예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Physics computation of the joint
        /// </summary>
        void FixedUpdate()
            if (connectedPath == null)

            // Re-align transform on path
            float minPos = computePosAtMinDistance();

            _tr.position = GetPositionForPos(minPos);

            //Debug.Log (GetPositionForPos (minPos));
            //Debug.DrawLine (_tr.position, GetPositionForPos (minPos), Color.cyan);

            if (followPathOrientation)
                // Align rotation to the path
                Vector3    position = Vector3.zero;
                Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.identity;
                float      velocity = 1.0f;
                int        waypoint = 0;

                if (connectedPath.presampledPath)
                    connectedPath.sampledPositionAndRotationAndVelocityAndWaypointAtPos(minPos, out position, out rotation, out velocity, out waypoint);
                    rotation = connectedPath.computeRotationAtPos(minPos);

                if (!connectedPath.disableOrientation)
                    _tr.rotation = connectedPath.transform.rotation * rotation;

            // Computer direction vector
            Quaternion ffVq = connectedPath.GetFaceForwardForPos(minPos);
            Vector3    ffV  = ffVq * Vector3.forward;

            ffV = connectedPath.transform.TransformVector(ffV);

            // Constraint the velocity to the path direction
            _rb.velocity = Vector3.Dot(_rb.velocity, ffV) * ffV;

            //Debug.Log (minPos);

            // Apply motor force
            if (motor)
                _rb.AddForce(ffV * motorForce);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the target using stored currentPos.
        /// </summary>
        public void UpdateTarget()
            Vector3    position = Vector3.zero;
            Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.identity;
            float      velocity = 1.0f;
            int        waypoint = 0;

            if (pathMagic.presampledPath)
                pathMagic.sampledPositionAndRotationAndVelocityAndWaypointAtPos(currentPos, out position, out rotation, out velocity, out waypoint);
                position = pathMagic.computePositionAtPos(currentPos);
                rotation = pathMagic.computeRotationAtPos(currentPos);
                velocity = pathMagic.computeVelocityAtPos(currentPos);
                waypoint = pathMagic.GetWaypointFromPos(currentPos);

            if (globalFollowPath)
                // Global follow path override
                rotation = pathMagic.GetFaceForwardForPos(currentPos);
            else if (globalLookAt != null)
                // Global look at override
                rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(pathMagic.transform.InverseTransformPoint(globalLookAt.position) - position);

            _lastVelocity = velocity;

            UpdateTarget(position, rotation);

            // Fire waypointChanged if is the case
            if (waypoint != _lastPassedWayponint)
                if (waypointChanged != null)
                if (pathMagic.waypoints [waypoint].reached != null)
                    pathMagic.waypoints [waypoint].reached.Invoke();

            _lastPassedWayponint = waypoint;