예제 #1
        // varDec: 'var' type varName (',' varName)* ';'
        public void CompileVarDec(int depth)
            // compile: 'var'
            var varToken = Eat("var");

            // compile: type
            var typeToken = EatType();

            // compile: varName
            var varNameToken = EatIdentifier();

            // Add to symbol table
            SymbolTableManager.AddToSubroutineSymbolTable(new SymbolTableItem {
                Kind = VarKindType.LOCAL, Name = varNameToken.Value, Scope = VarScopeType.SUBROUTINE_LEVEL, Type = typeToken.Value

            // compile: (',' varName)*
            while (_tokenizer.CurrentToken.Value == ",")
                // compile: ','
                var commaToken = Eat(",");

                // compile varName
                varNameToken = EatIdentifier();

                // Add to symbol table
                SymbolTableManager.AddToSubroutineSymbolTable(new SymbolTableItem {
                    Kind = VarKindType.LOCAL, Name = varNameToken.Value, Scope = VarScopeType.SUBROUTINE_LEVEL, Type = typeToken.Value

            // compile: ';'
            var semiColonToken = Eat(";");
예제 #2
        // ('constructor'|'function'|'method') ('void'|type) subtroutineName '(' parameterList ')' subroutineBody
        public void CompileSubroutineDec(int depth, string className)
            // Reset SymbolTable

            // compile: ('constructor'|'function'|'method')
            var subToken = EatSubroutine();

            if (subToken.Value != "function" && subToken.Value != "constructor")
                SymbolTableManager.AddToSubroutineSymbolTable(new SymbolTableItem {
                    Name = "this", Type = className, Scope = VarScopeType.SUBROUTINE_LEVEL, Kind = VarKindType.ARGUMENT

            // compile: ('void'|type)
            var subTypeToken = SoftEatType() ?? Eat("void");

            // compile: subtroutineName
            var subNameToken = EatIdentifier();

            // compile: '('
            var leftParenToken = Eat("(");

            // compile: parameterList
            CompileParameterList(depth + 1);

            // compile: ')'
            var rightParenToken = Eat(")");

            // compile: subroutineBody
            CompileSubroutineBody(depth + 1, subToken.Value, subNameToken.Value, className);
예제 #3
        // ( (type varName) (',' type varName)* )?
        public void CompileParameterList(int depth)
            bool commaEncountered = false;

            // compile: ( (type varName) (',' type varName)* )?
            while (_tokenizer.CurrentToken.GetKeywordType() == Types.KeywordType.BOOLEAN ||
                   _tokenizer.CurrentToken.GetKeywordType() == Types.KeywordType.INT ||
                   _tokenizer.CurrentToken.GetKeywordType() == Types.KeywordType.CHAR ||
                   _tokenizer.CurrentToken.TokenType == TokenType.IDENTIFIER ||     // Handle Array and Object types
                // compile: type
                var typeToken = EatType();

                // compile: varName
                var varNameToken = EatIdentifier();

                // Add to symbol table
                SymbolTableManager.AddToSubroutineSymbolTable(new SymbolTableItem {
                    Kind = VarKindType.ARGUMENT, Scope = VarScopeType.SUBROUTINE_LEVEL, Type = typeToken.Value, Name = varNameToken.Value

                // compile: ','
                if (_tokenizer.CurrentToken.Value == ",")
                    var commaToken = Eat(",");
                    commaEncountered = true;
                    commaEncountered = false;
