// Delete All "Data", but leave Settings and make sure there is one, current Period
 public void DeleteAll()
     lock (locker) {
         database.DeleteAll<Task> ();
         database.DeleteAll<Period> ();
         // but there MUST always be a current period, so create it in the otherwise empty DB
         var newPeriod = new Period ();
         database.Insert (newPeriod);
 public ScorecardDatabase()
     database = DependencyService.Get<ISQLite> ().GetConnection ();
     // create the tables
     database.CreateTable<Period> ();
     database.CreateTable<Settings> ();
     if (database.Table<Period> ().Count() == 0) {
         // only insert the data if it doesn't already exist
         var newPeriod = new Period ();
         database.Insert (newPeriod);
 public IEnumerable<Task> GetAllTasksWithinPeriod()
     lock (locker) {
         var currentPeriod = database.Query<Period> ("select * from [Period] where [EndDt] = ?", DateTime.MaxValue);
         if (currentPeriod == null) {
             throw new Exception ("In GetTasksWithinPeriod: SELECT currentPeriod returned null List");
         if (currentPeriod.Any ()) {
             // There should really only be one such row at this point, but a List needs a First...
             var periodStartDate = currentPeriod.First ().StartDT;
             // All completed tasks within the *current period*
             return database.Query<Task> ("SELECT * FROM [Task] WHERE [DT] > ?", periodStartDate);
         } else {
             // the app does not function without a Current Period, so
             // if we reach this point - something's wrong with the app OR the device's clock went backwards
             // So create a current period!
             var newPeriod = new Period ();
             database.Insert (newPeriod);
             return new List<Task> ();
             //throw new Exception ("In GetTasksWithinPeriod: No Current Period");
        public int SavePeriod()
            int sqlReturn = 0;
            lock (locker) {
                // For Debug purposes, show how many rows in DB, both tables, before and after
                var countPeriod = database.Table<Period> ().Count();
                var countTasks = database.Table<Task> ().Count();
                Debug.WriteLine ("Before starting new period, COUNT[Period]=" + countPeriod + " COUNT[Task]=" + countTasks);

                var setNow = DateTime.Now;
                sqlReturn = database.Execute (
                                    "update [Period] set [EndDt] = ? where [EndDt] = ? ", setNow, DateTime.MaxValue);
                if (sqlReturn > 1) {
                    throw new Exception("Failed to cap [Period] Should be only 1 row with [EndDt]=MaxValue. RC=" + sqlReturn);
                var newPeriod = new Period ();
                sqlReturn = database.Insert (newPeriod);
                if (sqlReturn != 1) {
                    throw new Exception("Failed to properly INSERT new row in [Period]. RC=" + sqlReturn);
                countPeriod = database.Table<Period> ().Count();
                countTasks = database.Table<Task> ().Count();
                Debug.WriteLine ("After adding new period, COUNT[Period]=" + countPeriod + " COUNT[Task]=" + countTasks);

                return sqlReturn;