예제 #1
        public void Apply(SwaggerDocument swaggerDoc, DocumentFilterContext context)
            var serviceDiscovery = JimuClient.Host.Container.Resolve <IClientServiceDiscovery>();
            var routes           = serviceDiscovery.GetRoutesAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            (from route in routes select route.ServiceDescriptor).OrderBy(x => x.RoutePath).ToList().ForEach(x =>
                var subsIndex = x.RoutePath.IndexOf('?');
                subsIndex     = subsIndex < 0 ? x.RoutePath.Length : subsIndex;
                var route     = x.RoutePath.Substring(0, subsIndex);
                route         = route.StartsWith('/') ? route : "/" + route;

                var paras = new List <IParameter>();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Parameters))
                    var parameters = JimuHelper.Deserialize(TypeHelper.ReplaceTypeToJsType(x.Parameters), typeof(List <JimuServiceParameterDesc>)) as List <JimuServiceParameterDesc>;
                    paras          = GetParameters(parameters, x.HttpMethod);

                if (x.GetMetadata <bool>("EnableAuthorization"))
                    paras.Add(new NonBodyParameter
                        Name        = "Authorization",
                        Type        = "string",
                        In          = "header",
                        Description = "Token",
                        Required    = true,
                        Default     = "Bearer "

                var response = new Dictionary <string, Response>();
                response.Add("200", GetResponse(x.ReturnDesc));

                if (x.HttpMethod == "GET")
                    swaggerDoc.Paths.Add(route, new PathItem
                        Get = new Operation
                            Consumes = new List <string> {
                            OperationId = x.RoutePath,
                            Parameters  = paras,
                            Produces    = new List <string> {
                            Responses   = response,
                            Description = x.Comment,
                            Tags        = GetTags(x)
                    swaggerDoc.Paths.Add(route, new PathItem
                        Post = new Operation
                            Consumes = new List <string> {
                            OperationId = x.RoutePath,
                            Parameters  = paras,
                            Produces    = new List <string> {
                            Responses   = response,
                            Description = x.Comment,
                            Tags        = GetTags(x)
예제 #2
        private static List <IParameter> GetParameters(List <JimuServiceParameterDesc> paras, string httpMethod)
            List <IParameter> parameters = new List <IParameter>();
            int           idx            = 0;
            StringBuilder sbExample      = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var p in paras)
                if (httpMethod == "GET")
                    var param = new NonBodyParameter
                        Name = p.Name,
                        Type = p.Type,
                        //Format = typeInfo.Format,
                        In          = "query",
                        Description = $"{p.Comment}",
                    //if (typeInfo.IsArray)
                    if (TypeHelper.CheckIsArray(p.Type))
                        param.Format = null;
                        param.Items  = new PartialSchema
                            //Type = typeInfo.Type
                            Type = TypeHelper.GetArrayType(p.Type)
                        param.Type = "array";
                    var bodyPara = new BodyParameter
                        Name        = p.Name,
                        In          = "body",
                        Description = $"{p.Comment}",
                        Schema      = new Schema
                            Format = p.Format,
                    // swagger bug: two or more object parameter in post, when execute it, just post the last one,so we put all parameter in the last one that it can post it
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.Format) && p.Format.IndexOf("{") < 0)
                        sbExample.Append($"{p.Name}:\"{ p.Format}\",");
                    else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.Format))
                        sbExample.Append($"{p.Name}:{ p.Format},");
                    if (idx == paras.Count && sbExample.Length > 0 && paras.Count > 1)
                        bodyPara.Schema.Example = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <dynamic>($"{{{sbExample.ToString().TrimEnd(',')}}}");
                    else if (idx == paras.Count && sbExample.Length > 0)
                        bodyPara.Schema.Example = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <dynamic>($"{{{sbExample.ToString().TrimEnd(',')}}}");

예제 #3
        private static Response GetResponse(string returnDescStr)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(returnDescStr) || !returnDescStr.StartsWith('{'))
                return(new Response
                    Description = "Success",
                    Schema = new Schema
                        Type = returnDescStr
            var returnDesc = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JimuServiceReturnDesc>(TypeHelper.ReplaceTypeToJsType(returnDescStr));
            var isObject   = TypeHelper.CheckIsObject(returnDesc.ReturnType);
            var response   = new Response
                Description = string.IsNullOrEmpty(returnDesc.Comment) ? "Success" : returnDesc.Comment,
                Schema      = new Schema
                    Type    = isObject ? "object" : returnDesc.ReturnType,
                    Example = (isObject && returnDesc.ReturnFormat.StartsWith('{')) ? Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <dynamic>(returnDesc.ReturnFormat) : returnDesc.ReturnFormat,
            var isArray = TypeHelper.CheckIsArray(returnDesc.ReturnType);

            if (isArray)
                response.Schema.Example = (isObject && returnDesc.ReturnFormat.StartsWith('{')) ? Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <dynamic>($"[{returnDesc.ReturnFormat}]") : $"[{returnDesc.ReturnFormat}]";