예제 #1
		public static void CheckForTraktSyncUpdate(bool forceRefresh)

			if (ServerSettings.Trakt_SyncFrequency == ScheduledUpdateFrequency.Never && !forceRefresh) return;
			int freqHours = Utils.GetScheduledHours(ServerSettings.Trakt_SyncFrequency);

			// update the calendar every xxx hours
			ScheduledUpdateRepository repSched = new ScheduledUpdateRepository();

			ScheduledUpdate sched = repSched.GetByUpdateType((int)ScheduledUpdateType.TraktSync);
			if (sched != null)
				// if we have run this in the last xxx hours and are not forcing it, then exit
				TimeSpan tsLastRun = DateTime.Now - sched.LastUpdate;
				logger.Trace("Last Trakt Sync: {0} minutes ago", tsLastRun.TotalMinutes);
				if (tsLastRun.TotalHours < freqHours)
					if (!forceRefresh) return;

            if (ServerSettings.Trakt_IsEnabled && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerSettings.Trakt_AuthToken))
                CommandRequest_TraktSyncCollection cmd = new CommandRequest_TraktSyncCollection(false);
예제 #2
		public static void CheckForMALUpdate(bool forceRefresh)
			if (ServerSettings.AniDB_Anime_UpdateFrequency == ScheduledUpdateFrequency.Never && !forceRefresh) return;
			int freqHours = Utils.GetScheduledHours(ServerSettings.MAL_UpdateFrequency);

			// check for any updated anime info every 12 hours
			ScheduledUpdateRepository repSched = new ScheduledUpdateRepository();
			AniDB_AnimeRepository repAnime = new AniDB_AnimeRepository();

			ScheduledUpdate sched = repSched.GetByUpdateType((int)ScheduledUpdateType.MALUpdate);
			if (sched != null)
				// if we have run this in the last 12 hours and are not forcing it, then exit
				TimeSpan tsLastRun = DateTime.Now - sched.LastUpdate;
				if (tsLastRun.TotalHours < freqHours)
					if (!forceRefresh) return;


			if (sched == null)
				sched = new ScheduledUpdate();
				sched.UpdateType = (int)ScheduledUpdateType.MALUpdate;
				sched.UpdateDetails = "";
			sched.LastUpdate = DateTime.Now;
예제 #3
		public static void CheckForTvDBUpdates(bool forceRefresh)
			if (ServerSettings.TvDB_UpdateFrequency == ScheduledUpdateFrequency.Never && !forceRefresh) return;
			int freqHours = Utils.GetScheduledHours(ServerSettings.TvDB_UpdateFrequency);

			// update tvdb info every 12 hours
			ScheduledUpdateRepository repSched = new ScheduledUpdateRepository();

			ScheduledUpdate sched = repSched.GetByUpdateType((int)ScheduledUpdateType.TvDBInfo);
			if (sched != null)
				// if we have run this in the last 12 hours and are not forcing it, then exit
				TimeSpan tsLastRun = DateTime.Now - sched.LastUpdate;
				if (tsLastRun.TotalHours < freqHours)
					if (!forceRefresh) return;

			List<int> tvDBIDs = new List<int>();
			bool tvDBOnline = false;
			string serverTime = JMMService.TvdbHelper.IncrementalTvDBUpdate(ref tvDBIDs, ref tvDBOnline);

			if (tvDBOnline)
				foreach (int tvid in tvDBIDs)
					// download and update series info, episode info and episode images
					// will also download fanart, posters and wide banners
					CommandRequest_TvDBUpdateSeriesAndEpisodes cmdSeriesEps = new CommandRequest_TvDBUpdateSeriesAndEpisodes(tvid, false);

			if (sched == null)
				sched = new ScheduledUpdate();
				sched.UpdateType = (int)ScheduledUpdateType.TvDBInfo;

			sched.LastUpdate = DateTime.Now;
			sched.UpdateDetails = serverTime;

예제 #4
        public static void CheckForAniDBFileUpdate(bool forceRefresh)
			if (ServerSettings.AniDB_File_UpdateFrequency == ScheduledUpdateFrequency.Never && !forceRefresh) return;
			int freqHours = Utils.GetScheduledHours(ServerSettings.AniDB_File_UpdateFrequency);

			// check for any updated anime info every 12 hours
			ScheduledUpdateRepository repSched = new ScheduledUpdateRepository();
			AniDB_AnimeRepository repAnime = new AniDB_AnimeRepository();

			ScheduledUpdate sched = repSched.GetByUpdateType((int)ScheduledUpdateType.AniDBFileUpdates);
			if (sched != null)
				// if we have run this in the last 12 hours and are not forcing it, then exit
				TimeSpan tsLastRun = DateTime.Now - sched.LastUpdate;
				if (tsLastRun.TotalHours < freqHours)
					if (!forceRefresh) return;

			UpdateAniDBFileData(true, false, false);

			// files which have been hashed, but don't have an associated episode
			VideoLocalRepository repVidLocals = new VideoLocalRepository();
			List<VideoLocal> filesWithoutEpisode = repVidLocals.GetVideosWithoutEpisode();

			foreach (VideoLocal vl in filesWithoutEpisode)
				CommandRequest_ProcessFile cmd = new CommandRequest_ProcessFile(vl.VideoLocalID, true);

			// now check for any files which have been manually linked and are less than 30 days old

			if (sched == null)
				sched = new ScheduledUpdate();
				sched.UpdateType = (int)ScheduledUpdateType.AniDBFileUpdates;
				sched.UpdateDetails = "";
			sched.LastUpdate = DateTime.Now;
예제 #5
		public static void CheckForMyListStatsUpdate(bool forceRefresh)
			if (ServerSettings.AniDB_MyListStats_UpdateFrequency == ScheduledUpdateFrequency.Never && !forceRefresh) return;
			int freqHours = Utils.GetScheduledHours(ServerSettings.AniDB_MyListStats_UpdateFrequency);

			ScheduledUpdateRepository repSched = new ScheduledUpdateRepository();

			ScheduledUpdate sched = repSched.GetByUpdateType((int)ScheduledUpdateType.AniDBMylistStats);
			if (sched != null)
				// if we have run this in the last 24 hours and are not forcing it, then exit
				TimeSpan tsLastRun = DateTime.Now - sched.LastUpdate;
				logger.Trace("Last AniDB MyList Stats Update: {0} minutes ago", tsLastRun.TotalMinutes);
				if (tsLastRun.TotalHours < freqHours)
					if (!forceRefresh) return;

			CommandRequest_UpdateMylistStats cmd = new CommandRequest_UpdateMylistStats(forceRefresh);
예제 #6
		public static void CheckForAnimeUpdate(bool forceRefresh)
			if (ServerSettings.AniDB_Anime_UpdateFrequency == ScheduledUpdateFrequency.Never && !forceRefresh) return;
			int freqHours = Utils.GetScheduledHours(ServerSettings.AniDB_Anime_UpdateFrequency);

			// check for any updated anime info every 12 hours
			ScheduledUpdateRepository repSched = new ScheduledUpdateRepository();
			AniDB_AnimeRepository repAnime = new AniDB_AnimeRepository();

			ScheduledUpdate sched = repSched.GetByUpdateType((int)ScheduledUpdateType.AniDBUpdates);
			if (sched != null)
				// if we have run this in the last 12 hours and are not forcing it, then exit
				TimeSpan tsLastRun = DateTime.Now - sched.LastUpdate;
				if (tsLastRun.TotalHours < freqHours)
					if (!forceRefresh) return;

			CommandRequest_GetUpdated cmd = new CommandRequest_GetUpdated(true);
예제 #7
		public static void CheckForCalendarUpdate(bool forceRefresh)
			if (ServerSettings.AniDB_Calendar_UpdateFrequency == ScheduledUpdateFrequency.Never && !forceRefresh) return;
			int freqHours = Utils.GetScheduledHours(ServerSettings.AniDB_Calendar_UpdateFrequency);

			// update the calendar every 12 hours
			// we will always assume that an anime was downloaded via http first
			ScheduledUpdateRepository repSched = new ScheduledUpdateRepository();
			AniDB_AnimeRepository repAnime = new AniDB_AnimeRepository();

			ScheduledUpdate sched = repSched.GetByUpdateType((int)ScheduledUpdateType.AniDBCalendar);
			if (sched != null)
				// if we have run this in the last 12 hours and are not forcing it, then exit
				TimeSpan tsLastRun = DateTime.Now - sched.LastUpdate;
				if (tsLastRun.TotalHours < freqHours)
					if (!forceRefresh) return;

			CommandRequest_GetCalendar cmd = new CommandRequest_GetCalendar(forceRefresh);