public static bool CalculateIfShake(PokemonInstance pokemon, BattleData battleData, PokeBall pokeBall) => CalculateIfShake(CalculateShakeProbability(CalculateModifiedCatchRate(pokemon, pokeBall.GetCatchChanceModifier(pokemon, battleData))));
public static Item[] GetRegistryItems() { //Original item ids: // PokeBall[] items = new PokeBall[] { new BasicPokeBall() { itemName = "Poke Ball", catchRateModifier = 1, id = 4, resourceName = "pokeball", description = "A device for catching wild Pokemon. It is thrown like a ball at the target. It is designed as a capsule system." }, new BasicPokeBall() { itemName = "Great Ball", catchRateModifier = 1.5F, id = 3, resourceName = "greatball", description = "A good, high-performance Ball that provides a higher Pokemon catch rate than a standard Poke Ball." }, new BasicPokeBall() { itemName = "Ultra Ball", catchRateModifier = 2, id = 2, resourceName = "ultraball", description = "An ultra-performance Ball that provides a higher Pokemon catch rate than a Great Ball." }, new BasicPokeBall() { itemName = "Master Ball", catchRateModifier = 255, id = 1, resourceName = "masterball", description = "The best Ball with the ultimate level of performance. It will catch any wild Pokémon without fail." }, new BasicPokeBall() { itemName = "Safari Ball", catchRateModifier = 1.5F, id = 5, resourceName = "safariball", description = "A special Poke Ball that is used only in the Great Marsh. It is decorated in a camouflage pattern." }, new NetBall() { itemName = "Net Ball", id = 6, resourceName = "netball", description = "A somewhat different Poke Ball that works especially well on Water- and Bug-type Pokemon." }, new TimerBall() { itemName = "Timer Ball", id = 10, resourceName = "timerball", description = "A somewhat different Ball that becomes progressively better the more turns there are in a battle." }, new QuickBall() { itemName = "Quick Ball", id = 15, resourceName = "quickball", description = "A somewhat different Ball that provides a better catch rate if it is used at the start of a wild encounter." } }; return(items); }