/// <summary>
        /// GetBoxTriangleIntersectionPoints
        /// Pushes intersection points onto the back of pts. Returns the
        /// number of points found.
        /// Points that are close together (compared to 
        /// combinationDistance) get combined
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pts"></param>
        /// <param name="box"></param>
        /// <param name="triangle"></param>
        /// <param name="combinationDistance"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static int GetBoxTriangleIntersectionPoints(List<Vector3> pts, Box box, Triangle triangle, float combinationDistance)
            // first intersect each edge of the box with the triangle
            Box.Edge[] edges;
            box.GetEdges(out edges);
            Vector3[] boxPts;
            box.GetCornerPoints(out boxPts);

            float tS;
            float tv1, tv2;

            int iEdge;
            for (iEdge = 0; iEdge < 12; ++iEdge)
                Box.Edge edge = edges[iEdge];
                Segment seg = new Segment(boxPts[(int)edge.Ind0], boxPts[(int)edge.Ind1] - boxPts[(int)edge.Ind0]);
                if (Intersection.SegmentTriangleIntersection(out tS, out tv1, out tv2, seg, triangle))
                     AddPoint(pts, seg.GetPoint(tS), combinationDistance * combinationDistance);

            Vector3 pos, n;
            // now each edge of the triangle with the box
            for (iEdge = 0; iEdge < 3; ++iEdge)
                Vector3 pt0 = triangle.GetPoint(iEdge);
                Vector3 pt1 = triangle.GetPoint((iEdge + 1) % 3);
                Segment s1 = new Segment(pt0, pt1 - pt0);
                Segment s2 = new Segment(pt1, pt0 - pt1);
                if (box.SegmentIntersect(out tS, out pos, out n, s1))
                    AddPoint(pts, pos, combinationDistance * combinationDistance);
                if (box.SegmentIntersect(out tS, out pos, out n, s2))
                    AddPoint(pts, pos, combinationDistance * combinationDistance);

            return pts.Count;
        /// <summary>
        /// Pushes intersection points (in world space) onto the back of pts.
        /// Intersection is between an AABox faces and an orientated box's
        /// edges. orient and pos are used to transform the points from the
        /// AABox frame back into the original frame.
        /// </summary>
        private static int GetAABox2BoxEdgesIntersectionPoints(List<ContactPoint> pts, ref Vector3 sides,
            Box box, ref Matrix origBoxOrient, ref Vector3 origBoxPos, float combinationDistanceSq)
            int num = 0;
            Vector3[] boxPts;
            box.GetCornerPoints(out boxPts);
            Box.Edge[] edges;
            box.GetEdges(out edges);

            for (int iedge = 0; iedge < 12; ++iedge)
                Vector3 edgePt0 = boxPts[(int)edges[iedge].Ind0];
                Vector3 edgePt1 = boxPts[(int)edges[iedge].Ind1];

                num += GetAABox2EdgeIntersectionPoints(pts,
                    ref sides, box, ref edgePt0, ref edgePt1,
                    ref origBoxOrient, ref origBoxPos, combinationDistanceSq);

                // Don't think we can get more than 8... and anyway if we get too many
                // then the penetration must be so bad who cares about the details?
                if (num >= 8) return num;
            return num;