// Implementing IActivityTracking is better than subscribing to ActionEvents, as
        // extensible workflow based actions (Refactor This, Navigate To, Generate, etc.)
        // will notify activity tracking, but invoke the action manually, so it doesn't
        // get reported by ActionEvents
        public void TrackAction(string actionId)
            if (!enabled || ActionIdBlacklist.IsBlacklisted(actionId))

        public void TrackActivity(string activityGroup, string activityId, int count = 1)
            if (!enabled ||
                activityGroup != "VsAction" ||

            // TODO: "BulbAction" gives full type name of quick fix or context action.
            // IContextActionInfo.Name would give a name to display. Get all context
            // actions via IContextActionTable.AllActions (refresh when types change
            // available in ShellPartCatalogueType), keyed on ICAI.ActionKey.
            // QuickFix doesn't have a name, instance returns bulb actions with text.
            // Don't think it's possible to get a friendly name