상속: ListCustomizationHeader
        public static bool ProcessStpFile(string filePath, string solFileName, ref ListTemplateFTCAnalysisOutputBase objListCustOutput)
            bool isCustomizationPresent = false;
            bool isCustomContentType = false;
            bool isCustomEventReceiver = false;
            bool isCustomSiteColumn = false;
            StringBuilder cTHavingCustomER = new StringBuilder();

            string fileName = objListCustOutput.ListTemplateName;
            string downloadFolder = filePath + @"\" + Constants.DownloadPathListTemplates;

            Logger.LogInfoMessage("[DownloadAndModifyListTemplate: ProcessStpFile] Processing the List Template: " + objListCustOutput.ListTemplateName, true);
                string cabDir = string.Empty;

                string newFilePath = solFileName.ToLower().Replace(".stp", ".cab");
                if (System.IO.File.Exists(newFilePath))
                System.IO.File.Move(solFileName, newFilePath);

                var destDir = newFilePath.Substring(0, newFilePath.LastIndexOf(@"\"));
                string newFileName = newFilePath.Substring(newFilePath.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1);

                FileInfo solFileObj = new FileInfo(newFileName);
                Logger.LogInfoMessage("[DownloadAndModifyListTemplate: ProcessStpFile] Extracting the List Template: " + objListCustOutput.ListTemplateName, true);
                //string cmd = "/e /a /y /L \"" + newFileName.Replace(".", "_") + "\" \"" + newFileName + "\"";
                //ProcessStartInfo pI = new ProcessStartInfo("extrac32.exe", cmd);
                //pI.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
                //Process p = Process.Start(pI);

                //if (!destDir.EndsWith(@"\"))
                //    cabDir = destDir + @"\" + newFileName.Replace(".", "_");
                //    cabDir = destDir + newFileName.Replace(".", "_");
                //Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(newFileName.Replace(".", "_"));

                //if (!destDir.EndsWith(@"\"))
                //    cabDir = destDir + @"\" + newFileName.Replace(".", "_");
                //    cabDir = destDir + newFileName.Replace(".", "_");

                FileUtility.UnCab(solFileName.ToLower().Replace(".stp", ".cab"), destDir);

                Logger.LogInfoMessage("[DownloadAndModifyListTemplate: ProcessStpFile] Extracted the List Template: " + objListCustOutput.ListTemplateName + " in path: " + cabDir, true);

                string[] webTempFiles = Directory.GetFiles(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "Manifest.xml", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                XmlDocument xmlReceiver = new XmlDocument();
                string xmlString = webTempFiles[0];

                Logger.LogInfoMessage("[DownloadAndModifyListTemplate: ProcessStpFile] Searching for customized elements in: " + xmlString, true);
                var reader = new XmlTextReader(xmlString);

                string xml;

                using (TextReader txtreader = new StreamReader(xmlString))

                    xml = txtreader.ReadToEnd();

                xml = CommonUtility.SanitizeXmlString(xml);

                reader.Namespaces = false;

                XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

                    doc = CommonUtility.GetXmlDocumentFromString(xml);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.LogErrorMessage("[DownloadAndModifyListTemplate: ProcessStpFile]. Exception Message: " + ex.Message
                        + ", Exception Comments: Exception while loading the XML File. XML File Path: " + xmlString + ". SolFileName: " + solFileName, true);
                    ExceptionCsv.WriteException(objListCustOutput.WebApplication, objListCustOutput.SiteCollection, objListCustOutput.WebUrl, "ListTemplate", ex.Message, ex.ToString(), "ProcessStpFile",
                        ex.GetType().ToString(), "Exception while loading the XML File. XML File Path: " + xmlString + ". SolFileName: " + solFileName);

                //Initiallizing all the nodes required to check
                XmlNodeList receiverNodes = doc.SelectNodes("/ListTemplate/UserLists/List/MetaData/Receivers/Receiver");
                XmlNodeList xmlCTReceivers = doc.SelectNodes("/ListTemplate/UserLists/List/MetaData/ContentTypes/ContentType");
                XmlNodeList xmlFields = doc.SelectNodes("/ListTemplate/UserLists/List/MetaData/Fields/Field");

                #region Custom_EventReceivers
                //Checking for Customization
                Logger.LogInfoMessage("[DownloadAndModifyListTemplate: ProcessStpFile] Searching for customized List Event Receivers", true);
                if (receiverNodes != null && receiverNodes.Count > 0)
                    if (lstCustomErs != null && lstCustomErs.Count > 0)
                        foreach (XmlNode node in receiverNodes)
                                string assemblyValue = node["Assembly"].InnerText;

                                if (lstCustomErs.Where(c => assemblyValue.Equals(c, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)).Any())
                                    isCustomEventReceiver = true;
                                    Logger.LogInfoMessage("[DownloadAndModifyListTemplate: ProcessStpFile] Customized List Event Receiver Found for " + objListCustOutput.ListTemplateName, true);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                Logger.LogErrorMessage("[DownloadAndModifyListTemplate: ProcessStpFile]. Exception Message: " + ex.Message
                                    + ", Exception Comments: Exception while reading List Receivers tag" + " SolFileName: " + solFileName + ". XML File Path: " + xmlString, true);
                                ExceptionCsv.WriteException(objListCustOutput.WebApplication, objListCustOutput.SiteCollection, objListCustOutput.WebUrl, "ListTemplate", ex.Message, ex.ToString(), "ProcessStpFile",
                                    ex.GetType().ToString(), "Exception while reading List Receivers tag" + " SolFileName: " + solFileName + ".  XML File Path: " + xmlString);

                Logger.LogInfoMessage("[DownloadAndModifyListTemplate: ProcessStpFile] Searching for customized Event Receivers associated with Content Types", true);

                if (xmlCTReceivers != null && xmlCTReceivers.Count > 0)
                    #region Custom ContentTypeEventReceivers
                    //checking Event Receivers in Content Types
                    if (lstCustomErs != null && lstCustomErs.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < xmlCTReceivers.Count; i++)
                                //cTHavingCustomER.Append(xmlCTReceivers[i].Attributes["Name"].Value + ";");
                                var docList = xmlCTReceivers[i]["XmlDocuments"];
                                if (docList != null)
                                    XmlNodeList xmlDocList = docList.ChildNodes;

                                    for (int j = 0; j < xmlDocList.Count; j++)
                                            var namespaceURl = xmlDocList[j].Attributes["NamespaceURI"].Value;
                                            if (namespaceURl.Contains("http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/events"))
                                                byte[] data = Convert.FromBase64String(xmlDocList[j].InnerText);
                                                string decodedString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);

                                                XmlDocument docReceivers = new XmlDocument();

                                                XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(docReceivers.NameTable);
                                                nsmgr.AddNamespace("spe", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/events");
                                                XmlNodeList receiverChilds = docReceivers.SelectNodes("/spe:Receivers/Receiver", nsmgr);

                                                if (receiverChilds != null && receiverChilds.Count > 0)
                                                    for (int y = 0; y < receiverChilds.Count; y++)
                                                            string ctAssemblyValue = receiverChilds[y]["Assembly"].InnerText;
                                                            if (lstCustomErs.Where(c => ctAssemblyValue.Equals(c, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)).Any())
                                                                //isCustomEventReceiver = true;
                                                                cTHavingCustomER.Append(xmlCTReceivers[i].Attributes["Name"].Value + ";");
                                                                Logger.LogInfoMessage("[DownloadAndModifyListTemplate: ProcessStpFile] Customized Event Receiver associated with Content Type Found for : " + objListCustOutput.ListTemplateName, true);
                                                        catch (Exception ex)
                                                            Logger.LogErrorMessage("[DownloadAndModifyListTemplate: ProcessStpFile]. Exception Message: " + ex.Message
                                                                + ", Exception Comments: Exception while reading Receivers tag in Content Types" + " SolFileName: " + solFileName + ". XML File Path: " + xmlString, true);
                                                            ExceptionCsv.WriteException(objListCustOutput.WebApplication, objListCustOutput.SiteCollection, objListCustOutput.WebUrl, "ListTemplate", ex.Message, ex.ToString(), "ProcessStpFile",
                                                                ex.GetType().ToString(), "Exception while reading Receivers tag in Content Types" + " SolFileName: " + solFileName + ". XML File Path: " + xmlString);
                                        catch (Exception ex)
                                            Logger.LogErrorMessage("[DownloadAndModifyListTemplate: ProcessStpFile]. Exception Message: " + ex.Message
                                                + ", Exception Comments: Exception while reading Receivers tag in Content Types" + " SolFileName: " + solFileName + ". XML File Path: " + xmlString, true);
                                            ExceptionCsv.WriteException(objListCustOutput.WebApplication, objListCustOutput.SiteCollection, objListCustOutput.WebUrl, "ListTemplate", ex.Message, ex.ToString(), "ProcessStpFile",
                                                ex.GetType().ToString(), "Exception while reading Receivers tag in Content Types" + " SolFileName: " + solFileName + ". XML File Path: " + xmlString);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                Logger.LogErrorMessage("[DownloadAndModifyListTemplate: ProcessStpFile]. Exception Message: " + ex.Message
                                    + ", Exception Comments: Exception while reading Receivers tag in Content Types" + " SolFileName: " + solFileName + ". XML File Path: " + xmlString, true);
                                ExceptionCsv.WriteException(objListCustOutput.WebApplication, objListCustOutput.SiteCollection, objListCustOutput.WebUrl, "ListTemplate", ex.Message, ex.ToString(), "ProcessStpFile",
                                    ex.GetType().ToString(), "Exception while reading Receivers tag in Content Types" + " SolFileName: " + solFileName + ". XML File Path: " + xmlString);

                    #region custom contenttypes
                    if (lstContentTypeIDs != null && lstContentTypeIDs.Count > 0)
                        //Iterate all ContentTypes in manifest.xml
                        Logger.LogInfoMessage("[DownloadAndModifyListTemplate: ProcessStpFile] Searching for customized Content Types", true);
                        for (int i = 0; i < xmlCTReceivers.Count; i++)
                                var docList = xmlCTReceivers[i].Attributes["ID"].Value;

                                //Remove contenttype tag if ContentTypeId present in custom ContentTypes file ContentTypes.csv
                                if (lstContentTypeIDs.Where(c => docList.StartsWith(c)).Any())
                                    isCustomContentType = true;
                                    Logger.LogInfoMessage("[DownloadAndModifyListTemplate: ProcessStpFile] Customized Content Type Found for: " + objListCustOutput.ListTemplateName, true);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                Logger.LogErrorMessage("[DownloadAndModifyListTemplate: ProcessStpFile]. Exception Message: " + ex.Message
                                    + ", Exception Comments: Exception while reading Content Types" + " SolFileName: " + solFileName + ". XML File Path: " + xmlString, true);
                                ExceptionCsv.WriteException(objListCustOutput.WebApplication, objListCustOutput.SiteCollection, objListCustOutput.WebUrl, "ListTemplate", ex.Message, ex.ToString(), "ProcessStpFile",
                                    ex.GetType().ToString(), "Exception while reading Content Types" + " SolFileName: " + solFileName + ". XML File Path: " + xmlString);

                    #region CustomFields_In_Contenttyeps
                    if (lstCustomFieldIDs != null && lstCustomFieldIDs.Count > 0)
                        //Checking Site Columns presence in Content Types
                        Logger.LogInfoMessage("[DownloadAndModifyListTemplate: ProcessStpFile] Searching for customized Site Columns associated with Content Types", true);
                        for (int i = 0; i < xmlCTReceivers.Count; i++)
                                var fieldRefs = xmlCTReceivers[i]["FieldRefs"];
                                if (fieldRefs != null)
                                    XmlNodeList xmlFieldRefList = fieldRefs.ChildNodes;

                                    for (int j = 0; j < xmlFieldRefList.Count; j++)
                                            string fieldRefId = xmlFieldRefList[j].Attributes["ID"].Value;
                                            if (lstCustomFieldIDs.Where(c => fieldRefId.Equals(c)).Any())
                                                isCustomSiteColumn = true;
                                                Logger.LogInfoMessage("[DownloadAndModifyListTemplate: ProcessStpFile] Customized Site Column associated with Content Type Found for: " + objListCustOutput.ListTemplateName, true);
                                        catch (Exception ex)
                                            Logger.LogErrorMessage("[DownloadAndModifyListTemplate: ProcessStpFile]. Exception Message: " + ex.Message
                                                + ", Exception Comments: Exception while reading Site Columns tag in Content Types" + " SolFileName: " + solFileName + ". XML File Path: " + xmlString, true);
                                            ExceptionCsv.WriteException(objListCustOutput.WebApplication, objListCustOutput.SiteCollection, objListCustOutput.WebUrl, "ListTemplate", ex.Message, ex.ToString(), "ProcessStpFile",
                                                ex.GetType().ToString(), "Exception while reading Site Columns tag in Content Types" + " SolFileName: " + solFileName + ". XML File Path: " + xmlString);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                Logger.LogErrorMessage("[DownloadAndModifyListTemplate: ProcessStpFile]. Exception Message: " + ex.Message
                                    + ", Exception Comments: Exception while reading Site Columns tag in Content Types" + " SolFileName: " + solFileName + ". XML File Path: " + xmlString, true);
                                ExceptionCsv.WriteException(objListCustOutput.WebApplication, objListCustOutput.SiteCollection, objListCustOutput.WebUrl, "ListTemplate", ex.Message, ex.ToString(), "ProcessStpFile",
                                    ex.GetType().ToString(), "Exception while reading Site Columns tag in Content Types" + " SolFileName: " + solFileName + ". XML File Path: " + xmlString);

                #region CustomFields
                if (lstCustomFieldIDs != null && lstCustomFieldIDs.Count > 0 && !isCustomSiteColumn)
                    Logger.LogInfoMessage("[DownloadAndModifyListTemplate: ProcessStpFile] Searching for customized Site Columns", true);
                    if (!isCustomSiteColumn && xmlFields != null && xmlFields.Count > 0)
                        //Get all fields Column in manifest.xml
                        for (int i = 0; i < xmlFields.Count; i++)
                                var fieldList = xmlFields[i].Attributes["ID"].Value;

                                //Remove contenttype tag if ContentTypeId present in custom ContentTypes file ContentTypes.csv
                                if (lstCustomFieldIDs.Where(c => fieldList.Equals(c)).Any())
                                    isCustomSiteColumn = true;
                                    Logger.LogInfoMessage("[DownloadAndModifyListTemplate: ProcessStpFile] Customized Site ColumnFound for : " + objListCustOutput.ListTemplateName, true);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                Logger.LogErrorMessage("[DownloadAndModifyListTemplate: ProcessStpFile]. Exception Message: " + ex.Message
                                    + ", Exception Comments: Exception while reading Site Columns" + " SolFileName: " + solFileName + ". XML File Path: " + xmlString, true);
                                ExceptionCsv.WriteException(objListCustOutput.WebApplication, objListCustOutput.SiteCollection, objListCustOutput.WebUrl, "ListTemplate", ex.Message, ex.ToString(), "ProcessStpFile",
                                    ex.GetType().ToString(), "Exception while reading Site Columns" + " SolFileName: " + solFileName + ". XML File Path: " + xmlString);

                if (isCustomContentType || isCustomEventReceiver || isCustomSiteColumn)
                    if (cTHavingCustomER != null && cTHavingCustomER.Length > 0)
                        cTHavingCustomER.Length -= 1;
                        objListCustOutput.CTHavingCustomEventReceiver = cTHavingCustomER.ToString();
                        objListCustOutput.CTHavingCustomEventReceiver = Constants.NotApplicable;

                    objListCustOutput.IsCustomizationPresent = "YES";
                    isCustomizationPresent = true;
                    //cTHavingCustomER.Remove(cTHavingCustomER.Length-1, 1);

                    if (lstCustomErs != null && lstCustomErs.Count > 0)
                        objListCustOutput.IsCustomizedEventReceiver = isCustomEventReceiver ? "YES" : "NO";
                        objListCustOutput.IsCustomizedEventReceiver = Constants.NoInputFile;

                    if (lstContentTypeIDs != null && lstContentTypeIDs.Count > 0)
                        objListCustOutput.IsCustomizedContentType = isCustomContentType ? "YES" : "NO";
                        objListCustOutput.IsCustomizedContentType = Constants.NoInputFile;

                    if (lstCustomFieldIDs != null && lstCustomFieldIDs.Count > 0)
                        objListCustOutput.IsCustomizedSiteColumn = isCustomSiteColumn ? "YES" : "NO";
                        objListCustOutput.IsCustomizedSiteColumn = Constants.NoInputFile;

                    if (cTHavingCustomER != null && cTHavingCustomER.Length > 0)
                        cTHavingCustomER.Length -= 1;
                        objListCustOutput.CTHavingCustomEventReceiver = cTHavingCustomER.ToString();
                        objListCustOutput.IsCustomizationPresent = "YES";
                        isCustomizationPresent = true;
                        objListCustOutput.IsCustomizedContentType = "NO";
                        objListCustOutput.IsCustomizedEventReceiver = "NO";
                        objListCustOutput.IsCustomizedSiteColumn = "NO";
                        objListCustOutput.CTHavingCustomEventReceiver = Constants.NotApplicable;
                        isCustomizationPresent = false;

                System.IO.DirectoryInfo directory = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(downloadFolder);
                foreach (System.IO.FileInfo file in directory.GetFiles("*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                    try { file.Delete(); }
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        //As we are extracting .wsp file to local folder, no need to display any
                        //exception while deleting these files.
                foreach (System.IO.DirectoryInfo subDirectory in directory.GetDirectories())
                    try { subDirectory.Delete(true); }
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        //As we are extracting .wsp file to local folder, no need to display any
                        //exception while deleting these files.

            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.LogErrorMessage("[DownloadAndModifyListTemplate: ProcessStpFile], Exception Message: " + ex.Message + " SolFileName: " + solFileName, true);
                ExceptionCsv.WriteException(objListCustOutput.WebApplication, objListCustOutput.SiteCollection, objListCustOutput.WebUrl, "ListTemplate", ex.Message, ex.ToString(), "ProcessStpFile",
                                    ex.GetType().ToString(), "SolFileName: " + solFileName);
            return isCustomizationPresent;
        public static bool GetCustomizedListTemplate(ref ListTemplateFTCAnalysisOutputBase objListCustOutput,
            Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File ltFile, string siteCollection, string webAppUrl)
            bool isCustomizationPresent = false;
            string fileName = string.Empty;
            string listGalleryPath = string.Empty;

                fileName = ltFile.Name;
                listGalleryPath = ltFile.ServerRelativeUrl.Substring(0, ltFile.ServerRelativeUrl.LastIndexOf('/'));
                objListCustOutput.SiteCollection = siteCollection;
                objListCustOutput.WebApplication = GetWebapplicationUrlFromSiteCollectionUrl(siteCollection);
                objListCustOutput.WebUrl = siteCollection;
                objListCustOutput.ListTemplateName = fileName;
                objListCustOutput.ListGalleryPath = listGalleryPath;
                TempFolderName += 1;

                bool isDownloaded = DownloadListTemplate(outputPath + @"\" + Constants.DownloadPathListTemplates + @"\" + TempFolderName,
                    listGalleryPath, ref fileName, objListCustOutput.WebUrl, objListCustOutput.WebUrl, TempFolderName.ToString());
                if (isDownloaded)
                    isCustomizationPresent = ProcessStpFile(outputPath, outputPath + @"\" + Constants.DownloadPathListTemplates + @"\" + TempFolderName
                        + @"\" + fileName.ToLower(), ref objListCustOutput);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.LogErrorMessage("[DownloadAndModifyListTemplate: GetCustomizedListTemplate] Exception Message: " + ex.Message, true);
                ExceptionCsv.WriteException(Constants.NotApplicable, objListCustOutput.SiteCollection, objListCustOutput.WebUrl, "ListTemplate", ex.Message, ex.ToString(), "GetCustomizedListTemplate",
                    ex.GetType().ToString(), "Exception occured while getting the ListTemplates from Gallery ");
            return isCustomizationPresent;
        public static void ProcessSiteCollectionUrl(string siteCollectionUrl,
            ref List<ListTemplateFTCAnalysisOutputBase> lstMissingListTempaltesInGalleryBase, string webApplicationUrl)
                using (ClientContext userContext = Helper.CreateAuthenticatedUserContext(Program.AdminDomain, Program.AdminUsername, Program.AdminPassword, siteCollectionUrl))
                    Web web = userContext.Web;
                    Folder folder = userContext.Web.GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl("_catalogs/lt");


                    //Execute the query to the server
                    // Loop through all the list templates
                    foreach (Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File ltFile in folder.Files)
                            bool isCustomizationPresent = false;
                            ListTemplateFTCAnalysisOutputBase objListCustOutput = new ListTemplateFTCAnalysisOutputBase();
                            System.Console.WriteLine("File Name: " + ltFile.Name);

                            isCustomizationPresent = GetCustomizedListTemplate(ref objListCustOutput, ltFile, siteCollectionUrl, webApplicationUrl);

                            if (isCustomizationPresent)

                                    if (ltFile.Author != null)
                                        objListCustOutput.CreatedBy = ltFile.Author.LoginName;
                                        objListCustOutput.CreatedBy = Constants.NotApplicable;
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    objListCustOutput.CreatedBy = Constants.NotApplicable;
                                    Logger.LogErrorMessage("[DownloadAndModifyListTemplate: ProcessSiteCollectionUrl]. Error recorded for Site Collection: " + siteCollectionUrl + " and for file: " + ltFile.Name + " Exception Message: " + ex.Message + ". Author is NULL.", true);
                                    ExceptionCsv.WriteException(webApplicationUrl, siteCollectionUrl, Constants.NotApplicable, "ListTemplate", ex.Message, ex.ToString(), "ProcessSiteCollectionUrl",
                                         ex.GetType().ToString(), "Error recorded for Site Collection: " + siteCollectionUrl + " and for file: " + ltFile.Name + " Exception Message: " + ex.Message + ". Author is NULL.");

                                    if (ltFile.TimeCreated != null)
                                        objListCustOutput.CreatedDate = ltFile.TimeCreated.ToString();
                                        objListCustOutput.CreatedDate = Constants.NotApplicable;
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    objListCustOutput.CreatedDate = Constants.NotApplicable;
                                    Logger.LogErrorMessage("[DownloadAndModifyListTemplate: ProcessSiteCollectionUrl]. Error recorded for Site Collection: " + siteCollectionUrl + " and for file: " + ltFile.Name + " Exception Message: " + ex.Message + ". TimeCreated is NULL.", true);
                                    ExceptionCsv.WriteException(webApplicationUrl, siteCollectionUrl, Constants.NotApplicable, "ListTemplate", ex.Message, ex.ToString(), "ProcessSiteCollectionUrl",
                                         ex.GetType().ToString(), "Error recorded for Site Collection: " + siteCollectionUrl + " and for file: " + ltFile.Name + " Exception Message: " + ex.Message + ". TimeCreated is NULL.");

                                    if (ltFile.ModifiedBy != null)
                                        objListCustOutput.ModifiedBy = ltFile.ModifiedBy.LoginName;
                                        objListCustOutput.ModifiedBy = Constants.NotApplicable;
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    objListCustOutput.ModifiedBy = Constants.NotApplicable;
                                    Logger.LogErrorMessage("[DownloadAndModifyListTemplate: ProcessSiteCollectionUrl]. Error recorded for Site Collection: " + siteCollectionUrl + " and for file: " + ltFile.Name + " Exception Message: " + ex.Message + ". ModifiedBy is NULL.", true);
                                    ExceptionCsv.WriteException(webApplicationUrl, siteCollectionUrl, Constants.NotApplicable, "ListTemplate", ex.Message, ex.ToString(), "ProcessSiteCollectionUrl",
                                         ex.GetType().ToString(), "Error recorded for Site Collection: " + siteCollectionUrl + " and for file: " + ltFile.Name + " Exception Message: " + ex.Message + ". ModifiedBy is NULL.");

                                    if (ltFile.TimeLastModified != null)
                                        objListCustOutput.ModifiedDate = ltFile.TimeLastModified.ToString();
                                        objListCustOutput.ModifiedDate = Constants.NotApplicable;
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    objListCustOutput.ModifiedDate = Constants.NotApplicable;
                                    Logger.LogErrorMessage("[DownloadAndModifyListTemplate: ProcessSiteCollectionUrl]. Error recorded for Site Collection: " + siteCollectionUrl + " and for file: " + ltFile.Name + " Exception Message: " + ex.Message + ". TimeLastModified is NULL.", true);
                                    ExceptionCsv.WriteException(webApplicationUrl, siteCollectionUrl, Constants.NotApplicable, "ListTemplate", ex.Message, ex.ToString(), "ProcessSiteCollectionUrl",
                                         ex.GetType().ToString(), "Error recorded for Site Collection: " + siteCollectionUrl + " and for file: " + ltFile.Name + " Exception Message: " + ex.Message + ". TimeLastModified is NULL.");

                            objListCustOutput = null;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            if ((ex.Message.ToLower()).Contains("access denied") || (ex.Message.ToLower()).Contains("unauthorized"))
                                System.Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                                Logger.LogErrorMessage("[DownloadAndModifyListTemplate: ProcessSiteCollectionUrl]. Error recorded for Site Collection: " + siteCollectionUrl + " and for file: " + ltFile.Name + " Exception Message: " + ex.Message, true);
                                ExceptionCsv.WriteException(webApplicationUrl, siteCollectionUrl, Constants.NotApplicable, "ListTemplate", ex.Message, ex.ToString(), "ProcessSiteCollectionUrl",
                                ex.GetType().ToString(), "Error recorded for Site Collection: " + siteCollectionUrl + " and for file: " + ltFile.Name);
                                Logger.LogErrorMessage("[DownloadAndModifyListTemplate: ProcessSiteCollectionUrl]. Error recorded for Site Collection: " + siteCollectionUrl + " and for file: " + ltFile.Name + " Exception Message: " + ex.Message, true);
                                ExceptionCsv.WriteException(webApplicationUrl, siteCollectionUrl, Constants.NotApplicable, "ListTemplate", ex.Message, ex.ToString(), "ProcessSiteCollectionUrl",
                                    ex.GetType().ToString(), "Error recorded for Site Collection: " + siteCollectionUrl + " and for file: " + ltFile.Name);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if ((ex.Message.ToLower()).Contains("access denied") || (ex.Message.ToLower()).Contains("unauthorized"))
                    System.Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                    Logger.LogErrorMessage("[DownloadAndModifyListTemplate: ProcessSiteCollectionUrl]. Error recorded for Site Collection: " + siteCollectionUrl + " Exception Message: " + ex.Message, true);
                    ExceptionCsv.WriteException(webApplicationUrl, siteCollectionUrl, Constants.NotApplicable, "ListTemplate", ex.Message, ex.ToString(), "ProcessSiteCollectionUrl",
                    ex.GetType().ToString(), "Error recorded for Site Collection: " + siteCollectionUrl);
                    Logger.LogErrorMessage("[DownloadAndModifyListTemplate: ProcessSiteCollectionUrl]. Error recorded for Site Collection: " + siteCollectionUrl + " Exception Message: " + ex.Message, true);
                    ExceptionCsv.WriteException(webApplicationUrl, siteCollectionUrl, Constants.NotApplicable, "ListTemplate", ex.Message, ex.ToString(), "ProcessSiteCollectionUrl",
                        ex.GetType().ToString(), "Error recorded for Site Collection: " + siteCollectionUrl);
 public static void WriteOutputReport(List<ListTemplateFTCAnalysisOutputBase> ltListTemplateOutputBase, string csvFileName, ref bool headerOfCsv)
         Logger.LogInfoMessage("[DownloadAndModifyListTemplate: WriteOutputReport] Writing the Output file " + csvFileName, true);
         if (System.IO.File.Exists(csvFileName))
         if (ltListTemplateOutputBase != null && ltListTemplateOutputBase.Any())
             //Export the result(Missing Workflow Details) in CSV file
             FileUtility.WriteCsVintoFile(csvFileName, ref ltListTemplateOutputBase, ref headerOfCsv);
             headerOfCsv = false;
             ListTemplateFTCAnalysisOutputBase objListTemplatesNoInstancesFound = new ListTemplateFTCAnalysisOutputBase();
             FileUtility.WriteCsVintoFile(csvFileName, objListTemplatesNoInstancesFound, ref headerOfCsv);
             objListTemplatesNoInstancesFound = null;
     catch (Exception ex)
         Logger.LogErrorMessage("[DownloadAndModifyListTemplate: WriteOutputReport] Exception Message: " + ex.Message, true);
         ExceptionCsv.WriteException(Constants.NotApplicable, Constants.NotApplicable, Constants.NotApplicable, "ListTemplate", ex.Message, ex.ToString(), "WriteOutputReport",
             ex.GetType().ToString(), Constants.NotApplicable);