FindOrders(searchModel.OrderId!=null?(int)searchModel.OrderId:0, searchModel.AgencyId!=null?(int)searchModel.AgencyId:0, searchModel.ResourceId!=null?(int)searchModel.ResourceId:0, searchModel.ResourceTaocanId!=null?(int)searchModel.ResourceTaocanId:0, searchModel.RuoteId!=null?(int)searchModel.RuoteId:0, searchModel.SPName, searchModel.MobileNumber, searchModel.Status, sintDate, eintDate, out total, pageSize, searchModel.Page, true); PageItemsResult<BOrder> result = new PageItemsResult<BOrder>() { CurrentPage = searchModel.Page, Items = orders, PageSize = pageSize, TotalRecords = total,EnablePaging=true }; KMBit.Grids.KMGrid<BOrder> grid = new Grids.KMGrid<BOrder>(result); BigOrderSearchModel model = new BigOrderSearchModel() { SearchModel = searchModel, OrderGrid = grid }; List<KMBit.Beans.BUser> agencies = agentAdminMgt.FindAgencies(0, null, null, 0, 0, out total, 0, 0, false,null); List<BResource> resources = new List<BResource>(); if(searchModel.AgencyId!=null) { resources = agentAdminMgt.FindAgentResources((int)searchModel.AgencyId); }else { resources = resourceMgt.FindResources(0,null,0,out total); } ViewBag.Agencies = new SelectList((from a in agencies select a.User).ToList<Users>(),"Id","Name"); ViewBag.Resources = new SelectList((from r in resources select r.Resource).ToList<Resource>(), "Id", "Name"); List<BResourceTaocan> taocans = new List<BResourceTaocan>(); if(searchModel.ResourceId!=null) { if(searchModel.AgencyId==null) { taocans = resourceMgt.FindResourceTaocans((int)searchModel.ResourceId, 0, false); } else { taocans = agentAdminMgt.FindAgencyResourceTaocans((int)searchModel.AgencyId, (int)searchModel.ResourceId); } } ViewBag.Taocans = new SelectList((from t in taocans select new { Id=t.Taocan.Id,Name=t.Taocan2.Name}), "Id", "Name"); ViewBag.StatusList = new SelectList((from s in StaticDictionary.GetChargeStatusList() select new { Id=s.Id,Name=s.Value}),"Id","Name"); return View(model); }