static void send_twitch_message(string account, string message) { var server = ""; var username = account.Split('#')[0]; var oauth = account.Split('#')[1]; var client = new IrcDotNet.TwitchIrcClient(); client.Connect(server, false, new IrcUserRegistrationInfo() { NickName = username, Password = oauth, UserName = username }); client.SendRawMessage("PASS " + oauth + "\n"); client.SendRawMessage("NICK " + username + "\n"); client.SendRawMessage("JOIN #" + victim + "\n"); string say = ":[email protected] PRIVMSG #CHANNEL :MESSAGE"; say = say.Replace("USER", username); say = say.Replace("CHANNEL", victim); say = say.Replace("MESSAGE", message); client.SendRawMessage(say); }
public void Start(TwitchIrcClient client, ICommandQueue queue) { while (!stopRunning) { var command = queue.DequeueCommand(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(command)) { _resetEvent.WaitOne(); } if (command != "exit") { client.SendRawMessage(command); } else if (command == "exit") { stopRunning = true; } } }
public void HandleEventLoop() { JoinChannel(TwitchClient, Channel); bool isExit = false; while (!isExit) { Console.Write("> "); var command = Console.ReadLine(); switch (command) { case "exit": isExit = true; SendMessageInChannel("Dehydration Bot Offline BibleThump"); File.WriteAllText("persist.json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { Time = Program.Time })); Thread.Sleep(1000); Environment.Exit(0); break; default: if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(command)) { if (command.StartsWith("/") && command.Length > 1) { TwitchClient.SendRawMessage(command.Substring(1)); } else if (command.StartsWith("#") && command.Length > 1) { SendMessageInChannel(TwitchClient, Channel, command.Substring(1)); } else { Console.WriteLine("unknown command '{0}'", command); } } break; } } TwitchClient.Disconnect(); }
public void StartBot() { string server = BotSettings.TwitchIRC; logger.Debug("Connecting to IRC..."); Console.WriteLine("Connecting..."); Console.WriteLine(""); using (var client = new TwitchIrcClient()) { client.FloodPreventer = new IrcStandardFloodPreventer(4, 2000); client.Registered += IrcClient_Registered; // Wait until connection has succeeded or timed out. using (var registeredEvent = new ManualResetEventSlim(false)) { //Group chat - for whisper (not using) //byte[]ip = {199,9,253,119}; //IPAddress p = new IPAddress(ip); //IPEndPoint i = new IPEndPoint(p, 443); using (var connectedEvent = new ManualResetEventSlim(false)) { client.Connected += (sender2, e2) => connectedEvent.Set(); client.Registered += (sender2, e2) => registeredEvent.Set(); client.Connect(server, false, new IrcUserRegistrationInfo() { NickName = BotSettings.UserName, Password = BotSettings.OAuthChat, UserName = BotSettings.UserName }); if (!connectedEvent.Wait(3000)) { isConnectedToIRC = false; DisplayConnectionError(server); OpenSettingsWindow(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to restart Bot and apply new settings.."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.ReadLine(); Restart = true; } } if (!registeredEvent.Wait(3000)) { if (isConnectedToIRC) { isConnectedToIRC = false; DisplayConnectionError(server); OpenSettingsWindow(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to restart Bot and apply new settings."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.ReadLine(); Restart = true; } } } if (isConnectedToIRC) { logger.Debug("Connected, about to join channel."); twitchAPI = new TwitchAPI(BotSettings.BotOAuth, BotSettings.BotClientID); client.SendRawMessage("CAP REQ"); //request to have Twitch IRC send join/part & modes. client.Join(MAINCHANNEL); HandleEventLoop(client); } } }