public CRMWorkflow CRMStartWorkflowByID(CRMWorkflow crmWF) { OrganizationServiceProxy _serviceProxy; //IOrganizationService _service; using (_serviceProxy = GetCRMConnection()) { try { // Create an ExecuteWorkflow request. ExecuteWorkflowRequest request = new ExecuteWorkflowRequest() { WorkflowId = new Guid(crmWF.WorkflowId), EntityId = new Guid(crmWF.EntityId) }; // Execute the workflow. ExecuteWorkflowResponse response = (ExecuteWorkflowResponse)_serviceProxy.Execute(request); } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } } return(crmWF); }
public CRMWorkflow CRMStartWorkflow(CRMWorkflow crmWF) { string fetchxml = @"<fetch version='1.0' output-format='xml-platform' mapping='logical' distinct='false'>" + "<entity name='workflow'>" + "<attribute name='workflowid' />" + "<attribute name='workflowidunique' />" + "<attribute name='name' />" + "<attribute name='category' />" + "<attribute name='primaryentity' />" + "<attribute name='statecode' />" + "<attribute name='createdon' />" + "<attribute name='ownerid' />" + "<attribute name='owningbusinessunit' />" + "<attribute name='type' />" + "<attribute name='parentworkflowid' />" + "<order attribute='name' descending='false' />" + "<filter type='and'>" + "<condition attribute='statecode' operator='eq' value='1' />" + "<condition attribute='name' operator='eq' value='" + crmWF.WorkflowName + "' />" + " <condition attribute='parentworkflowid' operator='null' />" + "</filter>" + "</entity>" + "</fetch>"; CRMFetchXML fx = new CRMFetchXML(); fx.FetchXML = fetchxml; List <CRMState> wf = CRMGetEntities(fx).Entities; if (wf.Count > 0) { crmWF.WorkflowId = wf[0].EntityId; CRMStartWorkflowByID(crmWF); } return(crmWF); }
public CRMWorkflow CRMStartWorkflowByID(CRMWorkflow crmWF) { CRMFunctions function = new CRMFunctions(crmWF.Config); return function.CRMStartWorkflowByID(crmWF); }
public CRMWorkflow CRMStartWorkflowByID(CRMWorkflow crmWF) { OrganizationServiceProxy _serviceProxy; //IOrganizationService _service; using (_serviceProxy = GetCRMConnection()) { try { // Create an ExecuteWorkflow request. ExecuteWorkflowRequest request = new ExecuteWorkflowRequest() { WorkflowId = new Guid(crmWF.WorkflowId), EntityId = new Guid(crmWF.EntityId) }; // Execute the workflow. ExecuteWorkflowResponse response = (ExecuteWorkflowResponse)_serviceProxy.Execute(request); } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } } return crmWF; }
public CRMWorkflow CRMStartWorkflow(CRMWorkflow crmWF) { string fetchxml = @"<fetch version='1.0' output-format='xml-platform' mapping='logical' distinct='false'>" + "<entity name='workflow'>" + "<attribute name='workflowid' />" + "<attribute name='workflowidunique' />" + "<attribute name='name' />" + "<attribute name='category' />" + "<attribute name='primaryentity' />" + "<attribute name='statecode' />" + "<attribute name='createdon' />" + "<attribute name='ownerid' />" + "<attribute name='owningbusinessunit' />" + "<attribute name='type' />" + "<attribute name='parentworkflowid' />" + "<order attribute='name' descending='false' />" + "<filter type='and'>" + "<condition attribute='statecode' operator='eq' value='1' />" + "<condition attribute='name' operator='eq' value='" + crmWF.WorkflowName + "' />" + " <condition attribute='parentworkflowid' operator='null' />" + "</filter>" + "</entity>" + "</fetch>"; CRMFetchXML fx = new CRMFetchXML(); fx.FetchXML = fetchxml; List<CRMState> wf = CRMGetEntities(fx).Entities; if (wf.Count > 0) { crmWF.WorkflowId = wf[0].EntityId; CRMStartWorkflowByID(crmWF); } return crmWF; }