public HomeModule(ApplicationSettings settings, IJabbrConfiguration configuration, IConnectionManager connectionManager, IJabbrRepository jabbrRepository) { Get["/"] = _ => { if (IsAuthenticated) { var viewModel = new SettingsViewModel { GoogleAnalytics = settings.GoogleAnalytics, Sha = configuration.DeploymentSha, Branch = configuration.DeploymentBranch, Time = configuration.DeploymentTime, DebugMode = (bool)Context.Items["_debugMode"], Version = Constants.JabbRVersion, IsAdmin = Principal.HasClaim(JabbRClaimTypes.Admin), ClientLanguageResources = BuildClientResources(), MaxMessageLength = settings.MaxMessageLength }; return View["index", viewModel]; } if (Principal != null && Principal.HasPartialIdentity()) { // If the user is partially authenticated then take them to the register page return Response.AsRedirect("~/account/register"); } return HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized; }; Get["/monitor"] = _ => { ClaimsPrincipal principal = Principal; if (principal == null || !principal.HasClaim(JabbRClaimTypes.Admin)) { return HttpStatusCode.Forbidden; } return View["monitor"]; }; Get["/status", runAsync: true] = async (_, token) => { var model = new StatusViewModel(); // Try to send a message via SignalR // NOTE: Ideally we'd like to actually receive a message that we send, but right now // that would require a full client instance. SignalR 2.1.0 plans to add a feature to // easily support this on the server. var signalrStatus = new SystemStatus { SystemName = "SignalR messaging" }; model.Systems.Add(signalrStatus); try { var hubContext = connectionManager.GetHubContext<Chat>(); await (Task)hubContext.Clients.Client("doesn't exist").noMethodCalledThis(); signalrStatus.SetOK(); } catch (Exception ex) { signalrStatus.SetException(ex.GetBaseException()); } // Try to talk to database var dbStatus = new SystemStatus { SystemName = "Database" }; model.Systems.Add(dbStatus); try { var roomCount = jabbrRepository.Rooms.Count(); dbStatus.SetOK(); } catch (Exception ex) { dbStatus.SetException(ex.GetBaseException()); } // Try to talk to azure storage var azureStorageStatus = new SystemStatus { SystemName = "Azure Upload storage" }; model.Systems.Add(azureStorageStatus); try { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.AzureblobStorageConnectionString)) { var azure = new AzureBlobStorageHandler(settings); UploadResult result; using (var stream = new MemoryStream(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("test"))) { result = await azure.UploadFile("statusCheck.txt", "text/plain", stream); } azureStorageStatus.SetOK(); } else { azureStorageStatus.StatusMessage = "Not configured"; } } catch (Exception ex) { azureStorageStatus.SetException(ex.GetBaseException()); } //try to talk to local storage var localStorageStatus = new SystemStatus { SystemName = "Local Upload storage" }; model.Systems.Add(localStorageStatus); try { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.LocalFileSystemStoragePath) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.LocalFileSystemStorageUriPrefix)) { var local = new LocalFileSystemStorageHandler(settings); UploadResult localResult; using (var stream = new MemoryStream(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("test"))) { localResult = await local.UploadFile("statusCheck.txt", "text/plain", stream); } localStorageStatus.SetOK(); } else { localStorageStatus.StatusMessage = "Not configured"; } } catch (Exception ex) { localStorageStatus.SetException(ex.GetBaseException()); } // Force failure if ( { var failedSystem = new SystemStatus { SystemName = "Forced failure" }; failedSystem.SetException(new ApplicationException("Forced failure for test purposes")); model.Systems.Add(failedSystem); } var view = View["status", model]; if (!model.AllOK) { return view.WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError); } return view; }; }
public HomeModule(ApplicationSettings settings, IJabbrConfiguration configuration, UploadCallbackHandler uploadHandler, IConnectionManager connectionManager, IJabbrRepository jabbrRepository) { Get["/"] = _ => { if (IsAuthenticated) { var viewModel = new SettingsViewModel { GoogleAnalytics = settings.GoogleAnalytics, Sha = configuration.DeploymentSha, Branch = configuration.DeploymentBranch, Time = configuration.DeploymentTime, DebugMode = (bool)Context.Items["_debugMode"], Version = Constants.JabbRVersion, IsAdmin = Principal.HasClaim(JabbRClaimTypes.Admin), ClientLanguageResources = BuildClientResources() }; return View["index", viewModel]; } if (Principal != null && Principal.HasPartialIdentity()) { // If the user is partially authenticated then take them to the register page return Response.AsRedirect("~/account/register"); } return HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized; }; Get["/monitor"] = _ => { ClaimsPrincipal principal = Principal; if (principal == null || !principal.HasClaim(JabbRClaimTypes.Admin)) { return HttpStatusCode.Forbidden; } return View["monitor"]; }; Get["/status"] = _ => { var model = new StatusViewModel(); // Try to send a message via SignalR // NOTE: Ideally we'd like to actually receive a message that we send, but right now // that would require a full client instance. SignalR 2.1.0 plans to add a feature to // easily support this on the server. var signalrStatus = new SystemStatus { SystemName = "SignalR messaging" }; model.Systems.Add(signalrStatus); try { var hubContext = connectionManager.GetHubContext<Chat>(); var sendTask = (Task)hubContext.Clients.Client("doesn't exist").noMethodCalledThis(); sendTask.Wait(); signalrStatus.SetOK(); } catch (Exception ex) { signalrStatus.SetException(ex.GetBaseException()); } // Try to talk to database var dbStatus = new SystemStatus { SystemName = "Database" }; model.Systems.Add(dbStatus); try { var roomCount = jabbrRepository.Rooms.Count(); dbStatus.SetOK(); } catch (Exception ex) { dbStatus.SetException(ex.GetBaseException()); } // Try to talk to storage var azureStorageStatus = new SystemStatus { SystemName = "Upload storage" }; model.Systems.Add(azureStorageStatus); try { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.AzureblobStorageConnectionString)) { var azure = new AzureBlobStorageHandler(settings); UploadResult result; using (var stream = new MemoryStream(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("test"))) { result = azure.UploadFile("statusCheck.txt", "text/plain", stream) .Result; } azureStorageStatus.SetOK(); } else { azureStorageStatus.StatusMessage = "Not configured"; } } catch (Exception ex) { azureStorageStatus.SetException(ex.GetBaseException()); } // Force failure if ( { var failedSystem = new SystemStatus { SystemName = "Forced failure" }; failedSystem.SetException(new ApplicationException("Forced failure for test purposes")); model.Systems.Add(failedSystem); } var view = View["status", model]; if (!model.AllOK) { return view.WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError); } return view; }; Post["/upload-file"] = _ => { if (!IsAuthenticated) { return 403; } string roomName =; string connectionId = Request.Form.connectionId; string file = Request.Form.file; //string fileName = "clipboard_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); string fileName = Request.Form.filename; string contentType = Request.Form.type; byte[] binData = null; var info = Regex.Match(file, @"data:(?:(?<unkown>.+?)/(?<type>.+?))?;base64,(?<data>.+)"); binData = Convert.FromBase64String(info.Groups["data"].Value); contentType = info.Groups["type"].Value; if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(contentType)) { contentType = "application/octet-stream"; } UploadFile( uploadHandler, Principal.GetUserId(), connectionId, roomName, fileName, contentType, new MemoryStream(binData)).Wait(); return 200; }; }