예제 #1
        private void imprimirPrestamobtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string prestamoID = clientehistoriaprestamolist.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[0].Text;

            if (prestamoID != "")
                PrintDoc pd = new PrintDoc();
                pd = null;
예제 #2
        private void printRecibobtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string reciboID = recibolst.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[0].Text;

            if (reciboID != "")
                PrintDoc pd = new PrintDoc();
                pd = null;
            // MessageBox.Show(reciboID);
예제 #3
        private void HacerPrestamo()
            Cliente  cli   = new Cliente(codigotxt.Text);
            DateTime sDate = new DateTime(fechacal.SelectionRange.Start.Year, fechacal.SelectionRange.Start.Month, fechacal.SelectionRange.Start.Day);

            double cuotastr        = double.Parse(cuotatxt.Text);
            double capitalstr      = Double.Parse(capitaltxt.Text);
            double interesstr      = Double.Parse(interestxt.Text);
            string formadepagostr  = FormadePagocb.SelectedValue.ToString();
            string distribucionstr = distribucioncb.SelectedValue.ToString();
            int    pID;

            if (PrestamoID == "0")
                pID = cli.Prestamo.Nuevo(sDate, capitalstr, interesstr, cuotastr, formadepagostr, distribucionstr);
                pID = cli.Prestamo.Update(PrestamoID, sDate, capitalstr, interesstr, cuotastr, formadepagostr, distribucionstr, cviejo, iviejo);

            // vaciar todo la field del formulario
            cuotatxt.Text    = "";
            capitaltxt.Text  = "";
            interestxt.Text  = "";
            pcuotasilb.Text  = "";
            codigotxt.Text   = "";
            nombretxt.Text   = "";
            pcapitalilb.Text = "";
            pinteresilb.Text = "";
            ptotalilb.Text   = "";
            //clear list cuota

            if (MessageBox.Show("Quieres imprimir el Prestamo?", "Prestamo Grabado", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
                PrintDoc pd = new PrintDoc();
                pd = null;
예제 #4
        private void PagarCuota(bool otroIngreso)
            string cuotastr    = "";// cplistEx.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[5].Text;
            string prestamostr = prestamocb.SelectedItem.ToString();
            string conceptostr = conceptodepagotxt.Text;
            int    reciboID    = 0;
            int    debitoID    = 0;

            if (conceptostr != "")
                for (int i = 0; i < cplistEx.Items.Count; i++)
                    cuotastr = cplistEx.Items[i].SubItems[0].Text;
                    string ocapitaltmp = cplistEx.Items[i].SubItems[2].Text;
                    string ointerestmp = cplistEx.Items[i].SubItems[3].Text;
                    string capitaltmp  = cplistEx.Items[i].SubItems[6].Text;
                    string interestmp  = cplistEx.Items[i].SubItems[7].Text;
                    string moratmp     = cplistEx.Items[i].SubItems[8].Text;
                    double capitalstr  = 0.00;
                    double interesstr  = 0.00;
                    double ocapitalstr = 0.00;
                    double ointeresstr = 0.00;
                    double morastr     = 0.00;
                    bool   iserror     = false;
                    if ((capitaltmp != "" || interestmp != ""))
                        if (capitaltmp != "")
                            capitalstr = Double.Parse(capitaltmp);

                        if (interestmp != "")
                            interesstr = Double.Parse(interestmp);
                        if (ocapitaltmp != "")
                            ocapitalstr = Double.Parse(ocapitaltmp);

                        if (ointerestmp != "")
                            ointeresstr = Double.Parse(ointerestmp);
                        if (moratmp != "")
                            morastr = Double.Parse(moratmp);

                        //don't validate payment on otro ingreso.
                        //check if payment is greather than what is owe.
                        if (otroIngreso)
                            //process otro ingresos
                            if (reciboID == 0)
                                reciboID = cliente1.Prestamo.Pagares(0, prestamostr, cuotastr, capitalstr, interesstr, morastr, conceptostr, otroIngreso);
                            else if (reciboID > 0)
                                reciboID = cliente1.Prestamo.Pagares(reciboID, prestamostr, cuotastr, capitalstr, interesstr, morastr, conceptostr, otroIngreso);

                                //  cliente1.Prestamo.updatePagares(reciboID, prestamostr, cuotastr, capitalstr, interesstr, morastr);
                        }//validate cuota.
                        else if (capitalstr > ocapitalstr || interesstr > ointeresstr || iserror)
                            MessageBox.Show("No puedes cobrarle mas al cliente de lo que debes.", "Error de Cuota", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                            if (debitocb.Checked)
                                if (debitoID == 0)
                                    debitoID = cliente1.Prestamo.Debito(0, prestamostr, cuotastr, capitalstr, interesstr, morastr, conceptostr);
                                else if (debitoID > 0)
                                    debitoID = cliente1.Prestamo.Debito(debitoID, prestamostr, cuotastr, capitalstr, interesstr, morastr, conceptostr);
                                if (reciboID == 0)
                                    reciboID = cliente1.Prestamo.Pagares(0, prestamostr, cuotastr, capitalstr, interesstr, morastr, conceptostr, otroIngreso);
                                else if (reciboID > 0)
                                    reciboID = cliente1.Prestamo.Pagares(reciboID, prestamostr, cuotastr, capitalstr, interesstr, morastr, conceptostr, otroIngreso);

                                    //  cliente1.Prestamo.updatePagares(reciboID, prestamostr, cuotastr, capitalstr, interesstr, morastr);

                // ask to print if valid reciboID
                if (reciboID > 0)
                    //clear concepto.
                    conceptodepagotxt.Text = "";
                    //refresh datatable
                    if (MessageBox.Show("Quieres imprimir el Recibo?", "Imprimir Recibo", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
                        //lines = cliente1.loadReciboPago(reciboID);
                        PrintDoc pd = new PrintDoc();
                        pd = null;
                else if (debitoID > 0)
                    //clear concepto.
                    conceptodepagotxt.Text = "";
                    //refresh datatable
                    if (MessageBox.Show("Quieres imprimir el Recibo?", "Imprimir Recibo", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
                        //lines = cliente1.loadReciboPago(reciboID);
                        PrintDoc pd = new PrintDoc();
                        pd = null;
                MessageBox.Show("No Deje el  Concepto Vacio", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
예제 #5
 private void printRecibobtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     string reciboID = recibolst.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[0].Text;
     if (reciboID != "")
         PrintDoc pd = new PrintDoc();
         pd = null;
        // MessageBox.Show(reciboID);
예제 #6
        private void PagarCuota(bool otroIngreso)
            string cuotastr = "";// cplistEx.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[5].Text;
            string prestamostr = prestamocb.SelectedItem.ToString();
            string conceptostr = conceptodepagotxt.Text;
            int reciboID = 0;
            int debitoID = 0;

            if (conceptostr != "")

                for (int i = 0; i < cplistEx.Items.Count; i++)

                    cuotastr = cplistEx.Items[i].SubItems[0].Text;
                    string ocapitaltmp = cplistEx.Items[i].SubItems[2].Text;
                    string ointerestmp = cplistEx.Items[i].SubItems[3].Text;
                    string capitaltmp = cplistEx.Items[i].SubItems[6].Text;
                    string interestmp = cplistEx.Items[i].SubItems[7].Text;
                    string moratmp = cplistEx.Items[i].SubItems[8].Text;
                    double capitalstr = 0.00;
                    double interesstr = 0.00;
                    double ocapitalstr = 0.00;
                    double ointeresstr = 0.00;
                    double morastr = 0.00;
                    bool iserror = false;
                    if ((capitaltmp != "" || interestmp != ""))

                        if (capitaltmp != "")
                            capitalstr = Double.Parse(capitaltmp);

                        if (interestmp != "")
                            interesstr = Double.Parse(interestmp);
                        if (ocapitaltmp != "")
                            ocapitalstr = Double.Parse(ocapitaltmp);

                        if (ointerestmp != "")
                            ointeresstr = Double.Parse(ointerestmp);
                        if (moratmp != "")
                            morastr = Double.Parse(moratmp);

                        //don't validate payment on otro ingreso.
                        //check if payment is greather than what is owe.
                        if (otroIngreso)
                            //process otro ingresos
                            if (reciboID == 0)

                                reciboID = cliente1.Prestamo.Pagares(0, prestamostr, cuotastr, capitalstr, interesstr, morastr, conceptostr, otroIngreso);
                            else if (reciboID > 0)
                                reciboID = cliente1.Prestamo.Pagares(reciboID, prestamostr, cuotastr, capitalstr, interesstr, morastr, conceptostr, otroIngreso);

                                //  cliente1.Prestamo.updatePagares(reciboID, prestamostr, cuotastr, capitalstr, interesstr, morastr);

                        }//validate cuota.
                        else if (capitalstr > ocapitalstr || interesstr > ointeresstr || iserror)
                            MessageBox.Show("No puedes cobrarle mas al cliente de lo que debes.", "Error de Cuota", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);


                            if (debitocb.Checked)
                                if (debitoID == 0)

                                    debitoID = cliente1.Prestamo.Debito(0, prestamostr, cuotastr, capitalstr, interesstr, morastr, conceptostr);
                                else if (debitoID > 0)
                                    debitoID = cliente1.Prestamo.Debito(debitoID, prestamostr, cuotastr, capitalstr, interesstr, morastr, conceptostr);


                                if (reciboID == 0)

                                    reciboID = cliente1.Prestamo.Pagares(0, prestamostr, cuotastr, capitalstr, interesstr, morastr, conceptostr, otroIngreso);
                                else if (reciboID > 0)
                                    reciboID = cliente1.Prestamo.Pagares(reciboID, prestamostr, cuotastr, capitalstr, interesstr, morastr, conceptostr, otroIngreso);

                                    //  cliente1.Prestamo.updatePagares(reciboID, prestamostr, cuotastr, capitalstr, interesstr, morastr);



                // ask to print if valid reciboID
                if (reciboID > 0)
                    //clear concepto.
                    conceptodepagotxt.Text = "";
                    //refresh datatable
                    if (MessageBox.Show("Quieres imprimir el Recibo?", "Imprimir Recibo", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
                        //lines = cliente1.loadReciboPago(reciboID);
                        PrintDoc pd = new PrintDoc();
                        pd = null;
                else if (debitoID > 0)
                    //clear concepto.
                    conceptodepagotxt.Text = "";
                    //refresh datatable
                    if (MessageBox.Show("Quieres imprimir el Recibo?", "Imprimir Recibo", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
                        //lines = cliente1.loadReciboPago(reciboID);
                        PrintDoc pd = new PrintDoc();
                        pd = null;
                MessageBox.Show("No Deje el  Concepto Vacio", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
예제 #7
 private void imprimirPrestamobtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     string prestamoID = clientehistoriaprestamolist.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[0].Text;
     if (prestamoID != "")
         PrintDoc pd = new PrintDoc();
         pd = null;