예제 #1
        public ApiMessage UpdateProduct()
            HttpContextBase context = (HttpContextBase)Request.Properties["MS_HttpContext"];
            HttpRequestBase request = context.Request;
            ApiMessage message = new ApiMessage();
            string user_id = User.Identity.Name;
            UserManager userMgr = new UserManager(int.Parse(user_id), null);
            BUser user = userMgr.CurrentUser;
            ProductManager pdtManager = new ProductManager(userMgr.CurrentUser, userMgr.Shop, userMgr.CurrentUserPermission);
            int product_id = 0;
            int categoryId = 0;
            string description = "";
            string props = "";
            string images = "";
            string title = "";
            int.TryParse(request["cid"], out categoryId);
            int.TryParse(request["product_id"],out product_id);
            description = request["desc"];
            title = request["title"];
            images = request["images"];
            props = request["props"];
            string suppliers = request["sids"];
                BProduct product = new BProduct();
                product.ID = product_id;
                product.Parent = null;
                product.Category = new BCategory() { ID = categoryId };
                product.Title = title;
                product.Description = description;
                product.Properties = null;
                product.FileRootPath = request.PhysicalApplicationPath;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(images))
                    product.Images = new List<Image>();
                    string[] ims = images.Split(',');
                    foreach (string img in ims)
                        int image_id = 0;
                        int.TryParse(img,out image_id);
                        if (image_id > 0)
                            product.Images.Add(new Image() { ID = image_id });

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(suppliers))
                    product.Suppliers = new List<Supplier>();
                    string[] sids = suppliers.Split(',');
                    foreach (string sid in sids)
                        product.Suppliers.Add(new Supplier() { Supplier_ID = int.Parse(sid), Enabled = true });

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(props))
                    if (product.Children == null)
                        product.Children = new List<BProduct>();
                    string[] groups = props.Split(';');
                    foreach (string group in groups)
                        string groupp = group.Split('|')[1];
                        int pdtId = int.Parse(group.Split('|')[0]);
                        BProduct child = new BProduct();
                        child.ID = pdtId;
                        child.Title = product.Title;
                        child.Description = product.Description;
                        child.Category = product.Category;
                        List<BProductProperty> properties = new List<BProductProperty>();
                        string[] pops = groupp.Split(',');
                        foreach (string pop in pops)
                            BProductProperty prop = new BProductProperty();
                            prop.PID = int.Parse(pop.Split(':')[0]);
                            prop.PVID = int.Parse(pop.Split(':')[1]);
                        child.Properties = properties;

                pdtManager.UpdateProduct(ref product);
                message.Status = "ok";
                message.Item = product;
            catch (KM.JXC.Common.KMException.KMJXCException kex)
                message.Status = "failed";
                message.Message = kex.Message;
            catch (Exception ex)
                message.Status = "failed";
                message.Message = ex.Message;
            return message;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Update product information
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="product"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool UpdateProduct(ref BProduct bproduct)
            BProduct product = bproduct;
            if (this.CurrentUserPermission.UPDATE_PRODUCT == 0)
                throw new KMJXCException("没有权限更新产品");

            bool result = false;
            KuanMaiEntities db = new KuanMaiEntities();
                Product dbProduct=(from pdt in db.Product where pdt.Product_ID==product.ID select pdt).FirstOrDefault<Product>();
                if (dbProduct == null)
                    throw new KMJXCException("您要修改的产品信息不存在");

                if (this.Shop.Shop_ID != this.Main_Shop.Shop_ID)
                    if (dbProduct.Shop_ID == this.Main_Shop.Shop_ID)
                        throw new KMJXCException("您不能修改主店铺产品");

                    if (dbProduct.Shop_ID != this.Shop.Shop_ID)
                        throw new KMJXCException("您不能其他主店铺产品");
                    int[] child_shops=(from c in this.DBChildShops select c.Shop_ID).ToArray<int>();
                    if (dbProduct.Shop_ID != this.Main_Shop.Shop_ID && !child_shops.Contains(dbProduct.Shop_ID))
                        throw new KMJXCException("您无法修改其他店铺的产品,只能修改主店铺或者子店铺产品");

                dbProduct.Name = product.Title;
                dbProduct.Description = product.Description;
                if (product.Category != null)
                    dbProduct.Product_Class_ID = product.Category.ID;
                dbProduct.Update_Time = DateTimeUtil.ConvertDateTimeToInt(DateTime.Now);
                dbProduct.Update_User_ID = this.CurrentUser.ID;

                //update images
                if (product.Images!=null && product.Images.Count > 0)
                    List<Image> existedImages=(from img in db.Image where img.ProductID==product.ID select img).ToList<Image>();
                    //Update new uploaded images
                    foreach (Image newimg in product.Images)
                        Image tmp = (from eted in existedImages where eted.ID == newimg.ID select eted).FirstOrDefault<Image>();
                        if (tmp == null)
                            Image newone = (from ni in db.Image where ni.ID == newimg.ID select ni).FirstOrDefault<Image>();
                            newone.ProductID = product.ID;

                    //Remove deleted images
                    string rootPath = product.FileRootPath;
                    foreach (Image oldImg in existedImages)

                        Image tmp = (from eted in product.Images where eted.ID == oldImg.ID select eted).FirstOrDefault<Image>();
                        if (tmp == null)
                            if (rootPath != null && System.IO.File.Exists(rootPath + oldImg.Path))
                                System.IO.File.Delete(rootPath + oldImg.Path);

                //update suppliers
                if (product.Suppliers != null)
                    foreach (Supplier s in product.Suppliers)
                        Product_Supplier ps = new Product_Supplier() { Product_ID = product.ID, Supplier_ID = s.Supplier_ID, Enabled=true,Created=DateTimeUtil.ConvertDateTimeToInt(DateTime.Now),Created_By=this.CurrentUser.ID };

                //update children
                List<Product> children=(from p in db.Product where p.Parent_ID==dbProduct.Product_ID select p).ToList<Product>();
                foreach (Product child in children)
                    child.Name = dbProduct.Name;
                    child.Product_Class_ID = dbProduct.Product_Class_ID;
                    child.Description = dbProduct.Description;


                if (product.Children != null && product.Children.Count > 0)
                    foreach (BProduct child in product.Children)
                        if (child.ID == 0)
                            //create new child product with properties
                            child.Parent = product;
                            child.Children = null;
                            //Update properties
                            if (child.Properties != null && child.Properties.Count > 0)
                                List<Product_Specifications> properties = (from prop in db.Product_Specifications
                                                                           where prop.Product_ID == child.ID
                                                                           select prop).ToList<Product_Specifications>();

                                List<Product_Specifications> newProps = new List<Product_Specifications>();
                                if (properties.Count > 0)
                                    //current just support edit existed property's value, doesn't support deleting property
                                    foreach (BProductProperty p in child.Properties)
                                        Product_Specifications psprop = (from ep in properties where ep.Product_Spec_ID == p.PID  select ep).FirstOrDefault<Product_Specifications>();
                                        if (psprop == null)
                                            //cretae new property for existed product
                                            psprop = new Product_Specifications() { Product_ID=child.ID, Product_Spec_ID=p.PID, Product_Spec_Value_ID=p.PVID, Created=DateTimeUtil.ConvertDateTimeToInt(DateTime.Now), User_ID=this.CurrentUser.ID };
                                            //update existed property's value
                                            if (psprop.Product_Spec_Value_ID != p.PVID)
                                                psprop.Product_Spec_Value_ID = p.PVID;


                bproduct = this.GetProductFullInfo(product.ID);

                base.CreateActionLog(new BUserActionLog() { Shop = new BShop { ID = bproduct.Shop.Shop_ID }, Action = new BUserAction() { Action_ID = UserLogAction.UPDATE_PRODUCT }, Description = "商品编号:" + bproduct.ID+ "\n商品名称:" + bproduct.Title });
                result = true;

            catch (KMJXCException kex)
                throw kex;
            return result;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets full local product information
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="productId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public BProduct GetProductFullInfo(int productId,string mall_id=null)
            if (productId == 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(mall_id))
                throw new KMJXCException("获取产品详细信息时候,必须输入产品编号或者已关联的商城宝贝编号");

            BProduct product = null;
            KuanMaiEntities db = new KuanMaiEntities();

                if (productId == 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(mall_id))
                    productId=(from mp in db.Mall_Product where mp.Mall_ID==mall_id select mp.Outer_ID).FirstOrDefault<int>();

                if (productId == 0)
                    throw new KMJXCException("获取产品详细信息时候,必须输入产品编号或者已关联的商城宝贝编号");

                product = (from pudt in db.Product
                           where pudt.Product_ID == productId
                           select new BProduct
                               Shop = (from sp in db.Shop where sp.Shop_ID == pudt.Shop_ID select sp).FirstOrDefault<Shop>(),
                               ID = pudt.Product_ID,
                               Description = pudt.Description,
                               Title = pudt.Name,
                               Code = pudt.Code,
                               CreateTime = pudt.Create_Time,
                               Category = (from c in db.Product_Class
                                           where pudt.Product_Class_ID == c.Product_Class_ID
                                           select new BCategory
                                               Name = c.Name,
                                               ID = c.Product_Class_ID,
                               User = (from u in db.User
                                       where u.User_ID == pudt.User_ID
                                       select new BUser
                                           ID = u.User_ID,
                                           Mall_Name = u.Mall_Name,
                                           Mall_ID = u.Mall_ID,


                if (product != null)
                    product.Images = (from img in db.Image where img.ProductID == product.ID select img).ToList<Image>();
                    product.Suppliers = (from sp in db.Supplier
                                         join ps in db.Product_Supplier on sp.Supplier_ID equals ps.Supplier_ID
                                         where ps.Product_ID == product.ID && ps.Enabled==true
                                         select sp

                    //product.Properties = properties;
                    List<Product> children = (from p in db.Product where p.Parent_ID == product.ID select p).ToList<Product>();
                    int[] children_ids=(from c in children select c.Product_ID).ToArray<int>();
                    List<BProductProperty> properties = (from pp in db.Product_Specifications
                                                         where children_ids.Contains(pp.Product_ID)
                                                         select new BProductProperty
                                                             PID = pp.Product_Spec_ID,
                                                             PName = (from prop in db.Product_Spec where prop.Product_Spec_ID == pp.Product_Spec_ID select prop.Name).FirstOrDefault<string>(),
                                                             PVID = pp.Product_Spec_Value_ID,
                                                             PValue = (from propv in db.Product_Spec_Value where propv.Product_Spec_Value_ID == pp.Product_Spec_Value_ID select propv.Name).FirstOrDefault<string>()

                    if (children != null && children.Count > 0)
                        if (product.Children == null)
                            product.Children = new List<BProduct>();
                        foreach (Product pdt in children)
                            BProduct child = new BProduct() {  ID=pdt.Product_ID,Title=product.Title};
                            child.Properties=(from prop in properties where prop.ProductID==child.ID select prop).ToList<BProductProperty>();
            catch (KMJXCException kex)
                throw kex;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
            return product;
예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Input product is Parent product which doesn't have any chind products with Properties combination
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="product"></param>
 /// <param name="props"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool CreateProperties(BProduct product,List<BProductProperty> props)
     return this.CreateProperties(this.GetProduct(product.ID), props);
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Create single parent or child product which can contains Properties combination
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="product"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void CreateProduct(BProduct product)
            if (this.CurrentUserPermission.ADD_PRODUCT == 0)
                throw new KMJXCException("没有权限创建产品");

            Product dbProduct = new Product();
            dbProduct.Code = product.Code;
            dbProduct.Create_Time = DateTimeUtil.ConvertDateTimeToInt(DateTime.Now);
            dbProduct.Name = product.Title;
            dbProduct.Parent_ID = product.ParentID;
            dbProduct.Quantity = 0;
            dbProduct.Description = product.Description;
            if (product.Category != null)
                dbProduct.Product_Class_ID = product.Category.ID;
            dbProduct.Product_ID = 0;
            dbProduct.Price = product.Price;
            if (product.Unit != null)
                dbProduct.Product_Unit_ID = product.Unit.Product_Unit_ID;
            dbProduct.Shop_ID = this.Shop.Shop_ID;
            dbProduct.User_ID = this.MainUser.ID;

            if (product.Parent != null && product.Parent.ID > 0)
                dbProduct.Parent_ID = product.Parent.ID;

            using (KuanMaiEntities db = new KuanMaiEntities())
                if (dbProduct.Product_ID <= 0)
                    throw new KMJXCException("产品创建失败");
                product.ID = dbProduct.Product_ID;
                //Update product images
                if (product.Images != null && product.Images.Count > 0)
                    List<int> img_ids = new List<int>();
                    foreach (Image img in product.Images)

                    List<Image> dbImages=(from img in db.Image where img_ids.Contains(img.ID) select img).ToList<Image>();
                    foreach (Image image in dbImages)
                        image.ProductID = product.ID;

                Stock_Batch batch = null;
                if (dbProduct.Parent_ID == 0)
                    batch = new Stock_Batch() { Name = "P0", ProductID = dbProduct.Product_ID, Price = 0, ShopID = dbProduct.Shop_ID, Desc = "", Created_By = this.CurrentUser.ID };
                    batch.Created = DateTimeUtil.ConvertDateTimeToInt(DateTime.Now);
                    batch.ParentProductID = dbProduct.Parent_ID;
                    batch=(from b in db.Stock_Batch where b.ProductID==dbProduct.Parent_ID select b).FirstOrDefault<Stock_Batch>();

                Store_House defaultStoreHouse = null;
                List<Store_House> storeHouses = (from h in db.Store_House where (h.Shop_ID == dbProduct.Shop_ID || h.Shop_ID==this.Main_Shop.Shop_ID) select h).ToList<Store_House>();

                if (storeHouses.Count == 0)
                    defaultStoreHouse = new Store_House();
                    defaultStoreHouse.Shop_ID = dbProduct.Shop_ID;
                    defaultStoreHouse.Title = "默认仓库";
                    defaultStoreHouse.Address = "";
                    defaultStoreHouse.Phone = "";
                    defaultStoreHouse.User_ID = this.CurrentUser.ID;
                    defaultStoreHouse.Create_Time = DateTimeUtil.ConvertDateTimeToInt(DateTime.Now);
                    defaultStoreHouse.Default = true;
                    defaultStoreHouse.Guard = 0;
                    defaultStoreHouse = (from h in storeHouses where h.Default == true select h).FirstOrDefault<Store_House>();
                    if (defaultStoreHouse == null)
                        defaultStoreHouse = storeHouses[0];
                        defaultStoreHouse.Default = true;

                Stock_Pile stockPile = new Stock_Pile();
                stockPile.LastLeave_Time = 0;
                stockPile.Price = 0;
                stockPile.Product_ID = product.ID;
                stockPile.Quantity = 0;
                stockPile.Shop_ID = dbProduct.Shop_ID;
                stockPile.StockHouse_ID = defaultStoreHouse.StoreHouse_ID;
                stockPile.StockPile_ID = 0;
                stockPile.Batch_ID = batch.ID;


                if (product.Properties != null && product.Properties.Count > 0)
                    foreach (BProductProperty pro in product.Properties)
                        Product_Specifications ps = new Product_Specifications();
                        ps.Product_ID = dbProduct.Product_ID;
                        ps.Product_Spec_ID = pro.PID;
                        ps.Product_Spec_Value_ID = pro.PVID;
                        ps.User_ID = this.CurrentUser.ID;
                        ps.Created = DateTimeUtil.ConvertDateTimeToInt(DateTime.Now);


                if (product.Suppliers != null)
                    foreach (Supplier su in product.Suppliers)
                        Product_Supplier ps = new Product_Supplier();
                        ps.Product_ID = product.ID;
                        ps.Supplier_ID = su.Supplier_ID;


                if (product.Children != null)
                    foreach (BProduct p in product.Children)
                        if (p.Parent == null)
                            p.ParentID = dbProduct.Product_ID;
                            p.Parent = new BProduct() { ID = product.ID };
                        p.Children = null;
                    base.CreateActionLog(new BUserActionLog() { Shop = new BShop { ID = dbProduct.Shop_ID }, Action = new BUserAction() { Action_ID = UserLogAction.CREATE_PRODUCT }, Description = "" });

예제 #6
 public ApiMessage UpdateProductsWastage()
     ApiMessage message = new ApiMessage() { Status = "ok" };
     HttpContextBase context = (HttpContextBase)Request.Properties["MS_HttpContext"];
     HttpRequestBase request = context.Request;
     string user_id = User.Identity.Name;
     UserManager userMgr = new UserManager(int.Parse(user_id), null);
     BUser user = userMgr.CurrentUser;
     StockManager stockManager = new StockManager(userMgr.CurrentUser, userMgr.Shop, userMgr.CurrentUserPermission);
         string ws=request["wastages"];
         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ws))
             message.Status = "failed";
             message.Message = "输入错误";
             return message;
         ws = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(ws);
         JArray ps = (JArray)JArray.Parse(ws);
         if (ps != null && ps.Count > 0)
             List<BProduct> products = new List<BProduct>();
             for (int i = 0; i < ps.Count; i++)
                 BProduct product = new BProduct();
                 JObject json = (JObject)ps[i];
                 if (json["product_id"] != null)
                     product.ID = (int)json["product_id"];
                 if (json["quantity"] != null)
                     product.Quantity = (int)json["quantity"];
                 if (json["parent_id"] != null)
                     product.ParentID = (int)json["parent_id"];
     catch (KMJXCException kex)
         message.Status = "failed";
         message.Message = kex.Message;
     catch (Exception ex)
         message.Status = "failed";
         message.Message = "未知错误";
     return message;