SaveChanges() 공개 메소드

Saves all database changes for this unit of work
public SaveChanges ( ) : int
리턴 int
예제 #1
        public ActionResult ConnectFacebook(FacebookConnectionViewModel model)
            // Save user settings to db
            using (UnitOfWork work = new UnitOfWork())
                user currentUser = work.UserRepository.GetUser(WebSecurity.CurrentUserId);
                work.UserRepository.AddOrUpdateFacebookSettings(currentUser, model.NotificationsEnabled, model.AutomaticSharingEnabled);

            // Redirect to Facebook to ask for permissions
            string redirectAfterLoginUri = JppUriInfo.GetCurrentDomain(Request) + Url.RouteUrl("Default", new { Controller = "Settings", Action = "ProcessFacebookLogin" });
            string scope = string.Empty; // NOTE: No change in scope needed for notifications; apps don't need to ask permission
            if (model.AutomaticSharingEnabled)
                scope += "publish_actions,";
            string appId = JPPConstants.SiteSettings.GetValue(JPPConstants.SiteSettings.FacebookAppId);
            string fbRedirectUrl = string.Format(""
                                                 + "?client_id={0}"
                                                 + "&redirect_uri={1}"
                                                 + "&scope={2}",
                                                 appId, redirectAfterLoginUri, scope); // TODO: state, response_type:

            // Shouldn't ever get here; if we do, re-show the form
            return View(model);
예제 #2
        public ActionResult FixQRCodes()
            UnitOfWork work = new UnitOfWork();
            List<user> users = work.UserRepository.GetAllUsers();

            foreach (user user in users)
                Utilities.JPPDirectory.CheckAndCreateUserDirectory(, Server);
                String qrString = Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/Players/" +;
                //Create the file path and save the image
                String qrfilePath = Utilities.JPPDirectory.CreateFilePath(JPPDirectory.ImageTypes.UserQRCode,;
                String qrfileMinusPath = qrfilePath.Replace("~/Content/Images/Users/" + + "/UserQRCodes/", "");
                //"/Users/" + userID.ToString() + "/ProfilePictures/" + fileName + ".png";
                if (JPPImage.SavePlayerQRCodes(qrfilePath, qrfileMinusPath, qrString))
                    user.qr_image = qrfilePath;

            return RedirectToAction("Index");
예제 #3
        public ActionResult Add(int earningID, bool earningIsAchievement, String text)
            /* TODO:
            if(WebSecurity.CurrentUserId < 0) {
                return new HttpStatusCodeResult(401, "Custom Error Message 1"); // Unauthorized

            // Need text for a comment
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))
                return new HttpStatusCodeResult(406, "Invalid comment text"); // Invalid text

            UnitOfWork work = new UnitOfWork();

            // Are comments enabled, and can we access the earning?
            user earningUser = null;
            object template = null;
            if (!CommentsEnabled(earningID, earningIsAchievement, work))
                return new HttpStatusCodeResult(403, "Comments currently disabled"); // Disabled comments

            if (!UserCanAccessEarning(earningID, earningIsAchievement, work, out earningUser, out template))
                return new HttpStatusCodeResult(403, "Earning cannot be accessed"); // Invalid earning access

            comment c = new comment()
                date = DateTime.Now,
                deleted = false,
                last_modified_by_id = WebSecurity.CurrentUserId,
                last_modified_date = null, // Not being modified, just created, so this is null
                location_id = earningID,
                location_type = earningIsAchievement ? (int)JPPConstants.CommentLocation.Achievement : (int)JPPConstants.CommentLocation.Quest,
                text = text,
                user_id = WebSecurity.CurrentUserId

            // Access is validated, create comment

            // Get the current user's display name
            user u = work.EntityContext.user.Find(WebSecurity.CurrentUserId);

            //ID, Photo, Name, Text, PosterID, Deleted

            // Send a notification
            /*if (earningIsAchievement)
                achievement_template a = template as achievement_template;
                    "[" + u.display_name + "] commented on [" + a.title + "]",
                    new UrlHelper(Request.RequestContext).Action(
                        new { id = }
                    ) + "#" + + "-" + earningID,
                quest_template q = template as quest_template;
                    "[" + u.display_name + "] commented on [" + q.title + "]",
                    new UrlHelper(Request.RequestContext).Action(
                        new { id = }
                    ) + "#" + + "-" + earningID,
            // Success

            EarningComment response = new EarningComment()
                Deleted = false,
                ID =,
                Text = c.text,
                PlayerID =,
                DisplayName = u.display_name,
                PlayerImage = u.image,
                CommentDate =,
                CurrentUserCanEdit = true,
                CurrentUserCanDelete = true

            return Json(response);
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper for enabling or disabling comments on earnings
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="earningID">The id of the earning</param>
        /// <param name="earningIsAchievement">Is this earning an achievement?  If not, assume quest.</param>
        /// <param name="newState">The new state (true = DISABLED, false = ENABLED)</param>
        /// <returns>True if successful, false otherwise</returns>
        private Boolean EnableDisable(int earningID, bool earningIsAchievement, bool newState)
            UnitOfWork work = new UnitOfWork();

            // Get the instance, check the user and alter
            if (earningIsAchievement)
                // Only instance owners or admins
                achievement_instance instance = work.EntityContext.achievement_instance.Find(earningID);
                if (instance.user_id != WebSecurity.CurrentUserId && !Roles.IsUserInRole(JPPConstants.Roles.FullAdmin))
                    return false;

                // Already enabled?
                if (instance.comments_disabled == newState)
                    return false;

                instance.comments_disabled = newState;
                // Only instance owners or admins
                quest_instance instance = work.EntityContext.quest_instance.Find(earningID);
                if (instance.user_id != WebSecurity.CurrentUserId && !Roles.IsUserInRole(JPPConstants.Roles.FullAdmin))
                    return false;

                // Already enabled?
                if (instance.comments_disabled == newState)
                    return false;

                instance.comments_disabled = newState;

            return true;
예제 #5
        public ActionResult Edit(int commentID, String text)
            // Need text for a comment
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))
                return new HttpStatusCodeResult(406, "Invalid comment text"); // Invalid text

            UnitOfWork work = new UnitOfWork();

            // Grab the comment and check for edit capabilities
             			comment c = work.EntityContext.comment.Find(commentID);
            if (c.deleted)
                return new HttpStatusCodeResult(406, "Cannot edit: Comment has been deleted"); // Deleted comment
            if (c.user_id != WebSecurity.CurrentUserId && !Roles.IsUserInRole(JPPConstants.Roles.FullAdmin))
                return new HttpStatusCodeResult(406, "Cannot edit: User has insufficient privileges"); // Not admin or original commenter

            // Edit the comment
            LoggerModel logCommentEdit = new LoggerModel()
                Action = Logger.CommentBehaviorLogType.CommentEdit.ToString(),
                UserID = WebSecurity.CurrentUserId,
                IPAddress = Request.UserHostAddress,
                TimeStamp = DateTime.Now,
                ID1 =,
                IDType1 = Logger.LogIDType.Comment.ToString(),
                Value1 = c.text,
                Value2 = text

            Logger.LogSingleEntry(logCommentEdit, work.EntityContext);

            c.text = text;
            c.last_modified_by_id = WebSecurity.CurrentUserId;
            c.last_modified_date = DateTime.Now;

            EditCommentResponseModel response = new EditCommentResponseModel()
                Text = text

            return Json(response);
예제 #6
        public ActionResult Delete(int commentID)
            UnitOfWork work = new UnitOfWork();

            // Grab the comment and check for edit capabilities
            comment c = work.EntityContext.comment.Find(commentID);

            // Is the current user the instance owner?
            bool instanceOwner = false;
            if (c.location_type == (int)JPPConstants.CommentLocation.Achievement)
                instanceOwner = (from e in work.EntityContext.achievement_instance
                                 where == c.location_id && e.user_id == WebSecurity.CurrentUserId
                                 select e).Any();
            else if(c.location_type == (int)JPPConstants.CommentLocation.Quest)
                instanceOwner = (from e in work.EntityContext.quest_instance
                                 where == c.location_id && e.user_id == WebSecurity.CurrentUserId
                                 select e).Any();

            // Instance owner, comment owner or admin?
            if (!instanceOwner && c.user_id != WebSecurity.CurrentUserId && !Roles.IsUserInRole(JPPConstants.Roles.FullAdmin))
                return new HttpStatusCodeResult(406, "Invalid credentials"); // Invalid text

            LoggerModel logCommentDelete = new LoggerModel()
                Action = Logger.CommentBehaviorLogType.CommentDelete.ToString(),
                UserID = WebSecurity.CurrentUserId,
                IPAddress = Request.UserHostAddress,
                TimeStamp = DateTime.Now,
                ID1 =,
                IDType1 = Logger.LogIDType.Comment.ToString(),
                Value1 = c.text

            Logger.LogSingleEntry(logCommentDelete, work.EntityContext);

            // Mark as deleted
            c.deleted = true;
            c.last_modified_by_id = WebSecurity.CurrentUserId;
            c.last_modified_date = DateTime.Now;

            // Get the current user's display name
            user u = work.EntityContext.user.Find(WebSecurity.CurrentUserId);

            EarningComment response = new EarningComment()
                Deleted = true,
                ID =,
                Text = JPPConstants.SiteSettings.DeletedCommentText + u.display_name,
                PlayerID = c.last_modified_by_id,
                DisplayName = null,
                PlayerImage = null,
                CurrentUserCanEdit = false,
                CurrentUserCanDelete = false

            return Json(response); // Success
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports the quest templates from V2
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="questTemplateTable">File w/ quest template data</param>
        /// <param name="questAchievementStepTable">Achievement steps data</param>
        /// <param name="delimiter">Delimiter between data</param>
        /// <param name="work">The DB access</param>
        private void ImportQuestTemplates(
			HttpPostedFileBase questTemplateTable,
			HttpPostedFileBase questAchievementStepTable,
			String delimiter,
			UnitOfWork work)
            // Grab the data
            List<Dictionary<String, String>> questData = GetDataFromFile(questTemplateTable, delimiter);
            if (questData == null)
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Error with Quest Template table.  Check Debug Output");

            List<Dictionary<String, String>> stepData = GetDataFromFile(questAchievementStepTable, delimiter);
            if (stepData == null)
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Error with Quest Step table.  Check Debug Output");

            // Loop through quests
                work.EntityContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
                foreach (Dictionary<String, String> row in questData)
                    // Get the creator
                    ImportedUser creator = GetImportedUserByOldID(row["creatorID"]);
                    if (creator == null || creator.NewID == 0)

                    ImportedUser modifiedBy = GetImportedUserByOldID(row["last_modified_by"]);
                    if (modifiedBy == null || modifiedBy.NewID == 0)

                    int oldID = int.Parse(row["questID"]);
                    int threshold = int.Parse(row["quest_threshhold"]);
                    quest_template quest = new quest_template()
                        created_date = DateTime.Parse(row["date_created"]),
                        creator_id = creator.NewID,
                        description = row["description"],
                        featured = Boolean.Parse(row["is_featured"]),
                        icon = row["icon"],
                        icon_file_name = "",
                        last_modified_by_id = modifiedBy.NewID,
                        last_modified_date = DateTime.Parse(row["date_modified"]),
                        posted_date = DateTime.Parse(row["date_posted"]),
                        retire_date = null,
                        state = (int)JPPConstants.AchievementQuestStates.Inactive,
                        threshold = threshold <= 0 ? (int?)null : threshold,
                        title = row["title"],
                        user_generated = false,
                        keywords = ""

                    ImportedEarnable impQuest = new ImportedEarnable()
                        OldID = oldID,
                        UniqueData = quest.title

                    _questMap.Add(impQuest.OldID, impQuest);
            finally { work.EntityContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = true; }


            foreach (ImportedEarnable impQuest in _questMap.Values)
                impQuest.NewID = (from q in work.EntityContext.quest_template where q.title == impQuest.UniqueData select;

            // Achievement steps
                work.EntityContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
                foreach (Dictionary<String, String> row in stepData)
                    // Get the achievement and quest
                    ImportedEarnable quest = GetImportedEarnableByOldID(_questMap, row["questID"]);
                    if (quest == null || quest.NewID == 0)
                    ImportedEarnable achieve = GetImportedEarnableByOldID(_achievementMap, row["achievementID"]);
                    if (achieve == null || achieve.NewID == 0)

                    quest_achievement_step step = new quest_achievement_step()
                        achievement_id = achieve.NewID,
                        quest_id = quest.NewID

            finally { work.EntityContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = true; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports the friends table from V2
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="friendsTable">File w/ friend data</param>
        /// <param name="delimiter">Delimiter between data</param>
        /// <param name="work">The DB access</param>
        private void ImportFriends(HttpPostedFileBase friendsTable, String delimiter, UnitOfWork work)
            if (friendsTable == null)

            // Grab the data
            List<Dictionary<String, String>> data = GetDataFromFile(friendsTable, delimiter);
            if (data == null)
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Error with Friends table.  Check Debug Output");

                // Speed up
                work.EntityContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;

                // Go through each data row
                foreach (Dictionary<String, String> row in data)
                    // Do we know about this user?
                    ImportedUser user1 = GetImportedUserByOldID(row["src_userID"]);
                    ImportedUser user2 = GetImportedUserByOldID(row["dst_userID"]);
                    if (user1 == null || user2 == null || user1.NewID == 0 || user2.NewID == 0)

                    // Friendship is bi-directional, so make 2
                    friend friend1 = new friend()
                        source_id = user1.NewID,
                        destination_id = user2.NewID,
                        friended_date = DateTime.Parse(row["date_friended"]),
                        request_date = DateTime.Parse(row["date_requested"])
                    friend friend2 = new friend()
                        source_id = friend1.destination_id,
                        destination_id = friend1.source_id,
                        friended_date = friend1.friended_date,
                        request_date = friend1.request_date

                work.EntityContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Imports the profile table from V2
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="profileTable">The file w/ profile table data</param>
        /// <param name="delimiter">The delimiter between data</param>
        /// <param name="work">The DB access</param>
        private void ImportProfiles(HttpPostedFileBase profileTable, String delimiter, UnitOfWork work)
            // Grab the data
            List<Dictionary<String, String>> data = GetDataFromFile(profileTable, delimiter);
            if (data == null)
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Error with Profile table.  Check Debug Output");

                // Speed up
                work.EntityContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;

                // Rename directories

                // Go through each data row and create users
                foreach (Dictionary<String, String> row in data)
                    int oldID = -1;
                    if (!int.TryParse(row["userID"], out oldID) || !_userMap.ContainsKey(oldID))

                    // Get the user, skip if not found
                    ImportedUser impUser = _userMap[oldID];
                    user u = work.EntityContext.user.Find(impUser.NewID);
                    if (u == null)

                    // Grab data from profile table
                    u.display_name = row["display_name"];
                    u.six_word_bio = row["six_word_bio"];
                    u.full_bio = row["full_bio"];
                    u.image = UpdateImagePathAndGenerateImages(impUser.OldID, impUser.NewID, row["image"]);
                    u.personal_url = row["personalURL"];

                    Utilities.JPPDirectory.CheckAndCreateUserDirectory(impUser.NewID, Server);
                    String qrString = Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/Players/" + impUser.NewID;
                    //Create the file path and save the image
                    String qrfilePath = Utilities.JPPDirectory.CreateFilePath(JPPDirectory.ImageTypes.UserQRCode, impUser.NewID);
                    String qrfileMinusPath = qrfilePath.Replace("~/Content/Images/Users/" + impUser.NewID.ToString() + "/UserQRCodes/", "");
                    //"/Users/" + userID.ToString() + "/ProfilePictures/" + fileName + ".png";
                    if (JPPImage.SavePlayerQRCodes(qrfilePath, qrfileMinusPath, qrString))
                        u.qr_image = qrfilePath;
                    switch (int.Parse(row["privacy"]))
                        case 1: u.privacy_settings = (int)JPPConstants.PrivacySettings.FriendsOnly; break;			// Friends only (old value)
                        case 2: u.privacy_settings = (int)JPPConstants.PrivacySettings.JustPressPlayOnly; break;	// JPP Only (old value)
                        case 3: u.privacy_settings = (int)JPPConstants.PrivacySettings.Public; break;				// Public (old value)
                    switch (int.Parse(row["communications"]))
                        case 1: u.communication_settings = (int)JPPConstants.CommunicationSettings.All; break;			// Everything (old value)
                        case 2: u.communication_settings = (int)JPPConstants.CommunicationSettings.Important; break;	// Minimal (old value)
                    // Only update if not currently suspended
                    if (u.status != (int)JPPConstants.UserStatus.Suspended)
                        switch (int.Parse(row["left_game"]))
                            case 1: u.status = (int)JPPConstants.UserStatus.Active; break; // Active (old value)
                            case 2: u.status = (int)JPPConstants.UserStatus.Deactivated; break; // Left Game (old value)
                            case 3: u.status = (int)JPPConstants.UserStatus.Deleted; impUser.UserWasDeleted = true; break; // Deleted (old value)
                work.EntityContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Imports the achievements from V2
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="achieveTemplateTable">File w/ achievement template data</param>
        /// <param name="achievePointTemplateTable">Achievement point template data (to be rolled into achievement)</param>
        /// <param name="achieveRequirementsTable">Achievement requirement data</param>
        /// <param name="achieveCaretakerTable">Achievement caretaker data</param>
        /// <param name="delimiter">Delimiter between data</param>
        /// <param name="work">The DB access</param>
        private void ImportAchievements(
			HttpPostedFileBase achieveTemplateTable,
			HttpPostedFileBase achievePointTemplateTable,
			HttpPostedFileBase achieveRequirementsTable,
			String delimiter,
			UnitOfWork work)
            // Grab the data
            List<Dictionary<String, String>> achieveData = GetDataFromFile(achieveTemplateTable, delimiter);
            if (achieveData == null)
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Error with Achievement Template table.  Check Debug Output");

            List<Dictionary<String, String>> pointData = GetDataFromFile(achievePointTemplateTable, delimiter);
            if (pointData == null)
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Error with Achievement Point Template table.  Check Debug Output");

            List<Dictionary<String, String>> reqData = GetDataFromFile(achieveRequirementsTable, delimiter);
            if (reqData == null)
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Error with Achievement Requirements table.  Check Debug Output");

            //List<Dictionary<String, String>> caretakerData = GetDataFromFile(achieveCaretakerTable, delimiter);
            //if (caretakerData == null)
            //	ModelState.AddModelError("", "Error with Achievement Caretaker table.  Check Debug Output");
            //	return;

            // The templates that need to be added
            List<achievement_template> templatesToAdd = new List<achievement_template>();

            // Go through each data row
            foreach (Dictionary<String, String> row in achieveData)
                // Get related users
                ImportedUser editedBy = _userMap[int.Parse(row["last_modified_by"])];
                ImportedUser creator = _userMap[int.Parse(row["creatorID"])];
                if (creator == null)
                    continue; // Must have a creator

                // Grab other info
                int oldID = int.Parse(row["achievementID"]);

                int state = (int)JPPConstants.AchievementQuestStates.Active;
                bool isRetired = Boolean.Parse(row["is_retired"]);
                if (isRetired)
                    state = (int)JPPConstants.AchievementQuestStates.Retired;

                int type = (int)JPPConstants.AchievementTypes.Scan;
                switch (int.Parse(row["type"]))
                    // 1 - usersubmission
                    case 1: type = (int)JPPConstants.AchievementTypes.UserSubmission; break;

                    // 2 - scan
                    case 2: type = (int)JPPConstants.AchievementTypes.Scan; break;

                    // 3 - system
                    case 3: type = (int)JPPConstants.AchievementTypes.System; break;

                    // 4 - adminassigned
                    case 4: type = (int)JPPConstants.AchievementTypes.AdminAssigned; break;

                    // 5 - threshold
                    case 5: type = (int)JPPConstants.AchievementTypes.Threshold; break;

                int? triggerType = null;
                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(row["system_trigger_type"]))
                    switch (int.Parse(row["system_trigger_type"]))
                        // TODO: Finalize this
                        default: break;

                // Set up the template
                achievement_template template = new achievement_template()
                    id = oldID, // This will get overridden, but necessary for a look-up later
                    content_type = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(row["content_type"]) ? (int?)null : int.Parse(row["content_type"]),
                    created_date = DateTime.Parse(row["date_created"]),
                    creator_id = creator.NewID,
                    description = row["description"],
                    featured = Boolean.Parse(row["is_featured"]),
                    hidden = Boolean.Parse(row["is_hidden"]),
                    icon = row["icon"],
                    icon_file_name = "",
                    is_repeatable = Boolean.Parse(row["is_repeatable"]),
                    last_modified_by_id = editedBy == null ? (int?)null : editedBy.NewID,
                    modified_date = DateTime.Parse(row["date_modified"]),
                    parent_id = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(row["parentID"]) ? (int?)null : int.Parse(row["parentID"]),
                    posted_date = DateTime.Now,
                    repeat_delay_days = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(row["repeat_delay"]) ? (int?)null : int.Parse(row["repeat_delay"]),
                    retire_date = isRetired ? DateTime.Parse(row["date_retired"]) : (DateTime?)null,
                    state = state,
                    system_trigger_type = triggerType,
                    threshold = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(row["threshhold"]) ? (int?)null : int.Parse(row["threshhold"]),
                    title = row["title"],
                    type = type,
                    keywords = ""

                // Create imported achievement
                ImportedEarnable impAchieve = new ImportedEarnable()
                    UniqueData = template.title,
                    OldID = oldID

                // Add to temporary list
                _achievementMap.Add(impAchieve.OldID, impAchieve);

            // Loop through points and put in correct achievements
            foreach (Dictionary<String, String> row in pointData)
                int achievementID = int.Parse(row["achievementID"]);
                int categoryID = int.Parse(row["categoryID"]);
                int points = int.Parse(row["points"]);
                achievement_template template = templatesToAdd.Where(t => == achievementID).FirstOrDefault();
                if (template == null)

                // Switch on old category id
                switch (categoryID)
                    case 1: template.points_create = points; break;		// Create
                    case 2: template.points_learn = points; break;		// Learn
                    case 3: template.points_socialize = points; break;	// Socialize
                    case 4: template.points_explore = points; break;	// Explore

            // Add templates to database
                work.EntityContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
                foreach (achievement_template template in templatesToAdd)
            finally { work.EntityContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = true; }

            // Update the map with new ids
            foreach (ImportedEarnable e in _achievementMap.Values)
                e.NewID = (from a in work.EntityContext.achievement_template where a.title == e.UniqueData select;

            // Put in requirements
                // Speed up
                work.EntityContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;

                foreach (Dictionary<String, String> row in reqData)
                    // Get this achievement
                    ImportedEarnable achieve = GetImportedEarnableByOldID(_achievementMap, row["achievementID"]);
                    if (achieve == null || achieve.NewID == 0)

                    work.EntityContext.achievement_requirement.Add(new achievement_requirement()
                        achievement_id = achieve.NewID,
                        description = row["description"]
            finally { work.EntityContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = true; }

            //// Put in caretakers
            //	// Speed up
            //	work.EntityContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;

            //	foreach (Dictionary<String, String> row in caretakerData)
            //	{
            //		// Get this achievement and user
            //		ImportedEarnable achieve = GetImportedEarnableByOldID(_achievementMap, row["achievementID"]);
            //		if (achieve == null || achieve.NewID == 0)
            //			continue;
            //		ImportedUser user = GetImportedUserByOldID(row["caretakerID"]);
            //		if (user == null || user.NewID == 0)
            //			continue;

            //		work.EntityContext.achievement_caretaker.Add(new achievement_caretaker()
            //		{
            //			achievement_id = achieve.NewID,
            //			caretaker_id = user.NewID
            //		});
            //	}
            //finally { work.EntityContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = true; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports the user content from V2
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userStoriesTable">User Story data</param>
        /// <param name="userContentTable">User Content data</param>
        /// <param name="delimiter">Delimiter between data</param>
        /// <param name="work">The DB access</param>
        private void ImportAchievementUserStuff(
			HttpPostedFileBase userStoriesTable,
			HttpPostedFileBase userContentTable,
			String delimiter,
			UnitOfWork work)
            // Grab the data
            List<Dictionary<String, String>> storyData = GetDataFromFile(userStoriesTable, delimiter);
            if (storyData == null)
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Error with User Story table.  Check Debug Output");

            List<Dictionary<String, String>> contentData = GetDataFromFile(userContentTable, delimiter);
            if (contentData == null)
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Error with User Content table.  Check Debug Output");

            // Go through stories
                work.EntityContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;

                foreach (Dictionary<String, String> row in storyData)
                    int oldID = int.Parse(row["userstoryID"]);
                    achievement_user_story story = new achievement_user_story()
                        date_submitted = DateTime.Parse(row["date_submitted"]),
                        image = row["uc_url"],
                        text = row["uc_text"]
                    ImportedEarnable impStory = new ImportedEarnable()
                        OldID = oldID,
                        UniqueData = row["date_submitted"]

                    _userStoryMap.Add(impStory.OldID, impStory);
            finally { work.EntityContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = true; }

            // Save, then get new ids
            foreach (ImportedEarnable impStory in _userStoryMap.Values)
                DateTime submitTime = DateTime.Parse(impStory.UniqueData);
                impStory.NewID = (from s in work.EntityContext.achievement_user_story where s.date_submitted == submitTime select;

            // Go through content
                work.EntityContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
                foreach (Dictionary<String, String> row in contentData)
                    // Get the user
                    ImportedUser approver = GetImportedUserByOldID(row["approverID"]);
                    if (approver == null)

                    // Make the data entry
                    int oldID = int.Parse(row["usercontentID"]);
                    achievement_user_content content = new achievement_user_content()
                        submitted_date = DateTime.Parse(row["date_submitted"]),
                        text = row["uc_text"],
                        approved_by_id = approver.NewID,
                        approved_date = DateTime.Parse(row["date_handled"])

                    // content type
                    // 1 - image
                    // 2 - url
                    // 3 - text
                    int contentType = int.Parse(row["typeID"]);
                    switch (contentType)
                        case 1: // image
                            content.content_type = (int)JPPConstants.UserSubmissionTypes.Image;
                            content.image = row["uc_url"];

                        case 2: // url
                            content.content_type = (int)JPPConstants.UserSubmissionTypes.URL;
                            content.url = row["uc_url"];

                        case 3: // text
                            content.content_type = (int)JPPConstants.UserSubmissionTypes.Text;

                    // Make the map item
                    ImportedEarnable impContent = new ImportedEarnable()
                        OldID = oldID,
                        UniqueData = row["date_submitted"]

                    _userContentMap.Add(impContent.OldID, impContent);
            finally { work.EntityContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = true; }

            // Save, then get new ids
            foreach (ImportedEarnable impStory in _userContentMap.Values)
                DateTime submitTime = DateTime.Parse(impStory.UniqueData);
                impStory.NewID = (from s in work.EntityContext.achievement_user_content where s.submitted_date == submitTime select;
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports the achievement instances from V2
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="achieveTemplateTable">File w/ achievement instance data</param>
        /// <param name="achievePointTemplateTable">Achievement point instance data (to be rolled into achievement)</param>
        /// <param name="delimiter">Delimiter between data</param>
        /// <param name="work">The DB access</param>
        private void ImportAchievementInstances(
			HttpPostedFileBase achieveInstanceTable,
			HttpPostedFileBase achievePointInstanceTable,
			String delimiter,
			UnitOfWork work)
            // Grab the data
            List<Dictionary<String, String>> achieveData = GetDataFromFile(achieveInstanceTable, delimiter);
            if (achieveData == null)
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Error with Achievement Instance table.  Check Debug Output");

            List<Dictionary<String, String>> pointData = GetDataFromFile(achievePointInstanceTable, delimiter);
            if (pointData == null)
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Error with Achievement Point Instance table.  Check Debug Output");

            // Put points into a dictionary
            Dictionary<int, int[]> pointLookUp = new Dictionary<int, int[]>();
            foreach (Dictionary<String, String> row in pointData)
                int oldID = int.Parse(row["achievement_instanceID"]);
                if (!pointLookUp.ContainsKey(oldID))
                    pointLookUp.Add(oldID, new int[5]);
                pointLookUp[oldID][int.Parse(row["categoryID"])] = int.Parse(row["points"]);

            // Go through each data row
                work.EntityContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;

                foreach (Dictionary<String, String> row in achieveData)
                    // Get the user and achievement
                    ImportedEarnable achieve = GetImportedEarnableByOldID(_achievementMap, row["achievementID"]);
                    ImportedUser user = GetImportedUserByOldID(row["userID"]);
                    ImportedUser assigner = GetImportedUserByOldID(row["assignedbyID"]);
                    if (achieve == null || achieve.NewID == 0 ||
                        user == null || user.NewID == 0)

                    // How many?
                    int count = int.Parse(row["achievementcount"]);
                    if (count == 0)
                        count = 1;

                    // Make multiple if it's repeatable!
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        achievement_instance instance = new achievement_instance()
                            achieved_date = DateTime.Parse(row["date_achieved"]),
                            achievement_id = achieve.NewID,
                            assigned_by_id = assigner == null ? user.NewID : assigner.NewID,
                            card_given = Boolean.Parse(row["has_cardbeengiven"]),
                            card_given_date = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(row["givenDate"]) ? (DateTime?)null : DateTime.Parse(row["givenDate"]),
                            comments_disabled = false,
                            has_user_content = Boolean.Parse(row["has_usercontent"]),
                            has_user_story = Boolean.Parse(row["has_userstory"]),
                            user_id = user.NewID,
                            globally_assigned = false

                        if (i == 0)
                            // Look up points
                            int[] points;
                            if (pointLookUp.TryGetValue(int.Parse(row["achievement_instanceID"]), out points))
                                instance.points_create = points[1]; // Create = 1
                                instance.points_explore = points[4]; // Explore = 4
                                instance.points_learn = points[2]; // Learn = 2
                                instance.points_socialize = points[3]; // Socialize = 3

                            // Get user content/story stuff
                            ImportedEarnable userContent = GetImportedEarnableByOldID(_userContentMap, row["usercontentID"]);
                            ImportedEarnable userStory = GetImportedEarnableByOldID(_userStoryMap, row["userstoryID"]);
                            if (instance.has_user_content)
                                if (userContent == null || userContent.NewID == 0)
                                    continue;	// If content is REQUIRED, and not found, skip this - User will need to re-get achievement
                                    instance.user_content_id = userContent.NewID;

                            // Check for legit user story
                            if (instance.has_user_story && userStory != null && userStory.NewID > 0)
                                instance.user_story_id = userStory.NewID;

                            if (!instance.has_user_story && instance.has_user_content)
                                var content = work.EntityContext.achievement_user_content.Local.Single(c => == userContent.NewID);
                                achievement_user_story newStory = new achievement_user_story()
                                    date_submitted = content.submitted_date,
                                    image = content.image,
                                    text = content.text
                                instance.has_user_story = true;
                                instance.user_story = newStory;

                        // Add to the DB

            finally { work.EntityContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = true; }


            // Update content paths
                work.EntityContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
                foreach (achievement_instance instance in work.EntityContext.achievement_instance)
                    if (instance.user_content != null)
                        instance.user_content.image = UpdateContentPath(instance.user_id, instance.user_content.image);

                    if (instance.user_story != null)
                        instance.user_story.image = UpdateContentPath(instance.user_id, instance.user_story.image);
            finally { work.EntityContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = true; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports the user table from V2
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="profileTable">The file w/ user table data</param>
        /// <param name="delimiter">The delimiter between data</param>
        /// <param name="work">The DB access</param>
        private void ImportUsers(HttpPostedFileBase userTable, String delimiter, UnitOfWork work)
            // Grab the data
            List<Dictionary<String, String>> data = GetDataFromFile(userTable, delimiter);
            if (data == null)
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Error with User table.  Check Debug Output");

                // Disable for speed
                work.EntityContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;

                // Go through each data row and create users
                foreach (Dictionary<String, String> row in data)
                    String username = row["username"];
                    String email = row["email"];

                    // Make the user (don't add directly to DB!)
                    object userObj = new
                        username = username,
                        first_name = row["real_first_name"],
                        middle_name = row["real_middle_name"],
                        last_name = row["real_last_name"],
                        is_player = Boolean.Parse(row["is_player"]),
                        created_date = DateTime.Parse(row["date_account_created"]),
                        status = Boolean.Parse(row["account_suspended"]) ? (int)JPPConstants.UserStatus.Suspended : (int)JPPConstants.UserStatus.Active,
                        first_login = Boolean.Parse(row["account_first_login"]),
                        email = email,
                        last_login_date = DateTime.Parse(row["date_last_login"]),
                        has_agreed_to_tos = false, // False for everyone!
                        display_name = row["real_first_name"] + " " + row["real_last_name"],
                        privacy_settings = (int)JPPConstants.PrivacySettings.FriendsOnly,
                        communication_settings = (int)JPPConstants.CommunicationSettings.All,
                        notification_settings = 0

                    ImportedUser impUser = new ImportedUser()
                        Email = email,
                        OldID = int.Parse(row["userID"]),
                        Username = username,
                        UserWasDeleted = false,
                        UsernameConflict = false,
                        EmailConflict = false

                    // Check for conflicts
                    impUser.UsernameConflict = work.EntityContext.user.Where(u => u.username == username).Any();
                    impUser.EmailConflict = work.EntityContext.user.Where(u => == email).Any();
                    if (!impUser.EmailConflict && !impUser.UsernameConflict)
                        // No conflicts, so add
                            Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), // "Random" password - user will need to reset
                            false); // No confirmation

                    // Either way, put in our local map, with the old ID as the key
                    _userMap.Add(impUser.OldID, impUser);
                work.EntityContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = true;


            // Update all the imported users with new ids
            foreach (ImportedUser user in _userMap.Values)
                // Look up via username
                int? newID = (from u in work.EntityContext.user where u.username == user.Username select;
                if (newID != null && newID.Value != 0)
                    user.NewID = newID.Value;
                    // Username not found, so try email.  If not email, we just can't find the user
                    newID = (from u in work.EntityContext.user where == user.Email select;
                    if (newID != null && newID.Value != 0)
                        user.NewID = newID.Value;
예제 #14
        public ActionResult Index(UserSettingsViewModel model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                using (UnitOfWork work = new UnitOfWork())
                    work.UserRepository.UpdateUserSettings(WebSecurity.CurrentUserId, model.CommunicationSettings, model.PrivacySettings);

                // TODO: Figure out why model isn't being refreshed properly
                return RedirectToAction("Index");

            // TODO: refresh model?
            return View(model);
예제 #15
        public ActionResult AddUser(AddUserViewModel model)
            //return model.Image.InputStream.ToString();
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                            first_name = model.FirstName,
                            middle_name = model.MiddleName,
                            last_name = model.LastName,
                            is_player = model.IsPlayer,
                            created_date = DateTime.Now,
                            status = (int)JPPConstants.UserStatus.Active,
                            first_login = true,
                            email = model.Email,
                            last_login_date = DateTime.Now,
                            display_name = model.DisplayName,
                            privacy_settings = (int)JPPConstants.PrivacySettings.FriendsOnly,
                            has_agreed_to_tos = false,
                            creator_id = WebSecurity.CurrentUserId,
                            communication_settings = (int)JPPConstants.CommunicationSettings.All,
                            notification_settings = 0,

                    TempData["Message"] = "User " + model.Username + " successfully created.";

                    UnitOfWork work = new UnitOfWork();
                    user user = work.UserRepository.GetUser(model.Username);
                        Utilities.JPPDirectory.CheckAndCreateUserDirectory(, Server);

                        String qrString = Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/Players/" +;
                        //Create the file path and save the image
                        String qrfilePath = Utilities.JPPDirectory.CreateFilePath(JPPDirectory.ImageTypes.UserQRCode,;
                        String qrfileMinusPath = qrfilePath.Replace("~/Content/Images/Users/" + + "/UserQRCodes/", "");
                        //"/Users/" + userID.ToString() + "/ProfilePictures/" + fileName + ".png";
                        if (JPPImage.SavePlayerQRCodes(qrfilePath, qrfileMinusPath, qrString))
                            user.qr_image = qrfilePath;

                        if (model.Image != null && user != null)
                            Utilities.JPPDirectory.CheckAndCreateUserDirectory(, Server);

                            //Create the file path and save the image
                            String filePath = Utilities.JPPDirectory.CreateFilePath(JPPDirectory.ImageTypes.ProfilePicture,;
                            String fileMinusPath = filePath.Replace("~/Content/Images/Users/" + + "/ProfilePictures/", "");
                            //"/Users/" + userID.ToString() + "/ProfilePictures/" + fileName + ".png";
                            if (JPPImage.SavePlayerImages(filePath, fileMinusPath, model.Image.InputStream))
                                user.image = filePath;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        TempData["Message"] = TempData["Message"].ToString() +" However, there was an error uploading the profile picture: " + e.Message;

                    return RedirectToAction("Index");
                catch (Exception e)
                    // Problem!
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", "There was a problem adding the user: " + e.Message);

            // Something went wrong, redisplay
            return View(model);
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports the quest instances from V2
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="questInstanceTable">File w/ quest template data</param>
        /// <param name="delimiter">Delimiter between data</param>
        /// <param name="work">The DB access</param>
        private void ImportQuestInstances(
			HttpPostedFileBase questInstanceTable,
			String delimiter,
			UnitOfWork work)
            // Grab the data
            List<Dictionary<String, String>> questData = GetDataFromFile(questInstanceTable, delimiter);
            if (questData == null)
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Error with Quest Instance table.  Check Debug Output");

            // Loop through quests
                work.EntityContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
                foreach (Dictionary<String, String> row in questData)
                    ImportedUser user = GetImportedUserByOldID(row["userID"]);
                    if (user == null || user.NewID == 0)

                    ImportedEarnable quest = GetImportedEarnableByOldID(_questMap, row["questID"]);
                    if (quest == null || quest.NewID == 0)

                    quest_instance instance = new quest_instance()
                        comments_disabled = false,
                        completed_date = DateTime.Parse(row["date_completed"]),
                        quest_id = quest.NewID,
                        user_id = user.NewID,
                        globally_assigned = false

            finally { work.EntityContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = true; }

예제 #17
        public ActionResult EditUser(EditUserViewModel model)
            UnitOfWork work = new UnitOfWork();
                user user = work.UserRepository.GetUser(model.ID);

                //Commented Out to make Dev easier
                if (model.Roles == null || !model.Roles.Contains(JPPConstants.Roles.FullAdmin))
                    if (user.username.ToLower().Equals(JPPConstants.SiteSettings.GetValue(JPPConstants.SiteSettings.AdminUsername).ToLower()))
                        ModelState.AddModelError(String.Empty, "This user is required to be a Full Admin");

                // Valid?
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                   // try
                        /*if (model.Image != null)
                            Utilities.JPPDirectory.CheckAndCreateUserDirectory(model.ID, Server);

                            //Create the file path and save the image
                            String filePath = Utilities.JPPDirectory.CreateFilePath(JPPDirectory.ImageTypes.ProfilePicture, model.ID);
                            String fileMinusPath = filePath.Replace("~/Content/Images/Users/" + model.ID.ToString() + "/ProfilePictures/", "");
                            //"/Users/" + userID.ToString() + "/ProfilePictures/" + fileName + ".png";
                            if (JPPImage.SavePlayerImages(filePath, fileMinusPath, model.Image.InputStream))
                                if (user != null)
                                    user.image = filePath;
                        List<LoggerModel> loggerList = new List<LoggerModel>();
                        // Put the data back into the database
                        if (user != null)
                            //Check Display Name
                            if (!String.Equals(model.DisplayName, user.display_name))
                                //Add it to the list to log first to get the old value
                                loggerList.Add(new LoggerModel()
                                    Action = Logger.EditProfileContentLogType.DisplayNameEdit.ToString(),
                                    UserID = WebSecurity.CurrentUserId,
                                    IPAddress = Request.UserHostAddress,
                                    TimeStamp = DateTime.Now,
                                    IDType1 = Logger.LogIDType.User.ToString(),
                                    ID1 =,
                                    Value1 = user.display_name,
                                    Value2 = model.DisplayName
                                //Change the DB entry
                                user.display_name = model.DisplayName;

                            //Check Email
                            if (!String.Equals(model.Email,
                                //Add it to the list to log first to get the old value
                                loggerList.Add(new LoggerModel()
                                    Action = Logger.EditProfileContentLogType.EmailEdit.ToString(),
                                    UserID = WebSecurity.CurrentUserId,
                                    IPAddress = Request.UserHostAddress,
                                    TimeStamp = DateTime.Now,
                                    IDType1 = Logger.LogIDType.User.ToString(),
                                    ID1 =,
                                    Value1 =,
                                    Value2 = model.Email
                                //Change the DB entry
                       = model.Email;

                            //Check IsPlayer
                            if (model.IsPlayer != user.is_player)
                                //Add it to the list to log first to get the old value
                                loggerList.Add(new LoggerModel()
                                    Action = Logger.EditProfileContentLogType.IsPlayerEdit.ToString(),
                                    UserID = WebSecurity.CurrentUserId,
                                    IPAddress = Request.UserHostAddress,
                                    TimeStamp = DateTime.Now,
                                    IDType1 = Logger.LogIDType.User.ToString(),
                                    ID1 =,
                                    Value1 = user.is_player.ToString(),
                                    Value2 = model.IsPlayer.ToString()
                                //Change the DB entry
                                user.is_player = model.IsPlayer;
                            //Check First Name
                            if (!String.Equals(model.FirstName, user.first_name))
                                //Add it to the list to log first to get the old value
                                loggerList.Add(new LoggerModel()
                                    Action = Logger.EditProfileContentLogType.FirstNameEdit.ToString(),
                                    UserID = WebSecurity.CurrentUserId,
                                    IPAddress = Request.UserHostAddress,
                                    TimeStamp = DateTime.Now,
                                    IDType1 = Logger.LogIDType.User.ToString(),
                                    ID1 =,
                                    Value1 = user.first_name,
                                    Value2 = model.FirstName
                                //Change the DB entry
                                user.first_name = model.FirstName;

                            //Check Middle Name
                            if (!String.Equals(model.MiddleName, user.middle_name))
                                //Add it to the list to log first to get the old value
                                loggerList.Add(new LoggerModel()
                                    Action = Logger.EditProfileContentLogType.MiddleNameEdit.ToString(),
                                    UserID = WebSecurity.CurrentUserId,
                                    IPAddress = Request.UserHostAddress,
                                    TimeStamp = DateTime.Now,
                                    IDType1 = Logger.LogIDType.User.ToString(),
                                    ID1 =,
                                    Value1 = user.middle_name,
                                    Value2 = model.MiddleName
                                //Change the DB entry
                                user.middle_name = model.MiddleName;

                            //Check Last Name
                            if (!String.Equals(model.LastName, user.last_name))
                                //Add it to the list to log first to get the old value
                                loggerList.Add(new LoggerModel()
                                    Action = Logger.EditProfileContentLogType.LastNameEdit.ToString(),
                                    UserID = WebSecurity.CurrentUserId,
                                    IPAddress = Request.UserHostAddress,
                                    TimeStamp = DateTime.Now,
                                    IDType1 = Logger.LogIDType.User.ToString(),
                                    ID1 =,
                                    Value1 = user.last_name,
                                    Value2 = model.LastName
                                //Change the DB entry
                                user.last_name = model.LastName;
                            //Check the six word bio
                            String modelSixWordBio = model.SixWordBio1 == null ? "" : model.SixWordBio1.Replace(" ", "") + " ";
                            modelSixWordBio += model.SixWordBio2 == null ? "" : model.SixWordBio2.Replace(" ", "") + " ";
                            modelSixWordBio += model.SixWordBio3 == null ? "" : model.SixWordBio3.Replace(" ", "") + " ";
                            modelSixWordBio += model.SixWordBio4 == null ? "" : model.SixWordBio4.Replace(" ", "") + " ";
                            modelSixWordBio += model.SixWordBio5 == null ? "" : model.SixWordBio5.Replace(" ", "") + " ";
                            modelSixWordBio += model.SixWordBio6 == null ? "" : model.SixWordBio6.Replace(" ", "");
                            if (!String.Equals(user.six_word_bio, modelSixWordBio))
                                //Add it to the list to log first to get the old value
                                loggerList.Add(new LoggerModel()
                                    Action = Logger.EditProfileContentLogType.SixWordBioEdit.ToString(),
                                    UserID = WebSecurity.CurrentUserId,
                                    IPAddress = Request.UserHostAddress,
                                    TimeStamp = DateTime.Now,
                                    IDType1 = Logger.LogIDType.User.ToString(),
                                    ID1 =,
                                    Value1 = user.six_word_bio,
                                    Value2 = modelSixWordBio
                                //Change the DB entry
                                user.six_word_bio = modelSixWordBio;

                            if(!String.Equals(model.FullBio, user.full_bio))
                                 //Add it to the list to log first to get the old value
                                loggerList.Add(new LoggerModel()
                                    Action = Logger.EditProfileContentLogType.FullBioEdit.ToString(),
                                    UserID = WebSecurity.CurrentUserId,
                                    IPAddress = Request.UserHostAddress,
                                    TimeStamp = DateTime.Now,
                                    IDType1 = Logger.LogIDType.User.ToString(),
                                    ID1 =,
                                    Value1 = user.full_bio,
                                    Value2 = model.FullBio
                                //Change the DB entry
                                user.full_bio = model.FullBio;

                            user.modified_date = DateTime.Now;

                            Logger.LogMultipleEntries(loggerList, work.EntityContext);
                            // Save the changes, then add the user to the roles
                            JPPConstants.Roles.UpdateUserRoles(user.username, model.Roles);

                            // Success
                            TempData["Message"] = "Successfully saved changes to " + user.first_name + " " + user.last_name;
                            return RedirectToAction("EditUserList");
                            ModelState.AddModelError("", "The specified user could not be found");
                   // }
                   // catch (Exception e)
                  //  {
                   //     ModelState.AddModelError("", e.Message);

            model.Roles = Roles.GetRolesForUser(user.username);
            model.ImageURL = user.image;
            // Problem, redisplay
            return View(model);
예제 #18
        public ActionResult ProcessFacebookLogin()
            if (Request.QueryString["error"] != null)
                TempData["FacebookResultMessage"] = "There was an error validating with Facebook: " + Request.QueryString["error_description"];
                return RedirectToAction("Index");
                // TODO: log error?

            // Exchange code for an access token
            string code = Request.QueryString["code"];
            // Redirect to Facebook to ask for permissions
            string redirectAfterLoginUri = JppUriInfo.GetCurrentDomain(Request) + Url.RouteUrl("Default", new { Controller = "Settings", Action = "ProcessFacebookLogin" });
            object accessTokenGetParams = new
                client_id = JPPConstants.SiteSettings.GetValue(JPPConstants.SiteSettings.FacebookAppId),
                redirect_uri = redirectAfterLoginUri,
                client_secret = JPPConstants.SiteSettings.GetValue(JPPConstants.SiteSettings.FacebookAppSecret),
                code = code

            var fbClient = new FacebookClient();
            dynamic getAccessTokenResult = fbClient.Get("/oauth/access_token", accessTokenGetParams);

            string accessToken = getAccessTokenResult.access_token;
            Int64 secondsTilExpiration = getAccessTokenResult.expires;
            DateTime expireTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(secondsTilExpiration);

            // Verify token is valid
            bool isTokenValid = IsUserAccessTokenValid(accessToken);
            if (!isTokenValid)
                TempData["FacebookResultMessage"] = "There was an error validating with Facebook: User access token was invalid.";
                return RedirectToAction("Index");

            // Get user ID
            fbClient = new FacebookClient(accessToken);
            dynamic fbMe = fbClient.Get("me");
            string fbUserId =;

            // Save data from Facebook into db
            using (UnitOfWork work = new UnitOfWork())
                user currentUser = work.UserRepository.GetUser(WebSecurity.CurrentUserId);
                work.UserRepository.UpdateFacebookDataForExistingConnection(currentUser, fbUserId, accessToken, expireTime);

            TempData["FacebookResultMessage"] = "Successfully connected to Facebook!";
            return RedirectToAction("Index");