/// <summary> /// Create a new acc_CUSTOMJEWEL_ORDER_ITEMS object. /// </summary> /// <param name="id">Initial value of the id property.</param> /// <param name="order_id">Initial value of the order_id property.</param> /// <param name="orderNumber">Initial value of the OrderNumber property.</param> /// <param name="setting_id">Initial value of the Setting_id property.</param> /// <param name="diamond_id">Initial value of the Diamond_id property.</param> /// <param name="item_quantity">Initial value of the Item_quantity property.</param> /// <param name="size">Initial value of the size property.</param> /// <param name="metal">Initial value of the metal property.</param> /// <param name="setting_description">Initial value of the setting_description property.</param> /// <param name="diamond_description">Initial value of the diamond_description property.</param> public static acc_CUSTOMJEWEL_ORDER_ITEMS Createacc_CUSTOMJEWEL_ORDER_ITEMS(global::System.Int32 id, global::System.Int32 order_id, global::System.Int32 orderNumber, global::System.Int32 setting_id, global::System.Int32 diamond_id, global::System.Int32 item_quantity, global::System.String size, global::System.Int32 metal, global::System.String setting_description, global::System.String diamond_description) { acc_CUSTOMJEWEL_ORDER_ITEMS acc_CUSTOMJEWEL_ORDER_ITEMS = new acc_CUSTOMJEWEL_ORDER_ITEMS(); acc_CUSTOMJEWEL_ORDER_ITEMS.id = id; acc_CUSTOMJEWEL_ORDER_ITEMS.order_id = order_id; acc_CUSTOMJEWEL_ORDER_ITEMS.OrderNumber = orderNumber; acc_CUSTOMJEWEL_ORDER_ITEMS.Setting_id = setting_id; acc_CUSTOMJEWEL_ORDER_ITEMS.Diamond_id = diamond_id; acc_CUSTOMJEWEL_ORDER_ITEMS.Item_quantity = item_quantity; acc_CUSTOMJEWEL_ORDER_ITEMS.size = size; acc_CUSTOMJEWEL_ORDER_ITEMS.metal = metal; acc_CUSTOMJEWEL_ORDER_ITEMS.setting_description = setting_description; acc_CUSTOMJEWEL_ORDER_ITEMS.diamond_description = diamond_description; return acc_CUSTOMJEWEL_ORDER_ITEMS; }
/// <summary> /// Deprecated Method for adding a new object to the acc_CUSTOMJEWEL_ORDER_ITEMS EntitySet. Consider using the .Add method of the associated ObjectSet<T> property instead. /// </summary> public void AddToacc_CUSTOMJEWEL_ORDER_ITEMS(acc_CUSTOMJEWEL_ORDER_ITEMS acc_CUSTOMJEWEL_ORDER_ITEMS) { base.AddObject("acc_CUSTOMJEWEL_ORDER_ITEMS", acc_CUSTOMJEWEL_ORDER_ITEMS); }
public int Save(Order orderdto) { using (var db = new JONEntities()) { var totalPrice = orderdto.TotalPrice; var customer = mapper.Map<Order, usr_CUSTOMERS>(orderdto); if (CustomerExists(customer.email)) { var customerExists = CustomerFromEmail(orderdto.Email); customer.password = customerExists.password; customer.id = customerExists.id; db.usr_CUSTOMERS.Attach(customer); db.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(customer, EntityState.Modified); } else { customer.password = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 8); db.usr_CUSTOMERS.AddObject(customer); } // ObjectSet<acc_ORDERS> orderset = new ObjectSet<acc_ORDERS>(); var nextOrderNumber = db.acc_ORDERS.Count() + 1; var order = new acc_ORDERS { user_id = customer.id, OrderNumber = nextOrderNumber+10000, orderdate = DateTime.Now, campaign = "notset", affiliate = "notset", referrer = "notset", remote_ip = "notset", order_transacted = true, InvoiceNumber = 1, InvoiceCopy = true, InvoiceDate = DateTime.Now, JewelrySize = "", ClubOrder = false, packaging_id = 1, payment_id = orderdto.PaymentID, shipping_id = 1, shipping_tracking_no = "", amnt_discount = 0, amnt_extracharges = 0, amnt_grandtotal = totalPrice, amnt_items = totalPrice, amnt_labor = 0, amnt_shipping = 0, amnt_subtotal = totalPrice, amnt_vat = 0, amnt_wrapping = 0, adrs_billing_firstname = orderdto.BillingAddress.FirstName, adrs_billing_lastname = orderdto.BillingAddress.LastName, adrs_billing_city = orderdto.BillingAddress.City, adrs_billing_phone = orderdto.BillingAddress.Phone, adrs_billing_state_id = orderdto.BillingAddress.StateID, adrs_billing_street = orderdto.BillingAddress.Address1, adrs_billing_zip = orderdto.BillingAddress.ZipCode, adrs_delivery_country_id = orderdto.ShippingAddress.CountryID, adrs_delivery_firstname = orderdto.ShippingAddress.FirstName, adrs_delivery_lastname= orderdto.ShippingAddress.LastName, adrs_delivery_city = orderdto.ShippingAddress.City, adrs_delivery_phone = orderdto.ShippingAddress.Phone, adrs_delivery_state_id = orderdto.ShippingAddress.StateID, adrs_delivery_street = orderdto.ShippingAddress.Address1, adrs_delivery_zip = orderdto.ShippingAddress.ZipCode, adrs_billing_country_id = orderdto.BillingAddress.CountryID, cannot_be_edited = false, OrderDeleted = false, Customer_Notes = orderdto.Comment ?? String.Empty, sts1_new_order_received = true, sts1_new_order_received_date = DateTime.Now, sts1_new_order_received_viewed = false, sts2_waiting_for_authorization = false, sts2_waiting_for_authorization_date = DateTime.Now, sts2_waiting_for_authorization_note = "", sts2_waiting_for_authorization_viewed = false, sts3_waiting_for_payment = false, sts3_waiting_for_payment_date = DateTime.Now, sts3_waiting_for_payment_note = "", sts3_waiting_for_payment_viewed = false, sts4_order_confirmed = false, sts4_order_confirmed_date = DateTime.Now, sts4_order_confirmed_note = "", sts4_order_confirmed_viewed = false, sts5_partial_order_confirmed = false, sts5_partial_order_confirmed_date = DateTime.Now, sts5_partial_order_confirmed_note = "", sts5_partial_order_confirmed_viewed = false, sts6_order_failed = false, sts6_order_failed_date = DateTime.Now, sts6_order_failed_note = "", sts6_order_failed_viewed = false, sts7_order_waiting_to_be_send = false, sts7_order_waiting_to_be_send_date = DateTime.Now, sts7_order_waiting_to_be_send_note = "", sts7_order_waiting_to_be_send_viewed = false, sts8_order_send = false, sts8_order_send_date = DateTime.Now, sts8_order_send_note = "", sts8_order_send_viewed = false, sts9_partial_order_send = false, sts9_partial_order_send_date = DateTime.Now, sts9_partial_order_send_note = "", sts9_partial_order_send_viewed = false, sts10_order_received_by_customer = false, sts10_order_received_by_customer_date = DateTime.Now, sts10_order_received_by_customer_note = "", sts10_order_received_by_customer_viewed = false, sts11_partial_order_received_by_customer = false, sts11_partial_order_received_by_customer_date = DateTime.Now, sts11_partial_order_received_by_customer_note = "", sts11_partial_order_received_by_customer_viewed = false, sts12_customer_returning_order = false, sts12_customer_returning_order_date = DateTime.Now, sts12_customer_returning_order_note = "", sts12_customer_returning_order_viewed = false, sts13_customer_returning_part_order = false, sts13_customer_returning_part_order_date = DateTime.Now, sts13_customer_returning_part_order_note = "", sts13_customer_returning_part_order_viewed = false, sts14_customer_refunded = false, sts14_customer_refunded_date = DateTime.Now, sts14_customer_refunded_note = "", sts14_customer_refunded_viewed = false, sts15_customer_partly_refunded = false, sts15_customer_partly_refunded_date = DateTime.Now, sts15_customer_partly_refunded_note = "", sts15_customer_partly_refunded_viewed = false, sts16_order_closed = false, sts16_order_closed_date = DateTime.Now, sts16_order_closed_note = "", sts16_order_closed_viewed = false, sts17_order_cancelled = false, sts17_order_cancelled_date = DateTime.Now, sts17_order_cancelled_note = "", sts17_order_cancelled_viewed = false, sts_curr_stat = "", sts_curr_date = DateTime.Now, Interest_start_date = DateTime.Now, Interest_percent = 0, Merchant_Notes = "", LastModify_Date = DateTime.Now, LastModify_User= "", LastModify_User_Id = customer.id, order_currency = "USD", order_currency_rate = 1, include_receipt = false, hear_fromus = "" }; db.acc_ORDERS.AddObject(order); foreach (var item in orderdto.Items) { switch (item.Type) { case CartItemType.Jewelry: { var cartItem = item as JewelCartItem; var orderItem = new acc_JEWELRY_ORDER_ITEMS() { Item_id = cartItem.ID, Item_quantity = 1, description = "", jewelsize = cartItem.Size, metal = (int) cartItem.MediaType, Item_no = "", OrderNumber = order.OrderNumber }; db.acc_JEWELRY_ORDER_ITEMS.AddObject(orderItem); } break; case CartItemType.Diamond: { var cartItem = item as DiamondCartItem; var orderItem = new acc_DIAMOND_ORDER_ITEMS() { Item_id = cartItem.ID, Item_quantity = 1, description = "", OrderNumber = order.OrderNumber }; db.acc_DIAMOND_ORDER_ITEMS.AddObject(orderItem); } break; case CartItemType.CustomJewel: { var cartItem = item as CustomJewelCartItem; var orderItem = new acc_CUSTOMJEWEL_ORDER_ITEMS() { Setting_id = cartItem.SettingID, Diamond_id = cartItem.DiamondID, Item_quantity = 1, size = cartItem.Size, metal = (int)cartItem.MediaType, diamond_description = "", setting_description = "", OrderNumber = order.OrderNumber }; db.acc_CUSTOMJEWEL_ORDER_ITEMS.AddObject(orderItem); } break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } } switch (orderdto.PaymentID) { case 1: { var payment = new acc_CASHFLOW() { user_id = customer.id, payment_type = 1, LastModify_Date = DateTime.Now, LastModify_User = customer.email, LastModify_User_Id = customer.id, amount_interest = 0, amount_actual = totalPrice, amount_costs = 0, amount_total = totalPrice, approved = false, approved_date = DateTime.Now, cc_batch = "", cc_cleared = false, cc_clubmember = false, cc_confirmation = "", cc_cvv = orderdto.CreditCard.CCV, cc_exp_month = orderdto.CreditCard.Month.ToString(), cc_exp_year = orderdto.CreditCard.Year.ToString(), cc_name = orderdto.FirstName + " " + orderdto.LastName, cc_number = orderdto.CreditCard.CreditCardsNumber, cc_type_id = orderdto.CreditCard.CreditCardID, cc_user_ssn = "", cq_account = "", cq_bank = "", cq_date = DateTime.Now, cq_name = "", master = false, mt_account = "", mt_bank = "", mt_code = "", mt_name = "", notes = "", order_id = order.id, paypal = false }; db.acc_CASHFLOW.AddObject(payment); } break; case 2: { var payment = new acc_CASHFLOW() { payment_type = 2, LastModify_Date = DateTime.Now, LastModify_User = customer.email, LastModify_User_Id = customer.id, amount_interest = 0, amount_actual = totalPrice, amount_costs = 0, amount_total = totalPrice, approved = false, approved_date = DateTime.Now, cc_batch = "", cc_cleared = false, cc_clubmember = false, cc_confirmation = "", cc_user_ssn = "", cq_account = "", cq_bank = "", cq_date = DateTime.Now, cq_name = "", master = false, mt_account = "", mt_bank = "", mt_code = "", mt_name = "", notes = "", order_id = order.id, paypal = false, user_id = customer.id }; db.acc_CASHFLOW.AddObject(payment); } break; case 3: { var payment = new acc_CASHFLOW() { payment_type = 3, LastModify_Date = DateTime.Now, LastModify_User = customer.email, LastModify_User_Id = customer.id, amount_interest = 0, amount_actual = totalPrice, amount_costs = 0, amount_total = totalPrice, approved = false, approved_date = DateTime.Now, cc_batch = "", cc_cleared = false, cc_clubmember = false, cc_confirmation = "", cc_user_ssn = "", cq_account = "", cq_bank = "", cq_date = DateTime.Now, cq_name = "", master = false, mt_account = "", mt_bank = "", mt_code = "", mt_name = "", notes = "", order_id = order.id, paypal = true, user_id = customer.id }; db.acc_CASHFLOW.AddObject(payment); } break; } db.SaveChanges(); return order.OrderNumber; } }