private static void MakePrediction(RFPClassifierLabel labelService, string Agency, string ClassCode, string Naics, string Subject, string SolNbr, string SetAside)
            string prediction = labelService.PredictCategory(new RFPData
                Agency    = Agency,
                ClassCode = ClassCode,
                Naics     = Naics,
                Subject   = Subject,
                SolNbr    = SolNbr,
                SetAside  = SetAside

            Console.WriteLine($"Given Agency: {Agency} => Predicted: {prediction}");
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            /* Load directory containing training data
             * iterate through all files and save model */
            Console.WriteLine("Loading training data...");

            TermCompiler TermsList = new TermCompiler();                // This instantiates class that can compile list of data for NER Tagging

            string[] FileEntries = Directory.GetFiles("../../../Data"); // The Data folder in the solution directory

            // These values will print as training occures to show how many files have been processed of total
            int counter    = 1;
            int totalFiles = FileEntries.Length;

            foreach (string Filename in FileEntries)
                // Uncomment the following to train the model on the data in the Data directory
                // TrainModel(Filename, counter, totalFiles);

                // Will run through all the data and create a file with unique entries found in the data set (i.e. it will only write something once)
                // 'TermCompiler' class can be modified to output whichever fields you want a list of (Agencies, Offices, Naics...)


            // This is an example of how you can test the model's accuracy with predictions
            var labelService = new RFPClassifierLabel();

            Console.WriteLine("Predict some Offices based on other fields provided...");

            // Should be --> DLA Acquisition Locations
            MakePrediction(labelService, "Defense Logistics Agency", "15", "336413", "1560; PANEL STRUCTURAL, AI; T-38 ACFT; WSDC: 42(F); WSIC: T", "SPE4A719R0987", "N/A");

            //I'm working on writing some code that can use built in algorithms + a unique testing dataset to show some accuracy metrics