//���ݲ����Ĵ���������ʾ public void AllshortcheckYL(string projectSUID, string projectid, double ratecaplity, int caozuoi) { try { if (!CheckDL(projectSUID, projectid, ratecaplity)) { return; } Dictionary<int, double> nodeshorti = new Dictionary<int, double>(); //��¼ĸ����û�н��й���· KeyValuePair<int, double> maxshorti = new KeyValuePair<int, double>(); //ȡ����·������·���� string con = ",PSP_ELCDEVICE WHERE PSPDEV.SUID = PSP_ELCDEVICE.DeviceSUID AND PSP_ELCDEVICE.ProjectSUID = '" + projectSUID + "'AND PSPDEV.type='01'AND PSPDEV.KSwitchStatus = '0' order by PSPDEV.number"; PSPDEV pspDev = new PSPDEV(); IList list1 = UCDeviceBase.DataService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", con); PSPDEV psp = new PSPDEV(); shortbuscir shortCutCal = new shortbuscir(Compuflag); for (int i = 0; i < list1.Count; i++) { pspDev = list1[i] as PSPDEV; bool flag = false; string dlr = null; con = " ,PSP_ELCDEVICE WHERE PSPDEV.SUID = PSP_ELCDEVICE.DeviceSUID AND PSP_ELCDEVICE.ProjectSUID = '" + projectSUID + "'AND PSPDEV.type='05'AND PSPDEV.KSwitchStatus = '0'AND (PSPDEV.IName='" + pspDev.Name + "'OR PSPDEV.JName='" + pspDev.Name + "')order by PSPDEV.number"; IList list2 = UCDeviceBase.DataService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", con); for (int j = 0; j < list2.Count; j++) { psp = list2[j] as PSPDEV; con = " WHERE Name='" + psp.ISwitch + "' AND ProjectID = '" + projectid + "'" + "AND Type='07'"; IList listiswitch = UCDeviceBase.DataService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", con); con = " WHERE Name='" + psp.JSwitch + "' AND ProjectID = '" + projectid + "'" + "AND Type='07'"; IList listjswitch = UCDeviceBase.DataService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", con); PSPDEV pspiswitch = (PSPDEV)listiswitch[0]; PSPDEV pspjswitch = (PSPDEV)listjswitch[0]; if (pspDev.Number == psp.FirstNode && pspiswitch.KSwitchStatus == "0" && pspjswitch.KSwitchStatus == "0") { flag = true; dlr = "0" + " " + psp.FirstNode + " " + psp.LastNode + " " + psp.Number + " " + "0 " + " " + "0 "; } if (pspDev.Number == psp.LastNode && pspiswitch.KSwitchStatus == "0" && pspjswitch.KSwitchStatus == "0") { flag = true; dlr = "0" + " " + psp.FirstNode + " " + psp.LastNode + " " + psp.Number + " " + "1 " + " " + "0 "; } if (File.Exists(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\fault.txt")) { File.Delete(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\fault.txt"); } if (flag) { FileStream VK = new FileStream((System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\fault.txt"), FileMode.OpenOrCreate); StreamWriter str11 = new StreamWriter(VK); str11.Write(dlr); str11.Close(); if (File.Exists(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\ShortcuitI.txt")) { File.Delete(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\ShortcuitI.txt"); } //shortcir shortCutCal = new shortcir(); shortCutCal.Show_shortcir(0, 0, 1); //bool matrixflag=true; //�����ж��Ƿ��ɾ����������Ƿ��������� string matrixstr = null; if (File.Exists(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\Zmatrixcheck.txt")) { matrixstr = "�����ɾ���"; // matrixflag = false; } if (File.Exists(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\Fmatrixcheck.txt")) { // matrixflag = false; matrixstr += "�����ɾ���"; } if (File.Exists(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\Lmatrixcheck.txt")) { //matrixflag = false; matrixstr += "�����ɾ���"; } if (matrixstr != null) { MessageBox.Show(matrixstr + "�����������������������ٽ��м��㣡", "��ʾ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } if (File.Exists(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\ShortcuitI.txt")) { } else { return; } FileStream shorcuit = new FileStream(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\ShortcuitI.txt", FileMode.Open); StreamReader readLineGU = new StreamReader(shorcuit, System.Text.Encoding.Default); string strLineGU; string[] arrayGU; char[] charSplitGU = new char[] { ' ' }; while ((strLineGU = readLineGU.ReadLine()) != null) { while ((strLineGU = readLineGU.ReadLine()) != null) { arrayGU = strLineGU.Split(charSplitGU); string[] shorti = new string[4]; shorti.Initialize(); int m = 0; foreach (string str in arrayGU) { if (str != "") { shorti[m++] = str.ToString(); } } nodeshorti[pspDev.Number] = Convert.ToDouble(shorti[3]) * 100 / (Math.Sqrt(3) * pspDev.ReferenceVolt); } } readLineGU.Close(); break; //������ѭ�� ����ĸ�ߵ�����һ��ĸ�߶�· } if (!flag) continue; //д������� } //�����һ����·��û�������������н��� if (!flag) { con = " ,PSP_ELCDEVICE WHERE PSPDEV.SUID = PSP_ELCDEVICE.DeviceSUID AND PSP_ELCDEVICE.ProjectSUID = '" + projectSUID + "'AND PSPDEV.type='02'AND PSPDEV.KSwitchStatus = '0'AND(PSPDEV.IName='" + pspDev.Name + "'OR PSPDEV.JName='" + pspDev.Name + "') order by PSPDEV.number"; IList list3 = UCDeviceBase.DataService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", con); for (int j = 0; j < list3.Count; j++) { dlr = null; psp = list3[j] as PSPDEV; //PSPDEV devFirst = new PSPDEV(); //con = " WHERE Name='" + psp.IName + "' AND ProjectID = '" + projectid + "'" + "AND Type='01'"; //devFirst = (PSPDEV)UCDeviceBase.DataService.GetObject("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", con); //PSPDEV devLast = new PSPDEV(); //con = " WHERE Name='" + psp.JName + "' AND ProjectID = '" + projectid + "'" + "AND Type='01'"; //devLast = (PSPDEV)UCDeviceBase.DataService.GetObject("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", con); con = " WHERE Name='" + psp.ISwitch + "' AND ProjectID = '" + projectid + "'" + "AND Type='07'"; IList listiswitch = UCDeviceBase.DataService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", con); con = " WHERE Name='" + psp.JSwitch + "' AND ProjectID = '" + projectid + "'" + "AND Type='07'"; IList listjswitch = UCDeviceBase.DataService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", con); PSPDEV pspiswitch = (PSPDEV)listiswitch[0]; PSPDEV pspjswitch = (PSPDEV)listjswitch[0]; if (pspDev.Number == psp.FirstNode && pspiswitch.KSwitchStatus == "0" && pspjswitch.KSwitchStatus == "0") { flag = true; dlr = "0" + " " + psp.FirstNode + " " + psp.LastNode + " " + psp.Number + " " + "0" + " " + "0"; } if (pspDev.Number == psp.LastNode && pspiswitch.KSwitchStatus == "0" && pspjswitch.KSwitchStatus == "0") { flag = true; dlr = "0" + " " + psp.FirstNode + " " + psp.LastNode + " " + psp.Number + " " + "1" + " " + "0"; } if (flag) { FileStream VK = new FileStream((System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\fault.txt"), FileMode.OpenOrCreate); StreamWriter str11 = new StreamWriter(VK); str11.Write(dlr); str11.Close(); if (File.Exists(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\ShortcuitI.txt")) { File.Delete(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\ShortcuitI.txt"); } // shortcir shortCutCal = new shortcir(); shortCutCal.Show_shortcir(0, 0, 1); //bool matrixflag=true; //�����ж��Ƿ��ɾ����������Ƿ��������� string matrixstr = null; if (File.Exists(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\Zmatrixcheck.txt")) { matrixstr = "�����ɾ���"; // matrixflag = false; } if (File.Exists(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\Fmatrixcheck.txt")) { // matrixflag = false; matrixstr += "�����ɾ���"; } if (File.Exists(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\Lmatrixcheck.txt")) { //matrixflag = false; matrixstr += "�����ɾ���"; } if (matrixstr != null) { MessageBox.Show(matrixstr + "�����������������������ٽ��м��㣡", "��ʾ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } if (File.Exists(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\ShortcuitI.txt")) { } else { return; } FileStream shorcuit = new FileStream(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\ShortcuitI.txt", FileMode.Open); StreamReader readLineGU = new StreamReader(shorcuit, System.Text.Encoding.Default); string strLineGU; string[] arrayGU; char[] charSplitGU = new char[] { ' ' }; while ((strLineGU = readLineGU.ReadLine()) != null) { while ((strLineGU = readLineGU.ReadLine()) != null) { arrayGU = strLineGU.Split(charSplitGU); string[] shorti = new string[4]; shorti.Initialize(); int m = 0; foreach (string str in arrayGU) { if (str != "") { shorti[m++] = str.ToString(); } } nodeshorti[pspDev.Number] = Convert.ToDouble(shorti[3]) * 100 / (Math.Sqrt(3) * pspDev.ReferenceVolt); } } readLineGU.Close(); break; //������ѭ�� ����ĸ�ߵ�����һ��ĸ�߶�· } if (!flag) continue; //д������� } } if (!flag) { con = " ,PSP_ELCDEVICE WHERE PSPDEV.SUID = PSP_ELCDEVICE.DeviceSUID AND PSP_ELCDEVICE.ProjectSUID = '" + projectSUID + "'AND PSPDEV.type='03'AND PSPDEV.KSwitchStatus = '0' AND(PSPDEV.IName='" + pspDev.Name + "'OR PSPDEV.JName='" + pspDev.Name + "'OR PSPDEV.KName='" + pspDev.Name + "') order by PSPDEV.number"; IList list4 = UCDeviceBase.DataService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", con); for (int j = 0; j < list4.Count; j++) { dlr = null; psp = list4[j] as PSPDEV; //PSPDEV devINode = new PSPDEV(); //con = " WHERE Name='" + psp.IName + "' AND ProjectID = '" + projectid + "'" + "AND Type='01'"; //devINode = (PSPDEV)UCDeviceBase.DataService.GetObject("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", con); //PSPDEV devJNode = new PSPDEV(); //con = " WHERE Name='" + psp.JName + "' AND ProjectID = '" + projectid + "'" + "AND Type='01'"; //devJNode = (PSPDEV)UCDeviceBase.DataService.GetObject("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", con); //PSPDEV devKNode = new PSPDEV(); //con = " WHERE Name='" + psp.KName + "' AND ProjectID = '" + projectid + "'" + "AND Type='01'"; //devKNode = (PSPDEV)UCDeviceBase.DataService.GetObject("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", con); con = " WHERE Name='" + psp.ISwitch + "' AND ProjectID = '" + projectid + "'" + "AND Type='07'"; IList listiswitch = UCDeviceBase.DataService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", con); con = " WHERE Name='" + psp.JSwitch + "' AND ProjectID = '" + projectid + "'" + "AND Type='07'"; IList listjswitch = UCDeviceBase.DataService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", con); con = " WHERE Name='" + psp.HuganLine1 + "' AND ProjectID = '" + projectid + "'" + "AND Type='07'"; IList listkswitch = UCDeviceBase.DataService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", con); PSPDEV pspiswitch = (PSPDEV)listiswitch[0]; PSPDEV pspjswitch = (PSPDEV)listjswitch[0]; PSPDEV pspkswitch = (PSPDEV)listkswitch[0]; if (pspDev.Number == psp.FirstNode & pspiswitch.KSwitchStatus == "0" && pspjswitch.KSwitchStatus == "0" && pspkswitch.KSwitchStatus == "0") { flag = true; dlr = "0" + " " + psp.FirstNode + " " + psp.LastNode + " " + psp.Number + " " + "0" + " " + "0"; } if (pspDev.Number == psp.LastNode && pspiswitch.KSwitchStatus == "0" && pspjswitch.KSwitchStatus == "0" && pspkswitch.KSwitchStatus == "0") { flag = true; dlr = "0" + " " + psp.FirstNode + " " + psp.LastNode + " " + psp.Number + " " + "1" + " " + "0"; } if (pspDev.Number == psp.Flag && pspiswitch.KSwitchStatus == "0" && pspjswitch.KSwitchStatus == "0" && pspkswitch.KSwitchStatus == "0") { flag = true; dlr = "0" + " " + psp.FirstNode + " " + psp.Flag + " " + psp.Number + " " + "1" + " " + "0"; } if (flag) { FileStream VK = new FileStream((System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\fault.txt"), FileMode.OpenOrCreate); StreamWriter str11 = new StreamWriter(VK); str11.Write(dlr); str11.Close(); if (File.Exists(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\ShortcuitI.txt")) { File.Delete(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\ShortcuitI.txt"); } //shortcir shortCutCal = new shortcir(); shortCutCal.Show_shortcir(0, 0, 1); //bool matrixflag=true; //�����ж��Ƿ��ɾ����������Ƿ��������� string matrixstr = null; if (File.Exists(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\Zmatrixcheck.txt")) { matrixstr = "�����ɾ���"; // matrixflag = false; } if (File.Exists(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\Fmatrixcheck.txt")) { // matrixflag = false; matrixstr += "�����ɾ���"; } if (File.Exists(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\Lmatrixcheck.txt")) { //matrixflag = false; matrixstr += "�����ɾ���"; } if (matrixstr != null) { MessageBox.Show(matrixstr + "�����������������������ٽ��м��㣡", "��ʾ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } if (File.Exists(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\ShortcuitI.txt")) { } else { return; } FileStream shorcuit = new FileStream(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\ShortcuitI.txt", FileMode.Open); StreamReader readLineGU = new StreamReader(shorcuit, System.Text.Encoding.Default); string strLineGU; string[] arrayGU; char[] charSplitGU = new char[] { ' ' }; while ((strLineGU = readLineGU.ReadLine()) != null) { while ((strLineGU = readLineGU.ReadLine()) != null) { arrayGU = strLineGU.Split(charSplitGU); string[] shorti = new string[4]; shorti.Initialize(); int m = 0; foreach (string str in arrayGU) { if (str != "") { shorti[m++] = str.ToString(); } } nodeshorti[pspDev.Number] = Convert.ToDouble(shorti[3]) * 100 / (Math.Sqrt(3) * pspDev.ReferenceVolt); } } readLineGU.Close(); break; //������ѭ�� ����ĸ�ߵ�����һ��ĸ�߶�· } if (!flag) continue; //д������� } } } //�ҳ���·��������ֵ //maxshorti.Key = 1; //maxshorti.Value = nodeshorti[1]; foreach (KeyValuePair<int, double> keyvalue in nodeshorti) { if (keyvalue.Value > maxshorti.Value) { maxshorti = keyvalue; } } //����ȡ����·�� �ж�����ĸ���ڲ��� ������ھͽ���ɾ�� Ȼ������ѹ���бȽ� con = " ,PSP_ELCDEVICE WHERE PSPDEV.SUID = PSP_ELCDEVICE.DeviceSUID AND PSP_ELCDEVICE.ProjectSUID = '" + projectSUID + "'AND PSPDEV.type='06'AND PSPDEV.KSwitchStatus = '0' order by PSPDEV.number"; IList list = UCDeviceBase.DataService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", con); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { bool flag = false; pspDev = list[i] as PSPDEV; for (int j = 0; j < list1.Count; j++) { psp = list1[j] as PSPDEV; if (pspDev.IName == psp.Name) flag = true; } if (!flag) { UCDeviceBase.DataService.Delete<PSPDEV>(pspDev); } } con = " ,PSP_ELCDEVICE WHERE PSPDEV.SUID = PSP_ELCDEVICE.DeviceSUID AND PSP_ELCDEVICE.ProjectSUID = '" + projectSUID + "'AND PSPDEV.type='06'AND PSPDEV.KSwitchStatus = '0' order by PSPDEV.number"; list = UCDeviceBase.DataService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", con); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { pspDev = list[i] as PSPDEV; pspDev.HuganLine3 = ""; pspDev.KName = ""; if (pspDev.KSwitchStatus == "0") { pspDev.OutP = maxshorti.Value; if (maxshorti.Value > pspDev.HuganTQ1) { pspDev.HuganLine3 = "���ϸ�"; } else { pspDev.HuganLine3 = "�ϸ�"; } pspDev.HuganLine4 = ""; if (pspDev.HuganLine3 == "�ϸ�") { pspDev.KName = "�ϸ�"; } else pspDev.KName = "���ϸ�"; } UCDeviceBase.DataService.Update<PSPDEV>(pspDev); } switch (caozuoi) { case 1: //ȫ����·���� { pspDev.SvgUID = projectSUID; pspDev.Type = "06"; DlqiCheckform dlqicheckform = new DlqiCheckform(pspDev); dlqicheckform.getusercltr.gridView.GroupPanelText = "��·�����������������������"; dlqicheckform.ShowDialog(); break; } case 2: //����·���� { con = " ,PSP_ELCDEVICE WHERE PSPDEV.SUID = PSP_ELCDEVICE.DeviceSUID AND PSP_ELCDEVICE.ProjectSUID = '" + projectSUID + "'AND PSPDEV.type='06'AND PSPDEV.KSwitchStatus = '0' order by PSPDEV.number"; list = UCDeviceBase.DataService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", con); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { pspDev = list[i] as PSPDEV; if (pspDev.KSwitchStatus == "0") { con = ",PSP_ELCDEVICE WHERE PSPDEV.SUID = PSP_ELCDEVICE.DeviceSUID AND PSP_ELCDEVICE.ProjectSUID = '" + projectSUID + "'AND PSPDEV.type='01'AND PSPDEV.KSwitchStatus = '0'AND PSPDEV.Name='" + pspDev.IName + "'"; IList list4 = UCDeviceBase.DataService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", con); psp = list4[0] as PSPDEV; try { pspDev.OutQ = nodeshorti[psp.Number]; if (pspDev.HuganLine3 == "���ϸ�") { if (pspDev.OutQ <= pspDev.HuganTQ1) { pspDev.HuganLine3 = "�ϸ�"; } } pspDev.HuganLine4 = ""; if (pspDev.HuganLine3 == "�ϸ�") { pspDev.KName = "�ϸ�"; } else pspDev.KName = "���ϸ�"; UCDeviceBase.DataService.Update<PSPDEV>(pspDev); } catch (System.Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("��·���ݲ�����"); } } } pspDev.SvgUID = projectSUID; pspDev.Type = "06"; DlqiCheckform dlqicheckform = new DlqiCheckform(pspDev); dlqicheckform.getusercltr.gridView.GroupPanelText = "����·У�˽����"; dlqicheckform.ShowDialog(); break; } case 3: //��·��ֱ������ { con = " ,PSP_ELCDEVICE WHERE PSPDEV.SUID = PSP_ELCDEVICE.DeviceSUID AND PSP_ELCDEVICE.ProjectSUID = '" + projectSUID + "'AND PSPDEV.type='06'AND PSPDEV.KSwitchStatus = '0' order by PSPDEV.number"; list = UCDeviceBase.DataService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", con); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { pspDev = list[i] as PSPDEV; if (pspDev.KSwitchStatus == "0") { double tx = 0.0; if (pspDev.HuganLine2 == "���ѿ۶�·��") { tx = 0.0; } else if (pspDev.HuganLine2 == "���������ѿ۵Ķ�·��") { tx = 10; } pspDev.HuganTQ4 = (pspDev.OutP / pspDev.HuganTQ1) * Math.Exp((-pspDev.HuganTQ2 - tx) / 45) * 100; pspDev.HuganTQ5 = (pspDev.OutQ / pspDev.HuganTQ1) * Math.Exp((-pspDev.HuganTQ2 - tx) / 45) * 100; if (pspDev.HuganTQ3 >= pspDev.HuganTQ4) { pspDev.HuganLine4 = "�ϸ�"; } if (pspDev.HuganTQ3 >= pspDev.HuganTQ5) { pspDev.HuganLine4 = "�ϸ�"; } else if (pspDev.HuganTQ3 < pspDev.HuganTQ5) { pspDev.HuganLine4 = "���ϸ�"; } if (pspDev.HuganLine3 == "�ϸ�" && pspDev.HuganLine4 == "�ϸ�") { pspDev.KName = "�ϸ�"; } else { pspDev.KName = "���ϸ�"; } UCDeviceBase.DataService.Update<PSPDEV>(pspDev); } } pspDev.SvgUID = projectSUID; pspDev.Type = "06"; DlqiCheckform dlqicheckform = new DlqiCheckform(pspDev); dlqicheckform.getusercltr.gridView.GroupPanelText = "��·��������������������"; dlqicheckform.ShowDialog(); break; } } } catch (System.Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("��·����������������·�����Ƿ��ܽ��У�"); } }
//���ݲ����Ĵ���������ʾ public void Allshortcheck(string projectSUID, string projectid, double ratecaplity, int caozuoi) { try { string con = ",PSP_ELCDEVICE WHERE PSPDEV.SUID = PSP_ELCDEVICE.DeviceSUID AND PSP_ELCDEVICE.ProjectSUID = '" + projectSUID + "'AND PSPDEV.type='01'AND PSPDEV.KSwitchStatus = '0' order by PSPDEV.number"; PSPDEV pspDev = new PSPDEV(); IList list1 = UCDeviceBase.DataService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", con); PSPDEV psp = new PSPDEV(); Dictionary<string, double> nodeshorti = new Dictionary<string, double>(); //��¼ĸ����û�н��й���· KeyValuePair<string, double> maxshorti = new KeyValuePair<string, double>(); con = " ,PSP_ELCDEVICE WHERE PSPDEV.SUID = PSP_ELCDEVICE.DeviceSUID AND PSP_ELCDEVICE.ProjectSUID = '" + projectSUID + "'AND PSPDEV.type='06'AND PSPDEV.KSwitchStatus = '0' order by PSPDEV.number"; IList list = UCDeviceBase.DataService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", con); if (caozuoi != 3) { AllShorti(projectSUID, projectid, 0, ratecaplity, nodeshorti); //�ҳ���·��������ֵ //maxshorti.Key = 1; //maxshorti.Value = nodeshorti[1]; foreach (KeyValuePair<string, double> keyvalue in nodeshorti) { if (keyvalue.Value > maxshorti.Value) { maxshorti = keyvalue; } } //����ȡ����·�� �ж�����ĸ���ڲ��� ������ھͽ���ɾ�� Ȼ������ѹ���бȽ� for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { bool flag = false; pspDev = list[i] as PSPDEV; for (int j = 0; j < list1.Count; j++) { psp = list1[j] as PSPDEV; if (pspDev.IName == psp.Name) flag = true; } if (!flag) { PSP_ElcDevice pel = new PSP_ElcDevice(); pel.ProjectSUID = projectSUID; pel.DeviceSUID = pspDev.SUID; UCDeviceBase.DataService.Delete<PSP_ElcDevice>(pel); //UCDeviceBase.DataService.Delete<PSPDEV>(pspDev); } } con = " ,PSP_ELCDEVICE WHERE PSPDEV.SUID = PSP_ELCDEVICE.DeviceSUID AND PSP_ELCDEVICE.ProjectSUID = '" + projectSUID + "'AND PSPDEV.type='06'AND PSPDEV.KSwitchStatus = '0' order by PSPDEV.number"; list = UCDeviceBase.DataService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", con); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { pspDev = list[i] as PSPDEV; pspDev.HuganLine3 = ""; pspDev.KName = ""; if (pspDev.KSwitchStatus == "0") { pspDev.OutP = maxshorti.Value; if (maxshorti.Value > pspDev.HuganTQ1) { pspDev.HuganLine3 = "���ϸ�"; } else { pspDev.HuganLine3 = "�ϸ�"; } pspDev.HuganLine4 = ""; if (pspDev.HuganLine3 == "�ϸ�") { pspDev.KName = "�ϸ�"; } else pspDev.KName = "���ϸ�"; } UCDeviceBase.DataService.Update<PSPDEV>(pspDev); } } switch (caozuoi) { case 1: //ȫ����·���� { pspDev.SvgUID = projectSUID; pspDev.Type = "06"; DlqiCheckform dlqicheckform = new DlqiCheckform(pspDev); dlqicheckform.getusercltr.gridView.GroupPanelText = "��·�����������������������"; dlqicheckform.ShowDialog(); break; } case 2: //����·���� { con = " ,PSP_ELCDEVICE WHERE PSPDEV.SUID = PSP_ELCDEVICE.DeviceSUID AND PSP_ELCDEVICE.ProjectSUID = '" + projectSUID + "'AND PSPDEV.type='06'AND PSPDEV.KSwitchStatus = '0' order by PSPDEV.number"; list = UCDeviceBase.DataService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", con); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { pspDev = list[i] as PSPDEV; if (pspDev.KSwitchStatus == "0") { con = ",PSP_ELCDEVICE WHERE PSPDEV.SUID = PSP_ELCDEVICE.DeviceSUID AND PSP_ELCDEVICE.ProjectSUID = '" + projectSUID + "'AND PSPDEV.type='01'AND PSPDEV.KSwitchStatus = '0'AND PSPDEV.Name='" + pspDev.IName + "'"; IList list4 = UCDeviceBase.DataService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", con); psp = list4[0] as PSPDEV; try { pspDev.OutQ = nodeshorti[psp.Name]; if (pspDev.HuganLine3 == "���ϸ�") { if (pspDev.OutQ <= pspDev.HuganTQ1) { pspDev.HuganLine3 = "�ϸ�"; } } pspDev.HuganLine4 = ""; if (pspDev.HuganLine3 == "�ϸ�") { pspDev.KName = "�ϸ�"; } else pspDev.KName = "���ϸ�"; UCDeviceBase.DataService.Update<PSPDEV>(pspDev); } catch (System.Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("��·���ݲ�����"); } } } pspDev.SvgUID = projectSUID; pspDev.Type = "06"; DlqiCheckform dlqicheckform = new DlqiCheckform(pspDev); dlqicheckform.getusercltr.gridView.GroupPanelText = "����·У�˽����"; dlqicheckform.ShowDialog(); break; } case 3: //��·��ֱ������ { con = " ,PSP_ELCDEVICE WHERE PSPDEV.SUID = PSP_ELCDEVICE.DeviceSUID AND PSP_ELCDEVICE.ProjectSUID = '" + projectSUID + "'AND PSPDEV.type='06'AND PSPDEV.KSwitchStatus = '0' order by PSPDEV.number"; list = UCDeviceBase.DataService.GetList("SelectPSPDEVByCondition", con); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { pspDev = list[i] as PSPDEV; if (pspDev.KSwitchStatus == "0") { double tx = 0.0; if (pspDev.HuganLine2 == "���ѿ۶�·��") { tx = 0.0; } else if (pspDev.HuganLine2 == "���������ѿ۵Ķ�·��") { tx = 10; } pspDev.HuganTQ4 = (pspDev.OutP / pspDev.HuganTQ1) * Math.Exp((-pspDev.HuganTQ2 - tx) / 45) * 100; pspDev.HuganTQ5 = (pspDev.OutQ / pspDev.HuganTQ1) * Math.Exp((-pspDev.HuganTQ2 - tx) / 45) * 100; if (pspDev.HuganTQ3 >= pspDev.HuganTQ4) { pspDev.HuganLine4 = "�ϸ�"; } if (pspDev.HuganTQ3 >= pspDev.HuganTQ5) { pspDev.HuganLine4 = "�ϸ�"; } else if (pspDev.HuganTQ3 < pspDev.HuganTQ5) { pspDev.HuganLine4 = "���ϸ�"; } if (pspDev.HuganLine3 == "�ϸ�" && pspDev.HuganLine4 == "�ϸ�") { pspDev.KName = "�ϸ�"; } else { pspDev.KName = "���ϸ�"; } UCDeviceBase.DataService.Update<PSPDEV>(pspDev); } } pspDev.SvgUID = projectSUID; pspDev.Type = "06"; DlqiCheckform dlqicheckform = new DlqiCheckform(pspDev); dlqicheckform.getusercltr.gridView.GroupPanelText = "��·��������������������"; dlqicheckform.ShowDialog(); break; } } } catch (System.Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("��·����������������·�����Ƿ��ܽ��У�"); } }