예제 #1
        public void testHashCode()
            // as lifted from the JDK Object JavaDocs:
            // Whenever it is invoked on the same object more than once
            // during an execution of a Java application, the hashCode
            // method must consistently return the same integer, provided
            // no information used in Equals comparisons on the object is
            // modified. This integer need not remain consistent from one
            // execution of an application to another execution of the
            // same application
            UUID x = new UUID(VALID_UUID_BYTE_ARRAY);
            assertTrue("x.Equals(x) didn't return true",
            assertEquals("x.hashCode() didn't equal x.hashCode()",
            assertEquals("x.hashCode() didn't equal x.hashCode()",

            // as lifted from the JDK Object JavaDocs:
            // If two objects are equal according to the Equals(Object) method,
            // then calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects
            // must produce the same integer result
            UUID y = new UUID(VALID_UUID_BYTE_ARRAY);
            assertFalse("x == y didn't return false",
                        x == y);
            assertTrue("x.Equals(y) didn't return true",
            assertEquals("x.hashCode() didn't equal y.hashCode()",

            // it is not REQUIRED that hashCode return different ints for different
            // objects where x.Equals(z) is not true.
            // So, there is no test for that here
예제 #2
        public void testEquals()
            // test passing null to Equals returns false
            // (as specified in the JDK docs for Object)
            UUID x = new UUID(VALID_UUID_BYTE_ARRAY);
            assertFalse("Equals(null) didn't return false",

            // test that passing an object which is not a UUID returns false
            assertFalse("x.Equals(non_UUID_object) didn't return false",
                        x.Equals(new Object()));

            // test a case where two UUIDs are definitly not equal
            assertFalse("x == w didn't return false",
                        x == w);
            assertFalse("x.Equals(w) didn't return false",

            // test refelexivity
            assertTrue("x.Equals(x) didn't return true",

            // test symmetry
            UUID y = new UUID(VALID_UUID_BYTE_ARRAY);
            assertFalse("x == y didn't return false",
                        x == y);
            assertTrue("y.Equals(x) didn't return true",
            assertTrue("x.Equals(y) didn't return true",

            // now we'll test transitivity
            UUID z = new UUID(VALID_UUID_BYTE_ARRAY);
            assertFalse("x == y didn't return false",
                        x == y);
            assertFalse("x == y didn't return false",
                        y == z);
            assertFalse("x == y didn't return false",
                        x == z);
            assertTrue("x.Equals(y) didn't return true",
            assertTrue("y.Equals(z) didn't return true",
            assertTrue("x.Equals(z) didn't return true",

            // test consistancy (this test is just calling Equals multiple times)
            assertFalse("x == y didn't return false",
                        x == y);
            assertTrue("x.Equals(y) didn't return true",
            assertTrue("x.Equals(y) didn't return true",
            assertTrue("x.Equals(y) didn't return true",
예제 #3
        public void testGetType()
            // here we will test that UUID's constructed with the right type
            // have the correct type returned from getType

            // test creating a null UUID
            UUID uuid = new UUID();
            assertEquals("Expected type was not returned",

            // test Random UUID in this case
            uuid = new UUID(VALID_UUID_BYTE_ARRAY);
            assertEquals("Expected type was not returned",

            // test time based UUID in this case
            uuid = new UUID(TIME1_MAC1_UUID.ToByteArray());
            assertEquals("Expected type was not returned",

            // test name based UUID in this case
            uuid = new UUID(NAME_BASED_UUID_STRING);
            assertEquals("Expected type was not returned",

            // test DCE based UUID in this case
            uuid = new UUID(DCE_BASED_UUID_BYTE_ARRAY);
            assertEquals("Expected type was not returned",
예제 #4
        public void testToByteArrayDestOffset()
            // constant value for use in this test
            int EXTRA_DATA_LENGTH = 9;
            UUID test_uuid;

            // lets test some error cases
            // first, passing null and 0
                test_uuid = new UUID();
                test_uuid.ToByteArray((byte[])null, 0);

                UUID uuid = UUID.ValueOf((byte[])null, 0);

                // if we reached here we failed because we didn't get an exception
                fail("Expected exception not caught");
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                // this is the success case so do nothing
            catch (Exception ex)
                fail("Caught unexpected exception: " + ex);

            // now an array that is too small
                test_uuid = new UUID();
                byte[] uuid_array = new byte[UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH - 1];
                test_uuid.ToByteArray(uuid_array, 0);

                // if we reached here we failed because we didn't get an exception
                fail("Expected exception not caught");
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                // this is the success case so do nothing
            catch (Exception ex)
                fail("Caught unexpected exception: " + ex);

            // now an index that is negative
                test_uuid = new UUID();
                byte[] uuid_array = new byte[UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH];
                test_uuid.ToByteArray(uuid_array, -1);

                // if we reached here we failed because we didn't get an exception
                fail("Expected exception not caught");
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                // this is the success case so do nothing
            catch (Exception ex)
                fail("Caught unexpected exception: " + ex);

            // now an index that is too big
                test_uuid = new UUID();
                byte[] uuid_array = new byte[UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH];
                test_uuid.ToByteArray(uuid_array, UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH);

                // if we reached here we failed because we didn't get an exception
                fail("Expected exception not caught");
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                // this is the success case so do nothing
            catch (Exception ex)
                fail("Caught unexpected exception: " + ex);

            // now an index that is in the array,
            // but without enough bytes to read UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH
                test_uuid = new UUID();
                byte[] uuid_array = new byte[UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH];
                test_uuid.ToByteArray(uuid_array, 1);

                // if we reached here we failed because we didn't get an exception
                fail("Expected exception not caught");
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                // this is the success case so do nothing
            catch (Exception ex)
                fail("Caught unexpected exception: " + ex);

            // we'll test making a couple UUIDs and then check that the toByteArray
            // gives back the same value in byte form that we used to create it

            // here we'll test the null uuid at offset 0
            test_uuid = new UUID();
            byte[] test_array = new byte[UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH];
            test_uuid.ToByteArray(test_array, 0);
            assertEquals("Expected array did not equal actual array",
                NULL_UUID_BYTE_ARRAY, test_array);

            // now test a non-null uuid
            test_uuid = new UUID(MIXED_CASE_VALID_UUID_STRING);
            assertEquals("Expected array did not equal actual array",
                VALID_UUID_BYTE_ARRAY, test_array);

            // now test a null uuid case with extra data in the array
            test_uuid = new UUID();
            test_array = new byte[UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH + EXTRA_DATA_LENGTH];
            fill(test_array, 0, test_array.Length, (byte)'x');
            test_uuid.ToByteArray(test_array, 0);
            for (int i = 0; i < UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH; ++i)
                assertEquals("Expected array values did not match",
            for (int i = 0; i < EXTRA_DATA_LENGTH; i++)
                assertEquals("Expected array fill value changed",
                            test_array[i + UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH]);

            // now test a null uuid case with extra data in the array
            test_uuid = new UUID();
            test_array = new byte[UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH + EXTRA_DATA_LENGTH];
            fill(test_array, 0, test_array.Length, (byte)'x');
            test_uuid.ToByteArray(test_array, EXTRA_DATA_LENGTH / 2);
            // first check the data (in the middle of the array)
            for (int i = 0; i < UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH; ++i)
                assertEquals("Expected array values did not match",
                    test_array[i + EXTRA_DATA_LENGTH / 2]);
            // and now check that the surrounding bytes were not changed
            for (int i = 0; i < EXTRA_DATA_LENGTH / 2; ++i)
                assertEquals("Expected array fill value changed",
                assertEquals("Expected array fill value changed",
                    test_array[i + UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH + EXTRA_DATA_LENGTH / 2]);

            // now test a good uuid case with extra data in the array
            test_uuid = new UUID(MIXED_CASE_VALID_UUID_STRING);
            test_array = new byte[UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH + EXTRA_DATA_LENGTH];
            fill(test_array, 0, test_array.Length, (byte)'x');
            test_uuid.ToByteArray(test_array, 0);
            for (int i = 0; i < UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH; ++i)
                assertEquals("Expected array values did not match",
            for (int i = 0; i < EXTRA_DATA_LENGTH; i++)
                assertEquals("Expected array fill value changed",
                    test_array[i + UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH]);

            // now test a good uuid case with extra data in the array
            // to make sure we aren't blowing the bounds of the buffer
            test_uuid = new UUID(MIXED_CASE_VALID_UUID_STRING);
            test_array = new byte[UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH + EXTRA_DATA_LENGTH];
            fill(test_array, 0, test_array.Length, (byte)'x');
            test_uuid.ToByteArray(test_array, EXTRA_DATA_LENGTH / 2);
            // first check the data (in the middle of the array)
            for (int i = 0; i < UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH; ++i)
                assertEquals("Expected array values did not match",
                    test_array[i + EXTRA_DATA_LENGTH / 2]);
            // and now check that the surrounding bytes were not changed
            for (int i = 0; i < EXTRA_DATA_LENGTH / 2; ++i)
                assertEquals("Expected array fill value changed",
                assertEquals("Expected array fill value changed",
                    test_array[i + UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH + EXTRA_DATA_LENGTH / 2]);
예제 #5
 public void testDefaultUUIDConstructor()
     // this test technically relies on the ToString() and toByteArray()
     // methods of the UUID class working properly.
     // If it fails, that is fine... the test only needs to indicate
     // proper working behavior or that it needs to be fixed.
     UUID uuid = new UUID();
     assertEquals("Default constructor did not create expected null UUID",
     assertEquals("Expected array did not equal actual array",
         NULL_UUID_BYTE_ARRAY, uuid.ToByteArray());
예제 #6
        public void testToByteArray()
            // we'll test making a couple UUIDs and then check that the toByteArray
            // gives back the same value in byte form that we used to create it

            // first we'll test the null uuid
            UUID uuid = new UUID();
            assertEquals("Expected length of returned array wrong",
            assertEquals("Expected array did not equal actual array",
               NULL_UUID_BYTE_ARRAY, uuid.ToByteArray());

            // now test a non-null uuid
            uuid = new UUID(MIXED_CASE_VALID_UUID_STRING);
            assertEquals("Expected length of returned array wrong",
            assertEquals("Expected array did not equal actual array",
                VALID_UUID_BYTE_ARRAY, uuid.ToByteArray());

            // let's make sure that changing the returned array doesn't mess with
            // the wrapped UUID's internals
            uuid = new UUID(MIXED_CASE_VALID_UUID_STRING);
            assertEquals("Expected length of returned array wrong",
            assertEquals("Expected array did not equal actual array",
                VALID_UUID_BYTE_ARRAY, uuid.ToByteArray());
            byte[] test_uuid_array = uuid.ToByteArray();
            // now stir it up a bit and then check that the original UUID was
            // not changed in the process. The easiest stir is to sort it ;)
            assertEquals("Expected array did not equal actual array",
                VALID_UUID_BYTE_ARRAY, uuid.ToByteArray());
예제 #7
         * Method for generating name-based UUIDs, using the standard
         * name-based generation method described in the UUID specs,
         * and the caller supplied hashing method.
         * Note that this method is not synchronized, so caller has to make
         * sure the digest object will not be accessed from other threads.
         * Note that if you call this method directly (instead of calling
         * the version with one less argument), you have to make sure that
         * access to 'hash' is synchronized; either by only generating UUIDs
         * from one single thread, or by using explicit sync'ing.
         * @param nameSpaceUUID UUID of the namespace, as defined by the
         *   spec. UUID has 4 pre-defined "standard" name space strings
         *   that can be passed to UUID constructor (see example below).
         *   Note that this argument is optional; if no namespace is needed
         *   (for example when name includes namespace prefix), null may be
         *   passed.
         * @param name Name to base the UUID on; for example,
         *   IP-name ("www.w3c.org") of the system for UUID.NAMESPACE_DNS,
         *   URL ("http://www.w3c.org/index.html") for UUID.NAMESPACE_URL
         *   and so on.
         * @param digest Instance of MessageDigest to use for hashing the name
         *   value. hash.reset() will be called before calculating the has
         *   value, to make sure digest state is not random and UUID will
         *   not be randomised.
         * @return UUID generated using name-based method based on the
         *   arguments given.
         * Example:
         *   <code>
         *      UUID uuid = gen.generateNameBasedUUID(
         *         new UUID(UUID.NAMESPACE_DNS, "www.w3c.org"));
         *   </code>
        public UUID GenerateNameBasedUUID(UUID nameSpaceUUID, String name,
                                          MD5 digest)
            if (name == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Name parameter was null.");
            byte[] hash;
            if (nameSpaceUUID != null)
                byte[] a1 = nameSpaceUUID.ToByteArray();
                byte[] a2 = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(name);
                byte[] rv = new byte[a1.Length + a2.Length];
                System.Buffer.BlockCopy(a1, 0, rv, 0, a1.Length);
                System.Buffer.BlockCopy(a2, 0, rv, a1.Length, a2.Length);

                hash = digest.ComputeHash(rv);
                hash = digest.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(name));
            return new UUID(UUID.TYPE_NAME_BASED, hash);
예제 #8
        private void goodStringUUIDConstructorHelper(String uuidString)
            UUID temp_uuid = null;
                temp_uuid = new UUID(uuidString);
            catch (Exception ex)
                fail("Caught unexpected exception: " + ex);

            assertEquals("uuid strings were not equal",
예제 #9
        public void testByteArrayFromOffsetUUIDConstructor()
            UUID uuid;
            // constant for use in this test
            int EXTRA_DATA_LENGTH = 9;

            // passing null and 0
                uuid = new UUID((byte[])null, 0);
                fail("Expected exception not caught");
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                // this is the success case so do nothing
            catch (Exception ex)
                fail("Caught unexpected exception: " + ex);

            // passing an array that is too small
                uuid = new UUID(new byte[UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH - 1], 0);
                fail("Expected exception not caught");
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                // this is the success case so do nothing
            catch (Exception ex)
                fail("Caught unexpected exception: " + ex);

            // passing an index that is negative
                uuid = new UUID(new byte[UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH], -1);
                fail("Expected exception not caught");
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                // this is the success case so do nothing
            catch (Exception ex)
                fail("Caught unexpected exception: " + ex);

            // passing an index that is too big
                uuid =
                    new UUID(
                        new byte[UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH], UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH);
                fail("Expected exception not caught");
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                // this is the success case so do nothing
            catch (Exception ex)
                fail("Caught unexpected exception: " + ex);

            // passing an index that is in the array,
            // but without enough bytes to read UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH
                uuid = new UUID(new byte[UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH], 1);
                fail("Expected exception not caught");
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                // this is the success case so do nothing
            catch (Exception ex)
                fail("Caught unexpected exception: " + ex);

            // test that creating a uuid from an zero'd array
            // gives us a null UUID (definition of a null UUID)
            uuid = new UUID(new byte[UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH], 0);
            assertEquals("constructor did not create expected null UUID",
            assertEquals("Expected array did not equal actual array", NULL_UUID_BYTE_ARRAY, uuid.ToByteArray());

            // test that creating a uuid from an zero'd array with extra stuff
            // on the front gives us a null UUID (definition of a null UUID)
            byte[] null_uuid_array =
                new byte[UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH + EXTRA_DATA_LENGTH];

            fill(null_uuid_array, 0, EXTRA_DATA_LENGTH, (byte)'x');

            uuid = new UUID(null_uuid_array, EXTRA_DATA_LENGTH);
            assertEquals("constructor did not create expected null UUID",
            assertEquals("Expected array did not equal actual array",
                NULL_UUID_BYTE_ARRAY, uuid.ToByteArray());

            // test creating an array from a good byte array
            uuid = new UUID(VALID_UUID_BYTE_ARRAY, 0);
            assertEquals("constructor did not create expected null UUID",

            // test creating an array from a good byte array with extra data on end
            uuid = new UUID(VALID_UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_WITH_EXTRA_END, 0);
            assertEquals("constructor did not create expected null UUID",

            // test creating uuid from a byte array with extra junk on start
            uuid = new UUID(VALID_UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_WITH_EXTRA_START, 10);
            assertEquals("constructor did not create expected null UUID",

            // test creating an uuid from a byte array with extra junk on both ends
            uuid = new UUID(VALID_UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_WITH_EXTRA_BOTH, 10);
            assertEquals("constructor did not create expected null UUID",
예제 #10
        private void assertUUIDsMatchHelper(UUID expected, UUID actual)
            // technically, ToString will always return lowercase uuid strings,
            // but just to be paranoid, we will always do ToLower in this test
            assertEquals("UUID strings did not match",

            assertEquals("UUID Equals did not match",
예제 #11
  * Begin private helper functions for use in tests
 private void badStringUUIDConstructorHelper(String uuidString)
         UUID uuid = new UUID(uuidString);
         // if we reached here we failed because we didn't get an exception
         fail("Expected exception not caught");
     catch (ArgumentException)
         // this is the success case so do nothing
     catch (Exception ex)
         fail("Caught unexpected exception: " + ex);
예제 #12
 private void assertUUIDGreaterOrderHelper(UUID uuid1, UUID uuid2)
     assertTrue(uuid1 + " did not test as larger then " + uuid2,
                 0 < uuid1.CompareTo(uuid2));
     assertTrue(uuid2 + " did not test as smaller then " + uuid1,
                 0 > uuid2.CompareTo(uuid1));
예제 #13
 private void assertUUIDEqualOrderHelper(UUID uuid1, UUID uuid2)
     assertTrue(uuid1 + " did not test as equal to " + uuid2,
                 0 == uuid1.CompareTo(uuid2));
     assertTrue(uuid2 + " did not test as equal to " + uuid1,
                 0 == uuid2.CompareTo(uuid1));
예제 #14
        public void testToString()
            // test making a couple UUIDs and then check that the ToString
            // gives back the same value in string form that was used to create it

            // test the null uuid
            UUID uuid = new UUID();
            assertEquals("null uuid string and ToString did not match",

            // test a non-null uuid
            uuid = new UUID(VALID_UUID_BYTE_ARRAY);
            assertEquals("uuid string and ToString results did not match",

            // The current UUID implementation returns strings all lowercase.
            // Although relying on this behavior in code is not recommended,
            // here is a unit test which will break if this assumption
            // becomes bad. This will act as an early warning to anyone
            // who relies on this particular behavior.
            uuid = new UUID(VALID_UUID_BYTE_ARRAY);
            assertFalse("mixed case uuid string and ToString " +
                    "matched (expected ToString to be all lower case)",
            assertEquals("mixed case string ToLower and " +
                    "ToString results did not match (expected ToString to " +
                    "be all lower case)",
예제 #15
        public void testIsNullUUID()
            // this test will test isNullUUID using the five main ways you could
            // create a null UUID and test a case where it should NOT be true
            UUID uuid = null;

            // test using default constructor
            uuid = new UUID();
            assertTrue("isNullUUID was not true",

            uuid = null;

            // test using static getNullUUID
            uuid = UUID.GetNullUUID();
            assertTrue("isNullUUID was not true",

            uuid = null;

            // test by string creation using null uuid represented in string form
            uuid = new UUID(NULL_UUID_STRING);
            assertTrue("isNullUUID was not true",

            uuid = null;

            // test by byte[] creation using null uuid represented in byte[] form
            uuid = new UUID(NULL_UUID_BYTE_ARRAY);
            assertTrue("isNullUUID was not true",

            uuid = null;

            // test by byte[] creation using null uuid represented in byte[] form
            // starting at an offset
            byte[] null_uuid_array = new byte[20];
            fill(null_uuid_array, 0, 3, (byte)'x');
            uuid = new UUID(null_uuid_array, 4);
            assertTrue("isNullUUID was not true",

            uuid = null;

            // test a not null case
            uuid = new UUID(VALID_UUID_BYTE_ARRAY);
            assertFalse("isNullUUID was true",
예제 #16
        public void testByteArrayUUIDConstructor()
            // passing null
            UUID uuid;
                uuid = new UUID((byte[])null);
                fail("Expected exception not caught");
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                // this is the success case so do nothing
            catch (Exception ex)
                fail("Caught unexpected exception: " + ex);

            // passing array that is too small
                uuid = new UUID(new byte[UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH - 1]);
                fail("Expected exception not caught");
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                // this is the success case so do nothing
            catch (Exception ex)
                fail("Caught unexpected exception: " + ex);

            // test that creating a uuid from an zero'd array
            // gives us a null UUID (definition of a null UUID)
            uuid = new UUID(new byte[UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH]);
            assertEquals("constructor did not create expected null UUID",
            assertEquals("Expected array did not equal actual array", NULL_UUID_BYTE_ARRAY, uuid.ToByteArray());

            // test creating an array from a good byte array
            uuid = new UUID(VALID_UUID_BYTE_ARRAY);
            assertEquals("constructor did not create expected UUID",

            // test creating an array from a good byte array with extra data on end
            assertEquals("constructor did not create expected UUID",
예제 #17
        public void testStringUUIDConstructor()
            // test a null string case
                UUID uuid = new UUID((String)null);
                fail("Expected exception not caught");
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                // this is the success case so do nothing
            catch (Exception ex)
                fail("Caught unexpected exception: " + ex);

            // test some failure cases for the string constructor

            // test some good cases
예제 #18
 public void testClone()
     // as lifted from the JDK Object JavaDoc for clone:
     // x.clone() Creates and returns a copy of x.
     // The precise meaning of "copy" may depend on
     // the class of the object. The general intent
     // is that, for any object x, the expression:
     // x.clone() != x
     // will be true, and that the expression:
     // x.clone().getClass() == x.getClass()
     // will be true, but these are not absolute requirements.
     // While it is typically the case that:
     // x.clone().Equals(x)
     // will be true, this is not an absolute requirement.
     // For UUID, this test will check that all the above ARE true
     // in the case of UUID clone() because it is the desired behavior.
     assertTrue("x.clone() != x did not return true",
                 x.Clone() != x);
     assertTrue("x.clone().Equals(x) did not return true",
예제 #19
        public void testToByteArrayDest()
            // constant for use in this test
            int EXTRA_DATA_LENGTH = 9;
            UUID test_uuid;

            // lets test some error cases
            // first, passing null
                test_uuid = new UUID();

                // if we reached here we failed because we didn't get an exception
                fail("Expected exception not caught");
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                // this is the success case so do nothing
            catch (Exception ex)
                fail("Caught unexpected exception: " + ex);

            // now an array that is too small
                test_uuid = new UUID();
                byte[] uuid_array = new byte[UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH - 1];

                // if we reached here we failed because we didn't get an exception
                fail("Expected exception not caught");
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                // this is the success case so do nothing
            catch (Exception ex)
                fail("Caught unexpected exception: " + ex);

            // we'll test making a couple UUIDs and then check that the toByteArray
            // gives back the same value in byte form that we used to create it

            // here we'll test the null uuid
            test_uuid = new UUID();
            byte[] test_array = new byte[UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH];
            assertEquals("Expected array did not equal actual array",
                NULL_UUID_BYTE_ARRAY, test_array);

            // now test a non-null uuid
            test_uuid = new UUID(MIXED_CASE_VALID_UUID_STRING);
            assertEquals("Expected array did not equal actual array",
                VALID_UUID_BYTE_ARRAY, test_array);

            // now test a null uuid case with extra data in the array
            test_uuid = new UUID();
            test_array = new byte[UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH + EXTRA_DATA_LENGTH];
            fill(test_array, 0, test_array.Length, (byte)'x');
            for (int i = 0; i < UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH; ++i)
                assertEquals("Expected array values did not match",
            for (int i = 0; i < EXTRA_DATA_LENGTH; i++)
                assertEquals("Expected array fill value changed",
                            test_array[i + UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH]);

            // now test a good uuid case with extra data in the array
            test_uuid = new UUID(MIXED_CASE_VALID_UUID_STRING);
            test_array = new byte[UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH + EXTRA_DATA_LENGTH];
            fill(test_array, 0, test_array.Length, (byte)'x');
            for (int i = 0; i < UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH; ++i)
                assertEquals("Expected array values did not match",
            for (int i = 0; i < EXTRA_DATA_LENGTH; i++)
                assertEquals("Expected array fill value changed",
                            test_array[i + UUID_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH]);
예제 #20
        public void testCompareTo()
            // first, let's make sure calling CompareTo with null
            // throws the appropriate NullReferenceException
                // the 'null UUID' will be fine
                fail("Expected exception not thrown");
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                // good, we caught the expected exception, so we passed
            catch (Exception ex)
                fail("Caught an unexpected exception: " + ex);

            // now, let's make sure giving CompareTo a non-UUID class
            // results in the appropriate ClassCastException
                // the 'null UUID' will be fine
                fail("Expected exception not thrown");
            catch (InvalidCastException)
                // good, we caught the expected exception, so we passed
            catch (Exception ex)
                fail("Caught an unexpected exception: " + ex);

            // now we'll test some simple base cases
            // 2 null uuids always compare to 0
            assertUUIDEqualOrderHelper(NULL_UUID, new UUID());

            // 2 of the same value UUIDs are always 0
                TIME3_MAC1_UUID, new UUID(TIME3_MAC1_UUID.ToString()));

            // the 'null UUID' always comes first in the ordering
            assertUUIDGreaterOrderHelper(TIME3_MAC1_UUID, NULL_UUID);

            // a UUID with a greater time is always comes after a lower time uuid
            // given the same MAC address
            assertUUIDGreaterOrderHelper(TIME3_MAC1_UUID, TIME1_MAC1_UUID);

            // a UUID with a greater time and a different MAC will always sort
            // with the greater time coming later
            assertUUIDGreaterOrderHelper(TIME3_MAC1_UUID, TIME1_MAC2_UUID);

            // a UUID with the same time stamp and different MAC will always sort
            // with the 'numerically' greater MAC coming later
            assertUUIDGreaterOrderHelper(TIME1_MAC2_UUID, TIME1_MAC1_UUID);

            // now we will test a bigger case of the CompareTo functionality
            // of the UUID class
            // easiest way to do this is to create an array of UUIDs and sort it
            // then test that this array is in the expected order

            // first we'll try a MAC address homogeneous sort
            // before sort, the array contains (in psudo-random order)
            // 10 UUIDs of this distribution:
            // 2 - null uuid
            // 2 - time1_mac1
            // 1 - time2_mac1
            // 2 - time3_mac1
            // 2 - time4_mac1
            // 1 - time5_mac1
            UUID[] test_uuid_array = new UUID[10];
            test_uuid_array[0] = TIME3_MAC1_UUID;
            test_uuid_array[1] = TIME4_MAC1_UUID;
            test_uuid_array[2] = TIME1_MAC1_UUID;
            test_uuid_array[3] = NULL_UUID;
            test_uuid_array[4] = TIME3_MAC1_UUID;
            test_uuid_array[5] = TIME5_MAC1_UUID;
            test_uuid_array[6] = TIME2_MAC1_UUID;
            test_uuid_array[7] = TIME1_MAC1_UUID;
            test_uuid_array[8] = NULL_UUID;
            test_uuid_array[9] = TIME4_MAC1_UUID;

            // now we should be able to see that the array is in order
            assertUUIDsMatchHelper(NULL_UUID, test_uuid_array[0]);
            assertUUIDsMatchHelper(NULL_UUID, test_uuid_array[1]);
            assertUUIDsMatchHelper(TIME1_MAC1_UUID, test_uuid_array[2]);
            assertUUIDsMatchHelper(TIME1_MAC1_UUID, test_uuid_array[3]);
            assertUUIDsMatchHelper(TIME2_MAC1_UUID, test_uuid_array[4]);
            assertUUIDsMatchHelper(TIME3_MAC1_UUID, test_uuid_array[5]);
            assertUUIDsMatchHelper(TIME3_MAC1_UUID, test_uuid_array[6]);
            assertUUIDsMatchHelper(TIME4_MAC1_UUID, test_uuid_array[7]);
            assertUUIDsMatchHelper(TIME4_MAC1_UUID, test_uuid_array[8]);
            assertUUIDsMatchHelper(TIME5_MAC1_UUID, test_uuid_array[9]);

            // allow array to be GC'd (and make sure we don't somehow use the wrong
            // array below)
            test_uuid_array = null;

            // now lets try a MAC address heterogeneous case
            // before sort, the array contains (in psudo-random order)
            // 15 UUIDs of this distribution:
            // 1 - null uuid
            // 2 - time1_mac1
            // 1 - time1_mac2
            // 1 - time2_mac1
            // 2 - time2_mac2
            // 2 - time3_mac1
            // 2 - time3_mac2
            // 1 - time4_mac1
            // 1 - time4_mac2
            // 1 - time5_mac1
            // 1 - time5_mac2
            test_uuid_array = new UUID[15];
            test_uuid_array[0] = TIME3_MAC1_UUID;
            test_uuid_array[1] = TIME4_MAC1_UUID;
            test_uuid_array[2] = TIME1_MAC1_UUID;
            test_uuid_array[3] = TIME3_MAC2_UUID;
            test_uuid_array[4] = TIME2_MAC2_UUID;
            test_uuid_array[5] = TIME3_MAC2_UUID;
            test_uuid_array[6] = TIME1_MAC1_UUID;
            test_uuid_array[7] = NULL_UUID;
            test_uuid_array[8] = TIME5_MAC1_UUID;
            test_uuid_array[9] = TIME2_MAC2_UUID;
            test_uuid_array[10] = TIME3_MAC1_UUID;
            test_uuid_array[11] = TIME4_MAC2_UUID;
            test_uuid_array[12] = TIME1_MAC2_UUID;
            test_uuid_array[13] = TIME5_MAC2_UUID;
            test_uuid_array[14] = TIME2_MAC1_UUID;

            // now we should be able to see that the array is in order
            assertUUIDsMatchHelper(NULL_UUID, test_uuid_array[0]);
            assertUUIDsMatchHelper(TIME1_MAC1_UUID, test_uuid_array[1]);
            assertUUIDsMatchHelper(TIME1_MAC1_UUID, test_uuid_array[2]);
            assertUUIDsMatchHelper(TIME1_MAC2_UUID, test_uuid_array[3]);
            assertUUIDsMatchHelper(TIME2_MAC1_UUID, test_uuid_array[4]);
            assertUUIDsMatchHelper(TIME2_MAC2_UUID, test_uuid_array[5]);
            assertUUIDsMatchHelper(TIME2_MAC2_UUID, test_uuid_array[6]);
            assertUUIDsMatchHelper(TIME3_MAC1_UUID, test_uuid_array[7]);
            assertUUIDsMatchHelper(TIME3_MAC1_UUID, test_uuid_array[8]);
            assertUUIDsMatchHelper(TIME3_MAC2_UUID, test_uuid_array[9]);
            assertUUIDsMatchHelper(TIME3_MAC2_UUID, test_uuid_array[10]);
            assertUUIDsMatchHelper(TIME4_MAC1_UUID, test_uuid_array[11]);
            assertUUIDsMatchHelper(TIME4_MAC2_UUID, test_uuid_array[12]);
            assertUUIDsMatchHelper(TIME5_MAC1_UUID, test_uuid_array[13]);
            assertUUIDsMatchHelper(TIME5_MAC2_UUID, test_uuid_array[14]);
예제 #21
  * Method similar to the previous one; the difference being that a
  * shared MD5 digest instance will be used. This also means that there is
  * some synchronization overhead as MD5-instances are not thread-safe
  * per se.
 public UUID GenerateNameBasedUUID(UUID nameSpaceUUID, String name)
     if (name == null)
         throw new NullReferenceException("Name parameter was null.");
     MD5 hasher = GetHashAlgorithm();
     lock (hasher)
         return GenerateNameBasedUUID(nameSpaceUUID, name, GetHashAlgorithm());
예제 #22
        private void CopyFrom(UUID src)
            byte[] srcB = src.mId;
            byte[] dstB = mId;

            for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
                dstB[i] = srcB[i];

            mDesc = sDescCaching ? src.mDesc : null;