public ServerAccessClass(string address,int port, System.Windows.Forms.Label resultLabel, System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar progressBar,FormMain parent) { _label = resultLabel; _progressbar = progressBar; _parent = parent; _address = address; _port = port; }
public FormOptions(FormMain parent) { InitializeComponent(); _formMain = parent; try { string LinksRTF = @"{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Segoe UI;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}}"; LinksRTF += @"\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs18 ";// LinksRTF += @" \tab -\par "; LinksRTF += @"KillerBees twitter page \tab -\par "; LinksRTF += @"Industrial Rage \tab\tab -\par "; LinksRTF += @"Endless Rage \tab\tab -\par "; LinksRTF += @"Terrafirma Rage \tab\tab -\par "; LinksRTF += @"Vanilla Minecraft \tab\tab -\f1\fs17\par}"; // richTextBoxLinks.Rtf = LinksRTF; if (_settings == null) _settings = new xmlSettings(); //creates xml module, and loads all packs //_packsInfo = _settings.LoadPacks(); //if (_packsInfo.Count == 0) //{ // _packsInfo.Add(new PackClass(_packIRName, 0, "", "")); // _packsInfo.Add(new PackClass(_packERName, 0, "", "")); // _packsInfo.Add(new PackClass(_packTFCRName, 0, "", "")); // _packsInfo.Add(new PackClass(_packVanillaName, 0, "", "")); // foreach (PackClass pack in _packsInfo) // { // Settings.SavePackInfo(pack); // //packSettings1.AddPack(pack); // } // //Settings.SavePackInfo(); // //Settings.SavePackInfo( // //Settings.SavePackInfo( // //MCPackSettings.AddPack(new PackClass(_packIRName, 0, "", "")); // //MCPackSettings.AddPack(new PackClass(_packERName, 0, "", "")); // //MCPackSettings.AddPack(new PackClass(_packTFCRName, 0, "", "")); // //MCPackSettings.AddPack(new PackClass(_packVanillaName, 0, "", "")); //} //foreach (PackClass pack in _packsInfo) //{ // //Settings.SavePackInfo(pack); // packSettings1.AddPack(pack); //} //generate default folders string packDir = Application.StartupPath + "\\Minecraft Packs"; if (!Directory.Exists(packDir + "\\" + _packIRName)) Directory.CreateDirectory(packDir + "\\" + _packIRName); if (!Directory.Exists(packDir + "\\" + _packERName)) Directory.CreateDirectory(packDir + "\\" + _packERName); if (!Directory.Exists(packDir + "\\" + _packTFCRName)) Directory.CreateDirectory(packDir + "\\" + _packTFCRName); if (!Directory.Exists(packDir + "\\" + _packVanillaName)) Directory.CreateDirectory(packDir + "\\" + _packVanillaName); //if (!Directory.Exists(packDir) || Directory.GetDirectories(packDir).Length == 0) //{ // Directory.CreateDirectory(packDir + "\\" + _packIRName); // Directory.CreateDirectory(packDir + "\\" + _packERName); // Directory.CreateDirectory(packDir + "\\" + _packTFCRName); // Directory.CreateDirectory(packDir + "\\" + _packVanillaName); //} labelVersion.Text = string.Format("Version {0}.{1}.{2}.{3}",GetClientVersion().VersionMajor,GetClientVersion().VersionMinor,GetClientVersion().VersionRevision,GetClientVersion().VersionPack); //KBGClientVersion.ToString(); //labelManualJavaPath.Text = GetJavaVersion(); checkBoxManualJavaPath.Checked = _settings.UseManualJavaPath; textBoxManualJavaPath.Text = _settings.ManualJavaPath; _LoadingSettings = true; //get system memmory trackBarMemmory.Maximum = (int)Math.Floor(decimal.Round(GetTotalMemoryInBytes() / 1048576)); trackBarMemmory.Value = _settings.MemmoryMax; AdjustMemmoryValues(); //decimal.Round(GetTotalMemoryInBytes() / 3000000) //numericUpDownRamMin.Value = _settings.MemmoryMin; //numericUpDownRamMax.Value = _settings.MemmoryMax; _LoadingSettings = false; } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex) { ex.Data.Add("FormOptions() - ExecutablePath", Application.ExecutablePath); string message = string.Format("The program encountered a situation where it did not have enough permissions to do its work in its own folder and cannot continue to function.{0}Please make sure you put the {1} file in a folder with more permissions!{0}{0}I suggest a place like c:\\Games\\Minecraft", Environment.NewLine, new FileInfo(Application.ExecutablePath).Name); MessageBox.Show(message, "Insufficiant permissions", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); _formMain.ErrorReporting(ex, true); } catch (Exception ex) { _formMain.ErrorReporting(ex, true); throw; } }