protected override void Algorithm(ref Cl3DModel p_Model)
            Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator iter = p_Model.GetIterator();

            Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator max = iter.CopyIterator();
            float distanceMax = 0;

                float distance = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(iter.U, 2) + Math.Pow(iter.V, 2));
                if (distanceMax < distance)
                    distanceMax = distance;

            } while (iter.MoveToNext());

            iter = p_Model.GetIterator();
                iter.U = (iter.U / distanceMax) * m_RadiousOfConformalMap;
                iter.V = (iter.V / distanceMax) * m_RadiousOfConformalMap;
            } while (iter.MoveToNext());

            Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator LeftEye = p_Model.GetSpecificPoint(Cl3DModel.eSpecificPoints.LeftEyeRightCorner);
            Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator RightEye = p_Model.GetSpecificPoint(Cl3DModel.eSpecificPoints.RightEyeLeftCorner);
            Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator NoseTip = p_Model.GetSpecificPoint(Cl3DModel.eSpecificPoints.NoseTip);

            Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator tmp;
            if (LeftEye.X > RightEye.X)
                tmp = LeftEye.CopyIterator();
                RightEye = LeftEye.CopyIterator();
                LeftEye = tmp.CopyIterator();

            double EyesDistance = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(LeftEye.U - RightEye.U,2) + Math.Pow(LeftEye.V - RightEye.V,2));
            double NoseLeftEyeDistance = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(LeftEye.U - NoseTip.U, 2) + Math.Pow(LeftEye.V - NoseTip.V, 2));
            double NoseRightEyeDistance = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(NoseTip.U - RightEye.U, 2) + Math.Pow(NoseTip.V - RightEye.V, 2));

            double AverageNoseTipEyeDistance = (NoseLeftEyeDistance + NoseRightEyeDistance) / 2;

            Matrix GenModel = new Matrix(2, 3);
            GenModel[0, 0] = 0;
            GenModel[1, 0] = 0; // nose

            GenModel[0, 1] = (EyesDistance / 2);
            GenModel[1, 1] = AverageNoseTipEyeDistance; // left eye

            GenModel[0, 2] = -(EyesDistance / 2);
            GenModel[1, 2] = AverageNoseTipEyeDistance; // right eye

            Matrix Model = new Matrix(2, 3);

            Model[0, 0] = NoseTip.U;
            Model[1, 0] = NoseTip.V; // nose

            Model[0, 1] = LeftEye.U;
            Model[1, 1] = LeftEye.V; // left eye

            Model[0, 2] = RightEye.U;
            Model[1, 2] = RightEye.V; // right eye

            Matrix rotationMatrix = null;
            Matrix translationMatrix = null;

            ClTools.CalculateRotationAndTranslation(GenModel, Model, out rotationMatrix, out translationMatrix);

            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix q = new Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix(2, 1);
            iter = p_Model.GetIterator();
                q[0, 0] = iter.U;
                q[1, 0] = iter.V;
                Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix NewQ = rotationMatrix * q +translationMatrix;
                iter.U = (float)NewQ[0, 0];
                iter.V = (float)NewQ[1, 0];
            } while (iter.MoveToNext());

            float U = NoseTip.U;
            float V = NoseTip.V;
            iter = p_Model.GetIterator();
                iter.U -= U;
                iter.V -= V;
            } while (iter.MoveToNext());

            if (centerConformalMaps)
                float middleU = 0;
                float middleV = 0;
                iter = p_Model.GetIterator();
                    middleU += iter.U;
                    middleV += iter.V;
                } while (iter.MoveToNext());

                middleU /= p_Model.ModelPointsCount;
                middleV /= p_Model.ModelPointsCount;
                iter = p_Model.GetIterator();
                    iter.U -= middleU;
                    iter.V -= middleV;
                } while (iter.MoveToNext());

        public static bool CountSurfaceCoefficients(List<Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator> p_pNeighborhood, ref double p_A, ref double p_B, ref double p_C, ref double p_D, ref double p_E, ref double p_F)
            if (p_pNeighborhood.Count < 3)
                return false;

            double x = 0;
            double y = 0;
            double z = 0;
            double xy = 0;
            double xz = 0;
            double yz = 0;
            double xyz = 0;
            double x2 = 0;
            double y2 = 0;
            double x2y = 0;
            double x2z = 0;
            double y2z = 0;
            double xy2 = 0;
            double x3 = 0;
            double y3 = 0;
            double x4 = 0;
            double y4 = 0;
            double x2y2 = 0;
            double xy3 = 0;
            double x3y = 0;
            double N = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < p_pNeighborhood.Count; i++)
                double iX = p_pNeighborhood[i].X;
                double iY = p_pNeighborhood[i].Y;
                double iZ = p_pNeighborhood[i].Z;

                x += iX;
                y += iY;
                z += iZ;
                xy += iX * iY;
                xz += iX * iZ;
                yz += iY * iZ;
                xyz += iX * iY * iZ;
                x2 += iX * iX;
                y2 += iY * iY;
                x2y += iX * iX * iY;
                x2z += iX * iX * iZ;
                y2z += iY * iY * iZ;
                //xy2 += iX * iY * iZ * iZ; //gives strange but good results
                xy2 += iX * iY * iY;
                x3 += iX * iX * iX;
                y3 += iY * iY * iY;
                x4 += iX * iX * iX * iX;
                y4 += iY * iY * iY * iY;
                x2y2 += iX * iX * iY * iY;
                xy3 += iX * iY * iY * iY;
                x3y += iX * iX * iX * iY;

            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix MatrixLeft = new Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix(6, 6);
            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix MatrixRight = new Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix(6, 1);

            MatrixLeft[0, 0] = N;
            MatrixLeft[0, 1] = x;
            MatrixLeft[0, 2] = y;
            MatrixLeft[0, 3] = x2;
            MatrixLeft[0, 4] = xy;
            MatrixLeft[0, 5] = y2;
            MatrixLeft[1, 0] = x;
            MatrixLeft[1, 1] = x2;
            MatrixLeft[1, 2] = xy;
            MatrixLeft[1, 3] = x3;
            MatrixLeft[1, 4] = x2y;
            MatrixLeft[1, 5] = xy2;
            MatrixLeft[2, 0] = y;
            MatrixLeft[2, 1] = xy;
            MatrixLeft[2, 2] = y2;
            MatrixLeft[2, 3] = x2y;
            MatrixLeft[2, 4] = xy2;
            MatrixLeft[2, 5] = y3;
            MatrixLeft[3, 0] = x2;
            MatrixLeft[3, 1] = x3;
            MatrixLeft[3, 2] = x2y;
            MatrixLeft[3, 3] = x4;
            MatrixLeft[3, 4] = x3y;
            MatrixLeft[3, 5] = x2y2;
            MatrixLeft[4, 0] = xy;
            MatrixLeft[4, 1] = x2y;
            MatrixLeft[4, 2] = xy2;
            MatrixLeft[4, 3] = x3y;
            MatrixLeft[4, 4] = x2y2;
            MatrixLeft[4, 5] = xy3;
            MatrixLeft[5, 0] = y2;
            MatrixLeft[5, 1] = xy2;
            MatrixLeft[5, 2] = y3;
            MatrixLeft[5, 3] = x2y2;
            MatrixLeft[5, 4] = xy3;
            MatrixLeft[5, 5] = y4;

            MatrixRight[0, 0] = z;
            MatrixRight[1, 0] = xz;
            MatrixRight[2, 0] = yz;
            MatrixRight[3, 0] = x2z;
            MatrixRight[4, 0] = xyz;
            MatrixRight[5, 0] = y2z;

            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix MatrixOut = null;
                MatrixLeft = MatrixLeft.Inverse();
                MatrixOut = MatrixLeft * MatrixRight;
            catch (Exception)
                return false;

            p_A = MatrixOut[0, 0];
            p_B = MatrixOut[1, 0];
            p_C = MatrixOut[2, 0];
            p_D = MatrixOut[3, 0];
            p_E = MatrixOut[4, 0];
            p_F = MatrixOut[5, 0];

            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// each colomn is one vertex - CORRECTED 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="PointsModel1"></param>
        /// <param name="PointsModel2"></param>
        /// <param name="p_mRotationMatrix"></param>
        /// <param name="p_mTranslationMatrix"></param>
        public static void CalculateRotationAndTranslation(Matrix PointsModel1, Matrix PointsModel2, out Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix p_mRotationMatrix, out Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix p_mTranslationMatrix)
            if (PointsModel1.ColumnCount != PointsModel2.ColumnCount || PointsModel1.RowCount != PointsModel2.RowCount)
                throw new Exception("Two Matrixes do not have the same count");

            Matrix MeanValModel1 = new Matrix(PointsModel1.RowCount, 1);
            Matrix MeanValModel2 = new Matrix(PointsModel1.RowCount, 1);

            for (int j = 0; j < PointsModel1.RowCount; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < PointsModel1.ColumnCount; i++)
                    MeanValModel1[j, 0] += PointsModel1[j, i];
                    MeanValModel2[j, 0] += PointsModel2[j, i];
            MeanValModel1 *= (1.0f / PointsModel1.ColumnCount);
            MeanValModel2 *= (1.0f / PointsModel1.ColumnCount);

            Matrix CenteredModel1 = new Matrix(PointsModel1.RowCount, PointsModel1.ColumnCount);
            Matrix CenteredModel2 = new Matrix(PointsModel1.RowCount, PointsModel1.ColumnCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < PointsModel1.RowCount; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < PointsModel1.ColumnCount; j++)
                    CenteredModel1[i, j] = PointsModel1[i, j] - MeanValModel1[i, 0];
                    CenteredModel2[i, j] = PointsModel2[i, j] - MeanValModel2[i, 0];


            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix Covariance = CenteredModel1 * CenteredModel2;

            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.SingularValueDecomposition SVD = new Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.SingularValueDecomposition(Covariance);
            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix U = SVD.LeftSingularVectors;
            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix V = SVD.RightSingularVectors;

            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix s = new Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix(PointsModel1.RowCount, 1.0);

            if (Covariance.Rank() < 2)
                throw new Exception("Cannot allign generic model (cov rank is less than 2)");

            if (Covariance.Rank() == 2) // m-1 where m is dimension space (3D)
                double detU = Math.Round(U.Determinant());
                double detV = Math.Round(V.Determinant());
                double detC = Covariance.Determinant();
                if ((int)detU * (int)detV == 1)
                    s[PointsModel1.RowCount - 1, PointsModel1.RowCount - 1] = 1;
                else if ((int)detU * (int)detV == -1)
                    s[PointsModel1.RowCount - 1, PointsModel1.RowCount - 1] = -1;
                    throw new Exception("Determinant of U and V are not in conditions");
                if (Covariance.Determinant() < 0)
                    s[PointsModel1.RowCount - 1, PointsModel1.RowCount - 1] = -1;

            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix Rotation = U * s * V;

            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix Translation = MeanValModel1 - Rotation * MeanValModel2;

            p_mRotationMatrix = Rotation;
            p_mTranslationMatrix = Translation;
예제 #4
        protected override void Algorithm(ref Cl3DModel p_Model)
            Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator iter = p_Model.GetIterator();

            if (!iter.IsValid())

            List <Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator> ListOfNosePoints = new List <Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator>();
            List <Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator> ListOfEyesPoints = new List <Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator>();
            string gausString = "Gaussian_" + m_iNeighborhoodSize.ToString();
            string meanString = "Mean_" + m_iNeighborhoodSize.ToString();

                double H = 0;
                double K = 0;

                if (!iter.GetSpecificValue(gausString, out K))
                if (!iter.GetSpecificValue(meanString, out H))

                if (H < 0 && K > m_NoseThresholdK) //  Nose
                else if (H > 0 && K > m_EyesThresholdK) //  Eyes
            }while (iter.MoveToNext());

            List <List <Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator> > NoseRegions = null;
            List <List <Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator> > EyesRegions = null;

            // NOSE
            DivideToTheRegions(ListOfNosePoints, out NoseRegions);

            // EYES
            DivideToTheRegions(ListOfEyesPoints, out EyesRegions);

            // COLOR IT

            /*for (int i = 0; i < NoseRegions.Count; i++)
             * {
             *  foreach (Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator point in NoseRegions[i])
             *      point.Color = ClTools.GetColorRGB((float)i / (NoseRegions.Count + EyesRegions.Count), 1);
             * }
             * for (int i = 0; i < EyesRegions.Count; i++)
             * {
             *  foreach (Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator point in EyesRegions[i])
             *      point.Color = ClTools.GetColorRGB((float)(i + NoseRegions.Count) / (EyesRegions.Count + NoseRegions.Count), 1);
             * }

            // -----------------  NOSE
            // remove smallest regions leave only 3 biggest one
            List <Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator> NoseTipsPoints = new List <Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator>();

            if (NoseRegions.Count > m_iMaxCountOfNoseRegions)
                NoseRegions.Sort(new ClCompareCount());
                for (int i = NoseRegions.Count - 1; i >= m_iMaxCountOfNoseRegions; i--)
            //----------- NOSE searching for one point in each region
            for (int i = 0; i < NoseRegions.Count; i++)
                double MaxKVal = 0;
                Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator MaxPoint = null;
                foreach (Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator point in NoseRegions[i])
                    double K;
                    if (!point.GetSpecificValue(gausString, out K))

                    if (MaxPoint == null)
                        MaxPoint = point;
                        MaxKVal  = K;

                    if (MaxKVal < K)
                        MaxKVal  = K;
                        MaxPoint = point;

            // ---------------  EYES
            // remove smallest regions leave only 5 biggest one
            List <Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator> EyesPoints = new List <Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator>();

            if (EyesRegions.Count > m_iMaxCountOfEyeRegions)
                EyesRegions.Sort(new ClCompareCount());
                for (int i = EyesRegions.Count - 1; i >= m_iMaxCountOfEyeRegions; i--)
            //--------------------------- EYES searching for one point in each region
            for (int i = 0; i < EyesRegions.Count; i++)
                double MaxKval = 0;
                Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator MinPoint = null;

                foreach (Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator point in EyesRegions[i])
                    double val;
                    if (!point.GetSpecificValue(gausString, out val))

                    if (MinPoint == null)
                        MinPoint = point;
                        MaxKval  = val;

                    if (MaxKval < val)
                        MaxKval  = val;
                        MinPoint = point;
            //------------- Looking for three face points ------------------------------
            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix Model    = new Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix(3, 3);
            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix ModelGen = new Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix(3, 3);

            // Generic model
            Vector GenericNoseTip  = new Vector(new double[] { 0, 0, 0 });
            Vector GenericLeftEye  = new Vector(new double[] { -21f, 40.5f, -41.5f });
            Vector GenericRightEye = new Vector(new double[] { 21f, 40.5f, -41.5f });

            Vector GenLeftCornerOfLeftEye   = new Vector(new double[] { -44f, 40f, -44f });
            Vector GenRightCornerOfRightEye = new Vector(new double[] { 44f, 40f, -44f });

            Vector GenLeftCornerOfNose  = new Vector(new double[] { -20f, -2f, -31f });
            Vector GenRightCornerOfNose = new Vector(new double[] { 20f, -2f, -31f });

            Vector GenLeftCornerOfLips  = new Vector(new double[] { -28f, -32f, -34f });
            Vector GenRightCornerOfLips = new Vector(new double[] { 28f, -32f, -34f });

            Vector MeanGenericModel = new Vector(new double[] { (GenericNoseTip[0] + GenericLeftEye[0] + GenericRightEye[0]) / 3,
                                                                (GenericNoseTip[1] + GenericLeftEye[1] + GenericRightEye[1]) / 3,
                                                                (GenericNoseTip[2] + GenericLeftEye[2] + GenericRightEye[2]) / 3 });

            // Centered generic model (generic model - mean)
            ModelGen[0, 0] = (GenericNoseTip[0] - MeanGenericModel[0]);
            ModelGen[1, 0] = (GenericNoseTip[1] - MeanGenericModel[1]);
            ModelGen[2, 0] = (GenericNoseTip[2] - MeanGenericModel[2]);

            ModelGen[0, 1] = (GenericLeftEye[0] - MeanGenericModel[0]);
            ModelGen[1, 1] = (GenericLeftEye[1] - MeanGenericModel[1]);
            ModelGen[2, 1] = (GenericLeftEye[2] - MeanGenericModel[2]);

            ModelGen[0, 2] = (GenericRightEye[0] - MeanGenericModel[0]);
            ModelGen[1, 2] = (GenericRightEye[1] - MeanGenericModel[1]);
            ModelGen[2, 2] = (GenericRightEye[2] - MeanGenericModel[2]);

            List <KeyValuePair <float, List <Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator> > > deltaOfDistanceBetweenModelAndPoints = new List <KeyValuePair <float, List <Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator> > >();

            for (int iEye = 0; iEye < EyesPoints.Count - 1; iEye++)
                for (int jEye = iEye + 1; jEye < EyesPoints.Count; jEye++)
                    for (int iNose = 0; iNose < NoseTipsPoints.Count; iNose++)
                        Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator eyeLeft  = EyesPoints[iEye];
                        Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator eyeRight = EyesPoints[jEye];
                        Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator noseTip  = NoseTipsPoints[iNose];

                        if (eyeLeft.Y < noseTip.Y || eyeRight.Y < noseTip.Y)

                        for (int c = 0; c < 2; c++)
                            if (c == 1)
                                eyeLeft  = EyesPoints[jEye]; // zmiana oczu nie wiemy ktore punkty to oczy prawdziwe sa
                                eyeRight = EyesPoints[iEye];

                            float MeanValX = (noseTip.X + eyeLeft.X + eyeRight.X) / 3.0f;
                            float MeanValY = (noseTip.Y + eyeLeft.Y + eyeRight.Y) / 3.0f;
                            float MeanValZ = (noseTip.Z + eyeLeft.Z + eyeRight.Z) / 3.0f;

                            Model[0, 0] = (noseTip.X - MeanValX);
                            Model[1, 0] = (noseTip.Y - MeanValY);
                            Model[2, 0] = (noseTip.Z - MeanValZ);

                            Model[0, 1] = (eyeLeft.X - MeanValX);
                            Model[1, 1] = (eyeLeft.Y - MeanValY);
                            Model[2, 1] = (eyeLeft.Z - MeanValZ);

                            Model[0, 2] = (eyeRight.X - MeanValX);
                            Model[1, 2] = (eyeRight.Y - MeanValY);
                            Model[2, 2] = (eyeRight.Z - MeanValZ);

                            //----------------- Finding best rotation and translation SVD algorithm

                            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix Covariance = Model * ModelGen;

                            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.SingularValueDecomposition SVD = new Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.SingularValueDecomposition(Covariance);
                            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix U = SVD.LeftSingularVectors;
                            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix V = SVD.RightSingularVectors;

                            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix s = new Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix(3, 1.0);

                            if (Covariance.Rank() < 2)
                                throw new Exception("Cannot allign generic model (cov rank is less than 2)");

                            if (Covariance.Rank() == 2) // m-1 where m is dimension space (3D)
                                double detU = Math.Round(U.Determinant());
                                double detV = Math.Round(V.Determinant());
                                double detC = Covariance.Determinant();
                                if ((int)detU * (int)detV == 1)
                                    s[2, 2] = 1;
                                else if ((int)detU * (int)detV == -1)
                                    s[2, 2] = -1;
                                    throw new Exception("Determinant of U and V are not in conditions");
                                if (Covariance.Determinant() < 0)
                                    s[2, 2] = -1;

                            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix Roatation = U * s * V;

                            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix MeanValOfGenModelMatrix = new Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix(3, 1);
                            MeanValOfGenModelMatrix[0, 0] = MeanGenericModel[0];
                            MeanValOfGenModelMatrix[1, 0] = MeanGenericModel[1];
                            MeanValOfGenModelMatrix[2, 0] = MeanGenericModel[2];

                            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix MeanValOfModelMatrix = new Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix(3, 1);
                            MeanValOfModelMatrix[0, 0] = MeanValX;
                            MeanValOfModelMatrix[1, 0] = MeanValY;
                            MeanValOfModelMatrix[2, 0] = MeanValZ;

                            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix Translation = MeanValOfModelMatrix - Roatation * MeanValOfGenModelMatrix;

                            //--------------------------- End now we have translation and rotation

                            float GenericModelDistance = 0;;

                            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix q = new Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix(3, 1);
                            q[0, 0] = GenericNoseTip[0];
                            q[1, 0] = GenericNoseTip[1];
                            q[2, 0] = GenericNoseTip[2];
                            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix NewQ = Roatation * q + Translation;
                            GenericModelDistance += (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(noseTip.X - NewQ[0, 0], 2) + Math.Pow(noseTip.Y - NewQ[1, 0], 2) + Math.Pow(noseTip.Z - NewQ[2, 0], 2));
                            //    Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator it1 = p_Model.AddPointToModel((float)NewQ[0, 0], (float)NewQ[1, 0], (float)NewQ[2, 0]);
                            //    it1.Color = Color.Green;
                            q[0, 0] = GenericLeftEye[0];
                            q[1, 0] = GenericLeftEye[1];
                            q[2, 0] = GenericLeftEye[2];
                            NewQ    = Roatation * q + Translation;
                            GenericModelDistance += (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(eyeLeft.X - NewQ[0, 0], 2) + Math.Pow(eyeLeft.Y - NewQ[1, 0], 2) + Math.Pow(eyeLeft.Z - NewQ[2, 0], 2));
                            //    Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator it2 = p_Model.AddPointToModel((float)NewQ[0, 0], (float)NewQ[1, 0], (float)NewQ[2, 0]);
                            //    it2.Color = Color.White;

                            q[0, 0] = GenericRightEye[0];
                            q[1, 0] = GenericRightEye[1];
                            q[2, 0] = GenericRightEye[2];
                            NewQ    = Roatation * q + Translation;
                            GenericModelDistance += (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(eyeRight.X - NewQ[0, 0], 2) + Math.Pow(eyeRight.Y - NewQ[1, 0], 2) + Math.Pow(eyeRight.Z - NewQ[2, 0], 2));
                            //    Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator it3 = p_Model.AddPointToModel((float)NewQ[0, 0], (float)NewQ[1, 0], (float)NewQ[2, 0]);
                            //    it3.Color = Color.Orange;

                            //    it1.AddNeighbor(it2);
                            //    it1.AddNeighbor(it3);
                            //    it2.AddNeighbor(it3);

                            // ---------- Rest of generic model to find closest points and count distance;
                            q[0, 0] = GenLeftCornerOfLeftEye[0];
                            q[1, 0] = GenLeftCornerOfLeftEye[1];
                            q[2, 0] = GenLeftCornerOfLeftEye[2];
                            NewQ    = Roatation * q + Translation;
                            Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator closestPoint = null;
                            float MinDistance;
                            ClTools.FindClosestPointInModel(p_Model, (float)NewQ[0, 0], (float)NewQ[1, 0], (float)NewQ[2, 0], out closestPoint, out MinDistance);
                            GenericModelDistance += MinDistance;

                            q[0, 0] = GenRightCornerOfRightEye[0];
                            q[1, 0] = GenRightCornerOfRightEye[1];
                            q[2, 0] = GenRightCornerOfRightEye[2];
                            NewQ    = Roatation * q + Translation;
                            ClTools.FindClosestPointInModel(p_Model, (float)NewQ[0, 0], (float)NewQ[1, 0], (float)NewQ[2, 0], out closestPoint, out MinDistance);
                            GenericModelDistance += MinDistance;

                            q[0, 0] = GenLeftCornerOfNose[0];
                            q[1, 0] = GenLeftCornerOfNose[1];
                            q[2, 0] = GenLeftCornerOfNose[2];
                            NewQ    = Roatation * q + Translation;
                            ClTools.FindClosestPointInModel(p_Model, (float)NewQ[0, 0], (float)NewQ[1, 0], (float)NewQ[2, 0], out closestPoint, out MinDistance);
                            GenericModelDistance += MinDistance;

                            q[0, 0] = GenRightCornerOfNose[0];
                            q[1, 0] = GenRightCornerOfNose[1];
                            q[2, 0] = GenRightCornerOfNose[2];
                            NewQ    = Roatation * q + Translation;
                            ClTools.FindClosestPointInModel(p_Model, (float)NewQ[0, 0], (float)NewQ[1, 0], (float)NewQ[2, 0], out closestPoint, out MinDistance);
                            GenericModelDistance += MinDistance;

                            q[0, 0] = GenLeftCornerOfLips[0];
                            q[1, 0] = GenLeftCornerOfLips[1];
                            q[2, 0] = GenLeftCornerOfLips[2];
                            NewQ    = Roatation * q + Translation;
                            ClTools.FindClosestPointInModel(p_Model, (float)NewQ[0, 0], (float)NewQ[1, 0], (float)NewQ[2, 0], out closestPoint, out MinDistance);
                            GenericModelDistance += MinDistance;

                            q[0, 0] = GenRightCornerOfLips[0];
                            q[1, 0] = GenRightCornerOfLips[1];
                            q[2, 0] = GenRightCornerOfLips[2];
                            NewQ    = Roatation * q + Translation;
                            ClTools.FindClosestPointInModel(p_Model, (float)NewQ[0, 0], (float)NewQ[1, 0], (float)NewQ[2, 0], out closestPoint, out MinDistance);
                            GenericModelDistance += MinDistance;
                            // ----------

                            ClInformationSender.SendInformation("One of distances between generic model and face before thresholding: " + GenericModelDistance.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), ClInformationSender.eInformationType.eDebugText);

                            if (GenericModelDistance > m_fDistanceMinValueFromGenModel)

                            // Check if between eyes and nose there is other region (it should be not)

                            /*bool isBetweenNoseRegion = false;
                             * foreach (Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator noseTmp in NoseTipsPoints)
                             * {
                             *  if (noseTmp.PointID == noseTip.PointID)
                             *      continue;
                             *  if (noseTmp.X > eyeLeft.X && noseTmp.X < eyeRight.X && noseTmp.Y > noseTip.Y && (noseTip.Y < eyeLeft.Y || noseTip.Y < eyeRight.Y))
                             *      isBetweenNoseRegion = true;
                             * }
                             * if (isBetweenNoseRegion)
                             *  continue;
                            List <Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator> list = new List <Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator>();

                            KeyValuePair <float, List <Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator> > KeyVal = new KeyValuePair <float, List <Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator> >(GenericModelDistance, list);


            if (deltaOfDistanceBetweenModelAndPoints.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("Cannot find nose and eyes points");

            float min = deltaOfDistanceBetweenModelAndPoints[0].Key;
            int   no  = 0;

            for (int i = 1; i < deltaOfDistanceBetweenModelAndPoints.Count; i++)
                if (deltaOfDistanceBetweenModelAndPoints[i].Key < min)
                    min = deltaOfDistanceBetweenModelAndPoints[i].Key;
                    no  = i;

            ClInformationSender.SendInformation("Correct MIN distance between generic model and face: " + min.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), ClInformationSender.eInformationType.eDebugText);

            p_Model.AddSpecificPoint(NameOfNoseTip, deltaOfDistanceBetweenModelAndPoints[no].Value[0]);
            p_Model.AddSpecificPoint(NameLeftEyeRightCorner, deltaOfDistanceBetweenModelAndPoints[no].Value[1]);
            p_Model.AddSpecificPoint(NameRightEyeLeftCorner, deltaOfDistanceBetweenModelAndPoints[no].Value[2]);
예제 #5
        protected override void Algorithm(ref Cl3DModel p_Model)
            Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator iter = p_Model.GetIterator();

            Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator max = iter.CopyIterator();
            float distanceMax = 0;

                float distance = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(iter.U, 2) + Math.Pow(iter.V, 2));
                if (distanceMax < distance)
                    distanceMax = distance;
            } while (iter.MoveToNext());

            iter = p_Model.GetIterator();
                iter.U = (iter.U / distanceMax) * m_RadiousOfConformalMap;
                iter.V = (iter.V / distanceMax) * m_RadiousOfConformalMap;
            } while (iter.MoveToNext());

            Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator LeftEye  = p_Model.GetSpecificPoint(Cl3DModel.eSpecificPoints.LeftEyeRightCorner);
            Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator RightEye = p_Model.GetSpecificPoint(Cl3DModel.eSpecificPoints.RightEyeLeftCorner);
            Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator NoseTip  = p_Model.GetSpecificPoint(Cl3DModel.eSpecificPoints.NoseTip);

            Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator tmp;
            if (LeftEye.X > RightEye.X)
                tmp      = LeftEye.CopyIterator();
                RightEye = LeftEye.CopyIterator();
                LeftEye  = tmp.CopyIterator();

            double EyesDistance         = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(LeftEye.U - RightEye.U, 2) + Math.Pow(LeftEye.V - RightEye.V, 2));
            double NoseLeftEyeDistance  = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(LeftEye.U - NoseTip.U, 2) + Math.Pow(LeftEye.V - NoseTip.V, 2));
            double NoseRightEyeDistance = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(NoseTip.U - RightEye.U, 2) + Math.Pow(NoseTip.V - RightEye.V, 2));

            double AverageNoseTipEyeDistance = (NoseLeftEyeDistance + NoseRightEyeDistance) / 2;

            Matrix GenModel = new Matrix(2, 3);

            GenModel[0, 0] = 0;
            GenModel[1, 0] = 0; // nose

            GenModel[0, 1] = (EyesDistance / 2);
            GenModel[1, 1] = AverageNoseTipEyeDistance; // left eye

            GenModel[0, 2] = -(EyesDistance / 2);
            GenModel[1, 2] = AverageNoseTipEyeDistance; // right eye

            Matrix Model = new Matrix(2, 3);

            Model[0, 0] = NoseTip.U;
            Model[1, 0] = NoseTip.V; // nose

            Model[0, 1] = LeftEye.U;
            Model[1, 1] = LeftEye.V; // left eye

            Model[0, 2] = RightEye.U;
            Model[1, 2] = RightEye.V; // right eye

            Matrix rotationMatrix    = null;
            Matrix translationMatrix = null;

            ClTools.CalculateRotationAndTranslation(GenModel, Model, out rotationMatrix, out translationMatrix);

            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix q = new Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix(2, 1);
            iter = p_Model.GetIterator();
                q[0, 0] = iter.U;
                q[1, 0] = iter.V;
                Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix NewQ = rotationMatrix * q + translationMatrix;
                iter.U = (float)NewQ[0, 0];
                iter.V = (float)NewQ[1, 0];
            } while (iter.MoveToNext());

            float U = NoseTip.U;
            float V = NoseTip.V;

            iter = p_Model.GetIterator();
                iter.U -= U;
                iter.V -= V;
            } while (iter.MoveToNext());

            if (centerConformalMaps)
                float middleU = 0;
                float middleV = 0;
                iter = p_Model.GetIterator();
                    middleU += iter.U;
                    middleV += iter.V;
                } while (iter.MoveToNext());

                middleU /= p_Model.ModelPointsCount;
                middleV /= p_Model.ModelPointsCount;
                iter     = p_Model.GetIterator();
                    iter.U -= middleU;
                    iter.V -= middleV;
                } while (iter.MoveToNext());
예제 #6
        protected override void Algorithm(ref Cl3DModel p_Model)
            Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator SavedLeftEyeRightCorner   = null;
            Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator SavedLeftCornerOfRightEye = null;
            Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator SavedNoseTip = null;

            if (!p_Model.GetSpecificPoint(Cl3DModel.eSpecificPoints.LeftEyeRightCorner.ToString(), ref SavedLeftEyeRightCorner))
                throw new Exception("Cannot find specific point EyePoint");
            if (!p_Model.GetSpecificPoint(Cl3DModel.eSpecificPoints.RightEyeLeftCorner.ToString(), ref SavedLeftCornerOfRightEye))
                throw new Exception("Cannot find specific point EyePoint");
            if (!p_Model.GetSpecificPoint(Cl3DModel.eSpecificPoints.NoseTip.ToString(), ref SavedNoseTip))
                throw new Exception("Cannot find specific point NosePoint");

            // Normalized Generic Model (distance between eyes = 1) from IV2
            Vector GenNoseTip              = new Vector(new double[] { 0f, 0f, 0f });
            Vector GenLeftEyeRightCorner   = new Vector(new double[] { -0.5f, 0.88f, -1f });
            Vector GenLeftCornerOfRightEye = new Vector(new double[] { 0.5f, 0.88f, -1f });

            Vector GenLeftCornerOfLeftEye   = new Vector(new double[] { -1.2f, 0.85f, -1f });
            Vector GenRightCornerOfRightEye = new Vector(new double[] { 1.2f, 0.85f, -1f });

            Vector GenLeftCornerOfNose  = new Vector(new double[] { -0.45f, -0.05f, -0.73f });
            Vector GenRightCornerOfNose = new Vector(new double[] { 0.45f, -0.05f, -0.73f });

            Vector GenLeftCornerOfLips  = new Vector(new double[] { -0.66f, -0.8f, -0.82f });
            Vector GenRightCornerOfLips = new Vector(new double[] { 0.66f, -0.8f, -0.82f });

            float DistBetweenEyes            = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(SavedLeftCornerOfRightEye.X - SavedLeftEyeRightCorner.X, 2) + Math.Pow(SavedLeftCornerOfRightEye.Y - SavedLeftEyeRightCorner.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(SavedLeftCornerOfRightEye.Z - SavedLeftEyeRightCorner.Z, 2));
            float SavedDistBetweenEyeAndNose = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(SavedNoseTip.X - SavedLeftEyeRightCorner.X, 2) + Math.Pow(SavedNoseTip.Y - SavedLeftEyeRightCorner.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(SavedNoseTip.Z - SavedLeftEyeRightCorner.Z, 2));

            GenNoseTip               *= DistBetweenEyes;
            GenLeftEyeRightCorner    *= DistBetweenEyes;
            GenLeftCornerOfRightEye  *= DistBetweenEyes;
            GenLeftCornerOfLeftEye   *= DistBetweenEyes;
            GenRightCornerOfRightEye *= DistBetweenEyes;
            GenLeftCornerOfNose      *= DistBetweenEyes;
            GenRightCornerOfNose     *= DistBetweenEyes;
            GenLeftCornerOfLips      *= DistBetweenEyes;
            GenRightCornerOfLips     *= DistBetweenEyes;

            float DistBetweenEyeAndNoseAfterScale = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(GenNoseTip[0] - GenLeftEyeRightCorner[0], 2) + Math.Pow(GenNoseTip[1] - GenLeftEyeRightCorner[1], 2) + Math.Pow(GenNoseTip[2] - GenLeftEyeRightCorner[2], 2));

            float muntipltBy = SavedDistBetweenEyeAndNose / DistBetweenEyeAndNoseAfterScale;

            GenNoseTip *= muntipltBy;
            GenLeftEyeRightCorner[1] *= muntipltBy;
            GenLeftEyeRightCorner[2] *= muntipltBy;

            GenLeftCornerOfRightEye[1] *= muntipltBy;
            GenLeftCornerOfRightEye[2] *= muntipltBy;

            GenLeftCornerOfLeftEye[1] *= muntipltBy;
            GenLeftCornerOfLeftEye[2] *= muntipltBy;

            GenRightCornerOfRightEye[1] *= muntipltBy;
            GenRightCornerOfRightEye[2] *= muntipltBy;

            GenLeftCornerOfNose[1] *= muntipltBy;
            GenLeftCornerOfNose[2] *= muntipltBy;

            GenRightCornerOfNose[1] *= muntipltBy;
            GenRightCornerOfNose[2] *= muntipltBy;

            GenLeftCornerOfLips[1] *= muntipltBy;
            GenLeftCornerOfLips[2] *= muntipltBy;

            GenRightCornerOfLips[1] *= muntipltBy;
            GenRightCornerOfLips[2] *= muntipltBy;

            Vector MeanValOfGenModel = new Vector(new double[] { (GenNoseTip[0] + GenLeftEyeRightCorner[0] + GenLeftCornerOfRightEye[0]) / 3,
                                                                 (GenNoseTip[1] + GenLeftEyeRightCorner[1] + GenLeftCornerOfRightEye[1]) / 3,
                                                                 (GenNoseTip[2] + GenLeftEyeRightCorner[2] + GenLeftCornerOfRightEye[2]) / 3 });

            Vector MeanValOfModel = new Vector(new double[] { (SavedNoseTip.X + SavedLeftEyeRightCorner.X + SavedLeftCornerOfRightEye.X) / 3,
                                                              (SavedNoseTip.Y + SavedLeftEyeRightCorner.Y + SavedLeftCornerOfRightEye.Y) / 3,
                                                              (SavedNoseTip.Z + SavedLeftEyeRightCorner.Z + SavedLeftCornerOfRightEye.Z) / 3 });

            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix Model    = new Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix(3, 3);
            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix ModelGen = new Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix(3, 3);
            // Row Column
            Model[0, 0] = (SavedNoseTip.X - MeanValOfModel[0]);
            Model[1, 0] = (SavedNoseTip.Y - MeanValOfModel[1]);
            Model[2, 0] = (SavedNoseTip.Z - MeanValOfModel[2]);

            Model[0, 1] = (SavedLeftEyeRightCorner.X - MeanValOfModel[0]);
            Model[1, 1] = (SavedLeftEyeRightCorner.Y - MeanValOfModel[1]);
            Model[2, 1] = (SavedLeftEyeRightCorner.Z - MeanValOfModel[2]);

            Model[0, 2] = (SavedLeftCornerOfRightEye.X - MeanValOfModel[0]);
            Model[1, 2] = (SavedLeftCornerOfRightEye.Y - MeanValOfModel[1]);
            Model[2, 2] = (SavedLeftCornerOfRightEye.Z - MeanValOfModel[2]);

            ModelGen[0, 0] = (GenNoseTip[0] - MeanValOfGenModel[0]);
            ModelGen[1, 0] = (GenNoseTip[1] - MeanValOfGenModel[1]);
            ModelGen[2, 0] = (GenNoseTip[2] - MeanValOfGenModel[2]);

            ModelGen[0, 1] = (GenLeftEyeRightCorner[0] - MeanValOfGenModel[0]);
            ModelGen[1, 1] = (GenLeftEyeRightCorner[1] - MeanValOfGenModel[1]);
            ModelGen[2, 1] = (GenLeftEyeRightCorner[2] - MeanValOfGenModel[2]);

            ModelGen[0, 2] = (GenLeftCornerOfRightEye[0] - MeanValOfGenModel[0]);
            ModelGen[1, 2] = (GenLeftCornerOfRightEye[1] - MeanValOfGenModel[1]);
            ModelGen[2, 2] = (GenLeftCornerOfRightEye[2] - MeanValOfGenModel[2]);


            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix Covariance = Model * ModelGen;

            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.SingularValueDecomposition SVD = new Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.SingularValueDecomposition(Covariance);
            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix U = SVD.LeftSingularVectors;
            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix V = SVD.RightSingularVectors;

            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix s = new Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix(3, 1.0);

            if (Covariance.Rank() < 2)
                throw new Exception("Cannot allign generic model (cov rank is less than 2)");

            if (Covariance.Rank() == 2) // m-1 where m is dimension space (3D)
                double detU = Math.Round(U.Determinant());
                double detV = Math.Round(V.Determinant());
                double detC = Covariance.Determinant();
                if ((int)detU * (int)detV == 1)
                    s[2, 2] = 1;
                else if ((int)detU * (int)detV == -1)
                    s[2, 2] = -1;
                    throw new Exception("Determinant of U and V are not in conditions");
                if (Covariance.Determinant() < 0)
                    s[2, 2] = -1;

            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix Roatation = U * s * V;

            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix MeanValOfGenModelMatrix = new Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix(3, 1);
            MeanValOfGenModelMatrix[0, 0] = MeanValOfGenModel[0];
            MeanValOfGenModelMatrix[1, 0] = MeanValOfGenModel[1];
            MeanValOfGenModelMatrix[2, 0] = MeanValOfGenModel[2];

            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix MeanValOfModelMatrix = new Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix(3, 1);
            MeanValOfModelMatrix[0, 0] = MeanValOfModel[0];
            MeanValOfModelMatrix[1, 0] = MeanValOfModel[1];
            MeanValOfModelMatrix[2, 0] = MeanValOfModel[2];

            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix Translation = MeanValOfModelMatrix - Roatation * MeanValOfGenModelMatrix;

            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix q    = new Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix(3, 1);
            Iridium.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix NewQ = null;

            //------------- Code to show triangles created to check distance between them and features points -----------------------------------

             * q[0, 0] = GenNoseTip.X;
             * q[1, 0] = GenNoseTip.Y;
             * q[2, 0] = GenNoseTip.Z;
             * NewQ = Roatation * q + Translation;
             * Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator iter1 = p_Model.AddPointToModel((float)NewQ[0, 0], (float)NewQ[1, 0], (float)NewQ[2, 0]);
             * iter1.Color = Color.Green;
             * q[0, 0] = GenLeftEyeRightCorner.X;
             * q[1, 0] = GenLeftEyeRightCorner.Y;
             * q[2, 0] = GenLeftEyeRightCorner.Z;
             * NewQ = Roatation * q + Translation;
             * Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator iter2 = p_Model.AddPointToModel((float)NewQ[0, 0], (float)NewQ[1, 0], (float)NewQ[2, 0]);
             * iter2.Color = Color.White;
             * q[0, 0] = GenLeftCornerOfRightEye.X;
             * q[1, 0] = GenLeftCornerOfRightEye.Y;
             * q[2, 0] = GenLeftCornerOfRightEye.Z;
             * NewQ = Roatation * q + Translation;
             * Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator iter3 = p_Model.AddPointToModel((float)NewQ[0, 0], (float)NewQ[1, 0], (float)NewQ[2, 0]);
             * iter3.Color = Color.Orange;
             * iter1.AddNeighbor(iter2);
             * iter1.AddNeighbor(iter3);
             * iter2.AddNeighbor(iter3);

            Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator iter = null;
            float MinDistance = 0;

            Cl3DModel.Cl3DModelPointIterator MinIter = null;

            //------------------ Code to correct nose tip and eyes position -----------------------------------

             * GenNoseTip.X = (float)NewQ[0, 0];
             * GenNoseTip.Y = (float)NewQ[1, 0];
             * GenNoseTip.Z = (float)NewQ[2, 0];
             * iter = p_Model.GetIterator();
             * MinDistance = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(GenNoseTip.X - iter.X, 2) + Math.Pow(GenNoseTip.Y - iter.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(GenNoseTip.Z - iter.Z, 2));
             * MinIter = iter;
             * do
             * {
             *  float NewDistance = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(GenNoseTip.X - iter.X, 2) + Math.Pow(GenNoseTip.Y - iter.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(GenNoseTip.Z - iter.Z, 2));
             *  if (NewDistance < MinDistance)
             *  {
             *      MinDistance = NewDistance;
             *      MinIter = iter.CopyIterator();
             *  }
             * } while (iter.MoveToNext());
             * p_Model.AddSpecificPoint(Cl3DModel.eSpecificPoints.NoseTip, MinIter);
             * q[0, 0] = GenLeftEyeRightCorner.X;
             * q[1, 0] = GenLeftEyeRightCorner.Y;
             * q[2, 0] = GenLeftEyeRightCorner.Z;
             * NewQ = Roatation * q + Translation;
             * GenLeftEyeRightCorner.X = (float)NewQ[0, 0];
             * GenLeftEyeRightCorner.Y = (float)NewQ[1, 0];
             * GenLeftEyeRightCorner.Z = (float)NewQ[2, 0];
             * iter = p_Model.GetIterator();
             * MinDistance = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(GenLeftEyeRightCorner.X - iter.X, 2) + Math.Pow(GenLeftEyeRightCorner.Y - iter.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(GenLeftEyeRightCorner.Z - iter.Z, 2));
             * MinIter = iter;
             * do
             * {
             *  float NewDistance = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(GenLeftEyeRightCorner.X - iter.X, 2) + Math.Pow(GenLeftEyeRightCorner.Y - iter.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(GenLeftEyeRightCorner.Z - iter.Z, 2));
             *  if (NewDistance < MinDistance)
             *  {
             *      MinDistance = NewDistance;
             *      MinIter = iter.CopyIterator();
             *  }
             * } while (iter.MoveToNext());
             * p_Model.AddSpecificPoint(Cl3DModel.eSpecificPoints.LeftEyeRightCorner, MinIter);
             * q[0, 0] = GenLeftCornerOfRightEye.X;
             * q[1, 0] = GenLeftCornerOfRightEye.Y;
             * q[2, 0] = GenLeftCornerOfRightEye.Z;
             * NewQ = Roatation * q + Translation;
             * GenLeftCornerOfRightEye.X = (float)NewQ[0, 0];
             * GenLeftCornerOfRightEye.Y = (float)NewQ[1, 0];
             * GenLeftCornerOfRightEye.Z = (float)NewQ[2, 0];
             * iter = p_Model.GetIterator();
             * MinDistance = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(GenLeftCornerOfRightEye.X - iter.X, 2) + Math.Pow(GenLeftCornerOfRightEye.Y - iter.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(GenLeftCornerOfRightEye.Z - iter.Z, 2));
             * MinIter = iter;
             * do
             * {
             *  float NewDistance = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(GenLeftCornerOfRightEye.X - iter.X, 2) + Math.Pow(GenLeftCornerOfRightEye.Y - iter.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(GenLeftCornerOfRightEye.Z - iter.Z, 2));
             *  if (NewDistance < MinDistance)
             *  {
             *      MinDistance = NewDistance;
             *      MinIter = iter.CopyIterator();
             *  }
             * } while (iter.MoveToNext());
             * p_Model.AddSpecificPoint(Cl3DModel.eSpecificPoints.RightEyeLeftCorner, MinIter);

            q[0, 0] = GenLeftCornerOfLeftEye[0];
            q[1, 0] = GenLeftCornerOfLeftEye[1];
            q[2, 0] = GenLeftCornerOfLeftEye[2];
            NewQ    = Roatation * q + Translation;
            GenLeftCornerOfLeftEye[0] = (float)NewQ[0, 0];
            GenLeftCornerOfLeftEye[1] = (float)NewQ[1, 0];
            GenLeftCornerOfLeftEye[2] = (float)NewQ[2, 0];
            iter        = p_Model.GetIterator();
            MinDistance = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(GenLeftCornerOfLeftEye[0] - iter.X, 2) + Math.Pow(GenLeftCornerOfLeftEye[1] - iter.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(GenLeftCornerOfLeftEye[2] - iter.Z, 2));
            MinIter     = iter;
                float NewDistance = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(GenLeftCornerOfLeftEye[0] - iter.X, 2) + Math.Pow(GenLeftCornerOfLeftEye[1] - iter.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(GenLeftCornerOfLeftEye[2] - iter.Z, 2));
                if (NewDistance < MinDistance)
                    MinDistance = NewDistance;
                    MinIter     = iter.CopyIterator();
            } while (iter.MoveToNext());
            if (MinDistance < m_MinDistanceToAddPoint)
                p_Model.AddSpecificPoint(Cl3DModel.eSpecificPoints.LeftEyeLeftCorner, MinIter);

            q[0, 0] = GenRightCornerOfRightEye[0];
            q[1, 0] = GenRightCornerOfRightEye[1];
            q[2, 0] = GenRightCornerOfRightEye[2];
            NewQ    = Roatation * q + Translation;
            GenRightCornerOfRightEye[0] = (float)NewQ[0, 0];
            GenRightCornerOfRightEye[1] = (float)NewQ[1, 0];
            GenRightCornerOfRightEye[2] = (float)NewQ[2, 0];
            iter        = p_Model.GetIterator();
            MinDistance = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(GenRightCornerOfRightEye[0] - iter.X, 2) + Math.Pow(GenRightCornerOfRightEye[1] - iter.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(GenRightCornerOfRightEye[2] - iter.Z, 2));
            MinIter     = iter;
                float NewDistance = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(GenRightCornerOfRightEye[0] - iter.X, 2) + Math.Pow(GenRightCornerOfRightEye[1] - iter.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(GenRightCornerOfRightEye[2] - iter.Z, 2));
                if (NewDistance < MinDistance)
                    MinDistance = NewDistance;
                    MinIter     = iter.CopyIterator();
            } while (iter.MoveToNext());
            if (MinDistance < m_MinDistanceToAddPoint)
                p_Model.AddSpecificPoint(Cl3DModel.eSpecificPoints.RightEyeRightCorner, MinIter);

            q[0, 0] = GenLeftCornerOfNose[0];
            q[1, 0] = GenLeftCornerOfNose[1];
            q[2, 0] = GenLeftCornerOfNose[2];
            NewQ    = Roatation * q + Translation;
            GenLeftCornerOfNose[0] = (float)NewQ[0, 0];
            GenLeftCornerOfNose[1] = (float)NewQ[1, 0];
            GenLeftCornerOfNose[2] = (float)NewQ[2, 0];
            iter        = p_Model.GetIterator();
            MinDistance = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(GenLeftCornerOfNose[0] - iter.X, 2) + Math.Pow(GenLeftCornerOfNose[1] - iter.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(GenLeftCornerOfNose[2] - iter.Z, 2));
            MinIter     = iter;
                float NewDistance = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(GenLeftCornerOfNose[0] - iter.X, 2) + Math.Pow(GenLeftCornerOfNose[1] - iter.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(GenLeftCornerOfNose[2] - iter.Z, 2));
                if (NewDistance < MinDistance)
                    MinDistance = NewDistance;
                    MinIter     = iter.CopyIterator();
            } while (iter.MoveToNext());
            if (MinDistance < m_MinDistanceToAddPoint)
                p_Model.AddSpecificPoint(Cl3DModel.eSpecificPoints.LeftCornerOfNose, MinIter);

            q[0, 0] = GenRightCornerOfNose[0];
            q[1, 0] = GenRightCornerOfNose[1];
            q[2, 0] = GenRightCornerOfNose[2];
            NewQ    = Roatation * q + Translation;
            GenRightCornerOfNose[0] = (float)NewQ[0, 0];
            GenRightCornerOfNose[1] = (float)NewQ[1, 0];
            GenRightCornerOfNose[2] = (float)NewQ[2, 0];
            iter        = p_Model.GetIterator();
            MinDistance = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(GenRightCornerOfNose[0] - iter.X, 2) + Math.Pow(GenRightCornerOfNose[1] - iter.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(GenRightCornerOfNose[2] - iter.Z, 2));
            MinIter     = iter;
                float NewDistance = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(GenRightCornerOfNose[0] - iter.X, 2) + Math.Pow(GenRightCornerOfNose[1] - iter.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(GenRightCornerOfNose[2] - iter.Z, 2));
                if (NewDistance < MinDistance)
                    MinDistance = NewDistance;
                    MinIter     = iter.CopyIterator();
            } while (iter.MoveToNext());
            if (MinDistance < m_MinDistanceToAddPoint)
                p_Model.AddSpecificPoint(Cl3DModel.eSpecificPoints.RightCornerOfNose, MinIter);

            q[0, 0] = GenLeftCornerOfLips[0];
            q[1, 0] = GenLeftCornerOfLips[1];
            q[2, 0] = GenLeftCornerOfLips[2];
            NewQ    = Roatation * q + Translation;
            GenLeftCornerOfLips[0] = (float)NewQ[0, 0];
            GenLeftCornerOfLips[1] = (float)NewQ[1, 0];
            GenLeftCornerOfLips[2] = (float)NewQ[2, 0];
            iter        = p_Model.GetIterator();
            MinDistance = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(GenLeftCornerOfLips[0] - iter.X, 2) + Math.Pow(GenLeftCornerOfLips[1] - iter.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(GenLeftCornerOfLips[2] - iter.Z, 2));
            MinIter     = iter;
                float NewDistance = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(GenLeftCornerOfLips[0] - iter.X, 2) + Math.Pow(GenLeftCornerOfLips[1] - iter.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(GenLeftCornerOfLips[2] - iter.Z, 2));
                if (NewDistance < MinDistance)
                    MinDistance = NewDistance;
                    MinIter     = iter.CopyIterator();
            } while (iter.MoveToNext());
            if (MinDistance < m_MinDistanceToAddPoint)
                p_Model.AddSpecificPoint(Cl3DModel.eSpecificPoints.LeftCornerOfLips, MinIter);

            q[0, 0] = GenRightCornerOfLips[0];
            q[1, 0] = GenRightCornerOfLips[1];
            q[2, 0] = GenRightCornerOfLips[2];
            NewQ    = Roatation * q + Translation;
            GenRightCornerOfLips[0] = (float)NewQ[0, 0];
            GenRightCornerOfLips[1] = (float)NewQ[1, 0];
            GenRightCornerOfLips[2] = (float)NewQ[2, 0];
            iter        = p_Model.GetIterator();
            MinDistance = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(GenRightCornerOfLips[0] - iter.X, 2) + Math.Pow(GenRightCornerOfLips[1] - iter.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(GenRightCornerOfLips[2] - iter.Z, 2));
            MinIter     = iter;
                float NewDistance = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(GenRightCornerOfLips[0] - iter.X, 2) + Math.Pow(GenRightCornerOfLips[1] - iter.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(GenRightCornerOfLips[2] - iter.Z, 2));
                if (NewDistance < MinDistance)
                    MinDistance = NewDistance;
                    MinIter     = iter.CopyIterator();
            } while (iter.MoveToNext());
            if (MinDistance < m_MinDistanceToAddPoint)
                p_Model.AddSpecificPoint(Cl3DModel.eSpecificPoints.RightCornerOfLips, MinIter);