private static object ConstructRubyDate(RubyConstructor /*!*/ ctor, Node node) { ScalarNode scalar = node as ScalarNode; if (scalar == null) { throw new ConstructorException("Can only contruct timestamp from scalar node."); } Match match = BaseConstructor.YmdRegex.Match(scalar.Value); if (match.Success) { int year_ymd = Int32.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); int month_ymd = Int32.Parse(match.Groups[2].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); int day_ymd = Int32.Parse(match.Groups[3].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); RubyModule module; if (ctor.GlobalScope.Context.TryGetModule(ctor.GlobalScope, "Date", out module)) { return(ctor._newSite.Target(ctor._newSite, module, year_ymd, month_ymd, day_ymd)); } else { throw new ConstructorException("Date class not found."); } } throw new ConstructorException("Invalid,2002:timestamp#ymd value."); }
public static object LoadStream(ConversionStorage <MutableString> /*!*/ toStr, RespondToStorage /*!*/ respondTo, UnaryOpStorage /*!*/ newStorage, BinaryOpStorage /*!*/ addStorage, RubyScope /*!*/ scope, RubyModule /*!*/ self, object io) { RubyConstructor rc = MakeConstructor(scope.GlobalScope, GetStream(toStr, respondTo, io)); // TODO: only if io was converted to a string: io = CreateDefaultStream(newStorage, scope, self); AddDocumentsToStream(addStorage, rc, io); return(io); }
public static object LoadStream(RubyScope /*!*/ scope, RubyModule /*!*/ self, object io) { RubyConstructor rc = MakeConstructor(scope, CheckYamlPort(io)); object streamClass = RubyUtils.GetConstant(scope, self, _Stream, false); object stream = _New.Target(_New, scope.RubyContext, streamClass as RubyModule, null); foreach (object doc in rc) { _Add.Target(_Add, scope.RubyContext, stream, doc); } return(stream); }
private static object ParseObject(RubyConstructor /*!*/ ctor, string /*!*/ value) { Composer composer = RubyYaml.MakeComposer(new StringReader(value), ctor.Encoding); if (composer.CheckNode()) { return(ctor.ConstructObject(composer.GetNode())); } else { throw new ConstructorException("Invalid YAML element: " + value); } }
public static object AddDomainType(RubyContext /*!*/ context, BlockParam /*!*/ block, RubyModule /*!*/ self, MutableString /*!*/ domainAndDate, RubyRegex /*!*/ typeRegex) { if (block == null) { throw RubyExceptions.NoBlockGiven(); } MutableString tag = MutableString.Create("tag:"). Append(domainAndDate).Append(":"). Append(typeRegex.GetPattern()); RubyConstructor.AddExternalMultiConstructor(tag.ConvertToString(), block); return(null); }
private static object ConstructRubyStruct(RubyConstructor /*!*/ ctor, string /*!*/ structName, Node /*!*/ node) { MappingNode mapping = node as MappingNode; if (mapping == null) { throw new ConstructorException("can only construct struct from mapping node"); } if (structName.Length == 0) { // TODO: throw new NotSupportedException("anonymous structs not supported"); } RubyContext context = ctor.GlobalScope.Context; RubyModule module; // TODO: MRI calls "members" on an arbitrary object // MRI checks Struct first, then falls back to Object if (!context.TryGetModule(ctor.GlobalScope, "Struct::" + structName, out module) && !context.TryGetModule(ctor.GlobalScope, structName, out module)) { throw RubyExceptions.CreateTypeError("Undefined struct `{0}'", structName); } RubyClass cls = module as RubyClass; if (cls == null) { throw RubyExceptions.CreateTypeError("`{0}' is not a class", structName); } RubyStruct newStruct = RubyStruct.Create(cls); foreach (var pair in ctor.ConstructMapping(mapping)) { var attributeName = pair.Key as MutableString; int index; // TODO: encoding if (attributeName != null && newStruct.TryGetIndex(attributeName.ToString(), out index)) { newStruct[index] = pair.Value; } } return(newStruct); }
/// <summary> /// Returns MutableString or RubySymbol. /// </summary> private static object ConstructRubyString(RubyConstructor /*!*/ ctor, Node /*!*/ node) { ScalarNode scalar = (ScalarNode)node; string value = ctor.ConstructScalar(node); if (value == null) { return(null); } if (value.Length > 1 && value[0] == ':' && scalar.Style == ScalarQuotingStyle.None) { return(ctor.GlobalScope.Context.CreateAsciiSymbol(value.Substring(1))); } return(MutableString.CreateMutable(value, ctor.RubyEncoding)); }
private static object ConstructPrivateObject(RubyConstructor /*!*/ ctor, string className, Node node) { MappingNode mapping = node as MappingNode; if (mapping == null) { throw new ConstructorException("can only construct private type from mapping node"); } RubyModule module; RubyGlobalScope globalScope = ctor.GlobalScope; if (globalScope.Context.TryGetModule(globalScope, className, out module)) { if (!module.IsClass) { throw new ConstructorException("Cannot construct module"); } Hash values = ctor.ConstructMapping(mapping); // TODO: call allocate here: object result = null; RubyMethodInfo method = module.GetMethod("yaml_initialize") as RubyMethodInfo; if (method != null) { result = RubyMarshal.Utils.CreateObjectAndSetIvars((RubyClass)module); ctor._yamlInitializeSite.Target(ctor._yamlInitializeSite, result, className, values); } else { var dict = new Dictionary <string, object>(values.Count); foreach (var kvp in EnumerateAttributes(globalScope.Context, values)) { dict.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } result = RubyMarshal.Utils.CreateObjectAndSetIvars((RubyClass)module, dict); } return(result); } else { //TODO: YAML::Object throw new NotImplementedError("YAML::Object is not implemented yet"); } }
public static object EachDocument(RubyScope /*!*/ scope, BlockParam block, RubyModule /*!*/ self, object io) { RubyConstructor rc = MakeConstructor(scope, CheckYamlPort(io)); if (block == null && rc.CheckData()) { throw RubyExceptions.NoBlockGiven(); } foreach (object obj in rc) { object result; if (block.Yield(obj, out result)) { return(result); } } return(null); }
private static RubyRegex /*!*/ ConstructRubyRegexp(RubyConstructor /*!*/ ctor, Node /*!*/ node) { ScalarNode scalar = node as ScalarNode; if (node == null) { throw RubyExceptions.CreateTypeError("Can only create regex from scalar node"); } Match match = _regexPattern.Match(scalar.Value); if (!match.Success) { throw new ConstructorException("Invalid Regular expression: \"" + scalar.Value + "\""); } RubyRegexOptions options = new RubyRegexOptions(); foreach (char c in match.Groups["opts"].Value) { switch (c) { case 'i': options |= RubyRegexOptions.IgnoreCase; break; case 'x': options |= RubyRegexOptions.Extended; break; case 'm': options |= RubyRegexOptions.Multiline; break; case 'o': break; case 'n': options |= RubyRegexOptions.FIXED; break; case 'e': options |= RubyRegexOptions.EUC; break; case 's': options |= RubyRegexOptions.SJIS; break; case 'u': options |= RubyRegexOptions.UTF8; break; default: throw new ConstructorException("Unknown regular expression option: '" + c + "'"); } } // TODO: encoding (ignore kcode on 1.9, string enc?): return(new RubyRegex(MutableString.CreateMutable(match.Groups["expr"].Value, RubyEncoding.UTF8), options)); }
public static object EachDocument(ConversionStorage <MutableString> /*!*/ toStr, RespondToStorage /*!*/ respondTo, RubyScope /*!*/ scope, BlockParam block, RubyModule /*!*/ self, object io) { RubyConstructor rc = MakeConstructor(scope.GlobalScope, GetStream(toStr, respondTo, io)); if (block == null && rc.CheckData()) { throw RubyExceptions.NoBlockGiven(); } foreach (object obj in rc) { object result; if (block.Yield(obj, out result)) { return(result); } } return(null); }
private static object ConstructPrivateObject(RubyConstructor/*!*/ ctor, string className, Node node) { MappingNode mapping = node as MappingNode; if (mapping == null) { throw new ConstructorException("can only construct private type from mapping node"); } RubyModule module; RubyGlobalScope globalScope = ctor.GlobalScope; if (globalScope.Context.TryGetModule(globalScope, className, out module)) { if (!module.IsClass) { throw new ConstructorException("Cannot construct module"); } Hash values = ctor.ConstructMapping(mapping); RubyMethodInfo method = module.GetMethod("yaml_initialize") as RubyMethodInfo; if (method != null) { object result = RubyUtils.CreateObject((RubyClass)module); ctor._yamlInitializeSite.Target(ctor._yamlInitializeSite, result, className, values); return result; } else { return RubyUtils.CreateObject((RubyClass)module, values, true); } } else { //TODO: YAML::Object throw new NotImplementedError("YAML::Object is not implemented yet"); } }
private static object ConstructRubyStruct(RubyConstructor/*!*/ ctor, string className, Node node) { MappingNode mapping = node as MappingNode; if (mapping == null) { throw new ConstructorException("can only construct struct from mapping node"); } RubyContext context = ctor.GlobalScope.Context; RubyModule module; RubyClass cls; if (context.TryGetModule(ctor.GlobalScope, className, out module)) { cls = module as RubyClass; if (cls == null) { throw new ConstructorException("Struct type name must be Ruby class"); } } else { RubyModule structModule = context.GetModule(typeof(RubyStruct)); cls = RubyUtils.GetConstant(ctor.GlobalScope, structModule, className, false) as RubyClass; if (cls == null) { throw new ConstructorException(String.Format("Cannot find struct class \"{0}\"", className)); } } RubyStruct newStruct = RubyStruct.Create(cls); foreach (var pair in ctor.ConstructMapping(mapping)) { RubyStructOps.SetValue(newStruct, SymbolTable.StringToId(pair.Key.ToString()), pair.Value); } return newStruct; }
private static Range ConstructRubyRange(RubyConstructor/*!*/ ctor, Node node) { object begin = null; object end = null; bool excludeEnd = false; ScalarNode scalar = node as ScalarNode; if (scalar != null) { string value = scalar.Value; int dotsIdx; if ((dotsIdx = value.IndexOf("...")) != -1) { begin = ParseObject(ctor, value.Substring(0, dotsIdx)); end = ParseObject(ctor, value.Substring(dotsIdx + 3)); excludeEnd = true; } else if ((dotsIdx = value.IndexOf("..")) != -1) { begin = ParseObject(ctor, value.Substring(0, dotsIdx)); end = ParseObject(ctor, value.Substring(dotsIdx + 2)); } else { throw new ConstructorException("Invalid Range: " + value); } } else { MappingNode mapping = node as MappingNode; if (mapping == null) { throw new ConstructorException("Invalid Range: " + node); } foreach (KeyValuePair<Node, Node> n in mapping.Nodes) { string key = ctor.ConstructScalar(n.Key).ToString(); switch (key) { case "begin": begin = ctor.ConstructObject(n.Value); break; case "end": end = ctor.ConstructObject(n.Value); break; case "excl": TryConstructYamlBool(ctor, n.Value, out excludeEnd); break; default: throw new ConstructorException(string.Format("'{0}' is not allowed as an instance variable name for class Range", key)); } } } var comparisonStorage = new BinaryOpStorage(ctor.GlobalScope.Context); return new Range(comparisonStorage, ctor.GlobalScope.Context, begin, end, excludeEnd); }
private static RubyRegex ConstructRubyRegexp(RubyConstructor/*!*/ ctor, Node node) { ScalarNode scalar = node as ScalarNode; if (node == null) { throw RubyExceptions.CreateTypeError("Can only create regex from scalar node"); } Match match = _regexPattern.Match(scalar.Value); if (!match.Success) { throw new ConstructorException("Invalid Regular expression: \"" + scalar.Value + "\""); } RubyRegexOptions options = new RubyRegexOptions(); foreach (char c in match.Groups["opts"].Value) { switch (c) { case 'i': options |= RubyRegexOptions.IgnoreCase; break; case 'x': options |= RubyRegexOptions.Extended; break; case 'm': options |= RubyRegexOptions.Multiline; break; case 'o': break; case 'n': options |= RubyRegexOptions.FIXED; break; case 'e': options |= RubyRegexOptions.EUC; break; case 's': options |= RubyRegexOptions.SJIS; break; case 'u': options |= RubyRegexOptions.UTF8; break; default: throw new ConstructorException("Unknown regular expression option: '" + c + "'"); } } // TODO: encoding (ignore kcode on 1.9, string enc?): return new RubyRegex(MutableString.CreateMutable(match.Groups["expr"].Value, RubyEncoding.UTF8), options); }
private static object ConstructRubyScalar(RubyConstructor/*!*/ ctor, Node node) { object value = ctor.ConstructScalar(node); if (value == null) { return value; } string str = value as string; if (str != null) { return MutableString.Create(str, RubyEncoding.UTF8); } return value; }
private static object ParseObject(RubyConstructor/*!*/ ctor, string value) { Composer composer = RubyYaml.MakeComposer(new StringReader(value)); if (composer.CheckNode()) { return ctor.ConstructObject(composer.GetNode()); } else { throw new ConstructorException("Invalid YAML element: " + value); } }
private static object ConstructRubySymbol(RubyConstructor/*!*/ ctor, Node/*!*/ node) { return ctor.GlobalScope.Context.CreateAsciiSymbol(((ScalarNode)node).Value); }
private static object ConstructRubyStruct(RubyConstructor/*!*/ ctor, string/*!*/ structName, Node/*!*/ node) { MappingNode mapping = node as MappingNode; if (mapping == null) { throw new ConstructorException("can only construct struct from mapping node"); } if (structName.Length == 0) { // TODO: throw new NotSupportedException("anonymous structs not supported"); } RubyContext context = ctor.GlobalScope.Context; RubyModule module; // TODO: MRI calls "members" on an arbitrary object // MRI checks Struct first, then falls back to Object if (!context.TryGetModule(ctor.GlobalScope, "Struct::" + structName, out module) && !context.TryGetModule(ctor.GlobalScope, structName, out module)) { throw RubyExceptions.CreateTypeError("Undefined struct `{0}'", structName); } RubyClass cls = module as RubyClass; if (cls == null) { throw RubyExceptions.CreateTypeError("`{0}' is not a class", structName); } RubyStruct newStruct = RubyStruct.Create(cls); foreach (var pair in ctor.ConstructMapping(mapping)) { var attributeName = pair.Key as MutableString; int index; // TODO: encoding if (attributeName != null && newStruct.TryGetIndex(attributeName.ToString(), out index)) { newStruct[index] = pair.Value; } } return newStruct; }
/// <summary> /// Returns MutableString or RubySymbol. /// </summary> private static object ConstructRubyString(RubyConstructor/*!*/ ctor, Node/*!*/ node) { ScalarNode scalar = (ScalarNode)node; string value = ctor.ConstructScalar(node); if (value == null) { return null; } if (value.Length > 1 && value[0] == ':' && scalar.Style == ScalarQuotingStyle.None) { return ctor.GlobalScope.Context.CreateAsciiSymbol(value.Substring(1)); } return MutableString.CreateMutable(value, ctor.RubyEncoding); }
private static object ConstructPrivateObject(RubyConstructor/*!*/ ctor, string className, Node node) { MappingNode mapping = node as MappingNode; if (mapping == null) { throw new ConstructorException("can only construct private type from mapping node"); } RubyModule module; RubyGlobalScope globalScope = ctor.GlobalScope; if (globalScope.Context.TryGetModule(globalScope, className, out module)) { if (!module.IsClass) { throw new ConstructorException("Cannot construct module"); } Hash values = ctor.ConstructMapping(mapping); // TODO: call allocate here: object result = null; RubyMethodInfo method = module.GetMethod("yaml_initialize") as RubyMethodInfo; if (method != null) { result = RubyMarshal.Utils.CreateObjectAndSetIvars((RubyClass)module); ctor._yamlInitializeSite.Target(ctor._yamlInitializeSite, result, className, values); } else { var dict = new Dictionary<string, object>(values.Count); foreach (var kvp in EnumerateAttributes(globalScope.Context, values)) { dict.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } result = RubyMarshal.Utils.CreateObjectAndSetIvars((RubyClass)module, dict); } return result; } else { //TODO: YAML::Object throw new NotImplementedError("YAML::Object is not implemented yet"); } }
private static object ConstructRubySymbol(RubyConstructor /*!*/ ctor, Node /*!*/ node) { return(ctor.GlobalScope.Context.CreateAsciiSymbol(((ScalarNode)node).Value)); }
private static MutableString ConstructRubyBinary(RubyConstructor/*!*/ ctor, Node node) { return MutableString.CreateBinary(BaseConstructor.ConstructYamlBinary(ctor, node)); }
private static Range /*!*/ ConstructRubyRange(RubyConstructor /*!*/ ctor, Node /*!*/ node) { object begin = null; object end = null; bool excludeEnd = false; ScalarNode scalar = node as ScalarNode; if (scalar != null) { string value = scalar.Value; int dotsIdx; if ((dotsIdx = value.IndexOf("...", StringComparison.Ordinal)) != -1) { begin = ParseObject(ctor, value.Substring(0, dotsIdx)); end = ParseObject(ctor, value.Substring(dotsIdx + 3)); excludeEnd = true; } else if ((dotsIdx = value.IndexOf("..", StringComparison.Ordinal)) != -1) { begin = ParseObject(ctor, value.Substring(0, dotsIdx)); end = ParseObject(ctor, value.Substring(dotsIdx + 2)); } else { throw new ConstructorException("Invalid Range: " + value); } } else { MappingNode mapping = node as MappingNode; if (mapping == null) { throw new ConstructorException("Invalid Range: " + node); } foreach (KeyValuePair <Node, Node> n in mapping.Nodes) { string key = ctor.ConstructScalar(n.Key).ToString(); switch (key) { case "begin": begin = ctor.ConstructObject(n.Value); break; case "end": end = ctor.ConstructObject(n.Value); break; case "excl": if (!TryConstructYamlBool(ctor, n.Value, out excludeEnd)) { throw new ConstructorException("Invalid Range: " + node); } break; default: throw new ConstructorException(String.Format("'{0}' is not allowed as an instance variable name for class Range", key)); } } } var comparisonStorage = new BinaryOpStorage(ctor.GlobalScope.Context); return(new Range(comparisonStorage, ctor.GlobalScope.Context, begin, end, excludeEnd)); }
private static object ConstructRubyTimestampYMD(RubyConstructor/*!*/ ctor, Node node) { ScalarNode scalar = node as ScalarNode; if (scalar == null) { throw new ConstructorException("Can only contruct timestamp from scalar node."); } Match match = BaseConstructor.YmdRegex.Match(scalar.Value); if (match.Success) { int year_ymd = Int32.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); int month_ymd = Int32.Parse(match.Groups[2].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); int day_ymd = Int32.Parse(match.Groups[3].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); RubyModule module; if (ctor.GlobalScope.Context.TryGetModule(ctor.GlobalScope, "Date", out module)) { return ctor._newSite.Target(ctor._newSite, module, year_ymd, month_ymd, day_ymd); } else { throw new ConstructorException("Date class not found."); } } throw new ConstructorException("Invalid,2002:timestamp#ymd value."); }
private static MutableString /*!*/ ConstructRubyBinary(RubyConstructor /*!*/ ctor, Node /*!*/ node) { return(MutableString.CreateBinary(BaseConstructor.ConstructYamlBinary(ctor, node))); }