private IEnumerable <Pawn> GeneratePawns(Map map, Faction faction, GenStepParams parms) { float p; if (parms.sitePart?.parms != null && parms.sitePart.parms.threatPoints >= defaultPointsRange.min && parms.sitePart.parms.threatPoints <= defaultPointsRange.max) { p = parms.sitePart.parms.threatPoints; KLog.Message($"Using sitePart parms threat points: {p}"); } else { p = defaultPointsRange.RandomInRange; KLog.Message($"Using in-range threat points: {p}. Choosen from {defaultPointsRange}"); } p = Math.Max(p, 150) * pointMultiplier; KLog.Message($"Final threat points: {p}"); return(PawnGroupMakerUtility.GeneratePawns(new PawnGroupMakerParms { groupKind = PawnGroupKindDefOf.Combat, tile = map.Tile, faction = faction, points = p }, true)); }
private static void CreateSymbolsFor(string modId) { KLog.Message($"Creating symbols for {modId}..."); List <ThingDef> thingDefs = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .AllDefsListForReading.FindAll(t => t.modContentPack?.PackageId == modId); foreach (ThingDef thingDef in thingDefs) { if (!defCreated) { CreateAllSymbolsForDef(thingDef); } } List <TerrainDef> terrainDefs = DefDatabase <TerrainDef> .AllDefsListForReading.FindAll(t => t.modContentPack?.PackageId == modId); foreach (TerrainDef terrainDef in terrainDefs) { if (!defCreated) { AddDef(CreateSymbolDef(terrainDef)); } } List <PawnKindDef> pawnKindDefs = DefDatabase <PawnKindDef> .AllDefsListForReading.FindAll(t => t.modContentPack?.PackageId == modId); foreach (PawnKindDef pawnKindDef in pawnKindDefs) { if (!defCreated) { AddDef(CreateSymbolDef(pawnKindDef)); } } modCount++; }
public static void Postfix(MapParent __instance, ref MapGeneratorDef __result) { if (Find.World.worldObjects.AllWorldObjects.Find(o => o.Tile == __instance.Tile && o.def.HasModExtension <CustomGenOption>()) is WorldObject worldObject) { KLog.Message($"Generating worldObject {worldObject.LabelCap}"); __result = DefDatabase <MapGeneratorDef> .GetNamed("KCSG_WorldObject_Gen"); } }
public static List <CustomVector> Run(CustomVector start, CustomVector end, CustomVector[][] grid, bool neig8) { gridCols = grid.Count(); gridRows = grid[0].Count(); List <CustomVector> Path = new List <CustomVector>(); List <CustomVector> OpenList = new List <CustomVector>(); List <CustomVector> ClosedList = new List <CustomVector>(); List <CustomVector> adjacencies; CustomVector current = start; OpenList.Add(start); while (OpenList.Count > 0 && !ClosedList.Exists(v => v.X == end.X && v.Y == end.Y)) { current = OpenList[0]; OpenList.Remove(current); ClosedList.Add(current); adjacencies = GetAdjacent(current, grid, neig8); foreach (CustomVector n in adjacencies) { if (!ClosedList.Contains(n) && n.Type != CellType.WATER && n.Type != CellType.BUILDING) { if (!OpenList.Contains(n)) { n.Parent = current; n.DistanceToTarget = (float)(Math.Abs(n.X - end.X) + Math.Abs(n.Y - end.Y)); n.Cost = n.Weight + n.Parent.Cost; OpenList.Add(n); OpenList = OpenList.OrderBy(v => v.F).ToList(); } } } } if (!ClosedList.Exists(v => v.X == end.X && v.Y == end.Y)) { KLog.Message($"AStar error: end point not found in ClosedList. Closed list count {ClosedList.Count}. Path wanted from {start} to {end}."); return(null); } CustomVector temp = ClosedList[ClosedList.IndexOf(current)]; if (temp == null) { KLog.Message("AStar error: temp is null."); return(null); } while (temp != start && temp != null) { Path.Add(temp); temp = temp.Parent; } return(Path); }
public static void Postfix(Settlement __instance, ref MapGeneratorDef __result) { if (__instance != null && __instance.Faction != null && __instance.Faction != Faction.OfPlayer) { KLog.Message($"Faction: {__instance.Faction.NameColored} - Generating"); if (__instance.Faction.def.HasModExtension <CustomGenOption>()) { KLog.Message($"Faction: {__instance.Faction.NameColored} - Faction have CustomGenOption extension"); __result = DefDatabase <MapGeneratorDef> .GetNamed("KCSG_Base_Faction"); } else if (Find.World.worldObjects.AllWorldObjects.FindAll(o => o.Tile == __instance.Tile && o.def.HasModExtension <CustomGenOption>()).Any()) { KLog.Message($"Faction: {__instance.Faction.NameColored} - Faction do not have CustomGenOption extension"); __result = DefDatabase <MapGeneratorDef> .GetNamed("KCSG_WorldObject_Gen"); } } }
public static bool Prefix(Caravan caravan, Settlement settlement) { if (settlement.Faction != null && settlement.Faction.def.HasModExtension <CustomGenOption>() || (Find.World.worldObjects.AllWorldObjects.Find(o => o.Tile == settlement.Tile && o.def.HasModExtension <CustomGenOption>()) is WorldObject worldObject)) { if (!settlement.HasMap) { CGO.useCustomWindowContent = true; CGO.dateTime = DateTime.Now; LongEventHandler.QueueLongEvent(delegate() { CGO.allTip = DefDatabase <TipSetDef> .AllDefsListForReading.SelectMany((TipSetDef set) =>; if (CGO.allTip.Count > 0) { CGO.tipAvailable = true; } CustomAttackNowNoLetter(caravan, settlement); LongEventHandler.ExecuteWhenFinished(() => { KLog.Message($"Generation done in {(DateTime.Now - CGO.dateTime).Duration().TotalSeconds}"); // Send letter if (settlement.Faction != null) { SendAttackLetter(caravan, settlement); } // Clear CGO.ClearUI(); CGO.ClearAll(); LongEventHandler_Patches.LongEventsOnGUI_Prefix.structure = null; }); }, "GeneratingMapForNewEncounter", true, delegate(Exception e) { Log.Error($"{e}"); CGO.ClearUI(); CGO.ClearAll(); }, true); } else { AccessTools.Method(typeof(SettlementUtility), "AttackNow").Invoke(null, new object[] { caravan, settlement }); } return(false); } return(true); }
internal int RandomTileFor(WorldObject wo, SpawnAtWorldGen ext, int maxTries, Predicate<int> extraValidator = null) { for (int i = 0; i < maxTries; i++) { if (Enumerable.Range(0, 100).Select(_ => Rand.Range(0, Find.WorldGrid.TilesCount)).TryRandomElementByWeight(x => { Tile tile = Find.WorldGrid[x]; if (!tile.biome.canBuildBase || !tile.biome.implemented || tile.hilliness == Hilliness.Impassable) { return 0f; } else if (Find.WorldObjects.AnyWorldObjectAt(x) || Find.WorldObjects.AnySettlementBaseAtOrAdjacent(x)) { return 0f; } else if (ext.allowedBiomes?.Count > 0 && !ext.allowedBiomes.Contains(tile.biome)) { return 0f; } else if (ext.disallowedBiomes?.Count > 0 && ext.disallowedBiomes.Contains(tile.biome)) { return 0f; } else if (extraValidator != null && !extraValidator(x)) { return 0f; } return tile.biome.settlementSelectionWeight; }, out int result)) { return result; } } KLog.Message($"Failed to find world tile for {wo.def.defName}"); return 0; }
public static void Generate(Map map, IntVec3 c, CustomGenOption sf, string symbolResolver = "kcsg_settlement") { CGO.useStructureLayout = sf.useStructureLayout; if (sf.useStructureLayout) { CGO.structureLayoutDef = LayoutUtils.ChooseLayoutFrom(sf.chooseFromlayouts); } else { CGO.settlementLayoutDef = sf.chooseFromSettlements.RandomElement(); } // Get faction Faction faction; if (map.ParentFaction == null || map.ParentFaction == Faction.OfPlayer) { faction = Find.FactionManager.RandomEnemyFaction(false, false, true, TechLevel.Undefined); } else { faction = map.ParentFaction; } // Get settlement size int width; int height; if (sf.useStructureLayout) { RectUtils.HeightWidthFromLayout(CGO.structureLayoutDef, out height, out width); } else { SettlementLayoutDef temp = CGO.settlementLayoutDef; height = temp.settlementSize.x; width = temp.settlementSize.z; } IntVec3 intVec3 = c; if (CGO.factionSettlement.tryFindFreeArea) { bool success = RCellFinder.TryFindRandomCellNearTheCenterOfTheMapWith(cell => new CellRect(cell.x - width / 2, cell.z - height / 2, width, height).Cells.All(pC => pC.Walkable(map) && !pC.GetTerrain(map).affordances.Contains(TerrainAffordanceDefOf.Bridgeable)), map, out intVec3); KLog.Message($"Trying to find free spawn area success: {success}"); } CellRect rect = new CellRect(intVec3.x - width / 2, intVec3.z - height / 2, width, height); rect.ClipInsideMap(map); ResolveParams rp = default; rp.faction = faction; rp.rect = rect; = map; BaseGen.symbolStack.Push(symbolResolver, rp, null); BaseGen.Generate(); }
public override void PostMapGenerate(Map map) { if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame > 5f || chooseFrom.Count <= 0 || PrepareCarefully_Util.pcScenariosSave.Count <= 0) { return; } StructureLayoutDef structureLayoutDef; if (ModLister.GetActiveModWithIdentifier("EdB.PrepareCarefully") != null) { structureLayoutDef = PrepareCarefully_Util.pcScenariosSave.First().Key; nearMapCenter = PrepareCarefully_Util.pcScenariosSave.First().Value; } else { structureLayoutDef = chooseFrom.RandomElement(); } RectUtils.HeightWidthFromLayout(structureLayoutDef, out int h, out int w); CellRect cellRect = this.CreateCellRect(map, h, w); if (preGenClear) { GenUtils.PreClean(map, cellRect, structureLayoutDef.roofGrid, fullClear); } foreach (List <string> item in structureLayoutDef.layouts) { GenUtils.GenerateRoomFromLayout(item, cellRect, map, structureLayoutDef, spawnConduits); } if (spawnTheStartingPawn && Find.GameInitData != null) { List <List <Thing> > thingsGroups = new List <List <Thing> >(); foreach (Pawn startingAndOptionalPawn in Find.GameInitData.startingAndOptionalPawns) { thingsGroups.Add(new List <Thing>() { startingAndOptionalPawn }); } List <Thing> thingList = new List <Thing>(); foreach (ScenPart allPart in Find.Scenario.AllParts) { thingList.AddRange(allPart.PlayerStartingThings()); } int index = 0; foreach (Thing thing in thingList) { if (thing.def.CanHaveFaction) { thing.SetFactionDirect(Faction.OfPlayer); } thingsGroups[index].Add(thing); ++index; if (index >= thingsGroups.Count) { index = 0; } } IntVec3 center = map.Center; Pos offset = structureLayoutDef.spawnAtPos.RandomElement(); center.x += offset.x; center.y += offset.y; KLog.Message($"Spawning pawns and stuff at {center}"); this.DropThingGroupsAt(center, map, thingsGroups, instaDrop: (Find.GameInitData.QuickStarted || this.method != PlayerPawnsArriveMethod.DropPods), leaveSlag: true, allowFogged: false); } if (map.mapPawns.FreeColonistsSpawned.Count > 0) { FloodFillerFog.DebugRefogMap(map); } }