예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks><pre>
        ///Revision History
        ///MM/DD/YY who Version Issue# Description
        ///-------- --- ------- ------ ---------------------------------------------
        ///07/29/04 REM 7.00.15 N/A    Initial Release
        public COpticalProbes()
                RegistryKey regRoot = Registry.LocalMachine;
                RegistryKey regOpticalProbes;
                RegistryKey regOpticalProbe;

                if (null != regRoot)
                    regOpticalProbes = regRoot.OpenSubKey(CRegistryHelper.GetBaseRegistryKey() + REG_KEY);

                    if (null != regOpticalProbes)
                        m_structOpticalProbes = new OpticalProbeInfo[regOpticalProbes.SubKeyCount];

                        for (int intOpticalProbe = 0; intOpticalProbe < regOpticalProbes.SubKeyCount; intOpticalProbe++)
                            m_structOpticalProbes[intOpticalProbe] = new OpticalProbeInfo(false, false, "");
                            regOpticalProbe = regOpticalProbes.OpenSubKey(REG_KEY_PROBE_BASE + (intOpticalProbe + 1).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                            if (null != regOpticalProbe)
                                if (0 == String.Compare("0", regOpticalProbe.GetValue(REG_VALUE_DTR).ToString(), StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                    m_structOpticalProbes[intOpticalProbe].m_blnDTR = false;
                                    m_structOpticalProbes[intOpticalProbe].m_blnDTR = true;

                                if (0 == String.Compare("0", regOpticalProbe.GetValue(REG_VALUE_RTS).ToString(), StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                    m_structOpticalProbes[intOpticalProbe].m_blnRTS = false;
                                    m_structOpticalProbes[intOpticalProbe].m_blnRTS = true;

                                m_structOpticalProbes[intOpticalProbe].m_strTitle = regOpticalProbe.GetValue(REG_VALUE_TITLE).ToString();



                //If we couldn't get optical probes then the list will be empty
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds an XmlNode to the XmlDocument for the Activity Log.  Gets the
        /// application directory from the registry and then opens or creates
        /// the Activity Log xml file.  Appends the new entry to the XmlDocument
        /// An XmlException is thrown if there is a problem with loading the xml
        /// file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <example>
        /// <code>
        /// CCustSchedItem x = new CCustSchedItem();
        /// x.Event = "Reconfigure Failed";
        /// x.Data = "Custom 1";
        /// x.MeterType = "SENTINEL";
        /// x.UnitID = "Meter ID 1";
        /// x.SerialNumber = "123-456-789";
        /// x.AddItem();
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Revision History
        /// MM/DD/YY who Version Issue# Description
        /// -------- --- ------- ------ ---------------------------------------
        /// 07/14/05 rrr 7.13.00 N/A	Creation of class
        /// 04/25/06 mrj 7.30.00        Updated for HH-Pro
        /// 01/15/07 mah 8.00.00 Changed registry access class from CE version
        /// </remarks>
        public void Add()
            //Local variables
            XmlNode xmlnodeRoot;
            XmlNode xmlnodeTemp;
            bool    blnFileCreated = false;

            //Get the data directory for the log and get the log file
            m_strDirectory = CRegistryHelper.GetDataDirectory(m_strApplication);
            blnFileCreated = GetLogFile();

            //Create the xml document and load the xml file if need be
            if (!blnFileCreated)
                m_xmldomLog = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();

            //Create the xml node to be added

            //get the root node to add the xml node to
            xmlnodeRoot = m_xmldomLog.LastChild;
            xmlnodeTemp = xmlnodeRoot;

            //Append the xml node to the root node
            if (null != xmlnodeRoot)
                xmlnodeTemp = xmlnodeRoot.AppendChild(m_xmlnodeLogItem);

            //Save the xml documents and set variables to null
            m_xmldomLog = null;
            xmlnodeTemp = null;
            xmlnodeRoot = null;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This method reads all of the entries in the activity log and returns
        /// them as a generic list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strApplication">This string is used to identify the file to read.
        /// The assumption is that different applications will be able to generate activity
        /// logs and that each file can be looked up using the application name
        /// as a registry key
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>A generic list containing activity log items.  A value of NULL will be returned
        /// if the file cannot be found.  If the file does exist, but is unreadable, the returned list
        /// will be empty
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Revision History
        /// MM/DD/YY who Version Issue# Description
        /// -------- --- ------- ------ ---------------------------------------
        /// 01/16/07 mah 8.00.00 Created
        /// </remarks>
        public static List <ActivityLogEntry> Read(String strApplication)
            //Local variables
            XmlNodeList xmlEntryNodes;
            // XmlNode xmlnodeTemp;

            //Get the data directory for the log and get the log file
            String strDirectory = CRegistryHelper.GetDataDirectory(strApplication);

            //Create file info objects for the xml file to allow us to see if the activity log exists
            FileInfo objFile = new FileInfo(strDirectory + XML_FILE);

            //if the xml file does not exist than create it otherwise set the
            //member variable
            if (!objFile.Exists)
                List <ActivityLogEntry> logEventList = new List <ActivityLogEntry>();

                String strXmlFile = objFile.FullName;

                XmlDocument xmldomLog = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();

                xmlEntryNodes = xmldomLog.GetElementsByTagName(NODE_ENTRY);

                foreach (XmlNode xmlLogEntry in xmlEntryNodes)
                    ActivityLogEntry logEntry = new ActivityLogEntry(strApplication);

                    XmlNode xmlEventTime = xmlLogEntry.SelectSingleNode(NODE_TIME);
                    if (null != xmlEventTime)
                        logEntry.EventTime = DateTime.Parse(xmlEventTime.InnerText, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    XmlNode xmlMeterType = xmlLogEntry.SelectSingleNode(NODE_METERTYPE);
                    if (null != xmlMeterType)
                        logEntry.MeterType = xmlMeterType.InnerText;

                    XmlNode xmlMeterID = xmlLogEntry.SelectSingleNode(NODE_UNITID);
                    if (null != xmlMeterID)
                        logEntry.UnitID = xmlMeterID.InnerText;

                    XmlNode xmlMeterSerialNumber = xmlLogEntry.SelectSingleNode(NODE_SERIAL);
                    if (null != xmlMeterSerialNumber)
                        logEntry.SerialNumber = xmlMeterSerialNumber.InnerText;

                    XmlNode xmlEvent = xmlLogEntry.SelectSingleNode(NODE_EVENT);
                    if (null != xmlEvent)
                        logEntry.Event = xmlEvent.InnerText;

                    XmlNode xmlEventData = xmlLogEntry.SelectSingleNode(NODE_DATA);
                    if (null != xmlEventData)
                        logEntry.Data = xmlEventData.InnerText;

