예제 #1
        public void setThresholds()
            double das = dataAge.Sum();

            dataAgeThreshold = NewtonMethod(IdleObjective, IdleDerivative, das, Math.Floor(IdleObjective(das) * 100) / 100, .0001);
            dataXpThreshold  = (ulong)Math.Ceiling(NewtonMethod(ActiveObjective, ActiveDerivative, dataXp, Math.Floor(ActiveObjective(dataXp) * 100) / 100, .0001));
예제 #2
        private Tuple <double, double> ChanceOfBeatingTargetAndExpectedPIfYouDo(int gwLevel, double targetPValue)
            List <double> expectations  = new List <double>();
            StableSummer  probabilities = new StableSummer();
            // start with godly ranks with 0 pluses
            // (no reliable reports of godly ranks ever getting pluses)
            double prob;
            double leSkillEffect = Upgrade.bsUpgrades[(int)UpgradeID.BSSKILL & 127][a.bsLevel + NumBS].value;
            double heSkillEffect = 0.5 + leSkillEffect;
            double basePower     = Upgrade.bsUpgrades[(int)UpgradeID.BSBASEPOWER & 127][a.bbLevel + NumBBP].value;
            int    rank;

            for (rank = firstGodlyRank; rank < overallNumberRanks; rank++)
                prob = rankprobsByGwlevel[gwLevel][rank];
                double expectedPAt100     = basePower * rankBonuses[rank];
                double expectedPAtLowEnd  = expectedPAt100 * leSkillEffect;
                double expectedPAtHighEnd = expectedPAt100 * heSkillEffect;
                // no plus bonus multiplier, makes things easy
                if (targetPValue < expectedPAtLowEnd)
                    // whole thing contributes
                    // don't have to adjust prob
                    // CODE IS CURRENTLY EXACT
                    expectations.Add(prob * ExpectationOfRange(expectedPAtLowEnd, expectedPAtHighEnd));
                else if (targetPValue < expectedPAtHighEnd)
                    // not all of the range contributes, so we have to adjust prob
                    prob *= (expectedPAtHighEnd - targetPValue) / (expectedPAtHighEnd - expectedPAtLowEnd);
                    // SLIGHT APPROXIMATION:
                    // we may lose a small bit of accuracy here since something smaller than targetValue might be rounded to it
                    expectations.Add(prob * ExpectationOfRange(targetPValue, expectedPAtHighEnd));
            // now we can do it for the mortal ranks (which can get plusbonuses after rounding)
            double maxContributionThisRound;
            // outer loop over possible plusbonuses
            int numPluses = 0;

            var modifiedPlusProbs = plusprob.Select(x => x + (a.bsLevel + this.NumBX) * .01).ToArray();
            var probReachingHere  = Enumerable.Repeat(1.0, plusprob.Count());

                var    probStoppingHere = probReachingHere.Zip(modifiedPlusProbs, (prh, mpp) => prh * (1 - mpp));
                double plusBonus        = GetPlusBonus(numPluses);
                maxContributionThisRound = 0;
                // this could be LINQed with a subfunction, zipping rankprob[gwlevel] and probStoppingHere
                CustomSequenceOperators.TripleForEach(rankprobsByGwlevel[gwLevel], probStoppingHere, rankBonuses,
                                                      (rp, psh, rb) => ChanceInternal(rp, psh, rb, leSkillEffect, plusBonus, targetPValue, ref maxContributionThisRound, expectations, probabilities));
                // might be faster without LINQ?
                probReachingHere = probReachingHere.Zip(probStoppingHere, (prh, psh) => prh - psh);
            } while (maxContributionThisRound > 1e-10);
            // all possible ranks, all possible enchantments
            double chance = probabilities.Sum();

            return(Tuple.Create(chance, StableSum(expectations) / chance));