예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 查询公共部分 //Jermyn20131021 添加
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_ht"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string SearchPublicSql(Hashtable _ht)
            PublicService pService = new PublicService();

            string sql = "Declare @TmpTable Table "
                         + " (item_category_id nvarchar(100) "
                         + " ,row_no int "
                         + " ); "
                         + " Declare @iCount int; "
                         + " insert into @TmpTable(item_category_id,row_no) "
                         + " select x.item_category_id ,x.rownum_ From ( select rownum_=row_number() over(order by a.item_category_code),item_category_id"
                         + " from t_item_category a where 1=1 ";
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.item_category_code", _ht["item_category_code"].ToString(), "%");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.item_category_name", _ht["item_category_name"].ToString(), "%");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.pyzjm", _ht["pyzjm"].ToString(), "%");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.status", _ht["status"].ToString(), "=");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.customerId", this.CurrentUserInfo.CurrentUser.customer_id.ToString().Trim(), "=");

            if (_ht["item_category_id"] != null && _ht["item_category_id"].ToString().Length > 0)
                sql += " and a.parent_id='" + _ht["item_category_id"].ToString() + "' ";

            sql = sql + " ) x ;";
            sql = sql + " select @iCount = COUNT(*) From @TmpTable; ";
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取库存商品明细公共sql部分
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_ht"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string GetStockBalancePublicString(Hashtable _ht)
            PublicService pService = new PublicService();
            string        sql      = "Declare @TmpTable Table "
                                     + " (stock_balance_id nvarchar(100) "
                                     + " ,row_no int "
                                     + " ); "

                                     + " insert into @TmpTable (stock_balance_id,row_no) "
                                     + " select x.stock_balance_id ,x.rownum_ From ( "

                                     + " select a.stock_balance_id "
                                     + " ,rownum_=row_number() over(order by a.stock_balance_id) "
                                     + " From T_Stock_Balance a "
                                     + " where 1=1 "
                                     + " and a.status = '1' ";

            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.unit_id", _ht["UnitId"].ToString(), "=");

            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.warehouse_id", _ht["WarehouseId"].ToString(), "=");

            sql = sql + " ) x ; "

                  + " Declare @iCount int; "

                  + " select @iCount = COUNT(*) From @TmpTable;";

예제 #3
        public string SearchRoleByAppSysIdPub(Hashtable _ht)
            string sql = " Declare @TmpTable Table "
                         + " (role_id nvarchar(100) "
                         + " ,row_no int "
                         + " ); "
                         + " Declare @iCount int; "
                         + " insert into @TmpTable(role_id,row_no) "
                         + " select a.role_id "
                         + " ,row_no=row_number() over(order by a.modify_time desc) "
                         + " From t_role a "
                         + " where 1=1 and a.[status] = '1' ";
            PublicService pService = new PublicService();

            sql  = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.def_app_id", _ht["ApplicationId"].ToString(), "%");
            sql  = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.Customer_Id", _ht["CustomerId"].ToString(), "=");
            sql  = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.role_name", _ht["role_name"] == null ? "" : _ht["role_name"].ToString(), "%");
            sql  = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.type_id", _ht["type_id"] == null ? "" : _ht["type_id"].ToString(), "=");
            sql  = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.type_id", _ht["type_id"] == null ? "" : _ht["type_id"].ToString(), "=");
            sql += " and a.role_code!='Administrator'";//不显示超级管理员
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_ht["UserID"].ToString()))
                sql += @" and  a.org_level >=( select min(z.type_level)  from T_User_Role x inner join t_role y 
                                  on x.role_id=y.role_id
                                  inner join t_type z on y.type_id=z.type_id where type_code!='OnlineShopping'  
                                   and  x.user_id='" + _ht["UserID"].ToString() + "')";
            sql = sql + " select @iCount = COUNT(*) From @TmpTable; ";
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取满足查询条件的终端的记录总数
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="HoldType"></param>
        /// <param name="Type"></param>
        /// <param name="Code"></param>
        /// <param name="SN"></param>
        /// <param name="PurchaseDateBegin"></param>
        /// <param name="PurchaseDateEnd"></param>
        /// <param name="InsuranceDateBegin"></param>
        /// <param name="InsuranceDateEnd"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int SelectPosListCount(string HoldType
                                      , string Type
                                      , string Code
                                      , string SN
                                      , string PurchaseDateBegin
                                      , string PurchaseDateEnd
                                      , string InsuranceDateBegin
                                      , string InsuranceDateEnd
            string        sql      = "select count(b.pos_id) from t_pos b, t_pos_type a where b.pos_type=a.pos_type_code ";
            PublicService pService = new PublicService();
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "b.pos_hold_type ", HoldType, "=");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "b.pos_type ", Type, "=");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "b.pos_code ", Code, "=");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "b.pos_sn ", SN, "=");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "b.pos_purchase_date ", PurchaseDateBegin, ">=");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "b.pos_purchase_date ", PurchaseDateEnd, "<=");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "b.pos_insurance_date ", InsuranceDateBegin, ">=");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "b.pos_insurance_date ", InsuranceDateEnd, ">=");

            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            int     i  = 0;
            ds = this.SQLHelper.ExecuteDataset(sql);
            if (ds != null && ds.Tables != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0)
                i = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString());
예제 #5
        private string GetVipListSql(VipSearchEntity vipSearchInfo)
            PublicService pService = new PublicService();
            string        sql      = string.Empty;

            sql += " select a.*, DisplayIndex=row_number() over(order by a.VipName desc ) into #tmp from ( ";
            sql += "SELECT a.* "
                   + " ,(SELECT x.VipSourceName FROM dbo.SysVipSource x WHERE x.VipSourceID = a.VipSourceId) VipSourceName "
                   + " ,CASE WHEN a.Status = '1' THEN '潜在会员' ELSE '正式会员' END StatusDesc "
                   + " ,'' LastUnit "
                   + " ,CASE WHEN a.VipLevel = '1' THEN '基本' ELSE '高级' END VipLevelDesc "
                   + " ,(select sum(Integral) from VipIntegralDetail where IsDelete='0' "
                   + "   and fromVipId=a.vipId and vipId='" + vipSearchInfo.HigherVipId + "') IntegralForHightUser "
                   + " ,CASE WHEN a.Gender = '1' THEN '男' ELSE '女' END GenderInfo "
                   + " from vip a  "
                   + " WHERE a.IsDelete = '0') a where 1=1 ";

            if (vipSearchInfo.VipInfo != null && !vipSearchInfo.VipInfo.Equals(""))
                sql += " and (a.VipCode like '%" + vipSearchInfo.VipInfo + "%'  or a.VipName like '%" + vipSearchInfo.VipInfo + "%' ) ";
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.Phone", vipSearchInfo.Phone, "%");

예제 #6
        private string WebGetListSql(VipSearchEntity vipSearchInfo)
            PublicService pService = new PublicService();
            string        sql      = string.Empty;

            sql = SetTagsSql(vipSearchInfo);
            sql += " select a.*,DisplayIndex=row_number() over(order by a.LastUpdateTime desc ) into #tmp from ( ";
            sql += "SELECT a.*, b.EventId "
                   + " ,(SELECT x.VipSourceName FROM dbo.SysVipSource x WHERE x.VipSourceID = a.VipSourceId) VipSourceName "
                   + " ,CASE WHEN a.Status = '1' THEN '潜在会员' ELSE '正式会员' END StatusDesc "
                   + " ,'' LastUnit "
                   + " ,CASE WHEN a.VipLevel = '1' THEN '基本' ELSE '高级' END VipLevelDesc "
                   + "  "
                   + " ,(select sum(Integral) from VipIntegralDetail where IsDelete='0' "
                   + "   and fromVipId=a.vipId and vipId='" + vipSearchInfo.HigherVipId + "') IntegralForHightUser "
                   + " ,CASE WHEN a.Gender = '1' THEN '男' ELSE '女' END GenderInfo "
                   + " ,(SELECT AnswerID FROM MarketQuesAnswer x WHERE x.MarketEventID='4' AND QuestionID = '41' AND x.OpenID = a.WeiXinUserId) UserName "
                   + " ,(SELECT AnswerID FROM MarketQuesAnswer x WHERE x.MarketEventID='4' AND QuestionID = '42' AND x.OpenID = a.WeiXinUserId) Enterprice "
                   + " ,(SELECT y.OptionsId FROM MarketQuesAnswer x INNER JOIN dbo.QuesOption y  "
                   + " ON(x.AnswerID =y.OptionsID)  WHERE x.MarketEventID='4' AND x.QuestionID = '43' AND x.OpenID = a.WeiXinUserId) IsChainStoresId "
                   + " ,(SELECT y.OptionsText FROM MarketQuesAnswer x INNER JOIN dbo.QuesOption y  "
                   + " ON(x.AnswerID =y.OptionsID)  WHERE x.MarketEventID='4' AND x.QuestionID = '43' AND x.OpenID = a.WeiXinUserId) IsChainStores "
                   + " ,(SELECT y.OptionsText FROM MarketQuesAnswer x INNER JOIN dbo.QuesOption y  "
                   + " ON(x.AnswerID =y.OptionsID)  WHERE x.MarketEventID='4' AND x.QuestionID = '45' AND x.OpenID = a.WeiXinUserId) IsWeiXinMarketing "
                   + " from  #vip a "
                   + " left join MarketSignIn b on (b.openId=a.weiXinUserId and a.isDelete='0') "
                   + " WHERE a.IsDelete = '0') a where 1=1 and ClientID = '" + this.CurrentUserInfo.CurrentUser.customer_id + "' ";
            if (vipSearchInfo.Gender != null && vipSearchInfo.Gender.Trim().Length > 0)
                sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.Gender ", vipSearchInfo.Gender.Trim(), "=");
            if (vipSearchInfo.UserName != null && vipSearchInfo.UserName.Trim().Length > 0)
                sql += " and a.VIPName like '%" + vipSearchInfo.UserName + "%' ";
            if (vipSearchInfo.Enterprice != null && vipSearchInfo.Enterprice.Trim().Length > 0)
                sql += " and a.Enterprice like '%" + vipSearchInfo.Enterprice + "%' ";
            if (vipSearchInfo.IsChainStores != null && vipSearchInfo.IsChainStores.Trim().Length > 0)
                sql += " and a.IsChainStoresId = '" + vipSearchInfo.IsChainStores + "' ";
            if (vipSearchInfo.IsWeiXinMarketing != null && vipSearchInfo.IsWeiXinMarketing.Trim().Length > 0)
                sql += " and a.IsWeiXinMarketing = '" + vipSearchInfo.IsWeiXinMarketing + "' ";
            //if (vipSearchInfo.EventId != null && vipSearchInfo.EventId.Trim().Length > 0)
            //    sql += " and (a.EventID = '" + vipSearchInfo.EventId + "' or a.EventID = '4') ";
            //sql += " order by a.LastUpdatetime desc";
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// 判断是否重复
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="barcode">条形码</param>
        /// <param name="sku_id">sku标识</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int IsExistBarcode(string barcode, string sku_id)
            int           count    = 0;
            string        sql      = "select isnull(count(*),0) From t_sku where 1=1 and barcode = '" + barcode + "' ";
            PublicService pService = new PublicService();

            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "sku_id", sku_id, "!=");

            count = Convert.ToInt32(this.SQLHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql).ToString());
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// 查询结果
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_ht"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataSet SelectWarehouseList(Hashtable _ht)
            DataSet ds  = new DataSet();
            string  sql = "select a.* from ( "
                          + " select rownum_=row_number() over(order by b.wh_code), "
                          + " b.*, "
                          + " case b.wh_status when 1 then '正常' else  '停用' end as wh_status_desc, "
                          + " case b.is_default when 1 then '是' else '否' end as is_default_desc, "
                          + " d.unit_id, d.unit_name, d.unit_code, d.unit_name_short "
                          + " from t_warehouse b, t_unit_warehouse c, t_unit d "
                          + " where b.warehouse_id=c.warehouse_id and c.unit_id=d.unit_id and d.customer_id='" + this.CurrentUserInfo.CurrentUser.customer_id + "'";
            PublicService pService = new PublicService();

            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "d.unit_name", _ht["UnitName"].ToString(), "%");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "b.wh_code", _ht["Code"].ToString(), "%");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "b.wh_name", _ht["Name"].ToString(), "%");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "b.wh_contacter", _ht["Contacter"].ToString(), "%");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "b.wh_tel", _ht["Tel"].ToString(), "%");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "b.wh_status", _ht["Status"].ToString(), "=");
            sql = sql + " ) a where rownum_ > '" + _ht["StartRow"].ToString() + "' and rownum_ <= '" + _ht["EndRow"].ToString() + "'";

            ds = this.SQLHelper.ExecuteDataset(sql);

예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// 判断号码是否唯一
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int IsExistMenuCode(string menu_code, string menu_id)
            string sql = " select count(*) From t_menu where status=1 and menu_code = '" + menu_code + "' and customer_id = '" + this.loggingSessionInfo.CurrentLoggingManager.Customer_Id.ToString() + "'";

            if (menu_id != null && !menu_id.Equals(""))
                PublicService pService = new PublicService();
                sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "menu_id", menu_id, "!=");
            var count = Convert.ToInt32(this.SQLHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql));

예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// 判断盘点单号码是否重复
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="loggingSessionInfo">登录model</param>
        /// <param name="order_no">订单号</param>
        /// <param name="order_id">订单标识</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool IsExistOrderCode(string order_no, string order_id)
                PublicService pService = new PublicService();
                string        sql      = "select count(*) From T_CC  where 1=1  and order_no = '" + order_no + "'";
                sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "order_id", order_id, "!=");

                int n = Convert.ToInt32(this.SQLHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql));
                return(n > 0 ? false : true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw (ex);
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取表单动作
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="billKindId"></param>
        /// <param name="billActionType"></param>
        /// <param name="con"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataSet GetBillAction(string billKindId, BillActionType billActionType, string con)
            string sql = " select a.bill_action_id Id, a.bill_kind_id KindId, a.bill_action_code Code "
                         + " ,a.create_flag CreateFlag, a.modify_flag ModifyFlag, a.approve_flag ApproveFlag "
                         + " , a.reject_flag RejectFlag, a.cancel_flag CancelFlag,a.bill_action_name Description,a.display_index display_index "
                         + " from t_def_bill_action a "
                         + "where a.bill_kind_id= '" + billKindId + "'  and a.customer_id = '" + this.loggingSessionInfo.CurrentLoggingManager.Customer_Id + "'"
                         + con;
            PublicService p = new PublicService();

            sql = p.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.bill_action_code", billActionType.ToString(), "=");

            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            ds = this.SQLHelper.ExecuteDataset(sql);
예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// 查询数量
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_ht"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int SelectWarehouseListCount(Hashtable _ht)
            PublicService pService = new PublicService();
            string        sql      = "select count(b.warehouse_id) from t_warehouse b, t_unit_warehouse c, t_unit d "
                                     + " where b.warehouse_id=c.warehouse_id and c.unit_id=d.unit_id ";

            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "d.unit_name", _ht["UnitName"].ToString(), "%");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "b.wh_code", _ht["Code"].ToString(), "%");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "b.wh_name", _ht["Name"].ToString(), "%");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "b.wh_contacter", _ht["Contacter"].ToString(), "%");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "b.wh_tel", _ht["Tel"].ToString(), "%");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "b.wh_status", _ht["Status"].ToString(), "=");

예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取满足查询条件的终端的某页上的所有终端
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="HoldType"></param>
        /// <param name="Type"></param>
        /// <param name="Code"></param>
        /// <param name="SN"></param>
        /// <param name="PurchaseDateBegin"></param>
        /// <param name="PurchaseDateEnd"></param>
        /// <param name="InsuranceDateBegin"></param>
        /// <param name="InsuranceDateEnd"></param>
        /// <param name="StartRow"></param>
        /// <param name="EndRow"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataSet SelectPosList(string HoldType
                                     , string Type
                                     , string Code
                                     , string SN
                                     , string PurchaseDateBegin
                                     , string PurchaseDateEnd
                                     , string InsuranceDateBegin
                                     , string InsuranceDateEnd
                                     , int StartRow
                                     , int EndRow
            string sql = "select a.* from ( "
                         + " select rownum_=row_number() over(order by b.pos_hold_type,b.pos_type,b.pos_code), "
                         + " b.*, "
                         + " case b.pos_hold_type when '1' then '租赁' when '2' then '自有' else b.pos_hold_type end as pos_hold_type_desc, "
                         + " a.pos_type_name as pos_type_desc "
                         + " from t_pos b, t_pos_type a "
                         + " where b.pos_type=a.pos_type_code ";
            PublicService pService = new PublicService();
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "b.pos_hold_type ", HoldType, "=");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "b.pos_type ", Type, "=");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "b.pos_code ", Code, "=");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "b.pos_sn ", SN, "=");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "b.pos_purchase_date ", PurchaseDateBegin, ">=");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "b.pos_purchase_date ", PurchaseDateEnd, "<=");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "b.pos_insurance_date ", InsuranceDateBegin, ">=");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "b.pos_insurance_date ", InsuranceDateEnd, ">=");
            sql = sql + "  ) a where rownum_ > '" + StartRow + "' and rownum_ <= '" + EndRow + "' ";


            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            ds = this.SQLHelper.ExecuteDataset(sql);
예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// 判断调价单号码是否重复
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="order_no">订单号码</param>
        /// <param name="order_id">订单标识</param>
        /// <param name="pTran">是否事物</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool IsExistOrderCode(string order_no, string order_id, IDbTransaction pTran)
                string        sql      = "select isnull(count(*),0) From T_Order where 1=1 and order_no = '" + order_no + "' ";
                PublicService pService = new PublicService();
                sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "order_id", order_id, "!=");

                int n = 0;
                if (pTran != null)
                    n = Convert.ToInt32(this.SQLHelper.ExecuteScalar((SqlTransaction)pTran, CommandType.Text, sql, null));
                    n = Convert.ToInt32(this.SQLHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql));
                return(n > 0 ? false : true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw (ex);
예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取CC库单据查询脚本公共部分
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="orderSearchInfo"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string GetSearchPublicSql(OrderSearchInfo orderSearchInfo)
            PublicService pService = new PublicService();
            string        sql      = "Declare @TmpTable Table "
                                     + " (order_id nvarchar(100) "
                                     + " ,row_no int "
                                     + " ); "

                                     + " insert into @TmpTable (order_id,row_no) "
                                     + " select x.order_id ,x.rownum_ From ( "
                                     + " select "
                                     + " rownum_=row_number() over(order by a.order_date desc,a.order_no desc) "
                                     + " ,order_id "
                                     + " from t_cc a  where 1=1 and a.status != '-1'";

            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.order_id", orderSearchInfo.order_id, "%");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.customer_id", orderSearchInfo.customer_id, "%");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.order_no", orderSearchInfo.order_no, "%");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.order_type_id", orderSearchInfo.order_type_id, "%");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.order_reason_id", orderSearchInfo.order_reason_id, "%");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.unit_id", orderSearchInfo.unit_id, "=");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.order_date", orderSearchInfo.order_date_begin, ">=");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.order_date", orderSearchInfo.order_date_end, "<=");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.complete_date", orderSearchInfo.complete_date_begin, ">=");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.complete_date", orderSearchInfo.complete_date_end, "<=");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.status", orderSearchInfo.status, "=");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.warehouse_id", orderSearchInfo.warehouse_id, "=");

            sql = sql + "  ) x ; ";

            sql = sql + " Declare @iCount int;";

            sql = sql + " select @iCount = COUNT(*) From @TmpTable;";

예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// 查询公共部分
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="orderSearchInfo"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string GetSearchPublicSql(OrderSearchInfo orderSearchInfo)
            PublicService pService = new PublicService();
            string        sql      = "Declare @TmpTable Table "
                                     + " (order_id nvarchar(100) "
                                     + " ,row_no int "
                                     + " ); "

                                     + " insert into @TmpTable (order_id,row_no) "
                                     + " select x.order_id ,x.rownum_ From ( "
                                     + " select "
                                     + " rownum_=row_number() over(order by a.order_date desc,a.order_no desc) "
                                     + " ,order_id "
                                     + " from t_order a  where 1=1 ";
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.order_id", orderSearchInfo.order_id, "%");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.customer_id", orderSearchInfo.customer_id, "%");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.order_no", orderSearchInfo.order_no, "%");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.order_type_id", orderSearchInfo.order_type_id, "%");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.order_reason_type_id", orderSearchInfo.order_reason_id, "%");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.unit_id", orderSearchInfo.unit_id, "=");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.red_flag", orderSearchInfo.red_flag, "=");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.order_date", orderSearchInfo.order_date_begin, ">=");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.order_date", orderSearchInfo.order_date_end, "<=");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.request_date", orderSearchInfo.request_date_begin, ">=");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.request_date", orderSearchInfo.request_date_end, "<=");
            //sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.order_status", orderSearchInfo.status, "=");
            if (orderSearchInfo.status != null && orderSearchInfo.status.Length > 0)
                sql += string.Format("a.order_status in ({0})", orderSearchInfo.status.Aggregate("", (i, j) => i + string.Format("'{0}',", j)).Trim(','));
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.warehouse_id", orderSearchInfo.warehouse_id, "=");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.ref_order_no", orderSearchInfo.ref_order_no, "%");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.data_from_id", orderSearchInfo.data_from_id, "=");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.sales_unit_id", orderSearchInfo.sales_unit_id, "=");
            sql = pService.GetLinkSql(sql, "a.purchase_unit_id", orderSearchInfo.purchase_unit_id, "=");

            if (orderSearchInfo.item_name != null && !orderSearchInfo.item_name.Equals(""))
                sql = sql + " and a.order_id in (select distinct x.order_id From t_order_detail x "
                      + " inner join T_Sku y"
                      + " on(x.sku_id = y.sku_id)"
                      + " inner join T_Item z"
                      + " on(y.item_id = z.item_id) ";

                if (orderSearchInfo.item_name != null && !orderSearchInfo.item_name.Equals(""))
                    sql = sql + " z.item_name like '%' + '" + orderSearchInfo.item_name + "' + '%' ";
                    sql = sql + " or z.item_code like '%' + '" + orderSearchInfo.item_name + "' + '%' ";

                sql = sql + " ) ";

            sql = sql + " ) x ; ";

            sql = sql + " Declare @iCount int;";

            sql = sql + " select @iCount = COUNT(*) From @TmpTable;";